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the game is empty




Clients aside, I think if there's any one "great failing" of UO, one that has transcended dev teams, one that reaches across client work and content work, it's the consistent lack of completion.

Our events, as great as they have been create plotlines that remain dangling for YEARS. KR's and the EC's development was and has been left unfinished after reaching a certain level of "complete".
Don't forget the Virtues, which, you know, are ONLY the cornerstone of Ultima. rolleyes:

Re: storylines. I totally agree. I think the fiction should be accessible to the casual gamer to understand what is going on. The 2 plus year storyline thing to introduce SA was just a trainwreck unless you were a dedicated gamer or stratics reader. It shouldn't have to be like that.


Lore Keeper
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I guess I'm just old, but I grew up in the days of Ultima III on an old Commodore 64. Now those graphics SUCKED, but the content was what I enjoyed. Now in Ultima Online I still enjoy the content - I've played off and on for years and there are still places I haven't been and monsters I haven't fought. I enjoy the exploration and discovery, meeting new people, and the ability to look at the screen without getting a headache. If you grew up with WoW and PS2 and such you propbably won't like UO's simple graphics. I prefer the "less than realistic" look and feel of the game because I play this game for FUN. I enjoy it's old look and ways and can enjoy it for hours at the time. If all you want is graphics, go back to your console games. We old timers and slow timers like our game the way it is- UO speaks of a glorious time when content and the ability to craft one's own destiny was something special that NOBODY else could give you - and judging by what I've seen of the games my kid plays, they still can't. After over a decade, UO is still the best - nobody else comes close.:yell:

You hit the nail on the head...PLUS, I cannot play games like WoW and the like because it gives me horrible headaches to the point of being so physically ill that I have to lay in a dark room for a long time and pray. That sucks! UO is perfect the way it is and I would be devastated if they changed one single thing about the graphics and then forced it down my throat. (Oh and shhh Phineas..I grew up in the same era) hehe *looks for the pac man and the 8 track tapes* IT WAS A FINE ERA!


Rares Fest Host | Ches Jul 2010
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
most true uo players will go down with the ship and continue to pay to play as long as uo exists, we dont need new players :)


Lore Keeper
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend

The point is that those "rabid fanbois" would have slowly drifted away after two or three years of crap customer service and zero investment by Blizzard. Instead Blizzard offer a highly polished, professional product with extensive, well tested expansions, regular patches (which dont screw up the rest of the game), excellent customer service and top notch marketing.

UO does the exact opposite.

Oh, and who do you think that 90% of UO's remaining players are? You guessed it ... Rabid Fanboi's.

Had UO been "handled" in the same way that WOW has then it would be right up there. UO had the fanbase but has slowly p!ssed them offer over the years until only those hardcore "rabid fanbois" remain.
WoW sucks lol and people are getting incredibly bored with it (including my kids) I know several locals who have quit playing WoW in the recent months. Go play it if you think it is so great and get off these boards. Or are YOU a rabid fanbois as well? :)
EDIT: It isn't exactly the brightest thing to do coming to a UO board and start talking up WoW...thats the easiest way to get flamed/lynched/smacked or whatever hardcore UO fans decide to do to you.


WoW sucks lol and people are getting incredibly bored with it (including my kids) I know several locals who have quit playing WoW in the recent months. Go play it if you think it is so great and get off these boards. Or are YOU a rabid fanbois as well? :)
EDIT: It isn't exactly the brightest thing to do coming to a UO board and start talking up WoW...thats the easiest way to get flamed/lynched/smacked or whatever hardcore UO fans decide to do to you.

Oh calm down. Sheesh.

Regardless of what you (or your children) think, Blizzard has introduced a very excellent company model in how to run a successful mmorpg. I say this an an almost 11 year vet of UO, too. Blizzard releases are very well polished and released when they are ready... something UO has failed on time and time again.

Blizzard tends to listen better to its customers about what they want to see in the game. For some odd reason, UO is extremely hit or miss, and we often end up with things that very few or no one asked for (recent case in point: current chat system while the EC languishes).

Say also what some of you may about the graphics, but WoW was created as well with decent, if cartoony, graphics that held up on both high and low end machines, something that, again, UO: KR failed at.

I actually don't play WoW any longer, and I haven't in some time. I DO know, however, that they do many things right, which has resulted in its extreme popularity.


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
WoW sucks lol and people are getting incredibly bored with it (including my kids) I know several locals who have quit playing WoW in the recent months.
Several locals? Crikey! I bet Blizzard are crapping their pants.

Go play it if you think it is so great
When did I say it was great? What I did do was praise Blizzard as a company the way they develop, market, suport and run their game. Very sucessfully.

and get off these boards.
Hmm. This may come as a surprise to you, but YOU cannot tell ME what to do. Well you can I suppose but I'll completely ignore you :lick:

Or are YOU a rabid fanbois as well? :)
Probably. Thats why Im still here playing a game that I enjoy despite being treat like a piece of dog turd by the developers and EA, despite ME paying THEM for the priviledge.

