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(Player Event) Trinsic Calls For Aid! (June Huntsman Challenge)


Stratics Veteran
It is the evening hours on a warm Spring night. Tarisber Hawkeye enters his cabin located in the woods of Nidaros, content from his recent success in helping make the roads safer for all that travel. It has been many nights since Tarisber has been home to his cabin and able to relax. Several parchments line his table, no doubt delivered recently by the local courier at the Ranger's Guild.

The Grizzly Bear population has finally been brought under control and they are no longer brazenly approaching caravans. It would appear that the sense of fear has been returned to the Grizzlies, as they are now once again wary of human interaction. He can only hope this peace with the Grizzlies will last. Tarisber briefly furrows his brow when he thinks of all the Grizzly Bears that were hunted to accomplish this, but quickly reminds himself that it was for the greater good.

Tarisber's thoughts shift suddenly as he picks up a parchment on his table and begins to read. It is news from the Skara Brae trade minister. They indicate that they are once again receiving shipments of goods from Vesper and other cities, and the rioting over supplies in the town has subsided. "Great News!", thought Tarisber, as he continues to shuffle through the parchments.

The next parchment is from the Governor of Trinsic, Phoenix. She thanks Tarisber for his work and indicates that since trade routes are so plentiful now they are able to supply their farmers with extra supplies and their farms are flourishing like never before. "More chickens than you've ever seen!", exclaimed Phoenix in the letter. "Vegetables are growing like never before, livestock are roaming free in the fields, and citizen approval has never been higher!". "How fortuitous", thought Tarisber, especially with elections upon us. He quietly contemplates taking a vacation to Trinsic in the coming weeks.

Weary from all his recent work, Tarisber decides to call it a night. He settles into bed and begins to drift off. Suddenly, Tarisber is awoken by a loud crash through his window. "Oh no! The Grizzlies are here for revenge!", he tiredly thought to himself. He leaps out of bed and goes for his hunting knife, "come at me Grizzlies!", he menacingly growls. Noticing no Grizzlies in his cabin, he stands confused for a moment. "Was that a dream?", he confusingly thought to himself as he lowers his knife.

Just then, he notices some movement out of the corner of his eye. It appears to be a messenger pigeon walking in circles on the ground, no doubt dazed from crashing through his window. He picks up the pigeon which remarkably appears to be uninjured and notices a scrap of parchment tied to its leg. Tarisber begins to untie the parchment and notices the seal of Trinsic is adorned up on it. "I thought Trinsic pigeons were top of the line", Tarisber mumbles, "why did this poor thing crash through my window?"

As Tarisber finishes removing the parchment from the pigeon, he notices a "Raised in Minoc" tag attached to it. "Ahh… that explains it", he chuckles to himself. "I wonder why Phoenix would use a non-official pigeon", he contemplates, "whatever she is trying to convey she must want kept off the record." Tarisber opens the parchment and begins to read…

"Ranger Hawkeye, please, you must help! The increase of supplies to our farmland has also seemed to attract many Grey Wolves! There are migrating south and coming into the farms in droves! The farmers cannot fend them off and they are destroying our crops and livestock! The farmers have begun rioting, they demand action be taken.

The City Guard is already stretched thin trying to keep order in Trinsic, we cannot re-task them with guarding our farms. I told them we were doing what we could, but they were not happy. An angry farmer picked up his pitchfork and led a charge upon the Governor's Office! I was forced to retreat out my secret escape tunnel and I am currently in hiding for fear of personal harm.

I am calling upon your expertise with wild animals to help us with this matter. Please, if you can do anything to deter the Grey Wolves from settling near us and attacking our farms, I would be in your debt! I fear I must remain in hiding until the situation has de-escalated. Please reach out to my trusted adviser, Cutthroat Sally, at the Tea House outside Homare in the Tokuno Islands if you are able to assist.

Wide awake now, Tarisber lowers the parchment. "This is terrible!", he says to the pigeon, before realizing he was just talking to a pigeon. "Coo Coo!", replies the pigeon.

"I must travel at once to the Tokuno Islands and inform Cutthroat Sally that I will assist in this matter", Tarisber thinks to himself this time, before giving the pigeon the 'shifty eyes'.

Tarisber grabs a blank parchment and addresses it to the Ranger's Guild for immediate release.

Event Details
From now until June 30th @ 11:59pm EST, anyone that turns in a completed hunting permit to us for a Grey Wolf will be automatically entered in for a chance to win various prizes.

The recorded kill with the Highest weight will be declared the winner. See below for prizes and additional ways to win.

This incident has taken place outside of Trinsic, so the bonus location for this month is "The Forest West of Trinsic". If your permit happens to be the winning permit, and it is also from the bonus location, you will win an extra reward.

To participate, obtain a Hunter’s Permit from the Thurston the Huntmaster located in the Ranger’s Guild outside the City of Skara Brae. Click on Thurston and choose the menu option for “Get Hunting Permit”. Permits cost 5,000 gold pieces each, which will be deducted directly from your account balance.

