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The Template killer



Play a scribe mage!!

Oh nm, I thought this was the template killed thread.


EDIT: ehh PUB 46.....it started wayyyy before that.


If they reverted the special toggling while casting, it would make pure mages at least somewhat viable again (wrestle/scribe).


Crazed Zealot
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I think people forget the necro mages that were disarming people and throwing in AI into their combos... If they don't remember them, I question where they were. I recall killing dexers so fast it would make you cry. 1 mana dump = 1 dead dexer.

A disarmed mage is still capable of fighting on. A disarmed dexer is forced to run. It was never hard to disarm a dexer. Frankly it still isn't but tank mages are not the beastly characters viable in all situations that they were. Now that there is a skill requirement, it's usually better to play another kind of mage for field fights away from yew gate.


I think people forget the necro mages that were disarming people and throwing in AI into their combos... If they don't remember them, I question where they were. I recall killing dexers so fast it would make you cry. 1 mana dump = 1 dead dexer.

A disarmed mage is still capable of fighting on. A disarmed dexer is forced to run. It was never hard to disarm a dexer. Frankly it still isn't but tank mages are not the beastly characters viable in all situations that they were. Now that there is a skill requirement, it's usually better to play another kind of mage for field fights away from yew gate.
Wow... are you saying a disarmed mage with no weapon skill can fight on while the dexer is going to hit him all the time? Let's see if the dexer isnt good at all and let me cast lighting and that will do hmm 15 dmg? Then I will get hit by the dexer for around 20 to 50 depending on what weapon/special he used. Dont give that 50dmg isnt possible, we have many reported 50+ dmg concussion blow and 35dmg moving shot with a prepatched quiver.

Also you have any idea how much would be the AI damage for that mage? it will be like 22 unless the mage sacrifice some other mods and get DI or put tactics/anatomy in his template. Have you really played a tank mage before? I mean none of the stuff you made up holds true. Oh also when a dexer is running what can a mage do about it? STOP and CAST? Mages STOP to HEAL STOP to ATTACK, STOP to do anything. As long as the dexer aint played by a monkey each STOP is a chance to hit. Dont make it out like running away is bad for dexers. Mobility (aka offscreen) is the bread and butter for any dexers against mages. OFFSCREEN is essentially godmode against mages not the other way around.


Interesting thread, I have two questions (which I asked in another thread too, but I reckon I might get a different answer here).

Bearing in mind these are the templates I have played:

- Precast Era: Hally mage.
- No precast but instant hit era: Hally mage
- Renaissance Era: Inscribe \ Poison mage
- Publish (16?) Nu-Precast era: Archery \ Tactics mage

... What is the most viable, non-gimped Mage template? I've got to 90 inscription on a 5x 120 pure mage and I'm a bit worried I've wasted a few hundred thousand gold.
If I wanted to play a tank-mage (which I do), which suit and template would I gun for - is it even possible?

Why do people think mysticism is going to make mages better?


Lore Master
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
i don't mind the need to have tactics to perform prim and sec abilities.

"no longer stack using a weapon special move and casting a spell or activating a skill ability." - that needs to be reverted, you should be able to stack the abilities.


It basically made swing speed so ridiculously important on a weapon and made it so it was literally impossible fight 1v2 anybody anymore. Before this patch I could pretty much smash the face of upto 4 crap mages and a dexxer, due to the ability to be offensive while defending (i.e bleeding whilst healing and accumulate damage). This nerf was completely unnecessary... however the biggest nerf was when they, unannounced, changed rubber banding whilst casting which effectively made it impossible to kill somebody who was straight lining or dexxers who healed with bandies when they ran.

Most of the key devs do play dexxers and have said so themselves, so I'm not surprised (take a look at the amount of buffs mages have gotten versus the amount of new things for dexxers over the past years).


You know he said a disarmed dexxer has to run away, I am glad to see you backing up his claim. Also a disarmed mage can still do damage, Sure they can be disrupted but it does not negate the fact they are capable of continuing the fight while waiting to rearm.

Petrify...While I am unbiased on if they should or should not have the toggle back, I must admit you saying you can take on 5v1 is a good reason why it wouldn't be turned back on. 2v1 should be more balanced for the 2. 5v1 you should really not have a chance. I guess that's a personal opinion and based on realistic ideas but meh.