EDIT: It isn't exactly the brightest thing to do coming to a UO board and start talking up WoW...thats the easiest way to get flamed/lynched/smacked or whatever hardcore UO fans decide to do to you.
Like I said, I wasnt talking up WOW per se. More Blizzard. And youre right about one thing ... I should have expected some backlash from the rabid Fanboi's who read these forums.

Once again ... I rest my case. :next:


Crazed Zealot
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I'm very surprized some people like WoW graphics, they are as outdated as UO, which, like UO, does not matter in the slightest.

I played Conan, Vangard and *coughs* Warhammer, which all feature top notch graphics and, another common point, are all dead and buried.

To each his own, I guess, but the MMO industry has proven that graphics are the less important factor.
Lord of the Rings Online has great graphics and is doing well.


But agree, UO does feel rather empty. I logged on yesterday evening, and I was the only person on in my guild, where there used to be at least one full page of people online at (nearly) all times.

I'm gonna have to agree with UO needing updated graphics. Keep the gameplay the same, update the graphics and there's no problem there, yeah?


Lore Keeper
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
LoL you have made no case. UO has been around all these years for a reason. Best you start looking at those reasons before you start trashing the game. Also, as I stated before, if WoW is sooooo great then WHY are you here? Go talk to them. I'm done now. Have a great UO day :lick:


LoL you have made no case.
Yes, god forbid using facts as an argument. :loser:

I think what you are totally blind to is that Blizzard has an extremely popular online, while EAMythic's UO caters more towards a niche market. The 'case' is in that WoW has millions who subscribe and Ultima has nowhere near that and never has.

Ultima, as well, had little to no competition in its early years. It's easy to get the numbers when you don't have anyone (or very few) to struggle against.

I think you can play a game, love it, and still be critical of it. Heck, you can do that with your own children when you want what is best for them.

Stupid Miner

Get Saphrineena on the payroll and start retouching the graphics and maybe in a year or two we'll have a game with some decent high resolution graphics. But the LOW resolution has got to go at some point in order to move this game forward.
Feel like mentioning this:
Saphireena is a good 2D artist.
That being said, her style is nothing like the UO style and combining her art and UO art is a bad idea because they're *very* different styles.

Her style is too cartoon-ish to be honest. Too smooth and polished looking.


Feel like mentioning this: Saphireena is a good 2D artist. That being said, her style is nothing like the UO style and combining her art and UO art is a bad idea because they're *very* different styles.
Actually the UO 'style' hasn't been done since T2A was released.

The art in LBR, SA, SE, etc. all look different from each other (I mean just look at things like wearables or funrniture). Even the newer items (ie Halloween event, Christmas) don't hold onto the look of the original 2d items.

It would be nice, imo, if all art was created with the same general feel. Instead, it does feel very slapped together. Saph is a terrific artist... I honestly wouldn't mind her work in game in the least.

I think, though, the game needs a facelift. Its just sad people have to say that when it got one in 2007 and was reviled.

Stupid Miner

Actually the UO 'style' hasn't been done since UO was released.

The art in LBR, SA, SE, etc. all look different from each other (I mean just look at things like wearables or funrniture). Even the newer items (ie Halloween event, Christmas) don't hold onto the look of the original 2d items.

It would be nice, imo, if all art was created with the same general feel. Instead, it does feel very slapped together. Saph is a terrific artist... I honestly wouldn't mind her work in game in the least.

I think, though, the game needs a facelift. Its just sad people have to say that when it got one in 2007 and was reviled.
lets see... Weapons in particular have been off since AoS
SE was mostly good, and better after the improvement to the SE graphics a long while back.
ML was terrible. Nothing from ML fits anywhere.
SA is... well i think most of the monsters mesh well, but some of the items are bad.


I actually find UO's graphics to be more realistic then WoW or others. I mean the armor looks like armor and swords look like swords. Not over grown fly swatters or what not.

Also there is not wasted graphics for dumb things, my nephew played Aion and they have a gate that is like a moongate thing but you fly to another gate. Its a mini film inside the game a total waste of graphics and resources.

It is possible that because of D&D online being free now maybe some are going that way. Maybe its time UO goes free in a similar way.

But I am more thinking its the holidays.


I actually find UO's graphics to be more realistic then WoW or others. I mean the armor looks like armor and swords look like swords. Not over grown fly swatters or what not.
UO does have more 'realistic' graphics, but that is not to say the art couldn't use some love in general.

Graphics, imo, don't make a game, but they do give it some pizzazz and, especially in the case of rp, lend credence to an actual, vibrant, immersive world.


Lore Keeper
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I disagree, I think the players are there only, since there is a lot of land and many servers, the players are scattered all over........

