A king by decree is a king in name only until he has shown himself worthy of the title.
A king must BE a king, he must be greater than other men, he must be wiser, more courageous, more compassionate, in fact he must have all the virtues in greater measure than other men.
Must he be of the bloodline?, I think not, a prince could be of the bloodline and yet not be fit to rule; much better to have someone who embodies all the kingly virtues even if of humble birth.
I hear rumblings of discontent and whispers of glass daggers, why is this?, a Kingdom needs a King, anyone claiming the title, even by decree, should be allowed to prove their claim.
How much better to go into battle with the cry 'For the King' on your lips?. Does the thought not stir your blood and would it not lift your achievements above your limitations?. In peace, would it not be fine to sit again among your friends and raise your glass in the loyal toast 'The King'.
And yet. And yet. For this you need a King, a prince among men, someone who can invoke loyalty even unto death. Is Casca such a man?. Tis unknowable for now.
I will follow this 'King' and see where the path leads. If he proves worthy, then will I bend the knee and swear fealty.
Until then I HAVE NO KING.