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uh what?

  • Thread starter Kensai Tsunami
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Kensai Tsunami

this rant has nothing to do with uo.

are there really this many ppl in America with pins for heads?
i mean how the hell can these fools blame obama for the state of the country thus far?!?! the man has been in office for a lil more than 100 days and the fools and idiots are flying out of the woodwork. i know simpletons will flame the hell outta me for this, (as if i care) but comon folks, get a clue. where you think the money is gonna come from to fix what 8 yrs of stupidity has wrought? seriously!!! i guess some ppl think money just falls from the sky. maybe the bush family can pay it all back. you elected the moron and then did for a second time and watched him stutter his way thru dumb idea after dumber idea to 'fix' the world. pitiful. its like watchin 'little johnny' take a dump in his sandbox and then shooting the guy that comes in to try and clean it out!!!
sure alot of things about gov and taxes etc etc needs to be changed. granted it wasnt all done by the rep party either. i dont claim any political party and prolly never will. both are extremes. there has to be some balance. and someone has to step up and fix this huge mess which will hopefully start the turnaround. i was hopeful after the election. this is the 1st time in my 48 yrs that i have actually believed in someone that was stepping into office. but i am very sad today and frankly gettin more and more angry by the min after reading news that this country is thinking of another civil war. this one a war between the rich and the poor and the dumb and the dumber. wake up ppl. our new president is attempting to fix this mess pretty much the only way he can and if 'you' (i say 'you' in general terms) arent part of the solution then 'you' are part of a growing problem in this country. there ...i said it.
get your facts straight and get your respective heads out of your respective asses or there will truly be hell to pay in the end. rant on me over this if 'you' so choose. i'd welcome a smarter man than i to tell me what will fix all this crap. but i tell ya, if this country comes to a meltdown and ends up in a civil war of the classes then god help any fool that finds the need to 'convince' me they are 'right'.
for now i sit in utter amazement that there are so many dumbasses in this country.

give the man a chance or send him some legitimate suggestions to fix what the past has caused.

thx to the folks at stratics for giving me (me = just a big ole dumb kid from houston texas that plays uo for fun) a place to vent my frustrations. and if 'you' disagree, then dont just rant and flame on me. instead try using your pea brains to come up with some real solutions and send them washingtons way. belittling me will only get your feelings hurt. i wish you all well, even the fools and idiots. if nothing else, 'you' create some sort of balance. so i guess 'you' arent all worthless after all.



Funny how it works isn't it?
first we elect nixon (R) and ford (R) to office and we call it a golden age (except for that whole watergate thing. *sweeps it back under the rug*)
hmm then america has a change of heart about the democrats
(hmm mighta been that watergate thing)
So we elect Jimmie Carter (D) so that things might be put right again
LOW and behold he starts fixing the problems with the only solutions available to him (short of war, which we just came out of!!!! look up the vietnam war and see what your Republicans did to the public during that time!!!) *hint* lied their arse off!!! nothing new for republicans though, its just par for the course!!
Poor old Jimmie had to make a decision about the panama canal, or risk civil war (again) within that country (america was making a killing off the canal at the time, but america had promised it back long before then)
so he chose to give them back full rights and profits from the canal.
America raised hell......
Even though Jimmie has been outa office for over a quarter of a centry now, people only wanna cite what they think he did wrong, when really it was the administration that came before him!!!
Jimmie carter to this day still is fighting for the lower classes and stands by the decisions he made in office.
If it wasn't for the ground work that Jimmie carter laid out, there would have never been any growth or prosperity during the Reagan years!!
*note* where do you think most of the weapons the Iraqi militants and jihads came from?? Look up Oliver North, and then tell me that a Republican decision won't bite you in the keyster!!!

