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NEWS [UO.Com] Ultima Store

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Good Afternoon everyone, Since Publish 94 has been published to all shards now the Ultima Store has been turned back on along with Character Transfer and the Promotional system. Thank you for your patience and we hope you enjoy Publish 94. UO Team

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Grand Inquisitor
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I find it dumbfounding that they announce that the store is back, but NOT the fact they've added items to it.

The secret chest (500S)
The singing ball collection (random ball for 200S)
15th Anniversary Robe (the one people got a prizes) (500S)
Mini House deeds (you get to pick what you want) (100S)
Every Heritage Token Item (on its own) (100S)

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The Grandest of the PooBah’s
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ohhhhhhh stuff on sale!
must buy!


The Grandest of the PooBah’s
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I find it dumbfounding that they announce that the store is back, but NOT the fact they've added items to it.

The secret chest (500S)
The singing ball collection (random ball for 200S)
15th Anniversary Robe (the one people got a prizes) (500S)
Mini House deeds (you get to pick what you want) (100S)
Every Heritage Token Item (on its own) (100S)

When you do good, ANNOUNCE IT!

holy hell!
well im a little surprised by the mini houses and the 15th anniversary robe!
talk about totally killing the rare collecting of the mini houses and the robe.... thank god i didnt write a story for that and win to get a robe.... oh wait i did, crud.

Finley Grant

Grand Inquisitor
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Lol i paid a f**** fortune for my robe and now u can have it for 5 bucks


The Grandest of the PooBah’s
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robe is a different color than the one the gave out before.

the robe in the pic in the store is almost black as well, makes me wonder if there are several colors to be had?

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Grand Inquisitor
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
robe is a different color than the one the gave out before.

the robe in the pic in the store is almost black as well, makes me wonder if there are several colors to be had?

They are dyeable...


The Grandest of the PooBah’s
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the old ones too?


The Grandest of the PooBah’s
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i still cant believe i collected mini house deeds for 19 years and now i can just buy them for $1.30 each AND i can pick the exact one i want!

but you cant pick which singing ball you want.... eh?


Crazed Zealot
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More deco items! Just bought $20 in Sovereigns and got a Dawn's Music Box & a Boiling Cauldron. Next log in I'll be getting the Sosaria Tapestry to go with the other tapestry I have. :)

@Kyronix Please add more deco items with Publish 95. I'd love to get some 3 wide display cases, a grandfather clock, and other anniversary token list items. Add in all the token items!


Lore Master
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Daaaaang. I just sold my castle mini-deed and set last month for like 50 million. Just in time, it appears.

Lord Frodo

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Daaaaang. I just sold my castle mini-deed and set last month for like 50 million. Just in time, it appears.
At $0.40 per mil that's $20 or 2000 Sovereigns, can't remember off the top of my head how many deeds there are, but it does SUCK that the devs are doing this. Also consider that the mini house are cleanup points, so now the DEVs are selling cleanup points. Just checked and there are 20 Mini-Houses at 200 Sov per so that means a full set will cost you $40.00 so that makes the sets even worth more.
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Lord Frodo

Stratics Legend
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Both Robes are gone. I love that they just made out Heritage Tokens worth 100 Sov each


Stratics Veteran
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50 would have been better for the token items. You can buy tokens for like 300-400k so it's a ripoff IMO...

Lord Frodo

Stratics Legend
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50 would have been better for the token items. You can buy tokens for like 300-400k so it's a ripoff IMO...
Or at 100 Sov that makes them worth 2.5M ea, LOL, and on some of them 50 Sov is way over priced and how do you like all the Pigments for 400 Sov ea so that would be 10M each, LOL.


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
They sold out of robes? How is that possible? lol What am I missing?

I thank the team for the other new items.

Lord Nabin

High Council Sage - Greater Sosaria
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I don't think Broadsword needs to take into account what 3Rd party gold conversion to cash rates are.

They can set the market they would like to see as they wish.

No one is making you pay cash for an item and you can buy with confidence that it's not duped.

$1 for a Heritage token is no big deal and if you're on Siege you just felt loved

At the end of the day you still can buy all these items in game with your gold.

Let's go with we asked for this and Broadsword provided!

Thank you!


