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[UO Herald] 11th Collection items are here!

UO News

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Today we have some great news! Without further adieu, the 11th year collection items are available in a full package or by individual items here: http://www.uogamecodes.com/store/

As some of you are aware there were some technical issues that we had to resolve before these could be brought to you. Specifically, there were purchasing restrictions in place to have a limited amount of transactions at the game codes store.

As of today these restrictions have been modified to allow players more freedom in their purchase choices. While we can’t completely eliminate all restrictions we have been working on more advanced ways to eliminate the need for restrictions.

Thank you!




Seasoned Veteran
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Yay! 1 total package and 5 bookcases! Guess Ill email for the other 55 bookcases I need lol.

Thank you for finally getting them to us!



Babbling Loonie
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Of course, one still has to ask why the hell all the seperate codes are varied prices ranging from $2 to $7.25...

Especially since $2 per item plus the $12.50 for the set of bod covers would average out to slightly more than the $29.99 for the set token which contains those (slightly over still makes sense, so no complaints there)... meaning all of the seperate items costing above $2 (which is everything but the armor engraver) is a serious ripoff.

You guys could just tell us the EA marketing people have yer nuts in a vise on this thing, you know.. probably would foster less bad feelings from us if you just admitted it.


Babbling Loonie
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I just added it up to check my math..

If they were all $2 each, it would add up to $32.50 (including the token for the set of bod covers here); slightly over the price of the set token, and makes sense.

With the current seperate prices, one total package not using a set token adds up to $51.75.

I'm sorry.. but... just under $20 more expensive to buy them all seperately? Thats a bit much of a gap, especially since what was asked for was an option to get each of the 11 items from the set token seperately (that is.. each one a choice of what item you wanted, rather than one set). $20 more isn't that.

Kind of a lame tactic to charge more for the items you know people will get more of, too, since that's something that has NEVER been done before. And the thought of you being forced to randomly milk us dry on said items doesn't say much for the longevity of the game, either... x.x

Black Sun

Grand Poobah
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Now that the items are available, everyone is going to complain about how they made them available? Come on now...

I don't see a problem with the way they set it up. I'm only interested in the hitching post, I'd rather just buy one for myself and not have to pay 30 bucks for a bunch of tokens I most likely will never use. Granted, I could put them on a vendor and turn them into gold, but I really don't have much need for more gold than I have. It would be a waste of my money to shell out for the full package for just one token.


Seasoned Veteran
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Crysta, are the prices comparative to the prices on the Asian website? I know that the items can be bought indivudally from there. I am not sure as I don't have a link to even view the Asian store.



Crazed Zealot
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I just added it up to check my math..

If they were all $2 each, it would add up to $32.50 (including the token for the set of bod covers here); slightly over the price of the set token, and makes sense.

With the current seperate prices, one total package not using a set token adds up to $51.75.

I'm sorry.. but... just under $20 more expensive to buy them all seperately? Thats a bit much of a gap, especially since what was asked for was an option to get each of the 11 items from the set token seperately (that is.. each one a choice of what item you wanted, rather than one set). $20 more isn't that.

Kind of a lame tactic to charge more for the items you know people will get more of, too, since that's something that has NEVER been done before. And the thought of you being forced to randomly milk us dry on said items doesn't say much for the longevity of the game, either... x.x
Cysta, not to flame, but the folks that maintain the site have to get paid as well. And this is their second full launch. I'm willing to bet they are contract as well.

Glad you are going to enjoy your stuff.:hug:


Finally they are here:D:D:D:D:D

I will wait till tomorrow though just to see if anyone has problrms
like before. I cannot wait to deco with the gravestone and bookcases.
The trees look awesome especially the maple. Won't bother with the
willow since it looks semi close to the rubble one.
The lampposts look great to.
And boy are these things gonna cost me..lolololol. Oh well, hubby and
I need to go on diets anyways. :D:D

I sure hope the limit to buy has been lifted or at least increased.

Stratic Fanatic

Heres what people will complain about......

The requested URL /news/www.uogamecode.com was not found on this server.


They need to fix the link on herald page.