Also, because of the Holidays, many go visit their family, grandparents and such and often they do not have the chance to play a game where they are for the Holidays.

That's at least how I see it.

By the way, best wishes of a great 2010 to Ultima Online !!
Excellent point and best wishes to you as well! I hope you have a wonderful New Year!


Oh this is too funny
after just reading a post where others are posting
that their guilds are fuller than they have been in years
to this thread.

Chicken Little is running amuck
I will admit I didnt read the whole thread
Ive heard it all before.
I think I will just copy and paste what I said in the other thread.
If they want to call it trolling thats fine with me.

I have played this game online since Sept 1997 and loved most
every second of it.
People have been crying since around 1999 or 2000 that it would
never make it, that the sky was falling and the end was near.
Those of us who loved the game and stuck in here thru the good
and bad knew it wasn’t going anywhere.

You can always find someone to play with unless you’re
A loner by choice
Anti Social (or)
An *******

Im happy to see more coming back and seeing more new people
around. Its good for everyone

There you have it:
This game isnt empty
Your just either in one of those catagorys
or lost in another land where no one can find you.
Sad Sad situation.


Lore Keeper
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend

There you have it:
This game isnt empty
Your just either in one of those catagorys
or lost in another land where no one can find you.
Sad Sad situation.
LoL Ashlen. I believe you summed it up nicely. They are stuck in Green Acres! That's it!

Dermott of LS

UOEC Modder
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend

I've played the game since Jan 1 1998 (the first time I had a system that would load it :p Hard to believe that at one point, even the 2d client was "top of the line" in terms of system specs and was tough to get running on some machines).

Anyway, I've never put much stock in the "chicken littles" saying UO was "doomed". Only once did it really seem like UO was in real trouble and that was back when the Volunteer program was sued out of existence and at the same time they put in the beginnings of Localization (which for those that remember went in as you would expect to see it in an internal test server, not the public shards).

Beyond that, I've never had the thought that any certain game would "kill UO".

By the same token, I think it would have benefitted UO greatly to have an updated client with high resolution new graphics (which wouldn't change the game any as the perspective and general feel is still the same). I also think it's been a failing of the various dev teams to leave so much of the game unfinished... not simply allowing for later additions, but straight up NOT FINISHED. 3d, KR and EC suffered and suffer for this, the Virtue system as mentioned, SA is very unfinished in terms of expansion content, plot lines left unresolved and forgotten (until in some cases a simple "clean up" is required).

Secondly, I have no problem with the dual client system (not anymore really if the devs say it's easy to update both). HOWEVER, if you have this type of system DO NOT compromise on the quality of the newer client. Let it "melt graphics cards" if the players have the cards that can handle the higher end of the graphical and effect spectrums (and allow for such things to be toned down in Settings).

The initial premise of this thread IMO is false, however having an updated client that would be marketable to bring in new people or bring people back who have the ability to see the game with a new look can only be a plus for the game.

Face it, if you want UO to grow, the 2d client is only going to work in VERY limited ways. A non-compromised new client at least would give a chance for UO to no longer look as dated as it does.

Schuyler Bain

Lore Master
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend

I have played this game online since Sept 1997 and loved most
every second of it.
People have been crying since around 1999 or 2000 that it would
never make it, that the sky was falling and the end was near.
Those of us who loved the game and stuck in here thru the good
and bad knew it wasn’t going anywhere.

You can always find someone to play with unless you’re
A loner by choice
Anti Social (or)
An *******

Im happy to see more coming back and seeing more new people
around. Its good for everyone

Couldn't have said it better myself!


According to the people that actually work for EA/Mythic, you know, the ones that have access to the real numbers and not just ones made up by some random person on the internet, subs are up.
Ya, but to play devil's advocate, they could be saying there were four more subscribers the day after SA was released from the day previous. So instead of, say, 78,000 players there were 78,004.

That's the thing about companies not releasing actual numbers... they can always play them fast and loose.

And no, I don't think 'the sky is falling'... I too have heard that for almost a decade. I DO think, however, that the UO team needs to focus on what they need to do in order to keep long termers happy while still offering content (and a client/ graphics/ etc etc) that will be snazzy enough to entice new subscribers.


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
According to the people that actually work for EA/Mythic, you know, the ones that have access to the real numbers and not just ones made up by some random person on the internet, subs are up.
This is probably true.

You would expect something like the SA Expansion to bring back some old players to see if there is now something worth staying for. You might also get a few new players.

It is however a far cry from the halcyon days (numbers wise) where UO had 250,000 subscribers. Those days are simply not going to return. An expansion that brings in say 10,000 players would be deemed a sucess to EA but the acid test is how many of those dont simply drift off again over the months following the expansion.

If EA were happy with the figures then why dont they publish them? If the numbers were good then surely they would be shouting it from the rooftops? But no. They stay tight lipped as they know subs are way down on what they originally were. This is an undeniable fact.

