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Trained Cu went wild


Stratics Veteran
110 Tame/Lore
Was in a dungeon hopped off and said all kill and it just went wild.
Was able to retame, but his skills went down to all 50's......wth

Had fed him earlier that day, but was doing a lot of commands, how often do they need food?
Is my taming too low?

...put me out of the game for a week+ while he bonds


Lore Keeper
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Stratics Legend
when I first came back I had a pet or two go wild. Some were calling it a "wild bug" others just said that people weren't checking their pets happiness enough. Whatever the case, I had fed pets within an hour of them going wild. Now I just make sure to check the pets happiness like a crazy person. If I see extremely happy, they get food.

And rather than taking the week off when they went wild, I used the time to tame a few tester pets and played around with the pet training process.


Stratics Veteran
Thanks for the reply, I was sure I had lored him quite recently. Maybe I mistakenly saw 'extremely unhappy' as 'extremely happy' in my head when i quickly glanced.....or it could be like you mentioned.

It Lives

Slightly Crazed
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Stratics Legend
There is no proof to what I say but recent line of sight changes, not just in dungeons are in my opinion reeking havoc with pet loyalty. It may seem like you have line of sight but any variance between you and your pet can lead to bad commands and loss of loyalty(happiness).

This was being noticed during the sorcerers dungeon event(October) when it was being overrun with players day and night for the month.
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I Hate Skilling
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Yes to the above. If you spam all follow and the pet is stuck on something they will lose loyalty even if they are on the screen.


Stratics Veteran
They should add something to the game like they did in Ec when your pets life is low it flashes Low Pet HP..they should add the Feed Pet flashing light if it drops to 3 commands of going wild.. Just an idea.. with the buggy natures of LOS, invis, hidden players, and certain monsters(unconfirmed) Lowering pets happiness... In the mean time listen for your pet spamming the disobey sound.. if you are line of sight it can get stuck in a loop of disobey fails... and watch your pets happiness... the system checks it every 1 hour and if you are hidden, invis, Line of sight ,or spamming commands when that 1 hour mark hits sometimes the RNG of it can double up/triple up and boom wild pet... had it happen to a bane a few months back.. spent 3 hours trying to clear spawn and get it to a safe place to work it to 12% to retam it.. the long and the short of it.. lore your pets often and make sure to feed them before battle/ check their lvls if you are using LOS/hiding tactics ..If your tamer is not 120taming 120 lore watch them a lot closer as the taming requirement for most of the 5 slot pets in the new system is 107.1 mini so players at 110 /115 will be more pron to fail commands and lose happiness.... hope this helps abit.. have a grand day everyone.. =^-^=

P.s If you are hidden , invis, or line of sighted when the game does the 1 hour check it fails that check and moves down one lvl.
Good looking out Khyro not sure why I had 4 hour stuck in my head..I've corrected it.. ^_~
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Crazed Zealot
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Pet should ideally always be kept up at "wonderfully Happy"
A good rule of thumb for hunting is whenever possible, cut up the kill and feed 2 raw ribs to the pet (if its a meat eater obviously)
You cannot "over-feed" a pet.
Oh and as above, pets really don't like you going invis in a dungeon while they are fighting.....they think you have abandoned them to their doom. ;)


Belaern d'Zhaunil
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I had one go wild when I was standing right behind it healing it... obviously I was close enough to heal I should have been close enough for it to remain loyal but apparently that's not always the case... just randomly went wild mid training... and I had to watch it die because I couldn't get the mob off that it was fighting. Was seriously frustrating... so I believe it just randomly went wild.

I've never had this EVER happen to me before or since. And I use tamers a lot. I have over a dozen tamers... No idea why it happened or what caused it but @Bleak did come look at the spot where it happened... thinking it was line of sight issue... but I don't know if that was it. I do know they are aware of this happening randomly though.


