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[UO Herald] Letter from the Producer


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Older powerful limited items e.g. Conjurer's Garb, Dread mares, Ranger's Cloak etc that continuously rise in value are the reason why people overpaid for these new scrolls. People gambled and "expected" these things to be limited as well.
Its might be a moderate imbalance for existing players but I do think NEW players a repelled away by this.
If I were new player and tried this game and heard that there were some powerful items that can no longer be obtained (except paying loads) I would be slightly repelled away...

I think re-introducing all/most limited items would do good. They solved some imblances with the "old" event item replicas... - was a good start.

RaDian FlGith

Babbling Loonie
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Stratics Legend
Its might be a moderate imbalance for existing players but I do think NEW players a repelled away by this.
If I were new player and tried this game and heard that there were some powerful items that can no longer be obtained (except paying loads) I would be slightly repelled away...
Truthfully, I think most "new" players don't know about these items at all... any new player repelled away by a Conjurer's Garb no longer being available isn't really all that new.

Edited to add that I agree some things like the rangers cloaks and conjurer's garb would be nice to have back in game, at least as a replica.


Grand Inquisitor
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I think re-introducing all/most limited items would do good. They solved some imblances with the "old" event item replicas... - was a good start.
Ya minus the fact that the people who originally received those items are mad..yes their item is still worth more..but for what some guy who owns a pixel museum to pay that..why would I pay 100m for a real gladiators collar..when I could get a replica for cheaper..bad idea.. "my opinion" what should have been done yes replicas are a good idea..but should have been at a lower intensity ie: gladiators collar instead of 10 hci 10 hpi maybe 7 and 7 something to make the original more sought after still..

Petra Fyde

Peerless Chatterbox
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Stratics Legend
Do bear in mind that most of the 'real' whatevers are no more 'real' than the replicas. There are a lot of 'duplicates' out there.


Slightly Crazed
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
while i see the point that some useful items are no longer available in game i also see the point that these were obtained by being in the game at that point in time. while the conjurors garb and trinket are most effective items the advent of the new loot system, imbuing and reforging have made it possible to get by without them. while the dreadmare is an effective mount for pvp its not an end all as it requires the tamer to be on foot for it to be effective. im a 5 year player. i would love to ride an ethy reptalon but alas i cannot, even if i can buy one. At least the other items mentioned can be obtained on the open market. The plus 5 scroll is in another class as it raises the base stats of a player which i feel should all be equal as it is a base. what you do with that base and how you build your toon after that is upto you but at least all can start initially on a level playing field.

Driven Insane

Stratics Veteran
why would I pay 100m for a real gladiators collar..when I could get a replica for cheaper..
I thought the idea of being a rare collector was to collect the rare items for their uniqueness not to give yourself an advantage over others on the battlefield?

Sounds like you, along with a few others, are just whiney babies who don't like the idea of an even playing field. Probably because without all your advantages, you'd have to face the fact that you are not special and do not deserve to have better items than all the other customers who pay the exact same monthly fee as you and the other dilusional elitists.


Grand Inquisitor
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I thought the idea of being a rare collector was to collect the rare items for their uniqueness not to give yourself an advantage over others on the battlefield?

Sounds like you, along with a few others, are just whiney babies who don't like the idea of an even playing field. Probably because without all your advantages, you'd have to face the fact that you are not special and do not deserve to have better items than all the other customers who pay the exact same monthly fee as you and the other dilusional elitists.
completely true..I'm whining :/ let's just make it even easier give mages a hooded shroud with 100 lrc 40 lmc 8 mr 45 dci and give dexxers 100 dmg inc 45 hci and 45 dci level the playing field..and move on..c'mon it's "fair" right

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk


Always Present
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Stratics Legend
I too am really disappointed that the +5 scrolls are being introduced as a permenant drop... but who knows how they'll implement it. If it's as rare of a drop as Slither/Lavaliere from a Fel champ spawn combined with the fact it's a consumable I'm sure they may still be expensive for some time.

