As best we can tell, even if you defeat the Ophidians at a moongate, reinforcements will quickly arrive from Skara Brae from Felucca or Trammel (whichever has advanced to the final stage for the city).
The best course of action seems to be pushing back the spawn in Skara Brae around the moongate on both sides. If that's clear, the moongate spawn can be defeated readily.
Otherwise, the Ophidians seem to just be reinforcing the line from the rear. So even if you attack a middle portion, the front or back will reinforce it. It *must* be attacked head on at the front line.
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From this posted in another thread it appears that both facets have to be cleared ie Skara Tram and Fel?
If this is the case then we may as well stop fighting now. We have killed the spawn in skara trammel umpteen times, cleared the gate, cleared the town, cleared the island, crossed to the mainland, killed whatever was there only to have it all respawn 15-20 mins later. If reinforcemnts are coming in via skara fel, and we need to clear that simultaneously, FORGET IT.
All that is happening in fel is the pk'ers are killing anyone attempting to clear the spawn, it is a total waste of time even bothering with it. The spawn is hard enough to kill without being 'ganked' by people whose only aim is to get cheap insurance off other people.
Could we please have some clarification as to whether this is the case? If it is then I think you will just lose a lot of players who have been working hard to 'save' the towns. Most of us are not prepared to die over and over to people who have no interest in the scenario but only in griefing and smacktalking those that are. And no, I understand that pk'ers and pvp'ers don't need to play nice in fel, it is their world, but I surely hope that the rest of this scenario is not tied to completing a spawn clearing there.
If clearing 'both' facets is a requirement for this 'war' then we just lost it, and what could of been a great scenario will just be another brit invasion that people just got sick of. There has to be the 'potential' to defeat the enemy, if both facets need clearing for it to progress then I don't see any 'potential', sorry.
I for one will be totally disappointed if this is the case.
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I was having the same problem yesterday. I tried to work the fel side and some red came in from behind and 2 hit killed me with a bow. Honestly, the first hit probably would have killed me because it took most of my health and lethal poisoned me, but he did shoot me twice. It is a bad idea to force players to go to fel to complete a storyline because too many people in fel cheat. Also, it's a LOT easier to kill a player that is killing spawns than it is to just kill a player. There wasn't anything I could have done about the guy that ganked me. He had a guarunteed kill... I was on a tamer and my pet was fighting a general. I mean what could I have done? run away? hard to do that when you're dead in 2 seconds... First shot all but killed me... 2nd shot killed me while I was trying to cure myself.
Until pvp is balanced, scenario content should not force you to go to fel.
If I was trying to prevent people from completing this scenario I am very confident that I could kill as many as 10 people at once while they are fighting off invasion spawns... it's like taking candy from a baby. Especially when the target is a PVE character.
I'm still going to continue doing the invasion, though. I've found that it's pretty fun to do on a tamer, and I have wanted to do something fun on my tamer for a long time. I don't care so much about the loot... I'm not really getting anything worth having and I continue to do it.