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Ultima Online= Pvm AND Pvp


Grand Poobah
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Cloak‡1305773 said:
While the possibility of having to fight while in fel is high, I do find more people in fel to converse with than I do in tram, and even in tram on some of the larger shards most of the people who stop and converse with me are people who play mostly in fel, not because they know me at all tho, of course I can not say how many fel players do not stop and converse with me in tram since I do not know the playstyle of those who do not talk to me, But no one on atl at WBB has ever stopped and said anything to me after getting a focus, even if they are like "dang only a 5" and I intentionally move into the ring and they get a 6, instant recall, only fel players have stopped and said thank you and even stayed and had quite the conversation.
Yea, i noticed this too. Strangley though, the Fel people are the terrible people of the uo universe. Seems to me its the only area where there is even communty left in uo, and its where it began. Sure there is trash talk and ****, but 97.5% of that trash talk is soley based on competition, i know many people that acted like they wanted to rip your heart out and spit on your first born, but you actually talk to them, in ventrillo or otherwise, and they are great, nice people.


"You obviously do not understand what I am saying because if you understood what I was saying you would not disagree with me".
Lol. Of course people who say that obviously do not understand the other portion of the argument as well. :p

Damn circulatory meanings >.<


Crazed Zealot
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
.Strangley though, the Fel people are the terrible people of the uo universe.
If I may be so bold, and at the same time go out on a limb with what must by all definitions be a baseless assumption.

When people rant about Felluca Players, they are not being literal.

They are more specifically refering to the "Felluca Mind Set".

This tends to be a catch all generalization that tends to net people that simply do not belong there. Kind of like the OPPOSITE of "If the shoe fits wear it" kind of thing.

You like analogies :)

There are a group of people, 90% of that group want to play Flag Football. The remainder want to play all out bone breaking Football.

Both groups go to separate fields and start playing.

After a while the Bone Breaking Crowd sees the Flagers are having a great time playing and they look at each other and see that between them they can not make a single team and well what fun is there in breaking each others bones? I mean after all they are just to darn tough to go squealing like little piggies.

So they decide to go play Flag Football with the others.

The others look some what weary and make it clear they do not believe they are sincere in their proclamations that they will abide by their Flag Football rules, but they are willing to give them a chance.

So a few plays go by and .... well the Bones start to be broken, the Song "I will teach you what it means to be a man", "I will teach you to defend yourself" etc begins to be sung. The Little Piggies start to squeal and run away.

The Felluca Mind Set. And for the record in Felluca it should NEVER be undermined or diminished. It is the definition of what Felluca is supposed to be.


Grand Poobah
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Well, the way i view what you are referring to is.

Come to Fel, but be prepared. The Crying isn't tolerated.


Enigma, I am not sure I get your analogy....

Reason being you seem to have your types right, but the ones crossing into the other field are the flag foot ball players. Also I do not think people in fel ever say they would play by tram rules in fel. Maybe I am not fully getting it, tho your analogy make sense it just seems reversed is all.


Cloak‡1305736 said:
Trash talking comes from pvmers far more than from pvpers. It just happens more often in pvp due to the fact that you interact with other players far more often when you pvp (you simply can not solo pvp, unless you have two computers and fighting yourself...)
I don't get this part and then you said this?

Cloak‡1305736 said:
Lets take the past influx of sampires that happened. If someone made a sampire, got all the suit and skills and everything. And then went and failed to solo a peerless, did they quit and trash talk pvming? No they kept on trying.
In other words trash talking in pvm barely ever happens unless you mean when you slam the table and curse out loud at your spouse,kid,or that cat next to you? I don't think anybody will start trash talking dread horn by typing it in and trying to get him amped up lol. You can't mean someone trying to trash talk someone cause they couldn't beat something? Unless there your friend of course.
Am I misreading this?


Cloak‡1305841 said:
Enigma, I am not sure I get your analogy....

Reason being you seem to have your types right, but the ones crossing into the other field are the flag foot ball players. Also I do not think people in fel ever say they would play by tram rules in fel. Maybe I am not fully getting it, tho your analogy make sense it just seems reversed is all.
He has it right. especially meaning this event as fellucian cross over to trammel rules for this event while still keeping the fel mentality in that no one owns a spawn "by trammel basis if a player is in a spawning spot that spot is theres while they are there unless asked if they can share or player leaves" or luring or hating tamers or people should be men and not invis or whatever thats perfectly acceptable in fellucia.. Trammelites never really have a reason to cross over to fellucia territory unless they want to become fellucians.
Let me correct that trammelites have a couple of reasons but there stays are usually short. Long term stays are risky and they should all be prepared for the wild west of fellucia as I would think they would be if they already know the reasons to go there.


Crazed Zealot
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Stratics Legend
Cloak‡1305841 said:
Enigma, I am not sure I get your analogy....