Hmmm, would it really be all that good for Ultima Online if an item that would allow players to be competitive in fights versus other player was to be expensive ?

Particularly, in the case of returning players.......

What I am trying to say, is that "if" a returning player might see the goal of becoming competitive as a too far to be reached goal, they may think it ain't worth their time and just move onto to other games thus depriving Ultima Online of subscriptions and usefull resources......

Indeed, a returning player should not be fully competitive right on upon logging back into UO the first time, but it should neither take forever to "catch up with"......

And, considering that raising the stats CAP to 260 is only one of the things that they wil need to upgrade, the costs to become competitive might easily add up to large figures.

I am not saying that the +5 scrolls should be handed out, but neither that they should become a nightmare to be obtained. After all, the Exodus Event was in Trammel and all one needed was to deliver sufficient hits or heals to qualify. I do not see why it should be made a Felucca only drop which would make it an out of reach item for many players like it has been for many years for powerscrolls.
Particularly, since those trying to get the +5 stats scrolls would need to fight most likely Guilds already scrolled and thus more competitive.

The way I see it, whatever item is needed to "raise up" to a competitive level should be obtainable in Trammel so that players working their competitiveness up can do it without having to fight other players who already reached the top competitive level.

Then, players who reached the top gear and are all equally competitive could move to the Felucca battleground to confront each other and see who is best at fighting a human opponent.

But the idea to force players not yet fit to compete to have to go to Felucca in order to get items which they need to become competitive, is a very bad idea, IMHO.

Trammel should be the place to get items to become competitive, NOT Felucca. Felucca should be the place to confront each other only. Doing otherwise, as I see it, means forcing players not yet fit (because they lack the scrolls or the right items) to have to fight more competitive players (thus likely facing multiple losses and thus get frustrated at the game) or, as an alternative to have to save up very large amounts of gold to buy those items they need to finally become competitive. Bad idea in both cases, IMHO.

The land for learning and getting fit reaching competitiveness should be Trammel expecially now with the Arenas to approach PvP little by little. Then, when reached the top level competitiveness one could choose to adventure Felucca for some challenging PvP.

So, I think, the right place for the +5 stats scrolls of Valiant Commendation would be Trammel, not Felucca or both, but definately not just Felucca....

Petra Fyde

Peerless Chatterbox
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I don't think this can be considered as just another stat scroll. There's the new graphic for the Exodus one to consider first. Will the permanent drop use that graphic? or the familiar white deed graphic?
This is totally different in that the +5 stacks with others, where normally a higher scroll over writes a lower one.
While it might be a logical conclusion that this new scroll will spawn in Felucca, it's not a conclusion I'm willing to jump to. I think I'm going to just wait and see on this one.


Thought Police
Stratics Veteran
I don't think this can be considered as just another stat scroll. There's the new graphic for the Exodus one to consider first. Will the permanent drop use that graphic? or the familiar white deed graphic?
This is totally different in that the +5 stacks with others, where normally a higher scroll over writes a lower one.
While it might be a logical conclusion that this new scroll will spawn in Felucca, it's not a conclusion I'm willing to jump to. I think I'm going to just wait and see on this one.
If not spawned in Felucca, the +5's would have to be harder to get than the existing stat scrolls, no? Otherwise, the old stat scrolls will be devalued and there will be even less interest in Fel. Champ spawns.

Petra Fyde

Peerless Chatterbox
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Stratics Legend
I don't think so, because of the unique way this one appears to work.

You can't get to 260 without also eating a +25.

