For me and well the other 100+ hard core players I used to play with the worse addition to UO was AOS and every expansion afterewards ..after pub 16 we saw tunics, power scrolls etc...basicly took all the skill out of PvP ..pre pub 16 UO rained supream in PvP back then PvP was based on player skill (and I mean you the user not your toons skills) you can just make a character be like 50s in your skills and take out 7x GMs in PvP if you were a better player then who you were a days PvP is item based not skill, take 2 players with the exact temp, and whomever has the better gear wins ...for PvP anything after pub 16 killed it...Pvm basicly all that added stuff to kill was good...
Now agree or disagree with me don't really care lol..but the fact of the matter that UO peaked at around or over 250k subscribers about 6 months after pub 16 went live then dropped drasticlly after the release of my point being a die hard UO player since their first beta back in June of 97...I Wouldnt say I have a best expansion maybe ressinsance so I had tramel to kick it in while I was afk, but for me worse Publish is Pub 16 and worse expansion is everything made AOS and going from a hardcore pvper with no life and hours apon hours of continuous play, done to a few hours a week PvMer...only reason I haven't fully quit because to me its like poker I'm already pot committed might as well stay to the end lol (pot committed 2 16 years account, one made during beta 97 and other made October 97 after release, plus 3 other account, another one be 16 years in may my brothers old account and 2 15 year accounts a friend gave me)
What I would like to see, is them to Bring a new server one that is based of pre pub 16 play, no power scrolls, no tunics,old vanqs, gm armor, 100 skills and can't forget power hour lol them were the glory days and if they did thay I know a lot of people who would come back, and I know a lot of you original vet( original vets meaning your 14+ year account is yours not one you bought) know a lot of people who will also come back.....though just my thoughts