Also the OP's title of this post ... the game is empty ... This in a way is very true.

UO once had 250,000+ subscribers. We will be lucky if we have 80k now. We now also have more shards and more land masses than in UO's hayday. So ... relatively speaking , the game is empty ... compared to what it was.

Black Spirit

no one is really playing UO anymore, soon it will be gone.
I dont where you are playing, and your Post has myself and many other happy game users upset with what you are implying.
I have 2 active accounts and I personaly know of many many other users across the world who play on my shard of Oceania.
The game apeals to many player types in 2d and the new Enhanced client, I loved the 3d client but I am much happier with the way the 2d client is displayed since the KR/SA expansions.

When I read stratics I am apauled by the constant complaining of the few who wish to destroy the game as intended by the UO team, so the many end up with nerfs and broken templates henceforth.

I love this game and will continue to play as will many others, Happy new year to all.



When I read stratics I am apauled by the constant complaining of the few who wish to destroy the game as intended by the UO team, so the many end up with nerfs and broken templates henceforth.
Two things:

1) It is APPALLED. To use in a sentence, 'I am appalled when people spell it as "apauled"'.

2) By complaining, how is that 'destroying the game'? I'm a little lost on that train of logic. You will always find discontents. Some of the reasoning is valid, others not so much. Sometimes complaints are the only way of getting things done.


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Ya, but to play devil's advocate, they could be saying there were four more subscribers the day after SA was released from the day previous. So instead of, say, 78,000 players there were 78,004.

That's the thing about companies not releasing actual numbers... they can always play them fast and loose.

And no, I don't think 'the sky is falling'... I too have heard that for almost a decade. I DO think, however, that the UO team needs to focus on what they need to do in order to keep long termers happy while still offering content (and a client/ graphics/ etc etc) that will be snazzy enough to entice new subscribers.
I believe the number that was quoted 2 years ago in a MMO website is accurate. It was dated around the last time many KR devs were let go, and had an A accuracy rating which means from an internal or ex-internal source. Whether that number included trial accounts, people paying once every 3 months or people who havent paid for the last 12 months is unknown. Until the SA release, numbers would have gone down a lot. SA would have boosted numbers. The number now is anyones guess. We also know a huge percent is in Japan and Asia, which is why Japan has their own dev team.


Belaern d'Zhaunil
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Campaign Supporter
Oh this is too funny
after just reading a post where others are posting
that their guilds are fuller than they have been in years
to this thread.

Chicken Little is running amuck
I will admit I didnt read the whole thread
Ive heard it all before.
I think I will just copy and paste what I said in the other thread.
If they want to call it trolling thats fine with me.

I have played this game online since Sept 1997 and loved most
every second of it.
People have been crying since around 1999 or 2000 that it would
never make it, that the sky was falling and the end was near.
Those of us who loved the game and stuck in here thru the good
and bad knew it wasn’t going anywhere.

You can always find someone to play with unless you’re
A loner by choice
Anti Social (or)
An *******

Im happy to see more coming back and seeing more new people
around. Its good for everyone

There you have it:
This game isnt empty
Your just either in one of those catagorys
or lost in another land where no one can find you.
Sad Sad situation.
I agree with this....

Also.... way back in the "early" days..... there was one facet... then 2... then Tram/Fel..... Then there came Malas, Tokuno, Mondains Legacy, and now the lands of Ter Mur...

Even if we lost no players at all since day on.... maintained even base... What was all crammed into one area is now spread through out many...

Think on that when you're crying about the sky falling.

As for graphics... while yes.... I agree they could use some "polish"... there is a BIG reason I don't care for many of those "pretty" games...

First.. most of them lack anything remotely RP... Most of them are all show and zero content.... grind grind grind away leveling just to become bored stiff when you reach your "goal"... at the top... BLAH.... waste of money if you ask me.

I love UO for the flexibility... the house custom and owning.... many many other games give you a room or a box no one can visit.... some don't even give you that... it's what you have on your back and that's it.

Others have endless numbers of quests... but they dictate your every move... if you chose this sort of character or race your bound to this path.. or that path... I do not want boundaries on my imagination. I enjoy UO for it's variety.

You can play UO and have the time of your life with no skills at all... Few other games allow that.

I can start a character today on another server and have just as much fun as I do on my home server with no skills, no house and knowing no one there.

If kids won't play UO for the "lousy" graphics then I jump for joy. I don't want a bunch of snot nosed kids playing UO. I'd rather the more mature adults played UO.

Yes there are many things that need improving..... the EC needs to be fixed or scrapped. 2d can use a bunch of improvement. NEW clothes and armor could be added and that would make me very very happy. New paperdoll choices are WAY overdue.... I'd like to play a fat person.... elderly person... so on and so forth...

