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[UO Herald] Publish 58 Update

Tina Small

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When the paladan NPCs around Luna flag on your Minax character, they turn gray. If one follows you into the guard zone, the guards automatically show up and clobber the gray paladan NPC. I guess that means SL and Minax characters that want to banksit in Luna are probably safe from being attacked by grouchy paladans.

I experimented a bit in Trinsic. In some parts of town, as soon as the paladan starts whining about the presence of my Minax tamer, it is clobbered by a guard. However, if a guard doesn't appear immediately, the paladan just starts following my character, attacking and whining but doing no damage and eventually its bar goes back to blue but it continues to attack. My tamer can't attack the NPC (she gets the "you cannot perform negative acts" message when she tries); however, my pet can attack and kill the NPC, if it isn't guard-whacked as soon as the pet starts guarding my tamer.


On factions, I agree with you, people join only for the items which are IMO overpowered. On champ spawns I do not, because I think they will be lowering the gold drop everywhere (if they indeed do that). I think Draconi said get the gold while you can. Or something along those lines. Do not quote me or him on it lol.
Yeah, he said that. That's what I am talking about though. They are dropping gold everywhere else but they pump up gold drops at champ spawns. I could be wrong, it happened once I think though I could be wrong heh, but it doesn't make sense to pump up gold drops at champ spawns just to slash gold drops at champ spawns the next week.


Did 5 champ spawns last night after the patch. Ilsh Humility candles still messed up, had 3 ratman spawns in a row... not sure about today. No one got a drop of either SOT's or item drop on Humility, Spirit or Tok Spawn in those 5 runs. Gold piles were doubled, had no trouble picking them up. If there is a speed timer in place now, everyone will have opportunity to grab piles before the script runs.

Warpig Inc

Babbling Loonie
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Did 5 champ spawns last night after the patch. Ilsh Humility candles still messed up, had 3 ratman spawns in a row... not sure about today. No one got a drop of either SOT's or item drop on Humility, Spirit or Tok Spawn in those 5 runs. Gold piles were doubled, had no trouble picking them up. If there is a speed timer in place now, everyone will have opportunity to grab piles before the script runs.
I hope the randon next spawn generator has the coon/undead/ricktor on a higher spawn rate. Not a big fan of the undead being a pack disco tamer with the area effect spells. Just those are a static spawn on the fell side if that may have anything to do with it.


Isn't the pub58 update supposed to change your shrouds to 150 durability and make them dyable?

Der Rock

We will be bringing the shards down for an update to Pub 58 at approximately 7:15 PM EST. The shards will be down for approximately 1 hour 15 minutes.

The updates include:


hmm, i have to recast protection from time to time, thats disturbing :mad:


Babbling Loonie
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Stratics Legend
Obsidian daggers will be available to SL’s twice a day maximum to do extra damage against the Paladin NPC’s only.
Available WHERE?

I have no idea where or who or what drops/sells these daggers. Anyone else have any idea, did I just 'miss' something?

I am becoming totally confused by pretty much everything to do with this shadowlord event thing, there are too many threads, too many 'stories' for me to figure out what is going on now :(

I know there is an 'event' this sunday, that you have to be in SL faction to 'be included' no idea where it is to 'start' from as no location is given anywhere (assume SL faction in Yew fel?)

No idea why/where the paladins figure into this and if you need to 'kill' them to get daggers?

No idea if the glass daggers etc fit in somewhere or if we need to do something with them?

*throws hands in air* I read these boards daily and have no clue as I 'lost the plot' on this days ago. I also have no idea how someone who doesn't read these boards or is only a casual player would have any hope at all. If anyone can give a 'brief sum up' of all the above in some logical kinda scenario that answers who, why, where and what it would be greatly appreciated, especially as to the 'daggers' and how they are 'available'.


Isn't the pub58 update supposed to change your shrouds to 150 durability and make them dyable?


Grand Poobah
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Available WHERE?

I have no idea where or who or what drops/sells these daggers. Anyone else have any idea, did I just 'miss' something?

I am becoming totally confused by pretty much everything to do with this shadowlord event thing, there are too many threads, too many 'stories' for me to figure out what is going on now :(

I know there is an 'event' this sunday, that you have to be in SL faction to 'be included' no idea where it is to 'start' from as no location is given anywhere (assume SL faction in Yew fel?)