After Reagan (R) (x2), we get Bush (R) (x2), the of course we have to have a democrat fix it , again!! Clinton (D) (x2)

Then comes the son of ________, you can fill in the blank for yourself.
Look at what we have this time! Hmm seems to me no one learned their lesson in the 60's!! Another war (which was warranted), then Outa nowhere, we are fighting Dad's old war!!! (which i can speak of as a first hand account!! it was winnable at that time!! but we did not see a reason to invade them, as they had invaded kuwait) Back we go to the land of Oil and Crusades, which do you think was Bush's reason for ordering the strike? *hint* take a look at the holdings held by the bush family, it is a real eye-opener!! Look up the locations of those holdings and the members of their boards. hmm the whole thing starts to come clearer.

Finally, after bending america over and doing what every other Republican president has only dreamed of, Bush says his farewells and gives america the finger. (take a look at what ol' george was up too as he was exiting office. I am sure it is on file somewhere.
But America was too busy smiling and waving, celabrating a new chapter in history, and the whole idea of the constitution, (as we should, but like we say around here, never turn your back on a coward) to notice what the lil bugger was up too at that time!!

Now we finally can say that america is embracing the idea of our constitution!
Even better, the man is standing for a change of the way politics are run in america!! Great!!
But when the nitty gritty gets started and the backlash from the last administration comes flying in, the new president is doing his best to solve the crisis with the only solutions available to him (sound familiar?), america screams out against the man they selected to fix the problems, and the methods he is forced to use!!
Come on america!! Get your respective heads outa your respective ........

to Quote a extremely intelligent (meaning he had common sense!!) person,
" If we do not learn from our history, we are doomed to repeat it!!!"

Before anyone decides to make a "statement" :talktothehand: look the history up!!


Funny how it works isn't it?
first we elect nixon (R) and ford (R) to office and we call it a golden age (except for that whole watergate thing. *sweeps it back under the rug*)
hmm then america has a change of heart about the democrats
(hmm mighta been that watergate thing)
So we elect Jimmie Carter (D) so that things might be put right again
LOW and behold he starts fixing the problems with the only solutions available to him (short of war, which we just came out of!!!! look up the vietnam war and see what your Republicans did to the public during that time!!!) *hint* lied their arse off!!! nothing new for republicans though, its just par for the course!!
Poor old Jimmie had to make a decision about the panama canal, or risk civil war (again) within that country (america was making a killing off the canal at the time, but america had promised it back long before then)
so he chose to give them back full rights and profits from the canal.
America raised hell......
Even though Jimmie has been outa office for over a quarter of a centry now, people only wanna cite what they think he did wrong, when really it was the administration that came before him!!!
Jimmie carter to this day still is fighting for the lower classes and stands by the decisions he made in office.
If it wasn't for the ground work that Jimmie carter laid out, there would have never been any growth or prosperity during the Reagan years!!
*note* where do you think most of the weapons the Iraqi militants and jihads came from?? Look up Oliver North, and then tell me that a Republican decision won't bite you in the keyster!!!

After Reagan (R) (x2), we get Bush (R) (x2), the of course we have to have a democrat fix it , again!! Clinton (D) (x2)

Then comes the son of ________, you can fill in the blank for yourself.
Look at what we have this time! Hmm seems to me no one learned their lesson in the 60's!! Another war (which was warranted), then Outa nowhere, we are fighting Dad's old war!!! (which i can speak of as a first hand account!! it was winnable at that time!! but we did not see a reason to invade them, as they had invaded kuwait) Back we go to the land of Oil and Crusades, which do you think was Bush's reason for ordering the strike? *hint* take a look at the holdings held by the bush family, it is a real eye-opener!! Look up the locations of those holdings and the members of their boards. hmm the whole thing starts to come clearer.

Finally, after bending america over and doing what every other Republican president has only dreamed of, Bush says his farewells and gives america the finger. (take a look at what ol' george was up too as he was exiting office. I am sure it is on file somewhere.
But America was too busy smiling and waving, celabrating a new chapter in history, and the whole idea of the constitution, (as we should, but like we say around here, never turn your back on a coward) to notice what the lil bugger was up too at that time!!