Stratics Veteran
They should add something to the game like they did in Ec when your pets life is low it flashes Low Pet HP..they should add the Feed Pet flashing light if it drops to 3 commands of going wild.. Just an idea.. with the buggy natures of LOS, invis, hidden players, and certain monsters(unconfirmed) Lowering pets happiness... In the mean time listen for your pet spamming the disobey sound.. if you are line of sight it can get stuck in a loop of disobey fails... and watch your pets happiness... the system checks it every 4 hours and if you are hidden, invis, Line of sight ,or spamming commands when that 4 hour mark hits sometimes the RNG of it can double up/triple up and boom wild pet... had it happen to a bane a few months back.. spent 3 hours trying to clear spawn and get it to a safe place to work it to 12% to retam it.. the long and the short of it.. lore your pets often and make sure to feed them before battle/ check their lvls if you are using LOS/hiding tactics ..If your tamer is not 120taming 120 lore watch them a lot closer as the taming requirement for most of the 5 slot pets in the new system is 107.1 mini so players at 110 /115 will be more pron to fail commands and lose happiness.... hope this helps abit.. have a grand day everyone.. =^-^=

P.s If you are hidden , invis, or line of sighted when the game does the 4 hour check it fails that check and moves down one lvl.
The loyalty checks are actually every 1 hour: Pet gone wild bug

I thought I had corrected my earlier post as all unstabled pets every hour(real time) have pet loyalty test, not every 4 hours. Meaning if the loyalty check happened at 1 pm EST then next one would happen at 2 pm EST.


Stratics Veteran
Good looking out mate.. not sure why I had 4 hours stuck in my head... might be because of that bottom post..Ive corrected it.. ty =^-^=


Stratics Veteran
The loyalty checks are actually every 1 hour: Pet gone wild bug
Wow, very disheartened after reading that thread..... I was lucky enough to quickly retame my cu but now I am hesitant to put any time and gold into the new taming system if pets are this touchy/buggy.

Do away with the LOS/hidden bs penalties and just make it a tile range/on screen check already...
And yes, EC 100% positively NEEDS some form of warning for this(rapidly) deteriorating pet loyalty issue

Good information lads, thanks.....looks like i'll be dusting off my disco mystic mage for colossus if pets are this unreliable


I Hate Skilling
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I invis, and go behind stuff, have long bio trips, see players stand for hours at the stable.

The only time when I notice pet loyalty drop is when they get webbed to the entrance of navrey. And I'm spamming all follow because I don' know where they are. That is a bad spot for line of sight.

Carry food and lore them to see how much a skill has increased and you will keep them happy.

Keep making pets.!


Slightly Crazed
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Just happened to me again. This time it was on the roof. Should be no LOS issues there. I was not invising either. My fully scrolled reptalon got a treat 10 minutes prior. Thankfully I noticed it disobeying between bosses and checked loyalty. I would have easily missed it had it happened in the middle of a spawn.


Stratics Veteran
Just happened to me again. This time it was on the roof. Should be no LOS issues there. I was not invising either. My fully scrolled reptalon got a treat 10 minutes prior. Thankfully I noticed it disobeying between bosses and checked loyalty. I would have easily missed it had it happened in the middle of a spawn.
Was this on Juo'nar by chance? Necromancers have a non-visible aura that reduces all your skills by 30%. I find this highly annoying as there is no debuff, visual cue, or even chat message, but if you look at your skills when fighting necromancers, you will often see they are 84/120 (for example). This can definitely lead to failed commands during the encounter.


Slightly Crazed
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Was this on Juo'nar by chance? Necromancers have a non-visible aura that reduces all your skills by 30%. I find this highly annoying as there is no debuff, visual cue, or even chat message, but if you look at your skills when fighting necromancers, you will often see they are 84/120 (for example). This can definitely lead to failed commands during the encounter.
I am not 100% sure, but it was likely right after Juo'nar. If this is the case, this is a major oversight. It should not be affecting taming related skills.


When tamers are investing so much time and resources into training pets, there needs to be some sort of game mechanics change in place to keep said pets from going wild and unbonding. How much gold (and or time) is necessary to fully 120 scroll a pet? 200 million? 300 million? Your pet unexplainably goes wild, or has a line of sight issue and goes wild, or you get debuffed and the pet goes wild, or and or and or..... AND poof... you’re out the pet and scrolls and time. Pretty crappy way to treat a large portion of your player-base. Personally, I lore and feed my animals frequently. (ridiculously frequently!)

It’s complete crap that your time and investment can be lost outside your control.... there needs to be a change. Something that doesn’t drastically alter game balance. Maybe the animal refuses to follow your commands and is sent back to the stables. Or the animal refuses to attack your enemies until it is fed. Or....or....or

Anything is better than seeing your investment turn grey and die in front on your eyes.