Cloak‡1283936 said:
You know he said a disarmed dexxer has to run away, I am glad to see you backing up his claim. Also a disarmed mage can still do damage, Sure they can be disrupted but it does not negate the fact they are capable of continuing the fight while waiting to rearm.

Petrify...While I am unbiased on if they should or should not have the toggle back, I must admit you saying you can take on 5v1 is a good reason why it wouldn't be turned back on. 2v1 should be more balanced for the 2. 5v1 you should really not have a chance. I guess that's a personal opinion and based on realistic ideas but meh.
My disarmed dexer can do damage OK. Your statement is false. I can stop mages from casting anything worth mentioning with holylight spell along even if I am disarmed. Disarmed dexer HAS to run away is false argument, it isnt true for the better dexers. You get killed in 1 mage combo I dont. You get killed by a mage with combo like exp FS FS FS I dont. Again, you cant handle on something doesnt mean it's broken, nor does it mean other, better players cant handle the same enemy.

Running away is dexer godmode vs mages, I am glad we have an agreement on this. Oddly enough I dont see your explination on why this is OK. I said in my early posts if I am the dexer, I would offscreen if I am 1. In trouble, 2. Disarmed, 3. Whiff. And if I am running away, I will never be killed by a mage because running away is my godmode (again glad we have an agreement on this matter). When mage gets low and started running I will still hit him on the run, and when the mage is running he can NOT do not even 1 damage to me, and when the mage is running he can NOT heal even 1 point of damage with his spells. And if he stops and try to mini heal, that's what? 10 hp healed? my average AI does 35 to 45 (if lighting proc) so the mage will take a net 25-35dmg with a mini heal, otherwise if the mage tries to Gheal, which will either get disrrupted by my swing or my holylight and in this cast if the mage NEEDS a gheal to stay alive, hes already dead on my next swing. And I wont even mention I also play a disarm archer in this case, running away with low health is a suicide for the mage.

And if I run? The mage can NOT do jack crap about it, again glad we both agree on this one.


Interesting thread, I have two questions (which I asked in another thread too, but I reckon I might get a different answer here).

Bearing in mind these are the templates I have played:

- Precast Era: Hally mage.
- No precast but instant hit era: Hally mage
- Renaissance Era: Inscribe \ Poison mage
- Publish (16?) Nu-Precast era: Archery \ Tactics mage

... What is the most viable, non-gimped Mage template? I've got to 90 inscription on a 5x 120 pure mage and I'm a bit worried I've wasted a few hundred thousand gold.
If I wanted to play a tank-mage (which I do), which suit and template would I gun for - is it even possible?

Why do people think mysticism is going to make mages better?
Tactics mages are still possible but the effectiveness is reduced greatly. By playing a mage you have to time ur specials. When you attempt a special you have to completely stop your offense AND defnese bu stop casting all spells completely. And if the attempt whiffs you just lose 1 to 2 spells worth of time. Old tank mage you can toggle the special you desired and FOCUS on your casting.

Then if you are playing a tank mage that means you will have at least 210 skill points dedicated for a weapon. (usually 120 weapon + 90 tactics). That mean your suit requirement is higher than ever. As a mage you need all the DCI you can get. As a weapon user you need high HCI to fully utilize your 210 skill point investment. As a mage you also need 100 LRC AND 40 LMC. All those mods you also have to keep the resists optimal.

This is why right after the special untoggle patch, mage weapons suddenly became very popular. Because you dont have to worry about toggling special, most mages are going defensive and dropping weapon skill and tactics.

The unneeded nerf eliminated an entired playing style that has been in game for ages and was never complained other than some subpar players crying about disarms when they KNOW disarm will not kill any dexer 1v1.


Your elongated post didn't even negate anything I said....As I see you are another assumption maker, I will end my discussion with you, To assume I die more than you is ignorant, arrogant, and childish. While it may or may not be true it is the assumption of such a thing that makes everything you say null to me, and before you start saying it was "general" to assume you die less than EVERYONE is worse, and if you mean it in a general manner you should not quote a person.