Now we finally can say that america is embracing the idea of our constitution!
Even better, the man is standing for a change of the way politics are run in america!! Great!!
But when the nitty gritty gets started and the backlash from the last administration comes flying in, the new president is doing his best to solve the crisis with the only solutions available to him (sound familiar?), america screams out against the man they selected to fix the problems, and the methods he is forced to use!!
Come on america!! Get your respective heads outa your respective ........

to Quote a extremely intelligent (meaning he had common sense!!) person,
" If we do not learn from our history, we are doomed to repeat it!!!"

Before anyone decides to make a "statement" :talktothehand: look the history up!!

You actually say all that garbage and then say...

Before anyone decides to make a "statement" :talktothehand: look the history up!!
Are you just trolling? I seriously can't tell.


OK i will make this edit for you....
Before you make a statement look the history up.... I was there and lived alot of it!!

not trolling, just trying to open peoples eyes too the fact that we are in all truth repeating the same things over time and again, just with different players each time.

I feel that a very good percentage of the people who read the forums are intelligent people, and as such, will take the time to do the research and learn some of their (America's) history.

Just don't want a person spatting junk about some of the history who never read it/never lived it/never suffered its impact.

Just trying to be a rougher version of that now you know commercial, i guess.
This post and the one before it is not meant to attack anyone (unless you have held the office of presidency, before). If you feel that i have attacked your personal beliefs then i am sorry.
I just write from experience, history, and a sense of duty to inform, albeit a Lil rough around the edges.


and in all your listing of the foibles of the US, you forgot Nixons predecessor - Eisenhower, and Truman before that and Roosevelt before that. I remember Ike from childhood ... but freely admit the others are before my time of RL memories. <shrug>

in one way or another politicos will screw us over ... while Clinton actually had a SocSec surplus and good budget once in his career, his actions behind/under the desk screwed that office and his Brownie Points were lost on an Oh $hit.

Also, that surplus and the budget good stuff? The next regime (good ole Dubya) used it all up in less than 6 months or so. Golly ...


I was trying to keep it short, but of course i fail in that effort.
But you are correct.
Like i said, if we don't learn from it, we are doomed to repeat it, again, and again, and .............................
It should be a prerequisite to learn the history of our nation's leaders before we are allowed to vote.
Voting is a right of the people, for the people. If we are so busy with our lives that we can't do a bit of looking into the backgrounds, and beliefs (and the history of those that came before them) of our chosen leaders, then we have no one to blame for their leadership than our ownselves.

This is the information age, yet we live in a society that remains sadly uninformed of everything but the 5 minutes of fame everyone gets on youtube.


Funny how when you don't agree with a repub you automatically hate America.


look up the vietnam war and see what your Republicans did to the public during that time!!!) *hint* lied their arse off!!! nothing new for republicans though, its just par for the course!!
President Johnson a Democrat is the one who got us involved in Vietnam it was Nixon who ended the Vietnam war.

After Reagan (R) (x2), we get Bush (R) (x2),
Wrong, Bush senior only had 1 term not 2.

Back we go to the land of Oil and Crusades, which do you think was Bush's reason for ordering the strike? *hint* take a look at the holdings held by the bush family, it is a real eye-opener!!

Look up the locations of those holdings and the members of their boards. hmm the whole thing starts to come clearer.
What are you talking about? Please do tell us about the boards and how invading Iraq somehow helped Bush and his holdings, I want to see how it becomes "clearer".

And by the way, the Crusades didn't take place in Iraq.

" If we do not learn from our history, we are doomed to repeat it!!!"

Before anyone decides to make a "statement" :talktothehand: look the history up!!
Maybe Obama should learn from history, Socialism doesn't work and spending money that you don't have to get out of debt doesn't work either.

I skipped over the Jimmy Carter stuff, he is just a clown these days...an anti semitic clown.


President Johnson a Democrat is the one who got us involved in Vietnam it was Nixon who ended the Vietnam war..

I never said or made a point of who started that war. I was pointing out what happened with the administration that was in office.

After Reagan (R) (x2), we get Bush (R) (x2), Wrong, Bush senior only had 1 term not 2.
Sorry that was my mistake.

