Tina, the amount you get from pvp and traps is so patheticly small it's not even worth considering, you get more as a side bonus when simply doing a baracoon spawn (last level has silver serps) them from hours of those. (Faction traps can only lay 15 per faction total so even if you spend all the time hunting down and diffusing them all, assuming anyone bothered to lay them anywhere you can find, you spend a good few hours to get what....300 silver or so for all of them? Same with pvp, you get very little per kill, cant get more off the same person for some time, and don't get ANY if they have a kill point defecit, amounts gotten from pvp just get tossed in the stack, and basicly amount to a free faction rune or potion every week or so.
Anyone not afking it too (there are a few I know who do go down and hunt, they generally do serps instead since they're a little bit fater but can't really easily be afked due to them spawning in a less contained area.) is going to be using a near naked mage or tamer template, generally stealth, but still the same, with the time taken and amounts of silver required even now everyone BOS's the silver as they gather it so you won't be looting any on a kill, aside from the rare case when you catch someone leaving and they decided to, for whatever reason, save that last BOS charge.