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NEWS [UO.Com] Welcome to the new UO.com

UO News

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We are excited to welcome you to the completely rebuilt UO.com! For the latest happenings in Britannia check out the front page and our new event calendar. Our new player wiki will serve as a repository for all game information, and over the coming weeks will expand to include 18 years worth of information on UO to better serve our players. We are also continuing to fine tune MyUO and will soon expand it to include Vice vs Virtue leader board data. We still have a ton of content to add, but as our site continues to grow please feel free to […]

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Old Vet Back Again

Stratics Veteran
@Kyronix I understand wanting new and old players to see the games evolution, but when It comes to game mechanics I feel that you should just keep it to what is current. That way when people go back and read old pubs they don't get confused. If there was a way to just bullet everything that is currently in play with pvp and pvm I think it would be very beneficial to everyone.


UO Designer
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Stratics Legend
@Kyronix I understand wanting new and old players to see the games evolution, but when It comes to game mechanics I feel that you should just keep it to what is current. That way when people go back and read old pubs they don't get confused. If there was a way to just bullet everything that is currently in play with pvp and pvm I think it would be very beneficial to everyone.
Can you provide some context for your comment?


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I have some questions. The event calender shows a category for player events. Is that just for PEC stuff or will there be a way for players to actually add their own non-PEC public events to that?

What's the scoop on the wiki? When will it be opened up for editing?

MyUO. Article says VvV info will be coming. Are there any other future plans for myUO? Maybe something like the top guild list per shard liked it used to have or some other useful information?


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Welcome to your new home! Looks pretty nice :)

PS: Seems MyUO hasn't updated for ages, did I miss an announcemet regarding that?


The Enchanter
Stratics Veteran
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Campaign Patron
Good work, UO Team!

We're glad to see the official announcement as well. Looking forward to the new content the website has to offer! :)


Grand Inquisitor
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
MUCH improved website!

One suggestion I'd make is to put the "Live Events, Event Calender, and Eventing Moderators" onto a persistent subbar of the main menu. These features are too important to be hidden away from immediate view and extra clicks.


Publishing Manager, Stratics Leadership
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Wiki Moderator
And please flesh out the EM page...right now all you have on there are links to their own sites that most of them don't work.

Also..this comment:

Our new player wiki will serve as a repository for all game information, and over the coming weeks will expand to include 18 years worth of information on UO to better serve our players.

I'm assuming that you (the team) will be putting this information and it's not a *true* Wiki that players can add too like UO Guide?


Stratics Veteran
MUCH improved website!

One suggestion I'd make is to put the "Live Events, Event Calender, and Eventing Moderators" onto a persistent subbar of the main menu. These features are too important to be hidden away from immediate view and extra clicks.
I 2nd this!

Old Vet Back Again

Stratics Veteran
Can you provide some context for your comment?
Well, for starters not many people know what current hard caps are in PvP. Unless you are familiar with how to navigate Uoguide, it's easy to get lost. If you search for something like Max Spell damage increase you get a search result talking about inscription, pet training, bushido and some random pubs. For a new player returning they might take what publish they read as fact to the current game mechanics. All I am asking is maybe having a page dedicated to current mechanics that relate to PvP and PvM.

IE: In PvP Hard cap SDI is 30 unless you have more than 30 modified skills in the following etc.

Just something people can glance at and review when they have questions. Does that make sense?

Uoguide is great, but it can be difficult to navigate. If you don't remember exactly what it is that you are looking for or switch/add words ( Special moves or special move bonus) you can easily find yourself looking through all kinds of information that isn't relevant to what you need.


Stratics Legend
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Loving the calendar guys. Top job. Get a link to that on the main front page, not tucked away under "community". You should be proud of that as its a MASSIVE improvement! Not tucked away under a sub-menu.


UO Designer
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Stratics Legend
Well, for starters not many people know what current hard caps are in PvP. Unless you are familiar with how to navigate Uoguide, it's easy to get lost. If you search for something like Max Spell damage increase you get a search result talking about inscription, pet training, bushido and some random pubs. For a new player returning they might take what publish they read as fact to the current game mechanics. All I am asking is maybe having a page dedicated to current mechanics that relate to PvP and PvM.