What are you talking about? Please do tell us about the boards and how invading Iraq somehow helped Bush and his holdings, I want to see how it becomes "clearer".
I will give you a hint and you can do the research, because finding it for yourself will have a much better impact than me telling you, could ever give ya.
The hint has to do with the bush holdings in the Oil industry both in and outside the U.S., OPEC and the backlash of invading a country that has large oil fields. Take a look at Oil Futures. You will have to dig deep, due to the fact that most of the bush family "interests" are covered under the protection act. (protects current and past president's families).

And by the way, the Crusades didn't take place in Iraq.!!
By holy lands, I meant the middle east in general. The last administration had alot umm..... "interests" (other than oil) going on in the middle east.
by the way, you might wanna look at the seljuk turks.... they were in the crusades, and did occupy current day Iraq.

Maybe Obama should learn from history, Socialism doesn't work and spending money that you don't have to get out of debt doesn't work either.
I was never praising our current administration, merely stating he is working with the avenues left to him.
Even though, as history has taught us, when the goverment tries to control free enterprise, it always makes matters worse.
Just the same as nature's Evolution, only the strongest and most adaptable companies will win out in the end. You can mess with the balance, but in the end it will correct itself. Not by bailouts of already failing companies.

I skipped over the Jimmy Carter stuff, he is just a clown these days...an anti semitic clown.
Your personal opinion of him has been noted.
but as I have said before, everyone has a opinion and not all will agree 100% of the time.


By holy lands, I meant the middle east in general. The last administration had alot umm..... "interests" (other than oil) going on in the middle east.
by the way, you might wanna look at the seljuk turks.... they were in the crusades, and did occupy current day Iraq.

It seems like you are hinting at something but don't want to just come out and say it.

So what other "interests" did George Bush have in Iraq?

Also, the Seljuks had collapsed into petty states by the time the Crusades came and I believe Iraq during the Crusades was controlled by the Abbasid Caliphate.


It seems like you are hinting at something but don't want to just come out and say it.

So what other "interests" did George Bush have in Iraq?
Did i not say that i would let you find that out for yourself through research?

Also, the Seljuks had collapsed into petty states by the time the Crusades came and I believe Iraq during the Crusades was controlled by the Abbasid Caliphate.

Hmm, Wrong, they were part of the reason for the first crusade (check the date - 1095 -1097 and you will know why.)
they did not collapse into petty states until the 13th century, tword the end of the crusades (which lasted 200 years)

As for who ruled Iraq at the time of the crusades.... again it was the seljuks (or seljuq), they also ruled persia, syria and antolia, and later mesopitamia (another part of Iraq!!), Iran and palistine.
They were driven back to antolia by 1200, but that was tword the end of the crusades.
I will no longer answer any further on the crusade topic. that is not what this thread was about, But if there is still doubt about it, might i suggest researching ALL of the crusades, in depth!

As for the back and forth going on here, that is at a end. If you do not wish to do the research then I have nothing else to say on the matter.


Did i not say that i would let you find that out for yourself through research?

As for the back and forth going on here, that is at a end. If you do not wish to do the research then I have nothing else to say on the matter.

Do you know how stupid that sounds? You pretty much say "George Bush had a secret reason why he went into Iraq but I'm not going to tell you what it is, you have to 'research' it"

Also I have studied the crusades and you are wrong, here is something from Wiki,

"After his death in 1092, the Seljuk empire dissolved into smaller, warring states, as Malik Shah's brother and four sons quarreled over the apportioning of the empire between themselves. Kilij Arslan I reestablished the Sultanate of Rûm in Anatolia, and Tutush I established himself in Syria. In Persia, Malik Shah was succeeded by his son Mahmud I whose reign was contested by his other thre brothers: Barkiyaruq in Iraq, Muhammad I in Baghdad, and Ahmed Sanjar in Khorasan."

See that date? 1092? well, the first Crusade was launched in 1095 and I think it was 1098/99 when Crusader armies actually reached muslims lands.

So when you write,

they did not collapse into petty states until the 13th century, tword the end of the crusades (which lasted 200 years)
You are just wrong.