Stratics Legend
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Stratics Legend
I don't think Broadsword needs to take into account what 3Rd party gold conversion to cash rates are.

They can set the market they would like to see as they wish.

No one is making you pay cash for an item and you can buy with confidence that it's not duped.

$1 for a Heritage token is no big deal and if you're on Siege you just felt loved

At the end of the day you still can buy all these items in game with your gold.

Let's go with we asked for this and Broadsword provided!

Thank you!
i think its just the idea that a player who goes to the store is presented with these official prices, and they are just so far off from what the same items can be gotten for in game that it just really seems dishonest. this is an insane mark-up. not even comparable to commonly duped items, that are usally about double the price. these are 25 times the price.

For the siege item, there is a business word for that. its called price-gouging, which in real life is often illegal, and i feel is also un-ethical in game.

newer players (and even many vets) dont even remember whats in the heritage tokens, or realize that these same items come from heritage token. no note of this is made on the store.

it just doesnt sit well with me and is typical EA.

Lord Nabin

High Council Sage - Greater Sosaria
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Glorious Lord
i think its just the idea that a player who goes to the store is presented with these official prices, and they are just so far off from what the same items can be gotten for in game that it just really seems dishonest. this is an insane mark-up. not even comparable to commonly duped items, that are usally about double the price. these are 25 times the price.

For the siege item, there is a business word for that. its called price-gouging, which in real life is often illegal, and i feel is also un-ethical in game.

newer players (and even many vets) dont even remember whats in the heritage tokens, or realize that these same items come from heritage token. no note of this is made on the store.

it just doesnt sit well with me and is typical EA.
I hear ya. That being said, just buy them with gold in game as we always have done.

Seeing as you could never buy them from Broadsword for cash previously, There is no previous official prices.

Look at it this way. If they don't sell then over time they will be taken down or the prices will be adjusted down.

Silent Singer

Stratics Veteran
Sooooo.......about those robes. I'm still waiting to spend my money. A lot of my money............any idea when more will be listed? I feel kinda shafted that they were available all day but by the time I get home to log in they aren't there. @Mesanna or @Kyronix any idea when they will be re-added?


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Me too Silent Singer. Although we can buy one for 500 million on Atlantic. One bought at the store today. I am so so sorry I bought sovereigns, never again.


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I do not understand why the robe would be taken off and not the mini house deeds. I don't have any trouble with people getting things that I got long ago but I have an issue the store selling the robe to a few and then taking it off. Thereby making a super rare item. I see no difference in selling the robe or selling the mini houses. Why can you pick a house but you can't pick a singing ball? Some issues here. Did someone actually complain? They only complained about the robe? not the mini house deeds? Something is just not right. Again I state that I don't mind people having these things from the past just keep it fair when you put it on the store. As far as I am concerned I think you should sell every deco item in the game. :)


The Grandest of the PooBah’s
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i bought 5 singing balls to try to get a full set.
now i have 2 doubles and am missing 2.
so do i buy 20 more to try to make my set or do i try for a trade in game.....

that is why they sold the balls so you didnt get to pick which one you got, haha!



Stratics Legend
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Stratics Legend
I hear ya. That being said, just buy them with gold in game as we always have done.

Seeing as you could never buy them from Broadsword for cash previously, There is no previous official prices.

Look at it this way. If they don't sell then over time they will be taken down or the prices will be adjusted down.
im saying they will sell, but only because somoene is forced into it (siege) or because they dont realize this is a very high price. i agree, its a good business price, because yes its only a dollar, but just a bit unethical and deceptive.

even if they just sold the heritage token itself from the store, (not the individual pictured items) it would have let players know that these are just heritage token items and nothing new.

but like i said, this is EA we're talking about. its kinda to be expected. personally i think a fair price would have been 10 sovereigns. still a mark-up, but not such a glaring one.

Captn Norrington

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Personally I hope they don't put the 15th anniversary robes back. Why destroy a rare item when we are only a few months away from the 19th anniversary when they can just make a new type of robe instead?

Add a 19th anniversary robe or some other wearable, not the old 15th ones that were given out as rewards.

Silent Singer

Stratics Veteran
Captn, if they hadn't done it already you would have a point. But having it for even a day means that an unknown (I suspect high, based on popularity) number of them have been added to the existing stock. So a.) there's no way to guarantee it is actually very rare any more and b.) it creates a perception of unfairness in that a some but not all could buy as many as they want and others don't have the option to buy one.