Location of the Skara Brae Ranger's Guild

For your convenience, runes to the Ranger's Guild can also be found at the following locations in New Magincia:

Locations to find runes to the Ranger's Guild outside Skara Brae

After acquiring your Hunting Permit(s), head out into the woods and locate a Grey Wolf. Once you have successfully slain the Grey Wolf, double-click a Hunting Permit in your backpack, then target the corpse of the Grey Wolf to record the kill. You can review the stats of your kill by mousing over the permit.

If you are happy with your kill, return your permit to the mailbox at either of the CAH stable houses on New Magincia, you may enter more than once!

Note: All permits must be dated in June of 2018 to be eligible.

Locations to turn-in completed hunting permits

  • 1st Place
    • The winner will get their animal stuffed, mounted, and turned into a trophy
    • A Huntmaster's Champion Reward Title Deed
    • Their choice of ONE of the following packages:
      • Package One: 10 Million Gold Pieces
      • Package Two: A set of 110/115 Animal Taming Power Scrolls, which include:
        • 115 Wrestling
        • 110 Tactics
        • 110 Anatomy
        • 110 Resisting Spells
        • 110 Parry
        • 110 Focus
        • 110 Meditation
        • Choice of: 120 Chivalry, 120 Ninjitsu, or 120 Bushido
      • Package Three:
        • A full set of Elemental Damage Double-Axes and a set of Super Slayer Bladed Staves, fully powdered and ready to imbue.
      • Package Four:
        • A Soulstone Fragment Token and a +25 Stat Scroll
    • Bonus: Should the winning permit be from "The Forest West of Trinsic", the winner will receive an additional 5 Million Gold, plus their chosen reward package.
  • 2nd Place
    • Choice between 5 Million Gold or a Soulstone Fragment Token
    • A trophy commemorating your near victory
  • 3rd Place
    • 3 Million Gold
    • A trophy commemorating your near near victory
  • Tie Breaker
    • In the event of a tie, the hunter that submitted the permit with the Earliest kill date will be declared the winner. If multiple hunters submit a winning permit with the same weight and date, Package One will be rewarded automatically and split between the winners.
  • Honorable Mentions
    • At the our discretion, additional awards may be given out for certain special feats or efforts that occurred during the event. To get an idea of previous Honorable Mentions, please see the results from the previous hunt here: (Player Event) - [May 24, 2018] Huntsman Challenge of Nidaros (Chesapeake / Nidaros)
    • Note: The Honorable Mentions are not guaranteed to be the same every month! So get creative with your kils!
Gather your gear, sharpen your weapons, and let us assist Trinsic in their time of need!

Good luck, Hunters!
Last edited:


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Sycophant the great *hic* and....

po...ful hunter... *hic* will... protcaaaact... theeeeeeesessss... *hic* people from... *thud*


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
(Apparently I need to pay up for a month to drop stuff in mailboxes... time to balance the checkbook and hope I can swing it)


Stratics Veteran
Hrmm mez wunder ip EJ accountz can gib der wolve deedz ta sumwun elze dat iz payin n dey put in da mailbox fur yoo?


Stratics Veteran
(Apparently I need to pay up for a month to drop stuff in mailboxes... time to balance the checkbook and hope I can swing it)
Greetings! It did not occur to us that EJ players would not be able to use the Mailbox. We definitely don't want to exclude anyone from participating, EJ accounts are always welcome!

Feel free to ask for Khyro, or Violet in general chat and we will gladly take your permits for you. Should we not be available, you may also see if anyone is willing to drop your permits into one of the mailboxes for you. We go by the name recorded on the permit (and not the name of the person who left it in the mailbox), so this would work as well.

Good luck in your hunt!


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
(Well, being used to the old days and auctions, I got books and bagged stuff up for it :D Probably should toss my ICQ number in huh...)


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Whelp, got help last night... so of course today I made my account paid because I was tired of not accessing my bank or having a house, and I managed to scrape just enough by.


Stratics Veteran
Still plenty of time to get your permits in! A lot have been turned in, but don't feel discouraged! We award many types of prizes!


Stratics Veteran
Just a little over 2 hours left! As long as the Permit is from June 2018 it is valid!

It will take us a bit to tally all the permits, so watch this space after it ends for details on the winners!


Stratics Veteran
Thank you for everyone's patience, we will have the results posted shortly. Due to being busy in real life, and the sheer amount of permits turned in this month (over 400), it has taken us a while to sort through them. We know who the top winners are, but we want to include as many people that participated as we can, so we need to keep sorting through the permits to make sure we don't miss anyone.

Also, to clarify my post above:

Just a little over 2 hours left! As long as the Permit is from June 2018 it is valid!
The cutoff point is still the end of the Month. My post was meant to imply there was a little leeway on turning in last minute permits. We aren't going to dismiss your permits if you turned them in at 12:01am, for example. However, it was not meant to indicate permits will be accepted days (or a week+) into July (even if the permits are dated in June).

This will be clarified in the next contest rules, but I figured it was pretty obvious.