If you do not wish to do the research then I have nothing else to say on the matter.
It's kind of rude to just make up stuff on the spot and pretend it's fact and tell other people to do research on it when you obviously haven't done any yourself.


Do you know how stupid that sounds? You pretty much say "George Bush had a secret reason why he went into Iraq but I'm not going to tell you what it is, you have to 'research' it"
If for no other reason than for you to make your own informed decision.
Trust me, I am not gonna be baited by you or anyone else to continue arguing this. If you think that my opinion is in err then that is your opinion.
That is where it ends.

Also I have studied the crusades and you are wrong, here is something from Wiki,

"After his death in 1092, the Seljuk empire dissolved into smaller, warring states, as Malik Shah's brother and four sons quarreled over the apportioning of the empire between themselves. Kilij Arslan I reestablished the Sultanate of Rûm in Anatolia, and Tutush I established himself in Syria. In Persia, Malik Shah was succeeded by his son Mahmud I whose reign was contested by his other thre brothers: Barkiyaruq in Iraq, Muhammad I in Baghdad, and Ahmed Sanjar in Khorasan.".

okay, laying this one to rest.
I should have said the seljuk dynasty, which should refer you (in your wiki) to the proper history, that i am refering too. The seljuk were there and they fought in the first and second crusade.
Even divided they were still the seljuk turks.

It's kind of rude to just make up stuff on the spot and pretend it's fact and tell other people to do research on it when you obviously haven't done any yourself.
I made nothing up. If you wish for me to PM you the reference material, just ask.
I did do my research, and you obviously have done some of your own.

Thank you for the historical debate, but I am afraid that this is not what the person who started this thread intended.
What I am politely saying (since I am so rude) is that this is where it ends.


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
first we elect nixon (R) and ford (R) to office
Ford was never elected to office as vice-president or president. Ford was appointed to replace Agnew when Agnew resigned then Ford replaced Nixon when Nixon resigned.


Why do you hate American freedom?

I think he watched that farenheit911 movie and is vaguely trying to quote from it and that's why hes saying stuff like Bush went into Iraq because he and his board members on some anonymous oil company would profit.

I saw that movie several years ago and that was pretty much the jist of it.


I don't hate america.
I just hate 99% of the slobbering idiots who inhabit it.
whatever movie your talking about, I didn't watch it. why support another tasteless actor.
Muffinbear I see that you still haven't done any research. oh well your loss not mine.
For the record, I was in the first war we had with Iraq, and yes I do have information that can not be released. But thats not to say that you can't find it if you dig deep enough.
No sweat off my back. this country is going to hell in a handbasket in a hurry anyway, because those slobbering idiots i mentioned erlier, cannot get their heads outa their respective bums.
As far as this thread, every point has been covered at least twice, so if anyone wants to continue the mud-slinging, take it over to the OT forum where I will gladly respond in kind. thank you very much, have a ****ed day.


I don't hate america.
I just hate 99% of the slobbering idiots who inhabit it.
You seem like a typical liberal....ignorant and self hating...but mostly ignorant.

You have already been proven wrong in this thread multiple times and even admitted it yourself a few times but you still write,

Muffinbear I see that you still haven't done any research
You say that even after my research proved you wrong multiple times? You are wrong about so much but you don't care...you just keep telling us to "research" stuff that you have never researched yourself.

All you can do is say "you're wrong but I can't tell you why, you have to research it yourself"

Do you have any idea how stupid that looks? You don't do you?

For the record, I was in the first war we had with Iraq, and yes I do have information that can not be released. But thats not to say that you can't find it if you dig deep enough.
Oh were you really? Wow, you must be high up in the ranks to of discovered top secret information as to why George Bush really went into Iraq. I guess you can't even tell us the real reasons on this random message board, are you being monitored by the CIA?

I must ask you.....you do realize it was a different George Bush who was president during the Gulf war right?

this country is going to hell in a handbasket in a hurry anyway, because those slobbering idiots i mentioned erlier
Is it really? Well i'm sure posting rants and lies on the UO stratics message board isn't helping.