I'd like more race choices. I'd like the house custom menu updated. I'd like the new chat system updated. I'd like to see old plots and stories finished and cleaned up. I'd like to see the EM program expanded. I'd like to see more EM led adventures. I'd like to see communities rewarded for working together.... I'd like to see more community based adventures. I'd like it if factions were improved.

I'd even like to see more PvP events. I'd like to see the ability to go from one shard to another via some sort of gate travel... and a land that can be accessed by ALL servers... save Siege and Mugen who could get their own such area.

I'd like to see a Pirate Expansion... I'd like to see the Underworld and the Abyss enlarged and expanded.

Certainly there are area's of improvement.... but I do not believe UO is dead. Indeed of late I've seen more evidence to suggest it is very much alive. I've welcomed home a number of people of late... much to my delight. So I'm not at all sure where the OP is looking.... but I'm guessing it may be under a rock... or inside a wet paper bag... Perhaps he/she should remove the wool from their eyes and look about a bit more... maybe take a trip to a new shard. They may be quite surprised by what they see.

Also... many people base things on what their own personal "goals" are... perhaps you should rethink your goals and expand your playstyle... You may find that there is more out there than you imagined...


Lore Keeper
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I agree with this....

Also.... way back in the "early" days..... there was one facet... then 2... then Tram/Fel..... Then there came Malas, Tokuno, Mondains Legacy, and now the lands of Ter Mur...

Even if we lost no players at all since day on.... maintained even base... What was all crammed into one area is now spread through out many...

Think on that when you're crying about the sky falling.

As for graphics... while yes.... I agree they could use some "polish"... there is a BIG reason I don't care for many of those "pretty" games...

First.. most of them lack anything remotely RP... Most of them are all show and zero content.... grind grind grind away leveling just to become bored stiff when you reach your "goal"... at the top... BLAH.... waste of money if you ask me.

I love UO for the flexibility... the house custom and owning.... many many other games give you a room or a box no one can visit.... some don't even give you that... it's what you have on your back and that's it.

Others have endless numbers of quests... but they dictate your every move... if you chose this sort of character or race your bound to this path.. or that path... I do not want boundaries on my imagination. I enjoy UO for it's variety.

You can play UO and have the time of your life with no skills at all... Few other games allow that.

I can start a character today on another server and have just as much fun as I do on my home server with no skills, no house and knowing no one there.

If kids won't play UO for the "lousy" graphics then I jump for joy. I don't want a bunch of snot nosed kids playing UO. I'd rather the more mature adults played UO.

Yes there are many things that need improving..... the EC needs to be fixed or scrapped. 2d can use a bunch of improvement. NEW clothes and armor could be added and that would make me very very happy. New paperdoll choices are WAY overdue.... I'd like to play a fat person.... elderly person... so on and so forth...

I'd like more race choices. I'd like the house custom menu updated. I'd like the new chat system updated. I'd like to see old plots and stories finished and cleaned up. I'd like to see the EM program expanded. I'd like to see more EM led adventures. I'd like to see communities rewarded for working together.... I'd like to see more community based adventures. I'd like it if factions were improved.

I'd even like to see more PvP events. I'd like to see the ability to go from one shard to another via some sort of gate travel... and a land that can be accessed by ALL servers... save Siege and Mugen who could get their own such area.

I'd like to see a Pirate Expansion... I'd like to see the Underworld and the Abyss enlarged and expanded.

Certainly there are area's of improvement.... but I do not believe UO is dead. Indeed of late I've seen more evidence to suggest it is very much alive. I've welcomed home a number of people of late... much to my delight. So I'm not at all sure where the OP is looking.... but I'm guessing it may be under a rock... or inside a wet paper bag... Perhaps he/she should remove the wool from their eyes and look about a bit more... maybe take a trip to a new shard. They may be quite surprised by what they see.

Also... many people base things on what their own personal "goals" are... perhaps you should rethink your goals and expand your playstyle... You may find that there is more out there than you imagined...
Very well said! :bowdown:


I agree with Petra Fyde: The new EC graphics make my eyes hurt after a few minutes. The EVs are especially badly drawn, and the bright white light in the spell effects gives me a headache. If "Improved" means something that makes your eyes bleed, it's not really an improvement.

I think the EC developers were really good at software engineering; the atlas is great. So are the zoom features, the ease in making hotbars, the ability to scatter them at any location on the screen, the compartmentalized monster and treasure chest loot, the ability to use customized mods and skins, etc.; from a technical point of view, it's pretty awesome.

However, from an artistic point of view, it sucks. A lot. Hurts the eyes, uneven graphics, ghosts are a few tiles out of sync, EVs both hurt the eyes and look terrible, a blindingly bright white light whenever you cast spells, ugly bright yellow backgrounds for all the hotbar buttons, grass that looks weird, everything looks really grainy when you zoom in, the small numbers in the hotbars aren't easily readable, even with a large monitor. I pity anybody who's trying to read them with a 17 inch monitor.

