Will polygamy weddings be allowed?
*BIG HUGS for kelmo**shakes head* We have been over this for years. FoF is not for Stratics junkies. Stratics gets more than it's fair share of info.
FoF is for the gamers at large. Even the ones that do not read this forum.
Get yourselves into a frenzy if you wish. As you do every Friday. Your call.
Mythic answers questions that are presented to them. All of these were important to some one. FoF is not a Stratics deal. Get over your selves.
Not very secret:Maybe there is a secret forum that talks of weddings?I mean who asked about weedings? Is there like a secret forum where you go and post the questions to get answers?
I donno.... Wasn't expecting the wedding thing.
It’s been delayed and isn’t currently on a schedule – I’d recommend getting married now and taking care of the technicalities later
E. Jeremy Dalberg
UO Community Coordinator
Mythic Entertainment
Like all non-community members of the dev team, Regine is only allowed to communicate in an official capacity about things related to her work, or fluffy fun stuff.
She isn't dodging the question because its not something she could answer one way or another. Design has nothing to do with the release of items for sale, and leveraging her pride or concern for the community won't circumvent the official communication process for the tokens (which *are* coming, and no, I don't have further details either, good try!).
The info we have about the 11th Collection Tokens has already been shared. There's no dastardly secret or anything: I look forward to redeeming my own when they're available.
Hmm...Not even married tax benefits.K i wasnt around when weddings were here before....
so whats the bennifits cept being married?
& from what i understand from a few, once married, ur married for life... ther is no divorce in uo... so you'd pick wisely is what i was told
It says "ML weapons learned from Heartwood". I think this means "weapons made by recipis given from quests", so I translated this question as such on my site."Any plans to change the intensities of ML weapons learned from Heartwood?"