As far as this thread, every point has been covered at least twice
Actually you have been proven wrong on several points and never backed up your first point when you said.

which do you think was Bush's reason for ordering the strike? *hint* take a look at the holdings held by the bush family, it is a real eye-opener!! Look up the locations of those holdings and the members of their boards. hmm the whole thing starts to come clearer.
Does the Bush family have holdings in Iraq? Why don't you tell us what the real "eye-opener!!" is?

Then you start talking about "their boards" are you talking about a company they have that has board members?

In reality all you can do is spam these rants and lies...and then pretend like you are privy to top secret information that you can't reveal....pathetic.


Muffinbear, as I said before, take this to the OT forum.
I will not repeat it.
As for who I am and what I do and have done, well that is no more your business than your life outside these boards is mine.
You want to take every little nuance to try to slam me, well like i said that is for the OT.
you asked if I am trolling, no, that seems to me what you are doing.


Muffinbear, as I said before, take this to the OT forum.
I will not repeat it.
As for who I am and what I do and have done, well that is no more your business than your life outside these boards is mine.
You want to take every little nuance to try to slam me, well like i said that is for the OT.
you asked if I am trolling, no, that seems to me what you are doing.

It's pointless to debate you, you are wrong and you don't care, all you can do is hide behind your "You're wrong and i'm right but I can't tell you why, you just have to 'research' it yourself" rant.

By the way, I think it's strange of you to say,

I did do my research, and you obviously have done some of your own.

And then say,

Muffinbear I see that you still haven't done any research. oh well your loss not mine.

Oh well, just more proof that debating you is completely pointless.


debating you is completely pointless.
It started as a debate, but then turned to mud slinging. If you want to mud sling, we have a forum set aside for that (OT).
Obviously it is pointless to continue.
If it will shut this discussion down, Then, sure I am lower than you. Just another lower lifeform under your boot. Happy?
I will make a point to leave any future thread you post in.
I do not appreciate the pointed name calling (generalizing I can tolerate). You want to see things your way and I see them mine. End of discussion.


*hint* take a look at the holdings held by the bush family, it is a real eye-opener!! Look up the locations of those holdings and the members of their boards. hmm the whole thing starts to come clearer.

I will give you a hint and you can do the research, because finding it for yourself will have a much better impact than me telling you, could ever give ya.

Did i not say that i would let you find that out for yourself through research?

As for the back and forth going on here, that is at a end. If you do not wish to do the research then I have nothing else to say on the matter.

Well I dug deep and researched alot.....

For the record, I was in the first war we had with Iraq, and yes I do have information that can not be released. But thats not to say that you can't find it if you dig deep enough.

I understand....

I have researched and discovered the real reason as to why George Bush invaded Iraq and I understand why it was top secret.


With time running out, President Bush invades Iraq. American scientists raid the (Iraqi national) museum and close the stargate, thus frustrating the grandiose ambitions of the self-styled reincarnation of Nebuchadnezzar, Saddam Hussein, and making the world safe for the New World Order.
Is this the sequel to the movie Stargate? Is it a new episode of the TV series? Is it a new Star Trek movie? No, it is none of these. According to Dr. Michael Salla, it is probably exactly what happened!"

He believes that the U.S., Russia, Germany and France have been aware that the Anunnaki left behind some very high-tech apparatus, and possibly weaponry, when they abandoned the Earth around 1,700 B.C
Some in the Middle East's UFO community theorize that Task Force 20, which has been conducting commando raids north of Baghdad in recent weeks, is looking for this stargate in addition to elusive former dictator Saddam Hussein

Amazing stuff....I never knew I could discover such things with enough research.

End of discussion.
Yep, this discussion is pretty much dead.


Done yet, or is this humiliation and trolling gonna continue?


Always Present
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Liberals are responsible for every bad thing that ever happened.

The Craftsman

Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
are there really this many ppl in America with pins for heads?
Actually ... yes.

And if a certain thread in this forum got posts deleted for "Nationality Prejudiced Posts" then shouldnt this whole thread be deleted/locked.

Come on Mods ... for once in your lives show some consistency and even handedness.