Cloak‡1283950 said:
Your elongated post didn't even negate anything I said....As I see you are another assumption maker, I will end my discussion with you, To assume I die more than you is ignorant, arrogant, and childish. While it may or may not be true it is the assumption of such a thing that makes everything you say null to me, and before you start saying it was "general" to assume you die less than EVERYONE is worse, and if you mean it in a general manner you should not quote a person.
OK sorry if you take it wrong. Seems like you dont have anything else constructive to mention. Sorry you dont like to come to a web forum to discuss. I wont make you reply, leave the discussion to people who cares and knows more about ingame balance.

In short
1. An entire historical playstyle is eliminated.

2. Mages do not have a counter method against offscreen. Paralyze and Parablow are all countered by an item that does minimal dmg and requires zero skill point and zero player skill.

3. Mages nolonger have the burst potential other than using a precast spell. No flexibility.

4. Mages have the worst mobility in game of UO. Stop to heal stop to attack stop to do anything magery.

5. The most powerful PvP aspect in UO is mobility (connection/movements).

6. Special untoggle was an overkill on the nerve/ds nerfing(again geared more towards dexers)

7. If you read the previous posts, most people mages or dexers would like to see this feature returned other than three(3) posters. One mentioned mages kill any dexer per combo always. The other said special toggle is what made mages "overpowering". And also saying Dexer = HAVE TO RUN or = AUTO DEAD DEXER after disarm which already proven false if you can use holylight. And offscreen will not kill a dexer as we all know.

Just some of the points gathered from this thread.


Lore Master
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Petrify...While I am unbiased on if they should or should not have the toggle back, I must admit you saying you can take on 5v1 is a good reason why it wouldn't be turned back on. 2v1 should be more balanced for the 2. 5v1 you should really not have a chance. I guess that's a personal opinion and based on realistic ideas but meh.
Its got nothing to do with mages being overpowered. I played a scribe/fence mage and I have a ridiculous ability to be extremely hard to kill (e.g pull off GH in between bleed/IPY spam), so I would simply wear people down using bleed/IPY while I ran (admittedly the 2nd tier of players on Oceania are terrible pvpers). My record is 1v7, while they had dismounters - but they were horrible. I'm pretty modest too.

Anyway, nothing beats the old exp bleed + posion + ipy/fireball spam - you can rarely do this these days due to rubber banding and the preholding of bleed. The days when you could hold a posion up then as soon as you hit bleed, drop the poison, are long gone unfortunately.


Seeing as how that was a bit constructive, I will mention again I impartial either way, I can live with it how it is or if it goes back however, something you mentioned that I do think needs to be addressed

2. Mages do not have a counter method against offscreen. Paralyze and Parablow are all countered by an item that does minimal dmg and requires zero skill point and zero player skill.

Items should not replace skill, This has always been a belief I have. I also feel archers should not be able to run and shoot, or mages should have an ability similar, it is not like mages and archers have any real difference when it comes to basic combat idea, basically keep your distance fighting, so mages having to pause while archers don't does not make sense.

Also I have no problem having a discussion, but I don't assume anything about you while discussing something that has nothing to do with you or me, in terms of ability. My feelings on the subject have no real connection to my ability to play, as I stated many times by now, I can live with it being toggled or not. I never said i hold Ominous' opinion I simply stated a fact, that was true, most dexxers don't have 105 chiv to cast holy light 100pct, and anything else = fail so they are forced to run or sit and heal through the barrage of what will be uninteruptable spells (tho to be honest I think they should be able to heal through it and not die before they are able to re-arm again) and you have said it countless times already that dexxers run off screen when they get disarmed or in trouble or anything really, so I do not even understand why you are being contradictive in your postings.


Its got nothing to do with mages being overpowered. I played a scribe/fence mage and I have a ridiculous ability to be extremely hard to kill (e.g pull off GH in between bleed/IPY spam), so I would simply wear people down using bleed/IPY while I ran (admittedly the 2nd tier of players on Oceania are terrible pvpers). My record is 1v7, while they had dismounters - but they were horrible. I'm pretty modest too.

Anyway, nothing beats the old exp bleed + posion + ipy/fireball spam - you can rarely do this these days due to rubber banding and the preholding of bleed. The days when you could hold a posion up then as soon as you hit bleed, drop the poison, are long gone unfortunately.
Well I was only pointing out that most players, well really no one, should be able to live against x number of people, what number you want to make x is a matter of opinion , I feel at about 3 or 4 it should be over for any single player. While I am aware this is not the situation, I was just simply pointing out why being able to do that would be a good example of why they wouldn't put it back on, tho also admittingly it can still be done these days, even if you can't kill any one in a 1v7 you can at least stay alive for much longer than should ever be possible in such a situation. I don't mean you personally I just mean anyone, tho you are included in "anyone".