It's like a project where they brought in a multi-million dollar engineering crew to make the new client functionally fantastic, then ran out of money and hired Mrs. Kinsey's 4th grade art class to do the graphics.

UO is still the 10th most popular MMO on the market, and the only EC product I saw in the top 10. (Sims and Warhammer were conspicuously absent from the list). While it has dropped from its #1 spot that it had held for the 5+ years prior to the AOS debacle, it's still a very popular game.

I mostly play Atlantic; I was at Miasma yesterday, and there were like 10 people there. And I wasn't the only one who dropped in, saw how crowded it was, and left. The Lurg cave was packed, too. So was Luna. Unfortunately, Brit bank was about deserted. But that's because bank sitting there isn't a profitable profession anymore. There were so many people spamming their wares in the tiny Luna bank that I couldn't even see what they were selling. Luna bank just wasn't made for like 25 people to spam their wares in.

There were even a few PvPers who managed to walk by my Fel tower, out in the middle of nowhere, while I was imbuing stuff.

UO does need to put some effort into making the EC better. It may very well be the future. However, until it is at least as usable as the CC, people aren't likely to switch. When the "makes my eyes bleed" comment is a common complaint, the EC still needs a LOT of work to improve the graphics enough that the majority of the player base will say "wow, that looks a lot better than the 2D client. I wanna switch!". And that's besides some of the bugs that it has. And the fact that it needs a toggle to turn pathfinding on and off, and that there isn't a way to adjust the radius of the circle of transparency, and there isn't an option to resize the hotbars, there isn't an option to lock the taskbars, there isn't an option to have compartmentalized loot but keep the eminently useful 2d type of chests, backpack and vendor pack. If I was using EC most of the time, I would still have to switch to 2D to put stuff on my vendors; if you do so with the EC, it's all right at the top of the vendor's pack in 2D.

Having played both WoW and UO, I will admit that WoW has better graphics. I also like the battlegrounds. I can play in a PvP environment when I just have a few minutes to play, and not worry about losing anything. However, UO doesn't force you into a pre-set character. It has houses. It has a lot of depth and versatility. It has players who are over the age of 12. It has a whole online world to explore, not just a bunch of dungeons to fight in. In PvP, I do have to suffer penalties when I die. Or when I let my guildies down. There are consequences to my actions. Crafting has regained its position as a big part of the game again. We can make our own furniture, clothes, weapons, armor. We can make a house that represents our personality and our game style. And we can stock it with all of our trophies. UO has a lot going for it, if it just plays to its strengths.

Its weaknesses are that its main client is 12 years old, and all 3 efforts to make a new client have been less than successful. Nobody could play with the old 3D graphics while most of us were on dial-up; it just lagged too much, while the old 2D one barely lagged at all, even with a 33K AOL connection. I wasn't here for KR; I left just before it was introduced, and just came back in time for EC. But from what people have said, it had almost the exact opposite problem from EC: It was graphically superior, but it failed from an engineering point of view. The technical difficulties killed it before it could get off the ground.

Trebr Drab

One thing I've never understood is why they come out with these new clients and make them lacking in artistic appeal so that old and feeble computers can run them. People with those comps can run the old client, and a new client should be advanced in appeal as well as function.

Maybe then those people might have an incentive to buy a new comp. Many of them own multiple accounts, it's not like they can't afford it. While some may not be able to afford a new comp, they'd still have the old system to use.

What they've done has led only to stagnation and division.


Grand Poobah
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I still play MUDs . Graphics are not the issue.


Lore Keeper
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I still play MUDs . Graphics are not the issue.
Holy crap, are you serious? That's so cool! I had a friend who played that and I simply could not either figure it out/relate to it, but it's cool to hear that it's still going on.

Tina Small

Stratics Legend
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I think some people who only play on crowded shards like Atlantic and GL and think that UO is in fine shape need a reality check.

When I run around on Baja, it's very obvious that there are fewer houses. Areas in Malas that three years ago were wall-to-wall houses you can now run through and see not a single house for 4-5 screens in a row.

On Oceania, houses that used to surround my house outside of Luna and near the fairground have been gone for six months now and the plots today are still empty.

On Origin, the place where I had my first house near Hanse's Hostel.....one house sits where two years ago there were maybe three or four.

On Sonoma, in the neighborhood surrounding my house on the road to Luna there are empty spaces littered now with water troughs and in one spot, new SA-style carpet tiles just hanging in space.

Even on GL, I see empty spots where once there was always a house. I've watched spots on three sides of my house in Fel stay empty now for over two years in the case of two of the spots and a few months now for the other spot. When a large spot next to my Tokuno house on GL became vacant a year or so ago, it was empty for three-four days even though I contacted people I knew on GL to see if they knew anyone that might want the spot.