Petra Fyde

Peerless Chatterbox
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Don't get me wrong - I don't necessarily think it's going to have to drop in Fel either... but papps thinks that Trammel is some sort of magical fairy land where everything drops, "to become competitive for PvP", and I was pointing out the fact that he's completely wrong :)

Also that graphic isn't new. I've seen it in game about a year ago at an EM event and I believe it's in the game somewhere else.
ah. I hadn't seen it before.
I wouldn't be surprised if there turned out to be more than one way to get it. The only thing I'm almost certain of is I'm going to struggle to get them for my chars. I'm a dreadful player if truth be told. Can't fight the big bosses, can't pvp and don't have more than 20 mil gold if you add up all my chars! On the other hand, being such a sucky player, most of my chars don't really need them :D


Because this one IS unique, I think it'll be offered in both facets (where shards have both). I think it offers a growth potential to All players, and more players will then want to 'level up', doing all their characters, versus 1 or 2. This also spawns a greater need for the other stat scrolls, so I wouldn't be surprised to see the drop rate increased for the others either.
Personally, if it's gonna cost millions, I won't be upgrading mine, it's just not worth it to me. Anything that becomes 'required' for game-play should be readily obtainable, if not, then it's not really required, and just an extra, in the same sense of getting a rare or artifact.


Thought Police
Stratics Veteran
ah. I hadn't seen it before.
I wouldn't be surprised if there turned out to be more than one way to get it. The only thing I'm almost certain of is I'm going to struggle to get them for my chars. I'm a dreadful player if truth be told. Can't fight the big bosses, can't pvp and don't have more than 20 mil gold if you add up all my chars! On the other hand, being such a sucky player, most of my chars don't really need them :D
That doesn't make you a dreadful or sucky player.

Ron Silverbeard

Stratics Veteran
My guess is they will not only drop from FIGHTING something or someone...Petra stated her guess about this and i agree to this guess..
Why? Because it would add very nicely to the fact that we need new rewards too for crafters, fishers, cooks, begars, etc.. imo it would add nicely..

*Sent from my Outpost on the moon using a pigeon*


Thought Police
Stratics Veteran
My guess is they will not only drop from FIGHTING something or someone...Petra stated her guess about this and i agree to this guess..
Why? Because it would add very nicely to the fact that we need new rewards too for crafters, fishers, cooks, begars, etc.. imo it would add nicely..
That and Petra is usually right. Haha.


Slightly Crazed
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
completely true..I'm whining :/ let's just make it even easier give mages a hooded shroud with 100 lrc 40 lmc 8 mr 45 dci and give dexxers 100 dmg inc 45 hci and 45 dci level the playing field..and move on..c'mon it's "fair" right
these shrouds are sooooooo hooooot. me likey very much!!!!

however i would prefer a jamming jin boori so i can show off my fly suit :banana:


Slightly Crazed
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
if you truly think about the +5 in terms of tram / fel.

for the tram player it would be nice to have. for the fel player it would be absolutely needed.

the pvp'r, will do and spend what it takes to get this item, as he does for any other item that he needs to keep on competitive footing with other pvp'rs. if the item spawns in tram, he will come on his non guilded blue to get it. if its in fel he will fight for it.

i reject the argument of what it would cost the trammel player if this scroll is in fel and he has to pay for it. the highest price items presently in the game, i.e. slither, lavalierre, beserker breastplate, tinker legs, even orny's and crimsons since the faction nerf are fully obtainable on the trammel side and all command much higher dollars than the most valuable power scroll.

besides, given the current population in this game a good size trammel guild can spawn at whim on literally every shard these days, maybe with the exception of Atl.

Roland Of Gilead

Seasoned Veteran
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Nice news regarding the plus 5. nice to see them going after bugs in the system. i would suspect with this game being what it is bugs will always be a part of the mix. that being said 1000 plus is too many.

on the plus 5, i will certainly not gloat over those who spent 100 mln for one on the after market however i'd like to say that there exists a cause and effect for things introduced in the game. a simple forwarning regarding something as important as a stat bump scroll should have been explained up front. we have a new desirable item to be handed out at the event. if you dont get one there either because u didnt do enough damage or u couldn't attend said event dont get your panties in a bunch. these willl be made an obtainable part of the game in the near future. simple sentence and a heads up the player base deserves.

if you wanted to make the event one a named drop and the future ones without names i think that would be fair and level for all in game.

public relations are an integral part of any business model.
I got say i kinda disagree and think that the surprise element of the reward is something alot of people do like about it.I like wondering if i will get something cool and what it might be.Comming to the events shouldn't be based on how desirable the drop is and if we are told what it is in advance that is how it would always be.Can't be helped to some degree unless all shards go at same time--which would sure cut down on event shard hopping...


