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NEWS [UO.Com] Publish 88.3

UO News

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Hot Fixes
2014 Nov 24 19:20 GMT

Greetings Everyone,

Below are the issues we have fixed for publish 88.3. This publish will be during your next regular scheduled maintenance cycle. All Japanese shards will receive it this afternoon during their maintenance cycles.

I would also like to point out that if you place and raise or lower the new house add ons with goza mats etc they will break. If you do this and axe any part of these items you will break the item, we are not replacing these if that occurs. If you do axe one of these items and it is not raised please do not destroy both halfs, wait for a GM to come to assist you with this.

Happy Thanksgiving!!
UO Team

  • Coral the Owl can now be claimed from the Vet Reward system.

  • Minor pigments can no longer be combined with themselves.

  • A Chest has been placed near the West Britain Bank to convert non-stackable grass and snow tiles into their stackable counterparts. Grass and snow tiles must be in a container before they can be dropped inside the chest. There are four different versions of each tile, only like versions will stack.

  • The Smithing Press and Sewing Machine will no longer have their charges reset to 300 on server maintenance. It will now hold a max of 5000 charges.

  • Fixed issue where vases were not spawning in Doom. Vases will continue to spawn for the remainder of the month of November.

Continue reading...


Babbling Loonie
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
OK firstly you are not paranoid if someone is out to get you, but, a chest near Brit Bank where you can put grass and snow tiles to change into stackables?. Is there anything to stop a stealthed thief taking them out before you?. Hopefully someone else cannot take them out but I would like someone else to put theirs in first. One.jpg


Lore Master
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Stratics Legend
OK firstly you are not paranoid if someone is out to get you, but, a chest near Brit Bank where you can put grass and snow tiles to change into stackables?. Is there anything to stop a stealthed thief taking them out before you?. Hopefully someone else cannot take them out but I would like someone else to put theirs in first. View attachment 25891
They immediately bounce back into your pack stacked. There are 4 different tiles for each snow and grass.


Babbling Loonie
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
They immediately bounce back into your pack stacked. There are 4 different tiles for each snow and grass.
Great thanks for the answer. Not got the publish yet so not able to try myself and it was just to pre-empt a possibilty that people might lose some.


Publishing Manager, Stratics Leadership
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Wow awesome work team! Busy busy before the holidays, THANK YOU!

Now I hope nothing else breaks/needs fixing and you can enjoy your Thanksgiving :)

a slave girl

Stratics Veteran
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I closed UO to see if I needed to patch to get this pub and now can't get UO to let me back in.

Hanging on verifying, then get the some problem communicating with Origin, please restart Ultima Online and try again.

Okay closed 2 google tabs one with UO.com one with Stratics and UO let me back in.


Belaern d'Zhaunil
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Thank you team!

Sad to say I'm with Dot.... can we please get the coffee plants to hold up to 10 charges? I don't get to log in over weekends... kinda stinks. But life is busy and I'm busy working and saving lives... I wish my plants would save seeds for me while I'm gone over the weekends. Might make my Mondays a little brighter. Please consider this at least.

Also I'm not understanding why you would ruin things for those of us who love to design and deco by making many of the new items "unbreakable". So does this include Fireplaces? Because I've been looking forward to making some wicked new designs there. OR are you just taking about the sewing machine and smith press? As I can see why you wouldn't let those be broken... since they need both pieces to function properly.


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Will be surprised if they replace lost minor pigments :violin:
You can bet your UO life they won't replace them. Those of us that lost them are just SOL. Another wonderful trick played on us.

What is this with no replacing items thing? It's only pixels geez and these dyes are little things but if we didn't care about them we wouldn't have saved them for all these years. *note to self, join Hoarders Anonymous*


Stratics Veteran
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not every shard is at west brit bank, napa's is located at the jewelers

Keith of Sonoma

Grand Poobah
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I'm just glad that the sewing kit and smith's press are again able to store 5000 charges. I was afraid that it was going to be a permanent change to storing 300 max, and I for one would not have used vet reward picks on them if that were the case. So all is well in MY UO world!


Grand Inquisitor
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Hot Fixes
2014 Nov 24 19:20 GMT
  • A Chest has been placed near the West Britain Bank to convert non-stackable grass and snow tiles into their stackable counterparts. Grass and snow tiles must be in a container before they can be dropped inside the chest. There are four different versions of each tile, only like versions will stack.
I'm just waiting for someone to come on here and rant about how the chest took their tiles and didn't return anything cuz they put them in the trash chest instead of the conversion chest.

R Traveler

Crazed Zealot
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I'm just waiting for someone to come on here and rant about how the chest took their tiles and didn't return anything cuz they put them in the trash chest instead of the conversion chest.
I put my trash to trash bin but bounced back some nice lucky talismans :arr:


The Grandest of the PooBah’s
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I'm just waiting for someone to come on here and rant about how the chest took their tiles and didn't return anything cuz they put them in the trash chest instead of the conversion chest.
then they would have had to not read the chest because they are clearly labeled.