At the very least it should be moved OT as it has nothing whatsoever to do with UO and has no place here.

The Craftsman

Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Two days later and no response, no lock, no delete, no move ... you mods are a joke. Can you not see how biased, unprofessional and pathetic this kind of incompetence makes you look? I guess not ... you'd need a modicum of intelligence to comprehend that.

Petra Fyde

Peerless Chatterbox
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
It will probably astonish you to know that I don't read every post in every thread in every forum. I 'trouble spot' from the live feed link. My profound apologies for not spotting this 'trouble', but you know, that's why we have that little button on the posts that says 'report this post'. The red triangle one over <----- there. Because we're not all seeing, all knowing robots, we're just human volunteers with lives outside of Stratics.


Muffinbear, as I said before, take this to the OT forum.
I will not repeat it.
As for who I am and what I do and have done, well that is no more your business than your life outside these boards is mine.
You want to take every little nuance to try to slam me, well like i said that is for the OT.
you asked if I am trolling, no, that seems to me what you are doing.
I don't think he was trolling at all, most people including myself, like to have arguments back-up by "real" supporting facts. Not just I am not going to tell you, research it yourself and just because I serverd during the gulf war. You make veterans sound like idiots, and we veterans don't appriciate it. If you are going to make some outragous claim, back it up with facts (real ones). That why one of the ten commandments is do not bear false witness and gossip is a sin.

Petra Fyde

Peerless Chatterbox
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I can honestly say that the emotion I am experiencing at this moment is not 'shame'


You make veterans sound like idiots, and we veterans don't appreciate it.

Sorry that you view it that way. As for "we" veterans, I am one also.
If you have been in the military service, then you know that it is made up of a very diverse group of peoples. Not all are gonna agree on any one point. In the end every veteran is no better than any other. If you took anything I said too represent all of the veterans in America, then you are mistaken.

As for the "facts", no matter what I say, the argument will continue.
I merely pointed the direction, the same as a teacher would. You have the tools at your disposal, and it would do no good for me to state any facts, as they will be refuted at every turn no matter what reference materials are provided. So hopefully this thread will be locked or die its appropriate death.


I blame every president starting with Woodrow Wilson and going up with the exception of Jimmy Carter since he just didn't know what the hell was going on.


Its truelly sad you all believe any president can actually change anything in the United States. The office of the President is nothing more than a puppet controlled by the incumbent office holders of this country. Until they are gone, Obama will never stand a chance to change anything.

Rep or Dem it doesnt matter, the country is controlled by the Political Elite.


Its truelly sad you all believe any president can actually change anything in the United States. The office of the President is nothing more than a puppet controlled by the incumbent office holders of this country. Until they are gone, Obama will never stand a chance to change anything.

Rep or Dem it doesnt matter, the country is controlled by the Political Elite.
The only reason I named Wilson is because that's the era it all started in.


Its truelly sad you all believe any president can actually change anything in the United States. The office of the President is nothing more than a puppet controlled by the incumbent office holders of this country. Until they are gone, Obama will never stand a chance to change anything.

Rep or Dem it doesnt matter, the country is controlled by the Political Elite.
I would have to say you don't know much about the government, the president has a lot ore power than you think. Do they have more power than congress absolutely not, nor should they. Congress writes laws, presidents approve laws, courts interpret laws and verify the contitutional validity of them.

It's called check and balance of power. The other check and balance of that is you must limit federal government power, and not infringe on the automomy of the governments of the individual states except in constitutional matters and national defence.

Also note giving the federal government more control, whether it be executive power, congressional power, or juditial power will always reduce your civil rights and the value of your vote. States retained their own constitutions and much of the government control so that the people would be better represented.

The balance of power has been greatly disintegrating ever since FDR and the federal government has been growing exponentionally ever since. Obama has more power now than any president has ever had. This is not good for our country.


Lore Master
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Maybe Obama should learn from history, Socialism doesn't work and spending money that you don't have to get out of debt doesn't work either.
Seems to be working pretty good in Europe and Canada if you ak me.
Oh wait, we don't talk about those socialist *******, do we?