Babbling Loonie
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Crysta, are the prices comparative to the prices on the Asian website? I know that the items can be bought indivudally from there. I am not sure as I don't have a link to even view the Asian store.

Honestly don't know. I'd probably end up angry for them too if they're gettin the same.. not right for anyone to get cheated like this.

Patty Pickaxe

Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
*never mind* found the store. I think it's:bs: that they are charging different prices for the individual items. Also, why would I want to spend real money on an item that is going to break (the engraving tool)? :confused: I wanted the bod book covers and the trees, but I changed my mind. They can keep their items. I hope everyone else enjoys them, though.


Seasoned Veteran
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Finally they are here:D:D:D:D:D

I will wait till tomorrow though just to see if anyone has problrms
like before. I cannot wait to deco with the gravestone and bookcases.
The trees look awesome especially the maple. Won't bother with the
willow since it looks semi close to the rubble one.
The lampposts look great to.
And boy are these things gonna cost me..lolololol. Oh well, hubby and
I need to go on diets anyways. :D:D

I sure hope the limit to buy has been lifted or at least increased.
I have purchased and redeemed 1 whole package thinggy and 5 bookcases with no problems. It kinda scared me when I redeemed a bookcase token and it looked like a normal bookcase, till I remembered you have to put a book in it lol.


Oh yeah - its 5 per item limit, hence the 5 bookcase tokens I bought.


Just to be sure I understand.

I can buy 5 bookcases and 5 trees then? Sorry, if I sound dumb
but just want to be sure.

Oh and for those thst can not get the link to work. I just typed
in UOGAMECodes.com and took me right there.


Seasoned Veteran
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Just to be sure I understand.

I can buy 5 bookcases and 5 trees then? Sorry, if I sound dumb
but just want to be sure.

Oh and for those thst can not get the link to work. I just typed
in UOGAMECodes.com and took me right there.
I only bought one master token, but the limit for the bookcases was 5. So I belive it is now max 5 of each item you want per purchase, without emailing them.


Old and in the way
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Dread Lord
Any one know when it resets? If you buy max items, how long do you wait until you can purchase again? Just asking for clarification... I will likely buy a log and be done.


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Wow... $7.25 for a hitching post? $3.25 for a bookcase... I'll have to cancel an account for 6 months to justify the cost of everything I want.


Seasoned Veteran
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Any one know when it resets? If you buy max items, how long do you wait until you can purchase again? Just asking for clarification... I will likely buy a log and be done.
I just bought a second batch of bookcases within like 30 minutes of my first purchase.



Slightly Crazed
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Hey awesome - another thing that I cant buy from the UO gamecodes store. I have had to purchase all of my tokens through third party vendors since the site will not allow me to purchase. I get error message 31 - which directs me to call an 866# and select option 1 and then option 1. (Anyone want to take a guess how that works out?)

I get this same error message every time - using different cards different accounts and different computers.

Anyone else have this issue?

Phaen Grey

Lore Master
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
If you go to McDonalds and buy a super sized fries, a super sized soda and a Big Mac, you are going to pay more than if you buy the combo meal. Anywhere you shop you are going to pay more for individual items than for a package deal.

It makes perfect sense to me that folks are given the option of filling out their deco needs on individual items that cost a little more than having to buy 10 of the combos and trying to resell the items they don't want.

I for one am grateful that the tokens are now available and I can purchase what I want in whatever quantity I want[within the restriction limit over time]. Thank you for getting these to us Devs!

JC the Builder

Crazed Zealot
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Campaign Benefactor
Don't complain about the price. This is how much it cost in Japan. Price is set by the Japanese UO team.


Yay! 1 total package and 5 bookcases! Guess Ill email for the other 55 bookcases I need lol.

Thank you for finally getting them to us!


I wish you luck on the e-mailing. I tried e-mailing them, to purchase codes after exceeding the monthly limit, and I still haven't gotten a response after 15 days.


Seasoned Veteran
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I am GLAD that everything goes well now : the site works well ; I received my codes ; all is good :)


Grand Poobah
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
You guys could just tell us the EA marketing people have yer nuts in a vise on this thing, you know.. probably would foster less bad feelings from us if you just admitted it.
They can't do that....Trust me....The marketing people make them money so they can put out the game. You don't bite the hand that feeds you.