Reason being you seem to have your types right, but the ones crossing into the other field are the flag foot ball players. Also I do not think people in fel ever say they would play by tram rules in fel. Maybe I am not fully getting it, tho your analogy make sense it just seems reversed is all.
He he, no I do not have it back wards. :)

The PvP efforts to extend it to Trammel are the Bone Breakers going to the Flag Football groups field.

UOKaiser said some of it, I will add another part. Oh, and how many Trammel people go to Felluca to PvM and bring their attitudes of the Trammel Rule Set and demand the Fellcua people abide by them? Oh you say ... well Gosh NONE? :)

It isn't the Trammel people crossing into Felluca directly. One needs to step back take an objective look at things.

Accept the analogy that the two fields exist, now the powers of nature take a lookj and say, we must run a CON/SCAM on the Flagers to get them to go the Bone Breakers Field. Of course no one in their right or left mind is going to call it a CON or SCAM but ... come on objectively what else can it be, when one creates incentives on one side, with the single purpose of .... you got it, conning / scamming people to come to that side because they can not get it on their side. Sure, sing the sugar coated words of a meaningless phrase, "With the Risks comes the Rewards". It became meaningless when the Rewards were allowed to leave Felluca. Because when that happened it nailed it to the wall that the incentive was 100% a Con to get Trammel Players to go to Fellcua.

It was at the time Trammel went live and is still my opinion that the two facets should have been 100% sealed off from each other. There should never have been any means of traveling between them after oh say 2 weeks of Trammel going live. Those coming back to the party late, well *Squirms* To freaking bad, but I would be willing to be soft here and see if some kind of window could exist for them to choose.


He has it right. especially meaning this event as fellucian cross over to trammel rules for this event while still keeping the fel mentality in that no one owns a spawn "by trammel basis if a player is in a spawning spot that spot is theres while they are there unless asked if they can share or player leaves" or luring or hating tamers or people should be men and not invis or whatever thats perfectly acceptable in fellucia.. Trammelites never really have a reason to cross over to fellucia territory unless they want to become fellucians.
Ok that does make more sense. Thank you lol, it was just the course this thread was going did not have anything to do with the current event so I didn't see the relevance but now I do. :)

Wait..People don't do this?:sad3:
LoL if they do I hope there doing it while there a ghost or else they will be soon enough heh.
I do. :(

Special If I die, I will yell at him about how he just hates me and such. :p


He he, no I do not have it back wards. :)

The PvP efforts to extend it to Trammel are the Bone Breakers going to the Flag Football groups field.

It isn't the Trammel people crossing into Felluca directly. One needs to step back take an objective look at things.
Well, I do not think Most people are trying to force the fel ruleset on people in tram, But I have to go so I can not even finish my post meh. But Yea I understand what you meant now.


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
In today's game it is 100% pointless to kill anything other than Doom bosses, Peerless, or Champ Spawns.

Pretty much nailed it right there.

Once you've played this game for awhile and have built up your chars, you basically have only a couple of options when it comes to "challenging" combat.

1. Doom, Peerless or Champ Spawn --Doing the same thing over and over again gets boring, even for the most hard-core PvMers.

2. PvP --To many freakin cheaters to even bother wasting your time with UO PvP. Better to go play a FPS or PS3 game online where everything is monitored and cheaters are perma-banned.

Thus the reason UO's population keeps dwindling.

Foolio the Bard

It was at the time Trammel went live and is still my opinion that the two facets should have been 100% sealed off from each other.
Yeah, I would've liked to have seen pvp and non-pvp servers myself, instead of the "it's not a mirror" mirror.

But we can't go back now.

I personally spend time in both facets, but find myself less and less in Felucca mostly because of the childish attitude I see exhibited by those on my shard who dominate the pvp world. I am by no means a roleplayer, but I wish factions had more on an RP-PVP feel rather than just an extension of the other d**k-measuring contests that take place elsewhere in Felucca.


Slightly Crazed
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2. PvP --To many freakin cheaters to even bother wasting your time with UO PvP. Better to go play a FPS or PS3 game online where everything is monitored and cheaters are perma-banned. .
Such a shame too because in my opinion UO is still the best.. or should i say has the potential to be the best online game out there.


Crazed Zealot
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I personally spend time in both facets, but find myself less and less in Felucca mostly because of the childish attitude I see exhibited by those on my shard who dominate the pvp world. I am by no means a roleplayer, but I wish factions had more on an RP-PVP feel rather than just an extension of the other d**k-measuring contests that take place elsewhere in Felucca.
No we can not go back .....

I have great empathy for those seeking to distance themselves from the type of PKr your speaking of.

When SP was a twinkle in DD and others eye, the unstated point of making SP the way it is, was to hopefully discourage those kind of PvPr's from staying on SP. It was accepted that nothing would stop them from trying it out, but ..... I think those that chose to Bill SP as the Elite, Best of the Best etc. shard worked against (unknowingly) SP's best interest by attracting a form of attention to themselves that could never be constructive or helpful.

