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Trade Nice Location for Keep?


Stratics Veteran
I recently returned and was happy to be able to place a large marble patio in a very nice location near Britain that people would have killed for back when the populations were huge. Last night I discovered a spot where I can place a keep but it does not have the location convenient to a town and will be right next to other houses whereas the large marble patio is all by itself. Throughout the years I used to play, I always wanted a keep and knew I would probably never have one.

So my dilemma...do I trade what I have for the keep I always wanted or keep the easily accessible and secluded location with the large marble patio? I guess the location doesn't matter nearly as much anymore since Britain is a ghost town but of course the keep will be right up against another large home.

Should I just go for the keep and fulfill that dream or is owning a keep really not that great anyway? I don't like the large towers and a castle is out of the question. All that being said, is there any significant money to be made off of placing a keep and then selling it empty and undecorated on Catskills?


Have guildies that dropped their Keeps on other servers for a house (not even 18x18's for some) on ALT, its all what about what you want.

You can add floor/wall tiles to Keeps now to make another floor or 2 but its a tedious process and after doing my friends Keep I prob wouldnt bother doing mine if I had one.


Stratics Veteran
Have guildies that dropped their Keeps on other servers for a house (not even 18x18's for some) on ALT, its all what about what you want.

You can add floor/wall tiles to Keeps now to make another floor or 2 but its a tedious process and after doing my friends Keep I prob wouldnt bother doing mine if I had one.
Are they dropping keeps just because they don't like the design? I always thought it was a strange design...having to go upstairs to get to each wing and wasting the three grass spots instead of using them. But something about the keep just always intrigued me. I'd like to learn more about adding floor and wall tiles to give it another floor though. That sounds nice.


They are dropping them cause anyone can place a keep/castle with so many open spots like you found because the server is so dead.

Then for the other types they are leaving ATL because of the high prices here (very few), which is Broadswords fault for introducing shard shields which players use to bring items from dead servers to ATL to sell then return a much richer pixel.

Broadsword is testing/making a tool to show allow castles to be customized but as someone pointed out they shouldn't be wasting dev time on what caters to few. When many can benefit on something like larger custom house plot sizes.
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Stratics Veteran
They are dropping them cause anyone can place a keep/castle with so many open spots like you found because the server is so dead.

Then for the other types they are leaving ATL because of the high prices here (very few), which is Broadswords fault for introducing shard shields which players use to bring items from dead servers to ATL to sell then return a much richer pixel.
Got it. I just need to determine what I want more, location or a keep. Not to mention...I have to move all my crap through gates. Unless there is an easier way to do that these days that I don't know about.


Stratics Veteran
Pretty much.
It's a shame. I love the shell and just wish they'd remove the need to go upstairs just to visit the four towers and the useless green space. We don't have to start the conversation about having the ability to customize keeps and castles because I know that's been brought up plenty of times. I'll probably just stick with an 18 x 18 because I love having the freedom.

Lord Frodo

Stratics Legend
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Stratics Legend
@Windarian what shard are you on? You may want to post this in you shard thread or ask in chat. There are some nice locations on every shard for a Keep and one may or may not be open on your shard.


Stratics Veteran
@Windarian what shard are you on? You may want to post this in you shard thread or ask in chat. There are some nice locations on every shard for a Keep and one may or may not be open on your shard.
I'm on Catskills. I always wanted a keep but this location is right up against another one and I've never been a fan of living in a crowded UO neighborhood. I don't necessarily want seclusion but a decent size yard around me.

I never have understood why the landscape in Britannia was designed the way it was. I don't have a problem with how many spots there are for keeps and castles but having 4 or 5 castles and keeps right next to each other looks ridiculous. They should have spread out the spaces that can fit a castle or keep. I'm no historian but I don't think it was ever common for "castle neighborhoods" to exist in the real world. A castle or keep was the home for a lord or king with a large dominion to oversee. I don't think I would pay much over deed price for a castle in UO if it was surrounded by other castles and/or keeps.

Lord Frodo

Stratics Legend
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Cats is a good shard. Let people know in chat what you are looking for and you may be surprised at all the help you will get from people trying to help you out. If you do not mind FEL there may be more open spots there for you to look at.


Stratics Veteran
Cats is a good shard. Let people know in chat what you are looking for and you may be surprised at all the help you will get from people trying to help you out. If you do not mind FEL there may be more open spots there for you to look at.
I appreciate it. I might look in Felucca. I have bad twitches from pre Trammel experiences...particularly my first death at the hands of one Qui Gon Jinn east of Britain. I think 18 years is long enough for me to do some healing and step back through the moon gate. :)


Stratics Veteran
i prefer seclusion over anything. i'd even sacrifice an 18x18 for something smaller entirely by itself. paid 100m for this one. closest house is 3 screens away. HUGE front yard and a forest behind me all to myself.

Atlantic, Fel side Screenshot (12).png


Stratics Veteran
i prefer seclusion over anything. i'd even sacrifice an 18x18 for something smaller entirely by itself. paid 100m for this one. closest house is 3 screens away. HUGE front yard and a forest behind me all to myself.

Atlantic, Fel side View attachment 83337
I agree. I ended up going with a 17 x 17 instead of the keep. The location is more secluded and waterfront and I love the ability to customize. I think it's dumb that you have to go upstairs in the middle of the keep just to get to the four towers.


Stratics Veteran
I agree. I ended up going with a 17 x 17 instead of the keep. The location is more secluded and waterfront and I love the ability to customize. I think it's dumb that you have to go upstairs in the middle of the keep just to get to the four towers.
...and now I've found an 18 x 18 spot even more private and ocean front. Guess I'm moving tonight!