tb come on guys

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fusion SL

wow i was thinking the other noght wile u guys were guarding, i want to no were the hell u guys got all these new people?

also i would like to tell u all that, u have hackers up the butt in ur faction, i no u guys care alot about that but seriousl come on, hacking is for losers..

also, u guys need to break free of that guard, gate crap, i no u guys dont care but come the **** on, get a life, we have to click the gate to get it up then before the gates halfway up u guys can just click it down,:cursing: i mean come on, and not to mention u guys have the higest **** steath archers around, like 13 of em, and some last peace of edvice to a couple of tb members

1- silent duch bag, wtf get a new routine, dismount, all kill, lol joke
2-micheal, wtf i summon pixes on u dismount all kill. lol joke again
3-nonel ur cool but get of this pot trowing ****, useless
4-fuel, what happened n our side then ur gone, wow bad move
5-arabella i love u to death but come on
6- stefano or which ever one of u guys speed hacks, lol get a life

well so long

ur friend fusion


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Jul 29, 2008
Most of our new guys were chased out of your alliance by terrible attitudes like this. ;) Your alliance held numerical superiority much longer, so it doesn't leave much room for complaints.

Hackers up the butt, eh? Who? Surely none in my guild, and I'm sure Lore takes an active stance against it in the Order. Heh, saw some interesting stuff out of your group at Yew the last few nights, though.

The last time you guys made any serious raid where we used guards, you outnumbered us and were simply too scared to rush the base. Fortunately them guards saved us. Capture Brit and you can use guards against us as well (which you previously have!).

That gate is as much a disadvantage as an advantage in a reason I wont explain why (since thus far you've all been too silly to figure it out). If I had my way the damned thing would be removed.

My pot throwing is useless, eh? Now now, we all know that just isn't true. *throws a conflag at raiders and watches them all scatter*

Fusion, don't forget you were a stealth archer until Pyro beat it out of you. You've said it yourself, archers are so much more powerful without stealth. The mere fact that many of TB are using these "lesser" archer templates and still winning...well...

Now, because you posted this I'm going to steal all your bandies in double-time! Har har har! ;)


Lore Keeper
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Apr 8, 2004
There were just a few that left SL and came to TB, you will have to ask them the reason why they left. I dont have to explain my reason for the change of factions to you or anyone else.
But we left and are enjoying being with these guys in TB and that young man is all that matters :)


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
May 15, 2008
WOW... Fusion... seems if you had your way we would just stand and serve you cake and cookies as you walk in and take the sigils....

Funny how the attitude changes when you have to really work for something. The fact that we have had new people join is a testament to the fact that we are serious about factions and having fun. We try to keep the attitude to a minimum and we are thrilled to have the new players especially Arabella and family, Fuel/Hawksley and all the UZI (sorry guys, I still get confused at who is which character at the moment or I would name you too... eh, what can I say, I am old). I love them all to death and played with these people even when they were in SL. We raided Minax against the SO? more than once as a team so our friendship has been around for longer than they have been TB.

You have still outnumbered us at each defense and equal numbers at the last raid we made on Minax. We are just getting better, more determined and dedicated to keeping the towns.

So let's start down the list:

I believe you criticized us for the use of guards. Last defense we held while you still owned Brit, you all brought a right big herd of those guards to our doorstep. Seemed to be acceptable at that time and we really can't help it that you haven't held a town since then.

The gate ... Each base has good points and bad points and as Nonel said, that gate can be as much trouble as help. I do believe it was myself that was giving you guys the "run around" with that gate last time. Sorry that a sneakylilgrannythief could keep 3, or was if 4, of you warriors in/out of the base pretty much at will but it did seem only fair that a non-pvp player like myself had at least a gate on her side.

Stealth archers... pfffft, not worth the argument. People have the right to play any character they want and if they happen to be good on them, even better.