IE: In PvP Hard cap SDI is 30 unless you have more than 30 modified skills in the following etc.

Just something people can glance at and review when they have questions. Does that make sense?

Uoguide is great, but it can be difficult to navigate. If you don't remember exactly what it is that you are looking for or switch/add words ( Special moves or special move bonus) you can easily find yourself looking through all kinds of information that isn't relevant to what you need.
I thought you were talking about something currently on the site. As was mentioned in the post we have a ton of content to add, including current mechanics as you mention.

Old Vet Back Again

Stratics Veteran
Our new player wiki will serve as a repository for all game information, and over the coming weeks will expand to include 18 years worth of information on UO to better serve our players.

I was talking about the above statement in bold. Just saying it's great to show the evolution of the game, but might make things easier to leave some of it out...


Lore Keeper
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Stratics Legend

I was talking about the above statement in bold. Just saying it's great to show the evolution of the game, but might make things easier to leave some of it out...

One of the great things about UO is that it has real History. But I would think perhaps they mean 18 years of stuff to learn about. We have always had little new things even though it may not have been attached to some big expansion :)

Old Vet Back Again

Stratics Veteran
One of the great things about UO is that it has real History. But I would think perhaps they mean 18 years of stuff to learn about. We have always had little new things even though it may not have been attached to some big expansion :)
I agree that people should be able to read the history and lore of UO. I am just simple stating that for returning players or new players reading through all the patch notes can be rather confusing.

Lord Taliesin

Seasoned Veteran
Stratics Veteran
I agree that people should be able to read the history and lore of UO. I am just simple stating that for returning players or new players reading through all the patch notes can be rather confusing.
I think what they're saying is that the site will have current info, ie "this is how damage increase works" NOT "damage increase used to work this way, then this way, then this way." When they say "18 years of history" they mean "the current state of all the stuff that's been added over time."


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Suggestion for the Event Calendar: please ask the EMs to spell out the Shard in the event description prominently, possibly even in the event title.

It's a bit inconvenient to have to open the event details to find out the Shard.

Maybe also add the Shard as a search filter!


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Looks great, seems to be a lot easier to navigate, looks like a real up to date game page now and a lot more appealing to a potential player that comes visiting. Congrats on the hard work doing it!

*Hoping, hoping, hoping the new account management page is coming soon*


Former Stratics Publisher
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That said, very well done. :) Am anxious to see how the account management will be handled - with anticipation actually.

Will the wiki be accepting input/posts from the community, or are you leaving that to the existing community sites and keeping your own wiki more general? Just curious @Kyronix & @Mesanna ...

Lord Frodo

Stratics Legend
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
GOOD START, do not stop now.
@Kyronix what time/date are you using on the calendar, right now on the West Coast USA it is 1825 9 Sept, 2015 and the calendar is showing 10 Sept as current date. Please put up a clock with date/time/time zone on it and if possible multi clocks with each server location date/time.


Former Stratics Publisher
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Notes: @Kyronix & @Mesanna

  • If can have the shard name for events - or even the shard icon (mini-shield) displayed in the calendar for each shard. Depending on the calendar plugin being used, it is possible to apply styles in CSS for that so it is easier to differentiate between shard events. When they all display the same text (so far only Napa is standing out as for Napa) it just looks like an event is being repeated.
  • iPad - fits well in landscape, but not in vertical view
  • iPhone - doesn't fit at all

Definitely want to have mobile CSS set up - or find a dynamic template or Google will be hurting your rankings. Here's a mobile test site: https://www.google.com/webmasters/tools/mobile-friendly/?url=uo.com


Slightly Crazed
Stratics Veteran
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Campaign Supporter
It looks..beautiful. Well done!


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Dear @Kyronix and @Mesanna !Probably to make Russian language on the new site?On the site there is even a Thai language, but there is no Russian ((((


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Wow, very nice website! Feels very UOish for me, thanks for that!
I hope the UO Wiki will be accessible for all interested players, that would be sooooo great!:heart:


Publishing Manager, Stratics Leadership
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Wiki Moderator
MyUO now listing only top 3 skills. Have no idea how to make all visible.
You can't, but they are not done tweaking it yet...and they said they were going to put VvV stats on there as well.

