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[UO Herald] Please Re-Deed Your Veteran Reward Statues

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Due to a recent issue we are asking all players to re-deed their veteran reward statues. We apologize for any inconvenience this may have caused


wee papa smurf

Re: [UO Herald] Please Re-Deed Your Veteran Rewards

Well THAT will explain the stone statue walking past me! *goes back to the mushrooms* :danceb: :danceb:


Re: [UO Herald] Please Re-Deed Your Veteran Rewards

Due to a recent issue we are asking all players to re-deed their veteran rewards. We apologize for any inconvenience this may have caused


How do you re-deed em? You can lock them down, release them, turn them off and on, but how do you re-deed em?


Re: [UO Herald] Please Re-Deed Your Veteran Rewards

How do you re-deed em? You can lock them down, release them, turn them off and on, but how do you re-deed em?
Use an axe on them, presumably.

edit: whoops, apparently not. ignore this. :)


To redeed the statue, select the statue portion of the reward, then select demolish from the gump. This will redeed the item and place it in your pack.


Correct. This is the 6th year veteran reward character statue.


Sounds like an emergency publish is imminent. I guess I'll stop training imbuing.


Note that the warning says ALL vet rewards, not just the statues.

R Traveler

Crazed Zealot
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GM said me to page ASAP if you see walking statues. If you see someone luring them - this treated as exploit.


Stratics Legend
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don't think I'll be putting mine right back up, as it appears they are somewhat broken... placing the statue again, I clicked thru the poses and tho all poses showed they were hidden behind the standing statue


Joshua Ravenloft

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Re: [UO Herald] Please Re-Deed Your Veteran Rewards

How do you re-deed em? You can lock them down, release them, turn them off and on, but how do you re-deed em?
If the owners of the house or the char that placed the statue, you just left clik once and select demolish from the drop down menu to redeed :thumbsup:


I'm sure its far from funny to anyone that loses their statue to this bug, but from the sideline this has to be one of the most hilarious bugs ever in UO.


I'm sure its far from funny to anyone that loses their statue to this bug, but from the sideline this has to be one of the most hilarious bugs ever in UO.
My first thought was: "I wonder if I could take a couple of those statues with me to kill one of the new peerless." Me + my two marble homies.


I just swallowed it, im one o they lazy ones, and besides i now only have 1.2 to gain till 120 taming :danceb:
I don't blame ya a bit. I used almost 7.0 full points worth of Taming SoT's to finish my tamer off. I just couldn't stand to log in even once more to only get my GGS gain, and wanted to have the skill finished. It was worth every bit of that 60+ mil.


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Saddest part is some of us might not be able to redeed them what to do is lost?

Why not just put a qucik update in to turn them all into deed like the christmass trees do since mine are still deeds?

As a soldier I somtimes spend a week or two away and have no idea about what goes on in UO. I would be really upset if i lost stuff due to a bug / exploit and couldn't get them back as they dont return lost items.

Anyone caught with such items should not get a second chance and be Perma banned !!!!

As for Devs they should immediatly revert all statues to deeds were they stand to prevent loss.


People are talking revert.


-Galen's player
Galen, it's just a vet reward right? Big deal right? So how about you give away all your vet rewards and tell us you're happy about it. And no, I don't have a statue.


I Hate Skilling
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Galen, it's just a vet reward right? Big deal right? So how about you give away all your vet rewards and tell us you're happy about it. And no, I don't have a statue.
Ill give ya one of the valorite robes I stupidly took....

I think this is hilarious and I made mine walk before I redeeded it. EA should be able to return any misplaced staues IMO. There are not that many.

To bad they didnt include a one hit kill in the coding. And why did they give them AI.

I have vendors full of items and I would think it would be hilarious if they started walking around, even if I lost the gold and goodies. As long as I could see them...

I still have a bartender that I had on the second floor that ended up on standing on the ground after the house fell. I buy a bottle of booze and chat with him on lonely nights.


I have a question...I took one down that was put up by an old friend and he has long since left the game. When it is safe to put back up will it retain
his name or will it be my name?


Crazed Zealot
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They retain the name of the character that puts it up.

Lord Frodo

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This is great 2 hours after they post it and I decide to take a break from PLAYING UO and find this. They need to put something on the screens of players in the game. And I dont mean some little blurb in the lower left corner. It needs to be big and across your screen.


Crazed Zealot
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You could place it and then take it down when he comes back to UO, It doesn't mean if you use it, it will be in your name forever.

Lord Frodo

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I have a question...I took one down that was put up by an old friend and he has long since left the game. When it is safe to put back up will it retain
his name or will it be my name?
DEBDouble click the deed. Place statue and hit retain. Mouse over statue to make sure your friends name comes up. Sculp. It will have your friends name on it with you as the sculpter.


Stratics Legend
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Frodo is right, along the bottom of the gump there is a clickable 'revert' option... when you first place the statue it will be of you, but hit that revert option and it will go back to the original character's name

Trebr Drab

Didn't something like this happen in Ghost Busters?

Someone needs to check the Brit sewers!


DEBDouble click the deed. Place statue and hit retain. Mouse over statue to make sure your friends name comes up. Sculp. It will have your friends name on it with you as the sculpter.
AWESOME tytytytyty, as I know he will not be coming back and I have
known him for years. I will definitely wait till after the fix goes in though.


Babbling Loonie
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I've met a couple of players today who, as non-native English speakers, had understood the message on UOHerald a little differently than I did. They took it to mean re-deeding the statue once solved the problem and so they then re-erected the statue, thinking they had 'fixed' the possible exploit.

I'd understood the intention of the announcement was to keep the statues in deed form, until there is a fix... may be worth slightly re-wording it for clarity.


Queen of The Outlaws
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They retain the name of the character that puts it up.
If I remember right you can place it again without it changes name. Be careful to choose the right options when you click on deed to replace.


Does anyone know if the fix is in or will we have to wait till tomorrow?


From the looks of things they aren't even worrying about it until tomorrow. They'll probably look for some kind of system to pay folks back for lost ones. Of course, I doubt they could ever find a fair way to do that since they won't know who lost what.


This is rather awesome in a way. They come to life and walked off.. SWEET!!
If you lost one I'm sorry for your loss.
I can see a short story about someone using a magic potion to make statues around town come to life and wonder, much to the dismay of the homes they walked off from.