According to Wikipedia : Compulsive hoarding (or pathological hoarding) is the acquisition of, and failure to use or discard, such a large number of seemingly useless possessions that it causes significant clutter and impairment to basic living activities such as mobility, cooking, cleaning, showering or sleeping. A person who engages in compulsive hoarding is commonly said to be a "pack rat", in reference to that animal's apparent fondness for material objects.
We do hope that not to many of you dear UO players are "ïnto" this problem.
Our advise : Simple,Be Prudent in anything you acquire in this game.
JOHO of course.
We do hope that not to many of you dear UO players are "ïnto" this problem.
Our advise : Simple,Be Prudent in anything you acquire in this game.
JOHO of course.