What I have seen since I returned is that on my, lets say home shard that is a low population shard, that the kind of players your indicating are very very few and far between. When I go off to the more populated and certainly older shards the numbers increase way out of proportion or said more simply that on shard A they represent 0.001% and on Shard be they represent 10.0%

When I returned I stayed on TC1 and learned as much of the physical changes to the game as I could. I came to the conclusion that while being the same game from a visual and core perspective, it was as equally not the same game from the current play styles. In addition what I did was spend time to go to every shard and a) look for housing spots b) get to know the natives.

I was looking for a shard that a) was more .... lets us say mature in their attitudes b) had housing available. I am to date extremely happy with my Home Shard. :thumbsup:


Yeah, I would've liked to have seen pvp and non-pvp servers myself, instead of the "it's not a mirror" mirror.

But we can't go back now.

I personally spend time in both facets, but find myself less and less in Felucca mostly because of the childish attitude I see exhibited by those on my shard who dominate the pvp world. I am by no means a roleplayer, but I wish factions had more on an RP-PVP feel rather than just an extension of the other d**k-measuring contests that take place elsewhere in Felucca.
To be honest Those who "dominate" the pvp, are not even "pvpers". I guess I just sort of separate myself from all the people who can not fight in a mature fashion, and those who have to have an exponential amount of other pvpers pvping with them to even consider the fight.

I am not going to try and state that people should only pvp 1v1 or anything of the sort, but being childish is also uncalled for. Most people in fel know the other fel players, that is to say just because someone enters fel does not make them "fair game", A lot of people agree with me, and a lot are children. Sure everyone who enters fel is free to be attacked, but to need 3-4 people in order to rez kill a newly created char that is naked, is just childish.

Also teaching people how to pvp, and how the playstyle of fel is, is just a good thing. People who take the "gank everyone" approach to fel, are not "real" pvpers. They are no better than the people who this thread was intended to talk about.


Crazed Zealot
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Well I do not think it has anything to do with treating people who do not want to pvp like "second-class citizens" only saying if you do not do it you should probably not be talking bad about it just because it is not your cup of tea.
Did not the original poster write "Bottom line is that not playing all facets is like kissing your sister."? Did he not *start* a thread with a rant full of smack talk and belittlement of people who don't PvP? How much leeway should I give for him?

The OP may have had one person he was complaining about, but he pointed his cannon at all my fellow non-PvPers. And by doing that, he became the very thing he was complaining about.

We all make mistakes when poked in a sensitive spot (I'm certainly no exception) - but we've got to expect to be called on it when we do it.
1) I made no mistakes concerning my facts & if I remember correctly your first reply was to question my facts? You didnt or were unable to add any counter arguments or input though. You just kinda threw a fact check statement out there in blind defense of a group that was perfectly capable of defending themselves if needed. No defense was really needed though as I wasnt trying to slander a group or pvmers in general. As other people in this thread have already noted I was talking about particular people that "point their cannons" at pvpers/fel with 0 knowledge.
If I am wrong and you meant to defend these particular people I don't understand but I do apologize.

2) Who is asking for "leeway"? I dont want or ask for leeway. If you felt that my sister kissing line was uncalled for that is totally fine but it in no way diminishes the validity of the post.

3) You seriously call my OP "a thread with a rant full of smack talk and belittlement" ?? Wow.

Bottom line is that I have always believed that ANYONE not playing or at least promoting ALL facets is doing the game an injustice and is certainly not helping subscription numbers. If you love the game why would you possibly hinder its growth/survival by constantly bashing a huge aspect of it? It may not be your cup of tea but maybe the 10 other online gamers you know would love it.

Peace :)


Crazed Zealot
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
1) I made no mistakes concerning my facts & if I remember correctly your first reply was to question my facts? You didnt or were unable to add any counter arguments or input though. You just kinda threw a fact check statement out there in blind defense of a group that was perfectly capable of defending themselves if needed. No defense was really needed though as I wasnt trying to slander a group or pvmers in general. As other people in this thread have already noted I was talking about particular people that "point their cannons" at pvpers/fel with 0 knowledge.
If I am wrong and you meant to defend these particular people I don't understand but I do apologize.

2) Who is asking for "leeway"? I dont want or ask for leeway. If you felt that my sister kissing line was uncalled for that is totally fine but it in no way diminishes the validity of the post.

3) You seriously call my OP "a thread with a rant full of smack talk and belittlement" ?? Wow.

Bottom line is that I have always believed that ANYONE not playing or at least promoting ALL facets is doing the game an injustice and is certainly not helping subscription numbers. If you love the game why would you possibly hinder its growth/survival by constantly bashing a huge aspect of it? It may not be your cup of tea but maybe the 10 other online gamers you know would love it.

Peace :)
*Shrug* Take this as objective

I agree with Maplestone's characterization.

That is one problem with anonymous message boards, we do not get to see / feel the person doing the talking. All we get to see is a series of words on the screen and we react to the words.

That reaction may not be what the poster intended.

Non the less it sets things in motion.