Lord Frodo

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I hear ya. That being said, just buy them with gold in game as we always have done.

Seeing as you could never buy them from Broadsword for cash previously, There is no previous official prices.

Look at it this way. If they don't sell then over time they will be taken down or the prices will be adjusted down.
What I am getting at is people use those other sites and VS to determine what price they may ask for an item and now UO is setting a price 1000 Sov for $10 so 100 Sov is $1 and current gold prices are $0.40 per Mil, most people will raise prices because UO set the price. Now with that said I still have well over 500 Heritage Tokens and still give them away.


Stratics Veteran
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These things are so over-priced for something that requires nothing to produce.
But I guess this is another method to increase your quarterly incentives at the job.

Lord Frodo

Stratics Legend
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Stratics Legend
Personally I hope they don't put the 15th anniversary robes back. Why destroy a rare item when we are only a few months away from the 19th anniversary when they can just make a new type of robe instead?

Add a 19th anniversary robe or some other wearable, not the old 15th ones that were given out as rewards.
So you are ok with them selling a full set of mini house deeds for $40.00? Sorry but those robes should have been for everybody that supported UO esp. for anybody that had accounts that old, you do not give a select few a gift that was in fact a 15th Year Ann. Robe that was a slap in the face for all those that paid their accounts every month.

Lord Nabin

High Council Sage - Greater Sosaria
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Glorious Lord
I feel it's fine to have a select number of unique reward items now and again. That's what I saw the robes as.

Didn't bother me one bit. Sure some have past through my hands over the years for one reason or another but at the end of the day they are just another pixel in the overall game.

I can't imagine why they would put the house deeds in. Not like there is a huge demand for them and I rarely see the houses set up on display in people's places


Stratics Legend
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the house deeds were available on the japanese store, just like the secret chest and singing balls. thats why they were put in, because everything from the old japanese store was added. not saying i agree with it.

Lord Nabin

High Council Sage - Greater Sosaria
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Glorious Lord
That makes sense


Belaern d'Zhaunil
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IMO the robes were something like that slap in the face... just because some of us can't take off work and spend 2k to go 1/2 way across the country or globe then we should be unable to have something even though many of us have invested a lot in UO over the years.


Seasoned Veteran
Stratics Veteran
For what it's worth, I think perhaps they should have left the robes in once it was done. The initial release might have disturbed the winners of the contest...the removal of them could have disturbed (past and future) sovereign buyers. Now it seems everyone is potentially disturbed! Might as well just put them back.
Cheers, folks.

Finley Grant

Grand Inquisitor
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well i would have no issue with those robs in the shop when they would actually match the ingame price (at least sort of) i save money for a long time to be able to purchase one and i paid 500 millions so i would say 50bucks would be a more ralistic price for them, i know thats alot but you also need a lot time to get 500 millions to buy one.
from terms of the winners of that contest which i luckily was not, otherweise i would be banned alrwady for insulting someone, this is a slap in the face.


Seasoned Veteran
Stratics Veteran
I saw at least two robes on vendors on Atlantic today, selling for 150-175m.

Folks that purchased sovereigns; I suspect they need/ed to fix the store as the robes were in two locations...I'd keep checking for them.


Victim of Siege

Grand Poobah
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I saw at least two robes on vendors on Atlantic today, selling for 150-175m.

Folks that purchased sovereigns; I suspect they need/ed to fix the store as the robes were in two locations...I'd keep checking for them.

they usually do put a special item in two places, in the "featured" list, which shows up when you first open the store, and then in it's category list. my confusion is with them taking out the hooded shroud of shadows when they removed the 15th anni one


Stratics Legend
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I find it dumbfounding that they announce that the store is back, but NOT the fact they've added items to it.

The secret chest (500S)
The singing ball collection (random ball for 200S)
15th Anniversary Robe (the one people got a prizes) (500S)
Mini House deeds (you get to pick what you want) (100S)
Every Heritage Token Item (on its own) (100S)

When you do good, ANNOUNCE IT!

Sweet. If they are adding in old stuff, I hope they put rubble up for sale. That would be great. Ideally, id rather them be ingame attainable, but...