I still want to know if the wiki will be a true wiki or if it's just going to be a place to go for information. In that case it's not really a wiki...should be re-named UO Encyclopedia or something along those lines...lexicon?

Just biding time until they say it's done....so far it's not bad.


Lore Master
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I actually like the new web site. What the hell is this world coming too...


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Notes: @Kyronix & @Mesanna

  • If can have the shard name for events - or even the shard icon (mini-shield) displayed in the calendar for each shard. Depending on the calendar plugin being used, it is possible to apply styles in CSS for that so it is easier to differentiate between shard events. When they all display the same text (so far only Napa is standing out as for Napa) it just looks like an event is being repeated.
  • iPad - fits well in landscape, but not in vertical view
  • iPhone - doesn't fit at all

Definitely want to have mobile CSS set up - or find a dynamic template or Google will be hurting your rankings. Here's a mobile test site: https://www.google.com/webmasters/tools/mobile-friendly/?url=uo.com
UO is going to have strong enough SEO that any UO related searches are going to show the site in the results regardless of it being mobile friendly or not. However that being said, it's 2015 and there is no reason that this site should not have been at the very least responsive and preferably adaptive.

The design looks a bit dated and lacking some polish - I'm going to guess the designer isn't a full-time profession web designer or is inexperienced - but it's decent enough and if the content is actually updated and maintained, it will be leaps and bounds better than the previous website.


Stratics Veteran
I like the brighter design. Much easier to navigate user interface. But here's some constructive criticism.

- I would expect the store button to point to Ultima related items. Maybe do a link to a search query so that you always get ultima related products only.
- My wife could navigate to the free trial easily but then got confused about the client's being there. Maybe add a "which client is for you" faq or quiz to allow a person to know the pro's and cons of each client.
Like classic having the most third party support and is closest to how the game originally looked. Or how the Enhanced client has Larger resolutions available and has hot bars and the ability to macro already built into the client.
- Have in game images more often so the player don't have the wrong expectations. Maybe add distinct character that fits into multiple roles to show the diversity of UO.
- Mobile support is a plus as already been mentioned

Other than that it looks really good. Just remember the old 3-click rule. Which is a NEW patron should get anything they want within 3 clicks of the homepage.

Capt. Lucky

Grand Inquisitor
Stratics Veteran
First I hate anything new lol. It's in my DNA. But the welcome page seems to have a theme and flow together. When I look at a new game I might try, I check one thing, screenshots. I ignore pretty much everything else. Think you should have a larger collection of 3D and 2D screenshots each under their own category. The ones there currently don't do a lot for me. A couple you see nothing but text. I get you would want to show some of masses of people. But there are some both really creepy and really beautiful places in UO. Stuff like standing on one of those new awesome looking ships, etc. I'm sure they will build up over time. Player housing really is a major draw to UO. Highlighting that would be a good idea too. You only have a couple of minutes to hook someone in, and it's gotta hook them in! Anyway it is a nice start, now lets put some chrome on the hot rod :)
Last edited:


Wielder of Ebil Cookies
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Social Media Liaison
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I'm really happy about the changes to MYUO. I never liked that you can see someones full skills. Its nice to have a little mystery behind your templates, especially in PvP. Please keep this change!


Babbling Loonie
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I'm really happy about the changes to MYUO. I never liked that you can see someones full skills. Its nice to have a little mystery behind your templates, especially in PvP. Please keep this change!
Then there is no point in even having my UO if there going to list only 3 skills. I am sure there adding the full function in as they go

Capt. Lucky

Grand Inquisitor
Stratics Veteran
Oh. On my facebook page I got a post... "Have you seen the new website?" With a big white square under it. No picture. I guess that is some kinda tricky thing not showing it to me and making me wanna go see it? lol Pull it together guys ;)

Capt. Lucky

Grand Inquisitor
Stratics Veteran
I'm really happy about the changes to MYUO. I never liked that you can see someones full skills. Its nice to have a little mystery behind your templates, especially in PvP. Please keep this change!
It is nice when you wanna pick up a new skill like taming or something to get some ideas of what the people that are good at it are doing.