No idea why/where the paladins figure into this and if you need to 'kill' them to get daggers?

No idea if the glass daggers etc fit in somewhere or if we need to do something with them?

*throws hands in air* I read these boards daily and have no clue as I 'lost the plot' on this days ago. I also have no idea how someone who doesn't read these boards or is only a casual player would have any hope at all. If anyone can give a 'brief sum up' of all the above in some logical kinda scenario that answers who, why, where and what it would be greatly appreciated, especially as to the 'daggers' and how they are 'available'.
Well, since they are available to the Shadow Lord faction, perhaps you should check at the Shadow Lord faction base.
Makes sense doesn't it?


Babbling Loonie
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Stratics Legend
Went there before I even posted, is nothing there regarding these daggers. If you didn't have anything worthwhile to add no idea why you bothered to post.

Old Man of UO

And Vamp Embrace, and other "buffs" not reset when I log out! NOT GOOD and NOT in the publish notes. The notes said buffs that show are reset upon death, NOT when you log out! We need a quick fix for this one, PLEASE!


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I tried to make some boards with my Carpenter today, and the listing for "Boards" was filled with the Megacliloc error, and when I clicked it anyways, I made barrel staves.

Pom Pom

And Vamp Embrace, and other "buffs" not reset when I log out! NOT GOOD and NOT in the publish notes. The notes said buffs that show are reset upon death, NOT when you log out! We need a quick fix for this one, PLEASE!
I think this was just after server. After I logged my characters, reset the buffs, then logged out and then logged back in again, the buffs had stayed on. I think we just had to reset them since server (and probably after death again).


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Are we supposed to be able to use the Christmas trees now as decoration in bare form or not??

They keep reverting back to locked down deeds. Even if tree was locked right after placing it in bare form.

I cannot get a maple or a snow but thought at least this would work. Was I wrong?


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
You have to look at the bigger picture. This is another step in EA's goal to force people to go where they don't want to be instead of making things that people actually want to do. Gold weight was lowered so people could carry much more at one time. Gold drops at champ spawns is increased a lot. So, people that go there can pick up and carry a lot more gold than they could before. Makes sense so far huh? Now, add to that the fact that they are going to be drastically lowering the gold drops everywhere else and you start to see the why's.

If you need gold and the best monster in the game drops 10 gold pieces while a champ spawn drops 999,999,999,999,999 pieces, where are you going to go for gold?

Another example of them forcing people to do things because they have too as opposed to letting them do things because they want to. You have to join factions to get faction items. So, people that have no interest in playing factions join and farm points with their friends until they get what they want. But, since factions isn't any more enjoyable, they don't really take part in factions itself. Instead of making champ spawns more enjoyable, they make going to them even more required.

If this is going to be the case I'm going to have several accounts for sale soon! I'm hoping you're wrong (no offense intended). I'm hoping UO will NOT follow suit other online rpgs have followed...seriously if people want to group constantly so be it but I don't feel as if I want to chill out one night alone without hanging with friends and still having fun/making gold/fill in the blank then that shouldn't be penalized.

I'm sure there are many social butterfly types here that would love nothing more and who will argue just for the sake of arguing about it but there are just as many who don't want to be "forced" into some BS they don't enjoy if they want to continue playing and be able to survive financially in UO's over inflated world. It seems like for some reason they just keep trying to kill the game. There's a reason it has actually survived as long as it has and no, it's not because some cheap arse wants to continue using a 386 computer.

I hope we're both being overly paranoid. :spider:

As far as the few fixes, lowered weight of gold and the BoS becoming useful again...woot!

I guess time will tell.

Flora Green

I tried to make some boards with my Carpenter today, and the listing for "Boards" was filled with the Megacliloc error, and when I clicked it anyways, I made barrel staves.
I'm a bit lost on this as well. I collected 30 logs from my stump and can't make boards.


Site Support
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Scripters already had to wait long enough between pickups to give other people a chance to step in. For every one grab the script could do, everyone else present could also potentially do one grab (That's "potentially". If a player can't go at the maximum speed the game allows, then yes, the script has an advantage. But let's face it, many players ARE that fast).

By introducing a massive wait time for people who attempt to go too fast, this does not change. It's still the case that for every one grab the script does, everyone else present can also do one grab.