Lore Master
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
well really no one, should be able to live against x number of people, what number you want to make x is a matter of opinion
Why? In a game where skill is dominant then a player should be able to live or kill any amount of people.

For the record it wasn't just "living" against 7 people. It was killing them (it was kov for the oceanians, at despise, spread and picked them off).


Why? In a game where skill is dominant then a player should be able to live or kill any amount of people.

For the record it wasn't just "living" against 7 people. It was killing them (it was kov for the oceanians, at despise, spread and picked them off).
Well I was not saying you were unable to kill them, I was simply stating that generally masses > anything else. In reality the person with more people should win, granted not always the case (and hardly ever is in the game we play) but as I said it was based on realistic ideas, I have held my own against many ganks and killed the would be gankers, but I was simply stating my feeling on the matter, I have seen someone completely dominate roughly 18 people, at the Min base, my feeling on it is it should not be possible, but it does depend on the people (obviously if you can separate them and they don't rez each other I don't really count that, I mean when people work together you should have a hard time even with 2) as I said, when it gets to be about 4v1 I really believe the 1 should have close to no chance of winning. Going to stop there heh, getting tired.


Can someone tell me why this template isn’t viable:

120 Margery
120 Med
120 Eval
120 Archery
120 Tactics
120 Resist

Let's say we use the AOF, a bunch of other leather and buy an (albeit expensive) spell channeling bow with DCI and other mods. Sure, if get disarmed in a group fight a dexer will hurt my feelings, but for the reasons described in this thread is that really an issue? The advantages of wrestling on a mage are obvious, but I have an old mage on Drachs I was thinking of X-fering to Atlantic who has 115 archery. If I got disarmed by a mage in a 1 on 1 perhaps his wrestling disrupts would make the duel a moot point?


Can someone tell me why this template isn’t viable:

120 Margery
120 Med
120 Eval
120 Archery
120 Tactics
120 Resist

Let's say we use the AOF, a bunch of other leather and buy an (albeit expensive) spell channeling bow with DCI and other mods. Sure, if get disarmed in a group fight a dexer will hurt my feelings, but for the reasons described in this thread is that really an issue? The advantages of wrestling on a mage are obvious, but I have an old mage on Drachs I was thinking of X-fering to Atlantic who has 115 archery. If I got disarmed by a mage in a 1 on 1 perhaps his wrestling disrupts would make the duel a moot point?
Viable and realistic are really what it comes down to, its really the items needed that make things more or less viable in my opinion. 100lrc/40lmc/45hci/45dci/DI/any amount of mr/ I am sure I am forgetting some props, or right, ssi/ 3/6 casting all 70s balancing dex/str/int, Of course the real the main problem presented in this thread is that you can not toggle your special weapon moves while casting, if you can deal with that (most people can) and you can manage everything else that I stated (while I am sure I am still forgetting something, bit tired now heh) then I guess it is viable.


Can someone tell me why this template isn’t viable:

120 Margery
120 Med
120 Eval
120 Archery
120 Tactics
120 Resist

Let's say we use the AOF, a bunch of other leather and buy an (albeit expensive) spell channeling bow with DCI and other mods. Sure, if get disarmed in a group fight a dexer will hurt my feelings, but for the reasons described in this thread is that really an issue? The advantages of wrestling on a mage are obvious, but I have an old mage on Drachs I was thinking of X-fering to Atlantic who has 115 archery. If I got disarmed by a mage in a 1 on 1 perhaps his wrestling disrupts would make the duel a moot point?
It is a viable template and I have one close to it. But I do not have all I needed to achieve my best preformance. Please show me a fully medable suit that has 100LRC + 40LMC + 45DCI + 45HCI + 15SDI + all 70 resists + a bow with good speed + Balance + Spell Channelling and/or Fast Cast +1 (to make it no neg).

I have 4 dexers and 2 of which are archers. They ALL have their own suit and they are ALL 70s corpse proof resists + 40lmc + 40-50EP + 45hci + 30ish dci + 100DI w/Wep + 10ish MR.
ALL archers has at least one 35+ssi balance bows with single or dual proc.

