They should add something to the game like they did in Ec when your pets life is low it flashes Low Pet HP..they should add the Feed Pet flashing light if it drops to 3 commands of going wild.. Just an idea.. with the buggy natures of LOS, invis, hidden players, and certain monsters(unconfirmed) Lowering pets happiness... In the mean time listen for your pet spamming the disobey sound.. if you are line of sight it can get stuck in a loop of disobey fails... and watch your pets happiness... the system checks it every 1 hour and if you are hidden, invis, Line of sight ,or spamming commands when that 1 hour mark hits sometimes the RNG of it can double up/triple up and boom wild pet... had it happen to a bane a few months back.. spent 3 hours trying to clear spawn and get it to a safe place to work it to 12% to retam it.. the long and the short of it.. lore your pets often and make sure to feed them before battle/ check their lvls if you are using LOS/hiding tactics ..If your tamer is not 120taming 120 lore watch them a lot closer as the taming requirement for most of the 5 slot pets in the new system is 107.1 mini so players at 110 /115 will be more pron to fail commands and lose happiness.... hope this helps abit.. have a grand day everyone.. =^-^=
P.s If you are hidden , invis, or line of sighted when the game does the 1 hour check it fails that check and moves down one lvl.
Good looking out Khyro not sure why I had 4 hour stuck in my head..I've corrected it.. ^_~