Always Present
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Stratics Legend
Hate to break it to ya buddy but +stat scrolls and power scrolls only drop in Fel - they have already set the precedence for this a loooooong time ago. Where have you been? Do you even play?

Did you miss this one latest Event where the +5 stats scroll of Valiant Commendation actually showed up its very first time ?

I have news for you, it was on TRAMMEL...........


Always Present
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Stratics Legend
Don't get me wrong - I don't necessarily think it's going to have to drop in Fel either... but papps thinks that Trammel is some sort of magical fairy land where everything drops, "to become competitive for PvP", and I was pointing out the fact that he's completely wrong :)

I actually tried to make a logical reasoning as of "why" it makes sense for me that Trammel should be the place for players to endevour their journey to become competitive (i.e. earn all of the items needed to gain competitiveness...) and only after having reached their competitiveness endevour into Felucca for some equal footing, fun and challenging PvP........

Not only it makes no sense to me that players not yet fit nor competitive would endevour into Felucca, but I see it also as counter productive and harming to the game.

Having players not yet fit nor competitive "have to go to" Felucca in order to gain those items needed for them to be competitive, means almost a sure death when meeting other players there who are already scrolled and fit with the best items. This brings no fun but mostly frustration and may deter players away from the game thus losing subscriptions and resources for the game.

Felucca, as I see it, should be accessed only when players are ready and fit to meet the dangers that are ubiquitous there, which means, "after" players have scrolled their characters and fit them with the proper gear and items needed to compete at high levels (and I also would add after some good training at PvP in the Arenas located in Trammel...). This of course, calls for it to be necessary, in the very best interest of the game, that scrolls and items to become fit should be possible to be obtained as drops in Trammel......


Slightly Crazed
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I agree with you popps 100%! Felucca shouldn't have anything that Trammel doesn't have and vice versa. If you want to PvP go to Felucca, if you don't stay in Trammel. End of story.


Always Present
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Stratics Legend
Seems only fair the +5 scrolls will be available easily to everyone ..ie....and not felluca only!!!!...so no-one is penalized for simply not being able to take part in a one slot /single day timeframe event....

and to the people that broke the golden rule in buying event drops at silly high prices....dont buy them again!!!! lol....the golden rule still stands..wait a few days even a week b4 u buy!!!!

Lord Frodo

Stratics Legend
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Stratics Legend
I vote we stop the silly arguments and just wait and see.
But it is so fun reading all the silly arguments.

:) Red Fellie "Selling 120 and Stat scrolls"
:( Blue Trammie "I will buy them"

and now we have

:mad: Red Fellie "I don't want to farm Faction Silver"
:D Blue Trammie "Selling Faction Silver"
:sad2: Red Fellie "But that's not fair, you're a Blue Trammie, STAY OUT OF FEL"

Petra Fyde

Peerless Chatterbox
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
no, no, now we have Red Fel player (I hate the term fellie) can go find blue trammie farming silver, smack him over the head and loot the silver :D
If he can be bothered to get on his horse and actually go look for the farmer that is.

Tina Small

Stratics Legend
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Stratics Legend
no, no, now we have Red Fel player (I hate the term fellie) can go find blue trammie farming silver, smack him over the head and loot the silver :D
If he can be bothered to get on his horse and actually go look for the farmer that is.
Ummm...they could always loot the silver if they could find the player that had it. Not everyone who "farmed silver" did it AFK or used a sending bag. I sure don't and never have.

Petra Fyde

Peerless Chatterbox
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
nope, and I'm sure you're not alone - but nobody bothered to look for the genuine hunters. Probably they still won't.