My 2 cents anyway.


Yea, they should change it so trained pets no longer go wild but instead they don't listen to your commands and won't attack anything till fed.

Once my pets growl a few times when I give a command I'll lore it to see it's happiness and usually just feed it anyways but be great if they would do the above suggestion.


Slightly Crazed
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Yea, they should change it so trained pets no longer go wild but instead they don't listen to your commands and won't attack anything till fed.

Once my pets growl a few times when I give a command I'll lore it to see it's happiness and usually just feed it anyways but be great if they would do the above suggestion.
I agree, the whole going wild if unhappy mechanic is obsolete and too problematic.


Babbling Loonie
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Was this on Juo'nar by chance? Necromancers have a non-visible aura that reduces all your skills by 30%. I find this highly annoying as there is no debuff, visual cue, or even chat message, but if you look at your skills when fighting necromancers, you will often see they are 84/120 (for example). This can definitely lead to failed commands during the encounter.
Juo'nar is capable of hitting you with a Disco like effect with his melee, you can tell when he does it because it sounds like both the Corpse Skin effect as well as a zombie noise (at least in CC), and your skills visibly drop. Do not try commanding your pet at all during this. The effect eventually wears off after like 15-20 seconds, without having to leave his sight.


Crazed Zealot
I agree, the whole going wild if unhappy mechanic is obsolete and too problematic.
And with the cost/effort/time to train the new pets, this SHOULD be fixed by the devs so that NO trained pet should go wild under any circumstances..It is about time, one year later, and it is a game breaker for tamers.


Seasoned Veteran
Stratics Veteran
I have spent hundreds of millions on pets and plan to spend similar amounts in the future. Hopefully, something is done to make the scrolls needed less expensive or easier to obtain. I have never had one of my pets go wild without reason. It's usually through my own incompetence when it occurs. However . . .

"Your pet unexplainably goes wild": I'm sure there is an explanation that just hasn't been identified.
"has a line of sight issue and goes wild": I believe that there are some places you just shouldn't take pets because of this potential issue.
" you get debuffed and the pet goes wild": I believe that there are some monsters/bosses that you just shouldn't use your pet against because of this potential issue.

I was never one to believe that there should be a supreme build/character that can solo every possible mob or scenario. I'm not against making changes such as some have suggested, I just don't think the situation is as critical as some have suggested in this thread.


I have spent hundreds of millions on pets and plan to spend similar amounts in the future. Hopefully, something is done to make the scrolls needed less expensive or easier to obtain. I have never had one of my pets go wild without reason. It's usually through my own incompetence when it occurs. However . . .

"Your pet unexplainably goes wild": I'm sure there is an explanation that just hasn't been identified.
"has a line of sight issue and goes wild": I believe that there are some places you just shouldn't take pets because of this potential issue.
" you get debuffed and the pet goes wild": I believe that there are some monsters/bosses that you just shouldn't use your pet against because of this potential issue.

I was never one to believe that there should be a supreme build/character that can solo every possible mob or scenario. I'm not against making changes such as some have suggested, I just don't think the situation is as critical as some have suggested in this thread.
Some people have had pets go wild unexplainably... plain and simple. Search the forums if you think we’re simply spouting whiny crap. It’s happened to me at the crazy mage with a bonded Ice blue CuSidhe. Couldn’t get agro off her to retame as I had disco on the tamer. I wasn’t invis’ed. Was standing on her tail for vetting purposes and successfully applying bandages. Can you explain that? I sure as hell can’t.

And your debuffed argument is equally ridiculous. Does a dexxer lose his/her weapon if they get debuffed while fighting? No. Does a mage lose their awesome event spellbook if he/she gets debuffed? No. So why should my pet go wild and I’m out the scrolls and time because I didn’t know I was debuffed and threw out a few unfollowed commands? (Personally this wouldn’t happen to me because I check my pets’ lore pages a ridiculous ammount and can hear the ignored commands.) Pet still shouldn’t go wild though in this scenario.

If you haven’t had it happen to you, it’s easy to call our responses an over-reaction. AND who in the hell is talking about a “supreme build/character type?” Pets going wild has ZERO-ZIP-NADA to do with this....