For dexers they have all useable mods on a bow. For a sc bow that's at least 1 property short, and most likely you also need FC+1 on it AND HCI or DCI because otherwise you cant met other requirements (100LRC + 40LMC + 45DCI + 45HCI + 15SDI + all 70 resists + a bow with good speed + Balance + Spell Channeling).

It takes much more ITEMS and MODS AND PLAYER SKILL along for that template to perform well. Mine is decent but I have 30ish hci and 30ish dci with a HUGE HOLE in one of the resists and the decent composite/corssbow for such template cost me nearly hundreds of millions. And when I go into mage mode I DONT shoot at all. Because it takes a delay (and inactivity) to fire a bow and if I am chaining spells at perfect timing it will never fire once, and if I want to attempt a special I have to STOP CASTING.... TRIGGER SPECIAL.... WAIT FOR DELAY TO SHOOT... if I hit good, if I whiff I just lost the time to cast 2 spells. Play one its not easy when there was pretrigger special, and now it just made it even harder to play. I adapted but it's very dull to play such a char now, and it's not effective and does not survive well. I'd rather play my dexer archer where it's much much easy to make, much much easier to play, much much more effective in killing, and much much more effective in healing (on the run), and much much easy to get all the right equipments I need.

You see the points now?


Yup, this is exactly what i wanted (or rather, not wanted) to hear. I just miss playing a tank mage, i dont want to play a dexer and spamming magic arrow on my inscrip mage is not my idea of fun.

Thanks very much, mate.

It is a viable template and I have one close to it. But I do not have all I needed to achieve my best preformance. Please show me a fully medable suit that has 100LRC + 40LMC + 45DCI + 45HCI + 15SDI + all 70 resists + a bow with good speed + Balance + Spell Channelling and/or Fast Cast +1 (to make it no neg).

I have 4 dexers and 2 of which are archers. They ALL have their own suit and they are ALL 70s corpse proof resists + 40lmc + 40-50EP + 45hci + 30ish dci + 100DI w/Wep + 10ish MR.
ALL archers has at least one 35+ssi balance bows with single or dual proc.

For dexers they have all useable mods on a bow. For a sc bow that's at least 1 property short, and most likely you also need FC+1 on it AND HCI or DCI because otherwise you cant met other requirements (100LRC + 40LMC + 45DCI + 45HCI + 15SDI + all 70 resists + a bow with good speed + Balance + Spell Channeling).

It takes much more ITEMS and MODS AND PLAYER SKILL along for that template to perform well. Mine is decent but I have 30ish hci and 30ish dci with a HUGE HOLE in one of the resists and the decent composite/corssbow for such template cost me nearly hundreds of millions. And when I go into mage mode I DONT shoot at all. Because it takes a delay (and inactivity) to fire a bow and if I am chaining spells at perfect timing it will never fire once, and if I want to attempt a special I have to STOP CASTING.... TRIGGER SPECIAL.... WAIT FOR DELAY TO SHOOT... if I hit good, if I whiff I just lost the time to cast 2 spells. Play one its not easy when there was pretrigger special, and now it just made it even harder to play. I adapted but it's very dull to play such a char now, and it's not effective and does not survive well. I'd rather play my dexer archer where it's much much easy to make, much much easier to play, much much more effective in killing, and much much more effective in healing (on the run), and much much easy to get all the right equipments I need.

You see the points now?

Benny Lava

acknowledgement or a response from draconi on this please....


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Agreed, i actually see it making all dexxers godly...but also making mages slightly better(from what i hear mysticism is nice).


All dexxers are going to have max mod weaps - SSI,HLD,HLA,HCI/DCI,Hit Spell.