In the last six months, I've watched houses on two sides of my Atlantic house fall and nothing was placed in the empty spots for at least a week. Now the spots are filled, but whoever placed the houses apparently didn't know they could hold larger houses and I never see the owners around to give them a hint about the size of house that used to fit.

I understand that many of those houses I remember seeing 4 or 5 years ago on Baja and GL might have been houses that should have fallen long ago. However, I have at least a dozen friends that I used to play with that quit playing within the last two and a half years and who show no signs of returning.

Maybe someone who does IDOCs on the less populous English-speaking shards could provide some rough statistics about what they are seeing. Are they seeing more new construction? Have IDOCs picked up or slowed down? Does it seem like the IDOCs that happened in the last year or so were on accounts that were recently closed, or were the houses ones that should have fallen a long time ago? Are they seeing more keeps and castles fall than in the past? If yes, any speculation on why that's happening instead of the owners trying to sell or trade the places before they quit?

I have no hard facts to support this, but at least visually it IS true that many of the English-speaking shards are emptier of houses than they were even three years ago. Whether that is because the number of people who've left have exceeded those who stayed and returned, or whether it's because houses that should have fallen many years ago have finally fallen is something I don't know. However, whatever the reasons are, it's truly a shock some days and very depressing to run through some shards where you can remember back-to-back housing and see vast open spaces. It's also a shock to go to places like the West Brit Bank on shards like GL and Atlantic and see that in spite of the new decorations the crowds just aren't there anymore.


Babbling Loonie
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I'm sorry but the graphics are sorely lacking. I closed 4 accounts with the release of SA & the EC client. Had they left UOKR on the table as an option I'd still be playing. I understand their POV in that they don't want to maintain mulptiple clients but the EC was 3 steps backwards from a visual standpoint.

I often check the boards here on stratics and would like to make a return to the game I will always cherish and love but the current graphics are **** poor.

I'm sure we'll get the "I play for game quality not graphics and if I wanted a game with great graphics I'd be playing WoW" typical response. To all those reread the title of this thread...there is a reason UO is getting emptier and emptier and it's not because of a lack of content.

The reality is having a game with good graphics and content aren't mutually exclusive of one another. UOKR was a step in the right direction. I wish the advancement in graphics and higher resolution would have been taken a step further beyond UOKR towards what was going on in the Titan Quest game engine but instead it went in reverse.

How do you honestly expect to draw in new players/customers (which is essential to the survival of any business)? With these ridiculous outdated graphics circa 1997...it's not going to happen.

Get Saphrineena on the payroll and start retouching the graphics and maybe in a year or two we'll have a game with some decent high resolution graphics. But the LOW resolution has got to go at some point in order to move this game forward.

I was around when Rainz firefielded Lord British to death. I am a HUGE fan of Ultima and always will be but the 2D graphics and all those low resolution graphics of that era have served their purpose. It's time to move on...

As for the jurrassics..and there are many of them...they are the reason the game is dying and apparently even they are leaving the game after lobbying against UOKR which despite all it's flaws was forward progress.

I hope to make a return someday soon. I hope UO stays around for another 25-30 years but something needs to be done to attract new players as well as old veterans like myself who are burnt out to hell with those ****ty 2d graphics.:bdh:
So to kill some time, I went over to the UOForums arcade and fired up Asteroids. Lo and behold, there's a new 2000s version of Asteriods. It looks all pretty with nice background graphics, but it just wasn't as good. The old one is much more responsive and playable. That's what UO is like. Yeah, the graphics might not be great, but you can do more in UO than you can anywhere else.


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Mages are quitting cause noone bothers fighting 60 SSI velo+hitspell 180 stamina speedhacking archers with endless manapool... I quess this imbueable daimyos helmet was the final nail in the coffin for felucca (PvP) on Europa.
parry helps alot,i do fine on mine ,hackers hurt no matter what character your on
110 parry
120 mage
120 eval
80 poison
100 inscribe
120 resist
120 wrestling
thats with jewls


Always Present
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
LOL go back under ya stone and play the repetative WOW for another 2 months ... same old same old/ ////////LOL


Grand Poobah
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend

UO's already dead.

They stopped paying the servers months ago.

Sooner or later the server owners will realize they are no longer being paid, and the game will shut down one server at a time.

When you have trouble logging in, that's a sign. The login server is rigged to rotate quickly, so as the one shut down server is blocked due to non-payment of fees, it'll go to another one, but that new one will only allow so much traffic before the owners realize they haven't been paid either.

When you get lag? That's also an early sign.

I have insider information. It's reliable. The fix is in.

All this stuff is on my website. Haven't you seen my site?

It's definitive.

The fix is in.

UO isn't just dying. It is already dead. Has been for awhile.

Trust me. I'm on the Internet.

