Okies my 4 weeks project in near up
Weve all started, donated to the soulstone yard
Think weve amassed around 200 stones and some fragments too
Upto press 2 people have collected 4 of there stones...not great ..but its a start
Ive also had a small amount donated in gold ...which will be used to keep the soulstone yard active
Padraic as voluntered to take over the running of the yard, and a big redsign too....the soulstones looked great for a day stood like soldiers but ..we thiong putting 5-10 in a box open to the public viewing will be the way to go from now...also theres only so many stones u can put on show and i think 200 basically covers the four floors of the soulstone graveyard.
Anyways Padraic and his Help guild are going to move the whole lot to another location...probably Trinsic....bit runes and gates will be dropped when its re-opened.
Thankyou Europa for starting something special on our shard...something trying to help the old players that have left come back and get back on there feet with their precious long lost soulstones!!
Thankyou Padraic for taking over the responsibility of the yard.