Ooo a new Boat thread! how many years has it been since our last one of these? too many it seems...
Once wrote a similar idea to yours... not nearly as long or good though. I could email it to you if you want to read it.
Some things that I think could use improvement:
1) Shouldn't there be an option to allow anyone, not just friends, to anchor at a dock?
2) Crafting
-It would enhance crafting a LOT if, instead of buying boats, one could craft them. Could be assembled similar to bulk order deeds in that you would assemble it piece by piece (sails, cannons, frame, anchor, etc. etc.). Since it would take tons of resources (a few thousand boards depending on the size of the ship)
- Rare woods could count as multiple boards (but wouldn't affect the color of the ship)
- I agree with Gowron, would be much more interesting to have players repair ships rather than making it gold sink. (gold sinks are boring)
- Repairs cost no gold other than what the crafter charges, but one board would only repair 10 hp (+10 hp per level of board). Crafting ships would then take as many boards as it would take to repair them from 0 to full HP.
For the largest ship (Carrack) that'd be 5,000 plain boards, or 2500 oak, or 1667 ash, or 1250 yew, or 1000 heartwood, or 834 Bloodwood, or 715 Frostwood. (tweaking may be necessary)
- For Cannon building should take GM in blacksmithing or tinkering for the barrel, and Carpentry for the base. They should be crafted separately, and assembled like the ships (bulk order style). 5000 ingots and 2000 boards is *way* too much. 500 ingots and 200 boards would be enough.
- Should allow for different types of cannons and cannon shots
- Regular cannons would be rather inaccurate when targeting players, 1/3 chance for the shot to hit the player directly and 1/3 chance to pass by on either side (could hit other objects on a miss). Direct hit on a player would do 50-65 damage (70 damage is too high, could too quickly wipe out a crew if two cannons coordinated attacks) if the shot passed by 1 tile next to the player, he would take half damage. (Fun fact: IRL a cannonball doesn't have to hit someone to kill them, passing too close can create a vacuum of air which collapses the person's lungs

- Accuracy could be increased if they added a boat-related skill
- Different shots to consider:
- Grapeshot: 5 tile spread with 25 damage to any person hit. Low ship damage
- Conflagration potions: stuff a bunch of conflagration potions into the barrel to get the same effect on the enemy ship with increased damage. Could target sails with these to slow the enemy down.
- Explosion potions: up to 5 potions could be shot at once which would land in random locations on the enemy's boat
- Rifled cannon which could only shoot a rifled shot: twice as fast as a regular shot, double the accuracy, same damage as regular shot.
- cant shoot other types of shot because they'd damage the cannon's rifling.
- all types of shots would be craftable
- damages calculated above are considered direct damage (yea just try to deflect that cannonball with your shield!)
4) Allow for boarding other ships to allow hand to hand combat.
5) Pets to aid in your seafaring battles! And a few more animals too.
Giant Sea Turtle
- unaggressive wild
- tameable
- rideable
- very good resist
-decent damage to ships
- 2 control slots
- unaggressive wild
- tameable
- rideable
- extra damage to sharks
- bad damage to ships
- 2 control slot
Large Shark
- aggressive wild
- tameable
- very good damage against other animals
- bad damage to ships
- 2 control slots
Small Shark
- aggressive wild
- tameable
- good damage against other animals
- bad damage to ships
- 1 control slot
- unaggressive wild
- tameable
- lots of health
- good damage to ships
- 4 control slots
- Fished up
- mountable (on trophy)
- fished up with net
Possiblility- resource for alchemists (Health regen. potion or somethin like that)
- fished up with net
- chance of having a pearl
Sea Horse
- unaggresive wild
- tameable
- rideable
- bad damage to ships
- 1 control slot
Just take whatever you think seems good and add it to your Blog post. And PM me if you want me to email the idea i wrote previously.