Well let me save y'all some time and energy and frustration. Having attended several and being somewhat disappointed in the answers (or political type non-answers) I have prepared for yall the transcripts for the next 6-8 (or more, if EJ is delayed) here already.
Player A: Good evening, and thank you for coming.
[Crystal] Player A says: Good evening, and thank you for coming.
Mesanna: Our Pleasure, glad to be here!
[Crystal] Mesanna says: Our Pleasure, glad to be here!
Player A: <insert any question here>
[Crystal] Player A says: <whatever question was asked>
Mesanna: That's not a bad idea, we will put it on our backlog of things to look at in the future. Right now tho we are solely focused on Endless Journey and not working on anything else until we have it ironed out.
[Crystal] Mesanna says: That's not a bad idea, we will put it on our backlog of things to look at in the future. Right now tho we are solely focused on Endless Journey and not working on anything else until we have it ironed out
Player A: well shucks...
[Crystal} Player A says: well shucks
you see: Player B
Player B: Hail and well met! I'm y'all's number 1 fan!
[Crystal} Player B says: Hail and well met! I'm y'all's number 1 fan!
Mesanna: ...
[Crystal] Mesanna says: ...
Player B: <insert routine question from UHall here>
[Crystal} Player B says: <insert routine question from UHall here>
Mesanna: This is the first we have heard of this, is this a new issue?
[Crystal] Mesanna says: This is the first we have heard of this, is this a new issue?
Player B: We have been asking and complaining about this for months! Everytime we do <action-such as trades at bank> the game <locks up/crashes/pick your own> and we have to restart
[Crystal] Player B says: We have been asking and complaining about this for months! Everytime we do <action-such as trades at bank> the game <locks up/crashes/pick your own> and we have to restart
Mesanna: this is news to me, Kyronix?
[Crystal} Mesanna says: this is news to me, Kyronix?
Kyronix: It seems to be a thing, but we cannot replicate it in order to troubleshoot it. But thank you for coming!
[Crystal] Kyronix says: It seems to be a thing, but we cannot replicate it in order to troubleshoot it. But thank you for coming!
Rinse and repeat these ad nauseum...