All mages are going to have max mod mage weaps(rather than having to pay, what 200mil?)- 20mage weap,SCnoPen,Hit spell,HLA,DCI
now if u read about imbuing its only 5 total mods for anything and di counts towards that mod so u cant have godly imbued weapons your still going to have to craft example would be a mage weapon sc with no negative is already 3 mods plus add the di from craftng with armslore and ur at 4 so what is ur uber 5 mod what dci? ur still getting disarmed and dropped so dont think imbuing is going to be god of crafting and its not going to be easy to imbue up to 5 mods u still need 120 imbuing and the required ingreidents so dont put ur check book down yet


now if u read about imbuing its only 5 total mods for anything and di counts towards that mod so u cant have godly imbued weapons your still going to have to craft example would be a mage weapon sc with no negative is already 3 mods plus add the di from craftng with armslore and ur at 4 so what is ur uber 5 mod what dci? ur still getting disarmed and dropped so dont think imbuing is going to be god of crafting and its not going to be easy to imbue up to 5 mods u still need 120 imbuing and the required ingreidents so dont put ur check book down yet
He said MAX MOD weapons, that means 5 mods at 100pct intensity. And seeing as how dexxers already pay hundreds of millions on their items I do not think the "limits" you suggested would be a big deal. Also pay attention when you post he said Dexxers, he didn't say mages. What crack addict dexxer has a mage weapon with no magery? So now you are down to 1 mod (DI) so there now add 4 other max intensity mods.

And Imbuing has the same limitations as Crafting does. As I am to understand it the Arms lore DI does not count to the 5 mods of crafting. So now you are down to 0 mods unless you add the extra 15 DI you can get from a runic.

As for if you were trying to counter the mage weapon argument. What crack addict mage has DI as a mod? Or rather wants? that means he could get all of the mods he listed minus one, which one he does not get would be up to the mage since they can custom make their weapons now.

Btw I think SC with -1 is 50% intensity mod and SC no negative is 100% intensity mod. that means the no negative is not a mod of its own. That means you now have
-20 mage weapon/sc/15 dci/50 hla/50 hitspell <-- 5 max mods.

Sure did blow your argument out of the water :(


Cloak‡1295581 said:
Btw I think SC with -1 is 50% intensity mod and SC no negative is 100% intensity mod. that means the no negative is not a mod of its own. That means you now have
-20 mage weapon/sc/15 dci/50 hla/50 hitspell <-- 5 max mods.

Sure did blow your argument out of the water :(
DEVs explained these mods before (mods not mod). SC-1 is a single mod and fact cast +1 is another. And according to a recent FoF all the "Hit or Miss" mods counts as 100% intensity. e.g. UBWS, SC-1, FC+1, Slayers, Balanced and so on.

A SC -20 mage weapon with no negative takes 3 mods 300% intensity. This can be proved if you are in SA Beta. A perfect max mods mage weapon you basically gets 2 mods of your choice and usually its 15 DCI and Hit Spell.

Also GM damage bonus counts as 1 mods, you can take it out and use the mod somewhere else or you can increase it to 50.
A useable mage weapon takes at least 300% intensity to make it useable with 2 extra mods of your choice.

Dexers dont have as much restriction, and you CAN have a bokuto with FC1, 30SSI, 50 Lighting, 15HCI and 50HLD (DI isnt important on a bok) or you can imbue a bow with 30SSI, 50Lighting, 50 Velocity, Balanced 50DI.

Runic Crafted items can be more superior as its possible to go 6+ mods and in some cases you can have even more mods if you craft stuff like "lightingweight shortbow" with innate mods.

Imbuing really shines when used with jewleries. For a mage a ring with 1/3 +15magery, 15dci, 25EP/12sdi. For dexers it can be ring with 25DI, 15Dci, 15 hci, 25EP + anything else.

Dexers still requires less mods to be all capped out compare to mages this wont change. But at least inbued items on mages will probably last longer since they do not get hit as often.

I did a little math in beta, even with imbuing and assuming I have unlimited ingredients and 120 skill. It's still extremely hard to make a suit to cap out mods required for a tactics mage. Tactics mage wasnt overpowered with pre-toggle special(because it comes with too many holes), and is much worse now with auto cancel special. Thats why you rarely see any old school tactics mages now and most mages are all mage weapon mages.


DEVs explained these mods before (mods not mod). SC-1 is a single mod and fact cast +1 is another. And according to a recent FoF all the "Hit or Miss" mods counts as 100% intensity. e.g. UBWS, SC-1, FC+1, Slayers, Balanced and so on.

A SC -20 mage weapon with no negative takes 3 mods 300% intensity. This can be proved if you are in SA Beta. A perfect max mods mage weapon you basically gets 2 mods of your choice and usually its 15 DCI and Hit Spell.
Try not to contradict yourself in every post ok?