I've never been in factions, so I've never farmed silver. But I've sure enough trained chars and pets in Fel dungeons where it was nice and quiet. :D


I agree with you popps 100%! Felucca shouldn't have anything that Trammel doesn't have and vice versa. If you want to PvP go to Felucca, if you don't stay in Trammel.
I agree 100% about both facets should have the same. But, with the risk vs reward in Fel, I'd increase All drops in Fel (total scroll drops, mob loot, etc.) not just resources


Slightly Crazed
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I agree 100% about both facets should have the same. But, with the risk vs reward in Fel, I'd increase All drops in Fel (total scroll drops, mob loot, etc.) not just resources
Sevinoooo this isn't directed at you but....

Screw risk vs. reward. I'm tired of hearing that idiotic term. Who the eff came up with that? Some Dev whose probably no longer on the payroll anymore and we now have players brainwashed " Yeah Yeah Yeah...risk vs. Reward. Yeah...that's the ticket!"

Felucca should have nothing at all more or less that Trammel has. The perk is they get to PvP in Felucca.

Complete and utter nonsense.


Sevin this isn't directed at you but....
Screw risk vs. reward. I'm tired of hearing that idiotic term. The perk is they get to PvP in Felucca.
Complete and utter nonsense.
I was calling BS from the day I heard double resources - what I heard is This side is getting more than the other. Granted it's a large PVP zone, but then they also increased mob toughness to an extent, making the land even harder. Kill a lich, or kill a lich standing behind a PK - stark difference in challenge? Shouldn't more challenge should mean more reward? Maybe there's relatively lower risk Today, I think they should design for what "could be", or maybe what "should be".
But when they divided the land, they divided players as well. I agree that the current team might have provided a better alternative enabling the player base to stay one - Now they have duel set of rules, twice as much work. I consider that part of the game broken, Using 'lures' to get people to go there proves it, imo.
But there is more risk simply going there, proved by the lack of people playing it. It's not like it's just an "advanced" land (harder mobs+pvp), because it wasn't designed to be that. Advanced to me, given the above lich scenario, change so it's a paragon lich lord, who hates Both of you. Even a PK has to watch their butt, cause they aren't geared for both.
That's half the game I just don't care for, thus unplayed and under utilized, and I don't appreciate things being taken out of my side of the game and put there because too many feel as I do and dev want some 'balance'. We can't go back, and it's broken as it, moving forward will be a tough road

Petra Fyde

Peerless Chatterbox
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
If folk are going to turn it into one of the usual circular tram v fel flame fests it's going to get locked.


Belaern d'Zhaunil
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Sevinoooo this isn't directed at you but....

Screw risk vs. reward. I'm tired of hearing that idiotic term. Who the eff came up with that? Some Dev whose probably no longer on the payroll anymore and we now have players brainwashed " Yeah Yeah Yeah...risk vs. Reward. Yeah...that's the ticket!"

Felucca should have nothing at all more or less that Trammel has. The perk is they get to PvP in Felucca.

Complete and utter nonsense.
Exactly how I've felt for YEARS. I could care less if Fel were totally taken away.

As far as "Risk vs Reward" I'll say what I've always said... There is NO Risk. At least on my shard. Either you are "in" the Zerg Megga Guild that "owns" all or you aren't... If you are IN you can do whatever you want... if not then you don't do much of anything.... Oh sure I could go to Fel and mine and lumberjack for days on end.... and see ABSOLUTELY no one.... but the moment you step into a champ spawn area... consider yourself dead.

Though here lately I haven't really seen them around so I suppose a person could risk it now.... but as a general rule entering anywhere in a dungeon or champ is 10 vs 1 a risk?????? No ..... it's just stupid. Is 20 vs 5 a risk??? No again an effort in futility...

Face it Fel is dead. No amount of candy is going to lure out all the younglings to the slaughter anymore. There are very few younglings left to lure anywhere.


So the next dungeon revamp is likely early next year? As does making metal armor useful again.?
no mention of "accommodating" those who like to play 'that way' - that should be coming up?