Long Live The Players
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
@Mesanna @Kyronix @Bleak Any clue when the website will actually be fully functional? Feel like I just got a pizza delivery with only a single slice of cheese pizza. Its cool, ill eat it and like it but im going to be hungry for more in about 5 minutes...

Lord Frodo

Stratics Legend
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Then there is no point in even having my UO if there going to list only 3 skills. I am sure there adding the full function in as they go
Don't you remember way back when the old MYUO only listed the top 3 skills this team in trying to bring back MYUO listed all skills.


UO Designer
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Stratics Legend
@Mesanna @Kyronix @Bleak Any clue when the website will actually be fully functional? Feel like I just got a pizza delivery with only a single slice of cheese pizza. Its cool, ill eat it and like it but im going to be hungry for more in about 5 minutes...
What specific functionality are you looking for? In terms of fully functional, for us, it is where we need it to be. Unlike the old website which was very cumbersome to add content to, the new website will allow us to easily add content. For the end user, things like the event calendar are already starting to be populated by the EMs and PECs. The Wiki is an infinite work in progress with the bulk of existing content getting added over the coming weeks and then continued content updates when we release new features.


Long Live The Players
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
What specific functionality are you looking for? In terms of fully functional, for us, it is where we need it to be. Unlike the old website which was very cumbersome to add content to, the new website will allow us to easily add content. For the end user, things like the event calendar are already starting to be populated by the EMs and PECs. The Wiki is an infinite work in progress with the bulk of existing content getting added over the coming weeks and then continued content updates when we release new features.
The things that have been bugging people forever... account management and origin store.


Publishing Manager, Stratics Leadership
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Wiki Moderator
The Wiki is an infinite work in progress with the bulk of existing content getting added over the coming weeks and then continued content updates when we release new features.
So again my question....this isn't a true wiki where the playerbase can add to it?


If this is not the case, rename it. You know a lot of us were excited that you were adding a wiki..but it's not a wiki at all.

Good to have all that information on the main site, I'm very glad for that, it's where it should be...but don't call it something it's not.

Capt. Lucky

Grand Inquisitor
Stratics Veteran
So again my question....this isn't a true wiki where the playerbase can add to it?

View attachment 36191

If this is not the case, rename it. You know a lot of us were excited that you were adding a wiki..but it's not a wiki at all.

Good to have all that information on the main site, I'm very glad for that, it's where it should be...but don't call it something it's not.
Wiki-ish didn't sound as good.


UO Designer
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Stratics Legend
So again my question....this isn't a true wiki where the playerbase can add to it?

View attachment 36191

If this is not the case, rename it. You know a lot of us were excited that you were adding a wiki..but it's not a wiki at all.

Good to have all that information on the main site, I'm very glad for that, it's where it should be...but don't call it something it's not.
We have a dedicated group of wiki editors, if you'd like to join them you can email [email protected]


Publishing Manager, Stratics Leadership
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Wiki Moderator
Not my point....but thank you, it's good to know that you have help with that, I know you are spread thin...it also would have been nice to have some sort of announcement that you were looking for people to help populate the *wiki*...unless you already had certain people in mind...which in my opinion is not really fair to the rest of the community but that's neither here nor there.

Speaking of being spread thin...

On a side note...Bonnie is just one person....every time someone has an issue the response is...E-mail mesanna....I don't even want to know what her in-box looks like.

Can some of these issues be handled by someone other then Bonnie so that response time is faster? For example a friend of mine bought a token from origin and it disappeared....of course they e-mailed Bonnie but then again EVERYONE e-mails Bonnie so she hasn't been able to do anything and her $20 or whatever is in limbo somewhere.

No offense to her, obviously she's busting her arse to get things done....but I think she needs some help maybe? I would love to help with the *wiki* but again hate to add another e-mail to her 1000's lol.