SC-1 is one mod but sc alone is two? its one or the other, sorry. while I didn't run to test it I stated I THINK (see the key words here?) that sc-1 is a mod at 50% intensity because SC alone would be the max intensity for that, other wise you would be able to create items with sc 1 (since FC is capped at 2 and not 1) see how this works? But again, I don't plan to run and test this just to prove that right as it is not really important, I never stated it as a fact I stated it as a thought. The point of my post was for people to read what others wrote, he posted an argument that Rich was wrong about dexers having max mod items, then went on to say that MAGE WEAPONS take 3 mods. While it is likely that mage weapons will take 3 mods, it has nothing to do with the fact that Dexxers take 0 (at most 1 if you are including the 15 di)

Runic Crafted items can be more superior as its possible to go 6+ mods and in some cases you can have even more mods if you craft stuff like "lightingweight shortbow" with innate mods.
uh, no...Runics can not have 6+ mods, in fact the most you can have is...Oh yea its 5 how could I forget that. Aside from the Recipe items Crafting is limited to the same number of mods as well, everything else. Since I have not wasted my time to craft recipe items I will take your word on them being able to have more than 5 mods.


Cloak‡1295778 said:
Try not to contradict yourself in every post ok?

SC-1 is one mod but sc alone is two? its one or the other, sorry. while I didn't run to test it I stated I THINK (see the key words here?) that sc-1 is a mod at 50% intensity because SC alone would be the max intensity for that, other wise you would be able to create items with sc 1 (since FC is capped at 2 and not 1) see how this works? But again, I don't plan to run and test this just to prove that right as it is not really important, I never stated it as a fact I stated it as a thought. The point of my post was for people to read what others wrote, he posted an argument that Rich was wrong about dexers having max mod items, then went on to say that MAGE WEAPONS take 3 mods. While it is likely that mage weapons will take 3 mods, it has nothing to do with the fact that Dexxers take 0 (at most 1 if you are including the 15 di)

uh, no...Runics can not have 6+ mods, in fact the most you can have is...Oh yea its 5 how could I forget that. Aside from the Recipe items Crafting is limited to the same number of mods as well, everything else. Since I have not wasted my time to craft recipe items I will take your word on them being able to have more than 5 mods.
I did not contradict myself. And apperently you have no clue how mods works. I am sorry but you really are clueless.
SC-1 is one mod at 100%, FC1 is also one mod at 100%. You cannot get same mods twice thus it's impossible to have FC2 items crafted. Nor is it possible to have SCFC+1. SC with no negative consists of two(2) mods. One is SC-1 and the other is FC+1. Dev also stated a SC no negative mod is actually listed as
Spell Channeling
Fast Cast -1
Fast Cast +1.

I cannot leak more beta/imbuing info but I can tell you FC+1 is indeed 100% intensity, and SC-1 is also 100% intensity single mod.
If what you are trying to convince me is true then I would be able to craft a mage weapon with
SC No Negative
Mage Weapon -20
15 DCI
30 SSI
50 Hit Fireball
This is 5 mods (in your opinion) yet the system does not allow me to imbue the 5th mods? And how about Fast Cast +1 and Spell Channeling is listed as TWO(2) seperate mods on imbuing menu?

Also it's possible to go to six (6) mods with "runic crafted items" as again the DEV stated the GM 35DI (5 more with GM armslore) is free. A runic property can be rolled as DI and if its higher it will overwrite the GM bonus and WILL use a mod. If no DI runic bonus is rolled then you will get the 5 mods + free DI making it 6 mods. Again runic can have up to 5 mods + free DI on one(1) item effectively making it 6 mods... how am I contradicting myself.

Is it that hard to understand? If you are in SA beta might as well try it and save yourself from some embarrassments. You are also pointing out that what DEV stated to be false. You are saying two seperate mods is actually one. You are saying many things that arent true with straight face.

You have no clue on how things work doesnt mean that I am wrong. The easiest way would be you get on SA beta and see it yourself since you dont believe (or refuse to agree) anything DEVs said.


I did not contradict myself. And apperently you have no clue how mods works. I am sorry but you really are clueless.
SC-1 is one mod at 100%, FC1 is also one mod at 100%. You cannot get same mods twice thus it's impossible to have FC2 items crafted. Nor is it possible to have SCFC+1. SC with no negative consists of two(2) mods. One is SC-1 and the other is FC+1. Dev also stated a SC no negative mod is actually listed as
Spell Channeling
Fast Cast -1
Fast Cast +1.