Belaern d'Zhaunil
Stratics Veteran
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Campaign Supporter
The only thing I do know is that Mesanna said she'd be moving Sudiva to her new home with the next publish and making the beach there in Illsh accessible on ALL shards. She said she'd be putting in a set of gates or whatever that are identical in the same place and everything on all shards.... So we'll be able to go visit Sudiva again soon.

Uriah Heep

Grand Poobah
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There were several of us that caught that, I'm sure. But to the vast majority of the playerbase who has been around for a long time, whenever we see anything with a time of delivery on it, we are conditioned (thru past experience) not to even take it seriously. It's kinda like how you automaticallly skip thru advertisements when reading the paper, without even noticing them, kinda.

Tina Small

Stratics Legend
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Stratics Legend
I do not believe anyone else has taken note of this; apologies if someone has and I missed it. (I kind of dropped out of this thread at a certain point.)

But to me the most-significant part of this letter was this excerpt, and note the emphasis which I added.

Did you catch that? "Till the first of the year." This means that she has plans that take us into 2013, and beyond. In context it also means she has the rest of the calendar year more or less planned out.

I suppose Mesanna could be misleading us, and the game could in fact not make it to the first of the year. Or EA could be lying to her.

Or both!

But, most-likely, it means we're doing better than many of us seem to want to think.

Does it make me a cheer-leading Trammie troll to point this out? I'd suggest no; it means I noticed something I thought my fellow players should take some note of.

-Galen's player
A couple of things that I noticed in Grimm's post that concern me are the date when he actually leaves the UO team. Any significance to it? And he mentions a "Troublemaker" almost as if in the past tense and I wondered if he might be referring to MrsTroublemaker. Or was there another dev just simply named "Troublemaker"? And where the heck is Supreem? He hasn't posted in ages. If Grimm was talking about MrsTroublemaker, she's one of the engineers along with Supreem and Bleak.

Feeling very glum and really hoping that it is indeed not just simply a ruse to tell us the bug sprint will happen next year and that there have not actually been more layoffs/departures from the team in the last year that happened so quietly none of us took notice.


Feeling very glum and really hoping that it is indeed not just simply a ruse to tell us the bug sprint will happen next year and that there have not actually been more layoffs/departures from the team in the last year that happened so quietly none of us took notice.
I have not seen Supreem mentioned in a long time either.

You bumping this thread reminds me that we have not heard a true vision of UO's future in a over a year, and even most of that has been canceled. I also have no reason to believe there will be a high resolution graphics update. Grimm was the only one who ever actually talked about it, Jeff would just briefly mention it in passing. Mesanna doesn't seem interested in it.

Rupert Avery

Stratics Veteran
I think most the Dev's use the Classic Client... Or at least that is the impression I get...

I have many fears for UO and the community inter action as a whole... But I shall wait and see ow it goes :)


If we'd get a decent producer's letter, it would allay many of the fears. That's a huge part of the frustration - the silence about UO's future - we get told about things that they should be doing anyways, regardless of everything else, and we aren't getting told about the plans they have for actually bringing in more people.


Stratics Veteran
The reason the replicas were introduced in the first place is because the Devs at the time realized that having these items ever introduced was a mistake. That combined with the mass duping of the items by guilds like SX/VIP, and H@X. It was to even a playing field that shouldnt have been unbalanced in the first place.


Stratics Veteran
Maybe instead of making a failed shard like siege (siege was great but should have remained pre aos and publish after publish destroyed it) just make 1 shard per coast that is all fel but without the other siege rules that ruins it for so many. Offer people free xfers to these shards...

Uriah Heep

Grand Poobah
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Stratics Legend
I musta missed something...how the hell did this turn into an anti-siege thread? lol


Old and in the way
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Dread Lord
I dunno. It happens a lot.

Uriah Heep

Grand Poobah
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Well if having a small player base makes it failed, then Legends is a failure too :p