Only now there's the chance that, due to human error, someone will go too fast, therefore allowing everyone else who hasn't also DQ'd themselves multiple chances to grab stuff before they get their next turn.

So the scripters lose nothing, and the humans stand to lose everything.
No that's not correct. Scripts benefit currently because they were only limited by CPU Cycles and Data Transfer Rates not actual human reaction time.

You ever seen a Heartwood Script run? I've snooped plenty of Bots in Heartwood you can tell because all the crafted items they make Flag as a Quest item almost at once....or within a span of time (10-20 items under a full second) impossible for humans to target them especially when items are overlapping each other in the pack. Putting in a Throttle of sorts is nothing but a benefit to players, yes I know Heartwood isn't "Scooping" up gold or items but the principle on how fast the programs can assimilate and process data is the same human reactions simply can't keep up.

On top of that the majority of script users can't write or really update their own scripts they don't know how. So this is a short term at the best fix, I do think EA needs to take a page out of Blizzard's book though and bring civil suits up against the makers of the Script Engines. Blizzard won $6,000,0000 doing it so it might be worth looking into, since EA can claim almost a decade of damages...


Crazed Zealot
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Has anyone dug up a dull copper elemental with a gargoyle pickaxe? I thought I had read a mention that this would be fixed in pub 58 but I gather it didn't make the cut?

Old Man of UO

I think this was just after server. After I logged my characters, reset the buffs, then logged out and then logged back in again, the buffs had stayed on. I think we just had to reset them since server (and probably after death again).
Dunno, but I was losing VE every time I logged out until today... I recast VE when I logged in tonight and now it sticks.


Babbling Loonie
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I've snooped plenty of Bots in Heartwood you can tell because all the crafted items they make Flag as a Quest item almost at once....
You do realize there's an option in the KR crafting menus to make what you're crafting do exactly that, right?

Unless by at once you mean all of the necessary items are sittin in the pack unmarked.. then suddenly ARE marked.


Grand Inquisitor
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
...I do think EA needs to take a page out of Blizzard's book though and bring civil suits up against the makers of the Script Engines. Blizzard won $6,000,0000 doing it so it might be worth looking into, since EA can claim almost a decade of damages...
  1. EA: "I know! Let's sue people who don't have very much or any money, and $6,000,000 will magically appear out of thin air when we win! Admittedly, almost all of that will go to our lawyers, plus we'd have to sue hundreds, if not thousands, of different people all over the world, frequently in geographical locations where we have no jurisdiction whatsoever. But hey, we're EA! When has something being stupid ever stopped us from doing it before? Let's go for it!"
  2. Implied Consent. That "almost a decade" part would actually be what would hurt them the most.


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
You do realize there's an option in the KR crafting menus to make what you're crafting do exactly that, right?

Unless by at once you mean all of the necessary items are sittin in the pack unmarked.. then suddenly ARE marked.

KR for the win in crafting! It's the only thing I use KR for atm


UO Forum Moderator
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You do realize there's an option in the KR crafting menus to make what you're crafting do exactly that, right?

Unless by at once you mean all of the necessary items are sittin in the pack unmarked.. then suddenly ARE marked.

KR for the win in crafting! It's the only thing I use KR for atm
To give you an idea of JUST how much KR speeds up quests in Heartwood:

I took a pack animal with 1600 boards, plus 430 on myself, yesterday morning. That's enough for 29 "a simple Bow" quests.

Using the "Make number" (which I had set at 10) and "Mark as quest item" options, I went through all 2030 boards in about 22-23 minutes (I went to Heartwood in 2D, then logged out & back in using KR, and since I had the timer from one of the custom KR skins running, I knew EXACTLY how much time passed since the character re-logged in already in position).

Note that the amount of time includes repeatedly clicking the NPC's bar to get a different quest (until I got the one I wanted), switching tools as needed (so that I always made 10 bows without interruption), and getting more boards from the pack animal as needed (6 quests from personal load, with 10 left over, added 410 boards from packy for 6 more, then did two sets of 5 @ 350 boards each, then 4, then 3, using up all the boards in 5 reloads).

It would theoretically, under the best circumstances, to get close to 20 minutes for 30 quests, if one could get the right quest on the first asking every time.