On Sunday February the ninth at seven pm by the Eastern skies the city of Trinsic will be hosting a Bard's Night at The Keg and Anchor tavern in Trinsic. The topic of the night is first kiss. The rules are simple. Stories should be original, fairly clean and last no more then ten minutes. Three judges will be randomly selected from the audience to choose the winners of the competition. First place will win one million gold and the title of Renowned Wordsmith, second place receives five hundred thousand and the title of Prominent Wordsmith, and third place will go home with two hundred fifty thousand gold and the title of Notable Wordsmith. Titles are subject to citizenship in Trinsic. Titles will be able to be upgraded for future wins. Please join us or a night of good stories, fine ale, and companionship as we search for a winner for this month's top storyteller.