Also, doesn't it always look ridiculous when someone who works for a company complains about some other aspect of the company, that he or she doesn't work for?

-Galen's player


Grand Poobah
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Though I have no personal interest in these items, I know many do.

Many thanks for resolving this issue.


-Galen's player


$2.00 per bookcase.. I think I'll just go with academic books.


Well only *coughs* FOUR months late...

That said, I finally made my purchases... and I'm even thinking of buying a few for others as presents in game. Still, VERY odd it took so terribly long to get these done correctly.

Nyte Doombringer

I want them too. Grr. How hard is it to add them and send them out if ordered. hehe


$3.25, actually.
Heh I wasn't memorizing prices, just throwing what I thought was an accurate # out there 45 mins after checking the site. $3.25 is even worse. Academic books would be far easier to get even if I have to buy them.

Kratos Aurion

I thought they were going to just make a master token, sell a collection of # of tokens, then allow the user to pick which item they want out of their token(s).

Wow and unjustified prices. We should at least get 1 free for being forced to wait for months on end, and then having to deal with this. Guess I'll pass on these. I was looking forward to buying a nice set of book cases but this is just below the belt.


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Ancestral Gravestone - $5.25
Wooden Bookcase - $3.25
Earring of Protection - $5.25
Armor Engraving Tool - $2.00
Fallen Log - $3.25
Lamp Post (round style) - $3.25
Maple Tree - $3.25
Snow Tree - $3.25
Willow Tree - $3.25
Bulk Order Cover - $12.50
Bulk Order Cover (single) - $3.25
Hitching Post - $7.25

Ultima Online™ Eleventh Year Collection - $29.95

01. Fallen Log

* This item is provided as a house add-on deed. (Blessed)
* You can sit down on it.
* You can select the direction when you place it in his house ("East" or "South")

02. Lamp Post (round style)

* Portable item (Blessed).
* You can turn on/off the light by w-click.

03. Hitching Post

* Portable item (Blessed).
* You are able to use it as a stable (animal trainer) when you lock down it.
* You can use all stable related speech commands and command menu.
* When you use it, you have to be in the house and have to be within 3 tiles from the hitching post.
* One charge will be consumed when you claim your pet.
* You can restrict users by access level.
* All players who can enter the house can use the "stable" command freely and it consumes no charges.
* Charge: 30 (Unlimited Rechargeable)
* You can recharge it by hitching rope.
* You can craft a hitching rope by Tinkering skill.
o Tinker 60.0 + Animal Lore 15.0
o Material: rope x1 & Resolve's Bride x1

04. Armor Engraving Tool

* Engraving tool for armors.
* Portable item (Blessed).
* Limited charges: 30 times (non-rechargeable)

05. Earring of Protection

* Earrings have "resistance +2"
* You can choose one earring from 5 kinds of earrings.
o Earring of Protection (Physical) Physical + 2
o Earring of Protection (Fire) Fire +2
o Earring of Protection (Cold) Cold +2
o Earring of Protection (Poison) Poison +2
o Earring of Protection (Energy) Energy +2
* On the Siege and Mugen shards, these earrings aren't blessed.

06. Ancestral Gravestone

* Gravestone. It works only when it's locked down.
* Portable item (Blessed).
* When you w-click it, a praying message will be displayed over your character’s head.
o After 5 seconds, a random undead appears around you, the creature will speak a random message and disappear within 2 seconds. In addition, you can get the "+ 5 spirits speak" buff for several minutes.
o Cool -down Timer : 1 hour 30 min
o This buff will disappear, also when you log out.

07. Bulk Order Cover

* Scrolls that allow players to dye bulk order books.
* Limited charges: 30 times (non-rechargeable)

08. Wooden Bookcase

* Portable item. You can use it as a container.
* This Bookcase’s appearance changes based on whether it contains items or not.