-Galen's player


Seasoned Veteran
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Id say the problem with UO is all cheats. Its not just the speedhacks either. Its the client mods, auto this and that from scripting programs, the multi cliented bots. Since EA continues to neglect these problems 1 of 3 things happens. People either quit, start cheating themselves, or continue to play but feel ripped off. Ive seen some eeps with it being the holidays that i havent seen for a while but logging in and seeing the crap going on cant help in reguards to trying to keep these players playing. The cheating is so rampant that many people dont even consider themselves cheating anymore and the ones that dont cheat and complain about it are now the bad guys. Theres just a lot of ill will between players because of the cheating. You add the cheating to the imbalances caused by imbuing and the refusal of EA to put character types into any type of balance in a timely fashion and thats why the game suffers imo.


Seasoned Veteran
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Stratics Legend
I left because they let most of the people go who actually cared about the game. I also found a free shard that is more active and whos dev team runs it better as a hobby than most of the teams we have had did it for a living.


Lore Keeper
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend

UO's already dead.

They stopped paying the servers months ago.

Sooner or later the server owners will realize they are no longer being paid, and the game will shut down one server at a time.

When you have trouble logging in, that's a sign. The login server is rigged to rotate quickly, so as the one shut down server is blocked due to non-payment of fees, it'll go to another one, but that new one will only allow so much traffic before the owners realize they haven't been paid either.

When you get lag? That's also an early sign.

I have insider information. It's reliable. The fix is in.

All this stuff is on my website. Haven't you seen my site?

It's definitive.

The fix is in.

UO isn't just dying. It is already dead. Has been for awhile.

Trust me. I'm on the Internet.

-Galen's player
*rolls eyes* Ok Agent 99, where is this "insider information" that you have? I'm pretty sure yours is the most laughable post on stratics at the moment.


Grand Poobah
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
*rolls eyes* Ok Agent 99, where is this "insider information" that you have? I'm pretty sure yours is the most laughable post on stratics at the moment.
Doubting Trammie.

Prove that I'm not right. Show me one single iota of credible proof that I'm not right. Prove that I do not have insider information. Prove to me that UO isn't already dead.

Haven't you seen my site?

Haven't you experienced occasional lag and occasional login server problems?

Trust me. I'm a Doctor. Also, I am on the Internet.

-Galen's player


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
QUOTE=Freelsy;1553090]YOU DO NOT PLAY THIS GAME FOR THE VISUAL EFFECTS. Not sure how much clearer that can get. This game is loved for its playability and versatility. You can do whatever you want and are not resctricted by class. Its a different gaming generation from us growing up on Ultima to the care bears growing up with WOW and these other shinny games. They have good graphics but look at there playability....they suck balls.

If your looking for graphics to make you'r pants happy, then WOW is this way ---------------->[/QUOTE]

Well, no.

Sure UO gives you the freedom to gimp your self by putting a skill like hearding on a melee warrior type character, many UO players know better and seek to tweak their "template" as best they can. So with that said, what's the difference between selecting the "mage" class in WoW, or developing a "mage" template of 6 skills yould gimp yer self without?

Freedom? Nope.


Lore Keeper
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Doubting Trammie.

Prove that I'm not right. Show me one single iota of credible proof that I'm not right. Prove that I do not have insider information. Prove to me that UO isn't already dead.

Haven't you seen my site?

Haven't you experienced occasional lag and occasional login server problems?

Trust me. I'm a Doctor. Also, I am on the Internet.

-Galen's player
Why do I need to prove anything when you can prove nothing? What you NEED to do is grow up. Login servers have not been an issue for me. Maybe you need mom and dad to buy you a new computer? :twak:

Dermott of LS

UOEC Modder
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend

I would say that UO allows a LOT more freedom in character customization than WoW. You can't have a Necro-Paladin in WoW, but if you do things right, you can have a reasonably effective one in UO.

You get two craft/harvest skills in WoW and are forced to PvM/quest to raise them or level to gain access to the higher level materials/recipes/etc. In UO you can either specialize in one or two maybe even three or four craft/harvest skills, or generalize in several and never have to deal with PvM at all if you don't want to.

I've played WoW... WoW is what happens when you take everything that belongs to everyone else and build something out of it. What it does well, it does well, (I LOVED the auction house dynamic, for example) but it still has the same limitations of any class/level based game, limitations which UO has much fewer in comparison.


Lore Master
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend

Well, no.

Sure UO gives you the freedom to gimp your self by putting a skill like hearding on a melee warrior type character, many UO players know better and seek to tweak their "template" as best they can. So with that said, what's the difference between selecting the "mage" class in WoW, or developing a "mage" template of 6 skills yould gimp yer self without?

Freedom? Nope.
Yes... let's not mention any OTHER templates you could customize. Necro dexers/ Archer mages/ Mage Sampires (they use summons and have no wep skill, use high end mage weapons)/ Throwing mystics/ necro mages... you know... I think Necro mages/pure mages/parry mages/healer mages just breaks everything you just said... Those are all different versions of the same thing...