.Strangley though, the Fel people are the terrible people of the uo universe.
If I may be so bold, and at the same time go out on a limb with what must by all definitions be a baseless assumption.
When people rant about Felluca Players, they are not being literal.
They are more specifically refering to the "Felluca Mind Set".
This tends to be a catch all generalization that tends to net people that simply do not belong there. Kind of like the OPPOSITE of "If the shoe fits wear it" kind of thing.
You like analogies
There are a group of people, 90% of that group want to play Flag Football. The remainder want to play all out bone breaking Football.
Both groups go to separate fields and start playing.
After a while the Bone Breaking Crowd sees the Flagers are having a great time playing and they look at each other and see that between them they can not make a single team and well what fun is there in breaking each others bones? I mean after all they are just to darn tough to go squealing like little piggies.
So they decide to go play Flag Football with the others.
The others look some what weary and make it clear they do not believe they are sincere in their proclamations that they will abide by their Flag Football rules, but they are willing to give them a chance.
So a few plays go by and .... well the Bones start to be broken, the Song "I will teach you what it means to be a man", "I will teach you to defend yourself" etc begins to be sung. The Little Piggies start to squeal and run away.
The Felluca Mind Set. And for the record in Felluca it should NEVER be undermined or diminished. It is the definition of what Felluca is supposed to be.