09. Snow Tree

* Snow Tree.
* This is provided as a house add-on deed. (Blessed)

10. Maple Tree

* Maple Tree with red leaves.
* This is provided as a house add-on deed. (Blessed)

11. Willow Tree

* Willow tree with strange branch.
* This is provided as a house add-on deed. (Blessed)

So assuming you only get one bod cover with the collection, sold separatly, your paying $42.50. Why they didn't just charge you guys 29.95 for eleven picks of your choosing is shown in the math.

Even IF my account was active, I'd tell them to take their pixel crack and shove it.


It's fair I guess, they are the same prices as on the Japanese site - no reason the US site should get them any cheaper =)

And as someone up there said, you always pay more for buying the items individually =)

I bought the few items I wanted individually from the Japanese site, at the time I had no idea if the US site was going to have them for sale individually - and I was happy to pay a little more per item to get just what I wanted =)

Phaen Grey

Lore Master
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Anyone remember the price of the Spring Decor tokens, I am not sure but I think we paid appx. 3$ for them. The prices are not far off, and when you consider the higher priced one's have a use and are not just for looks, I think the prices are agreeable.


Queen of The Outlaws
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Campaign Patron
Wow... $7.25 for a hitching post? $3.25 for a bookcase... I'll have to cancel an account for 6 months to justify the cost of everything I want.
Sure it is expensive, so are the BOD covers, however you can make the hitching post ingame, not sure what take most work for you, to get the resources and craft it or earn $7.25 from RL work or farm the gold ingame to buy it from someone.

For me, I think getting the $7.25 from RL work is less work than the other ways. It's really not more than the price of a nice pizza or a burger meat so a little less fastfood and a little more time in my kitchen will do the trick.

I really want UO get more customers and if my money can help paying the devs, I'm happy. Without money from us players we would lose our game.
I don't get why some people think they can get everything for nothing.
Design and coding of ingame items do use dev time.

I would like to know, if the BoD covers in the collection pack is a single one or it is a set of 12.
If a set of 12, I will buy 2 collections packs.
If only a single bod cover in the pack, I will have to buy 2x bod covers pack, one log, one hitching post and one collection pack.


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I guess after playing world of warcraft for a year I've come to expect more for my dollar. When wrath came out i got new dungeons, new talents, new gear, ect. And I get new pets, new 'clickys' like the items from the holiday events for free. I even got a baby blizzard bear pet on their anniversery. No cost.

The bottom line is if you don't start expecting the devs to do better than feeding you pixel crack, you'll never get it.

' Oh I don't mind paying becuase they need the money '

For what? The expac that was supposed to be out a year ago?


Der Rock


Today we have some great news! Without further adieu, the 11th year collection items are available in a full package or by individual items here: http://www.uogamecodes.com/store/

As some of you are aware there were some technical issues that we had to resolve before these could be brought to you. Specifically, there were purchasing restrictions in place to have a limited amount of transactions at the game codes store.

As of today these restrictions have been modified to allow players more freedom in their purchase choices. While we can’t completely eliminate all restrictions we have been working on more advanced ways to eliminate the need for restrictions.

Thank you!



those items should be REWARDS in game,who in the hell spend extra mo´ for a (till today)
dieing game?
1.release a WORKING KR Client/UI/Macrosystem :gun:
2.stop this majority of scripter,cheater,duper :coco:
3.fix the most annoying bug´s in game :sad4:

and then maybe i´ll spent a $ extra for this game

(many players(me include) are paying as less mo´ as we can only to hold the houses,
i doubt that the dev´s want shards with houses but no active players) :sleep2:

most of you dont realice that those $ items are here to replace the lost GTC $ :drool:

"wag the dog" is the marketing strategie :twak:


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I can't even get verified on the uogamecodes site. What the hell?
Account info right?
But I can get into my Account management, so I know it's the right info.

Wish they'd get their crap together.


Stratics Legend
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I would like to know, if the BoD covers in the collection pack is a single one or it is a set of 12.
If a set of 12, I will buy 2 collections packs.
If only a single bod cover in the pack, I will have to buy 2x bod covers pack, one log, one hitching post and one collection pack.

All 12 BoD covers in Collection pack.


Well... yeah! Hmm.. nice way to come around to the game this morning. Maybe 1 full set for me, instead of cafe pricing of individual items.