I cannot leak more beta/imbuing info but I can tell you FC+1 is indeed 100% intensity, and SC-1 is also 100% intensity single mod.
If what you are trying to convince me is true then I would be able to craft a mage weapon with
SC No Negative
Mage Weapon -20
15 DCI
30 SSI
50 Hit Fireball
This is 5 mods (in your opinion) yet the system does not allow me to imbue the 5th mods? And how about Fast Cast +1 and Spell Channeling is listed as TWO(2) seperate mods on imbuing menu?

Also it's possible to go to six (6) mods with "runic crafted items" as again the DEV stated the GM 35DI (5 more with GM armslore) is free. A runic property can be rolled as DI and if its higher it will overwrite the GM bonus and WILL use a mod. If no DI runic bonus is rolled then you will get the 5 mods + free DI making it 6 mods. Again runic can have up to 5 mods + free DI on one(1) item effectively making it 6 mods... how am I contradicting myself.

Is it that hard to understand? If you are in SA beta might as well try it and save yourself from some embarrassments. You are also pointing out that what DEV stated to be false. You are saying two seperate mods is actually one. You are saying many things that arent true with straight face.

You have no clue on how things work doesnt mean that I am wrong. The easiest way would be you get on SA beta and see it yourself since you dont believe (or refuse to agree) anything DEVs said.
huh? Poorly constructed arguments will be ignored. Just because I said you contradicted yourself does not mean I said you were wrong. I told you, you can not have it both ways. You are now making an argument that does not exist, I didn't say two seperate mods are one, read what I wrote (for a third time it would seem since I stated it twice). As I said before the DI from arms lore does not count, it is not a runic made prop, if you get DI as a roll it will add 15 DI max, and you will not end up with 6 mods but only 5. Please learn how to read, and formulate arguments, and to not contradict yourself the first time around.

When I said I think, I mean I think, ok? does that make sense to you? Seriously, read it one more time just for the sake that you didn't get it the first four times, I THINK, that means it is not a fact and I didn't bother to look it up.

And you are right on the FC+1 not sure what I was thinking when I said that, but hey it don't matter since you still are oblivious to the point of my original post and wish to continue a non-pointed argument.


Cloak‡1295836 said:
huh? Poorly constructed arguments will be ignored. Just because I said you contradicted yourself does not mean I said you were wrong. I told you, you can not have it both ways. You are now making an argument that does not exist, I didn't say two seperate mods are one, read what I wrote (for a third time it would seem since I stated it twice). As I said before the DI from arms lore does not count, it is not a runic made prop, if you get DI as a roll it will add 15 DI max, and you will not end up with 6 mods but only 5. Please learn how to read, and formulate arguments, and to not contradict yourself the first time around.

When I said I think, I mean I think, ok? does that make sense to you? Seriously, read it one more time just for the sake that you didn't get it the first four times, I THINK, that means it is not a fact and I didn't bother to look it up.

And you are right on the FC+1 not sure what I was thinking when I said that, but hey it don't matter since you still are oblivious to the point of my original post and wish to continue a non-pointed argument.
Good at least you admit your error. Threw out a lot of senseless opinions and false information but ok at least you see you are wrong. You are trying to make arguments on WHY you had to spit out a lot of bull**** fake/wrong info. It's ok to try to make yourself look less laughable. But yea I read your post over and over and you did say SC and FC is ONE mod and you said it twice in order to disagree with my correct info on the 2nd time for some reason. I stand faithful to everything I said in my post being 100% correct. No I "think" bullcrap. I test it and the facts then I would say something. I dont like to just spit out random stuff out of my piehole just so I can confuse others and to disagree with the facts.

Benny Lava


you seem to post messages in threads that bare **** all meaning to uo but skim past meaningful ones like this?



you seem to post messages in threads that bare **** all meaning to uo but skim past meaningful ones like this?
Would you like him to tell you they are keeping it the same? Really there is no reason for him to post in here unless he has something meaningful to say about it, not to mention the possibility that whatever he "could" say about it, he is not allowed to say about it, basically he can not say anything about it under some conditions. But mainly my point is, no reason for him to post anything here if he has nothing meaningful to say about it. Get off your high horse. -.-