I'm glad you are able to draw such an informed conclusion from reading here and seeing screen prints, it's so hard to actually test it yourself without an active subscription.*doesn't re-activate subscription*
I'm glad you are able to draw such an informed conclusion from reading here and seeing screen prints, it's so hard to actually test it yourself without an active subscription.*doesn't re-activate subscription*
Never mind that, they compared it to the "3d" client...I'm glad you are able to draw such an informed conclusion from reading here and seeing screen prints, it's so hard to actually test it yourself without an active subscription.
With the release of UO’s 8th expansion pack around the corner we thought we’d give the community just a glimmer of the technology that’s been under development.
I tried it for about an hour on a trial account until the blur gave me motion sickness and almost caused me to throw up (I get motion sickness from 3D games, never had it with 2D games but something is just wrong with the rendering process that causes the screen to do something odd and run out of synch, not sure how to describe. It looks as if water waves run through the screen if it moves, it all gets slightly distorted).Out of curiousity Shakkara, have you tried the various suggestions people have put out there for optimizing and cutting blur? Did you give it more than a minute try? Did you remember that it is not only still in Beta, but has been explicitly stated that it will be in Beta for a good while yet, which means you have a decent chance of giving feedback and suggestions that *could* cause changes to happen?
I am a real gamer and I don't agree with you. I have been playing MMO's, FPS, RPG/JRPG and RTS games long before UO was released, and I continue to play other games long after the UO release.Cloak‡1316793 said:Of course the bulk of UO players do not care about graphics.....Honestly I would say any real gamer does not care about graphics, at least not nearly as much as playability and enjoyability... It is sad to see how so many people have taken to "looks" as being the defining factor of if a game is good or not. (not grouping you in there just stating the current state of games)