The whole Tank mage thing is that the player is just as good as with a sword as he is with a book. Not better than a pure mage and not better than a pure warrior but is still powerful enough to handle most situations. A tank mage now just doesnt have the enough offensive power to qualify without sacrificing either the mage or the warrior type part of the template to uselessness
I've played a tank mage since 1997 and still do to this day.
Yes you are correct we dont do enough damage with the weapon and as for killing with magery, it is possible but most people just run away, so its more difficult to kill someone than say a necro mage.
My tank mage goes toe to toe with most dexers but still has trouble with the kill shot due to the dexers running away.
Some dexers will kill me most times, but it takes them quite a long time to do so.
Personally I don't see why I cant have a special toggled while im casting a spell as long as i have the weapon and tactics skills invested.
If anyone has questions as to who or what are the strongest templates in the game, just log onto test center and go to Yew gate. Dexers with Ninja are the number one template, even a really good necro mage has issues killing this temp. And if the necro dexer ever wins its usually due to a precast of a spell.
Mage weapons are decent, but a good dexer will just disarm spam you all while bleeding and armor ignoring you forcing the mage to run for his life.
What I see is a lot of is armor ignore then nervestrike then deathstrike followed usually by another nervestrike or AI or Conc if the deathstrike didnt kill you.
Mages can attempt to disarm but with low dex, hci and ssi you rarely get a disarm off against a dexer. In a duel you'll be lucky to get two disarms off.
Dexers assistants:
HCI, DCI, Hit Spell, MR, LMC, HLD, SSI, DI, HLA, HML, HSL, HLL, skill point bonus items, Hyru.
Mages assistants:
LRC, SDI, MR, LMC, DCI, FC, FCR, HLA (but I question this) Mage weapon, skill point bonus items.
for pure or necro mages HCI, Hit Spell, HLD, SSI, DI, HLA, HML, HSL, HLL, dont alter a battle due to the infrequency of weapon hits from low dex.
Do mages have spell like HLMR (hit lower magic resist) or HLER (hit lower elemental resists)? No they don't... why is that?
Dexers even have the ability to leech all your mana via their weapon, where a mage cant do that to a dexer who has magic resist. Again a mage with a HML weapon wont hit often enough with it to make a difference in the fight.
We havent even discussed Chiv and how a dexer can use it to its fullest with only 80 skill points invested.
I don't call this balance. balance means that every template has its Achillies heal. Ninja dexers have no Achillies heal, except when fighting each other which doesn't count.
FYI my templates Achillies heal are Necro Mages.
Edit: how cool would it be if mages could get gloves or spellbook that had WSSI (wrestle swing speed increase) on it!!