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Yea... I went to get one last good one in... it was a big guy... ...time on the deed was like 12:01 and the 1st so I didn't bother turning it in. IF MY COMPUTER WOULD'VE LOADED ONE MINUTE FASTER! :( Ah well, next time!


Stratics Veteran
The results are in, the statues have returned from the engraver, and all prizes have been gathered. Below is the complete list of all winners and awards given out.

Grand Prizes
  • First Place
    • Winner: Kensiko
    • Winning Weight: 98 Stones
    • Winning Date: 6/9/2018
    • Winning Location: The Forest West of Trinsic

      Congratulations! You have your choice of one of the following prize packages:
      • Package One: 10 Million Gold Pieces
      • Package Two: A set of 110/115 Animal Taming Power Scrolls, which include:
        • 115 Wrestling
        • 110 Tactics
        • 110 Anatomy
        • 110 Resisting Spells
        • 110 Parry
        • 110 Focus
        • 110 Meditation
        • Choice of: 120 Chivalry, 120 Ninjitsu, or 120 Bushido
      • Package Three:
        • A full set of Elemental Damage Double-Axes and a set of Super Slayer Bladed Staves, fully powdered and ready to imbue.
      • Package Four:
        • A Soulstone Fragment Token and a +25 Stat Scroll
Since the winning permit was also from the bonus location (The Forest West of Trinsic), you get an additional 5 million gold pieces added to your chosen reward package.
  • Second Place
    • Winner: SweetPeez
    • Winning Weight: 98 Stones
    • Winning Date: 6/10/2018

      Congratulations! You have your choice between:
      • 5 Million Gold
      • Soulstone Fragment Token
  • Third Place - TIED
    • Winners: Phoenix & CaT
    • Winning Weight: 97 Stones
    • Winning Date: 6/30/2018

      Congratulations to you both! Since it is a tie, you both will split the 3rd place reward. We are adding an extra 1 million gold to 3rd place, so you each will go home with 2 million gold.

Honorable Mentions
All honorable mentions get a trophy commemorating their awards and 1 Million Gold.

  • One and Done - Osa Zita & Amurdad - 1 Million Gold
    • These confident hunters submitted just a single permit for the entire challenge. They unfortunately did not win, but we admire the confidence!
  • Hail Mary - Elancer - 1 Million Gold
    • This hunter went to the NANOC school of hunting, as they submitted only a single permit on the last day of the challenge. This strategy is sure to work eventually!
  • Creative Culling - Sycophant - 1 Million Gold
    • We admire the ingenuity of this hunter! They appear to have slaughtered many Turkeys during the challenge. We can only deduce they were attempting to slowly diminish the wolf population by removing their food source. Such creativity must be rewarded! .... or they were VERY VERY drunk...
  • Beginning & End - CaT - 1 Million Gold
    • We admire this hunter's dedication to the challenge! They not only submitted a permit on the very first day of the challenge, but also on the very last day of the challenge. Good to have you on our side from the Beginning to the End, CaT!
  • Killer Crafter - Madison - 1 Million Gold
    • We aren't quite sure how Madison managed to turn in a permit as they are usually hiding in their Keep, talking about how scary the outside world is! Nevertheless, the Grey Wolf turn into us had an indent on the side of their head in the shape of a smithy hammer. One can only wonder what happened.
  • Funny Looking Fish - Marge - 1 Million Gold
    • Fish Lady Marge turned in a very strange permit to us... something scribbled in the ledger about "you have no idea how hard it was to find a Grey Wolf Fish!". The corpse also appeared to be scaled and gutted...
  • Extinction Award - SweetPeez - 1 Million Gold
    • SweetPeez went on the ultimate killing spree during this challenge. We are pretty sure she went feral at one point and made it her ultimate mission to put Grey Wolves on the endangered species list... turning in several hundred permits. We are awarding this behavior because... well... honestly we are scared of what might happen if we don't...
  • Grey Wolf Hunters - Niva The Savage, Terragor, & Gromth - 1 Million Gold
    • These brave hunters tried their best to find those pesky alpha wolves. They unfortunately came up a little short, but we love the spirit!
  • Day Late, Dollar Short - SweetPeez - 1 Million Gold
    • SweetPeez turned in a permit that tied the weight & date of the winning permit. Unfortunately it wasn't delivered to our mailbox until a day or two after the challenge ended. That's what you get for not tipping your carrier pigeon at the holidays! Nevertheless, we must commend the valiant effort.
  • Puppy Killers - Sycophant, Kensiko, SweetPeez - 1 Million Gold
    • These 3 hunters had some interesting tactics... they seemed to go after the runts of the litter. We aren't sure why... maybe they were trying to lure out the Alphas... or maybe that's all they thought they could kill. Nevertheless, we will award their shameful display of hunting!

Claiming Your Rewards
Congratulations to all the winners! To claim your reward, please find or ask for Violet Darkthorn or Khyro in game. You may also message me here on Stratics to coordinate a time to meet, or on Discord at Khyro#5586.


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I.... was not...

Was not...

Was I drunk or sober.. I was not one of them...

They came at me!