Michel's pixies ... for pity sake, that is a spellweaving spell, like evs or fields for a mage. You all seem fine with those. Tell you what, we will drop the pixies if you don't use any evs... ok?

Speeder/hackers .... I can't speak for anyone but myself with 100% assurity, but my only "extra" is UOA, which I don't use very well. Nonel has made his position on this matter very clear. If you want to complain about it and make a difference, look to your own faction/guild first.

Pot throwing... gimme a break! What other offense does a traditional thief have? The fact that Nonel can kill you guys while on the run from 5 or 6 and still get a sig ... ohhhhhhhhhh, maybe it isn't that pots that bother you so much ... ;). FYI, get ready to not like Tinkz, she is getting pretty good at throwing a pot or two ...too.

Fusion, I like you. In fact I like all of you ... a couple less than the rest, but I won't name any names because I just don't think that is cool. You have a great team of players. Get your team together, get some preparations in place and come kill us. Imagine if we had stopped trying after all the times you rolled us during a defense. You guys have been unsuccessful twice lately, we were unsuccessful... well, not sure I can count that high. We started practicing, we were fortunate enough to have some great players join us (your loss too) and we have had a renewed determination and dedication.

Now it is your turn to show us what you are made of. Take the towns back or die trying.... Tinkz personal motto... oh, just for trivia sake....anyone want to guess the highest number of times Tinkz died trying to raid a base (same raid/defense/day)????? Shhhhhhh, Nonel and Michel, you probably know this.


Grand Poobah
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
May 13, 2008
also i would like to tell u all that, u have hackers up the butt in ur faction, i no u guys care alot about that but seriousl come on, hacking is for losers..
Are you an E-go member?

If so, then I'm just going to call you a hypocrite and leave it at that.


Well I seemed to have missed some faction fun this weekend Kind of bummed out about that but you know how holiday weekends are with family and all...Hopefully I can catch some action this week!! Hope everyone had a great Weekend!!:D

Lore Denin (GL)

Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Jul 11, 2008
Origin: Marble Island
Hail Fusion,

First off I want to tell you that I admire your dedication to factions. I know that when Minax has the sigs you will be there defending and when we are guarding, you will be there to raid. Keep up the good work!

Minax has a great group of players. Keep your head up Fusion, you are a good factioner and have a great team in Ego. The True Britannians have a very balanced and solid group that understands factions so your job is not going to be easy but you wouldn't want it to be.

The strength of the True Britannians starts with its core of thieves in MPR. Tinkz, Nonel, Grace, Hawksley, Michel, George, Taboo, Pepe, Diligaf just to name a few. I have been in factions for a long time and this is by far the best collection of faction thieves I have ever seen.

What makes this group so strong is that they are not alts of players but dedicated to the bone thieves. If any faction wants to hold the sigils, they better have a full defense, and even with mages fielding, traps placed and an army waiting... the sigils are still in danger of disappearing on you. DON"T BLINK!

On top of that you have guilds like the O1-, G^F, YAD and UZI. Dedicated defenders who will sit there for the 10 plus hours it takes to corrupt a sigil. What really makes this group of guild special is that it’s not just for one defense or on a good day. Its any day, every defense. If another faction has the sigils they will be there raiding, stacking their own corpses to get over the walls to the sigils if need be.

I have enjoyed working with this collection of guilds/players. Win or lose it is a real privilege to work with this group of real factioners.

The last element, the icing on the cake, is the freelance/ killers. The individuals and guilds who aren't going to sit around for 10 hours when nothing is going on but will show up the instant there is news of a fight. Guilds like RiD fit this mold. I for one wouldn't want to be outside the castle gates plotting how to break down the defenses when this group rolls up :)

Although that is the general philosophy of the guilds, there are crossover players as well. UZI, G^F, YAD and the O1- have their share of killers. MPR might be a thieves' guild but their are countless ghosts out there wondering what the hell just happened to them, “OoOOoooO”

I want to give RiD a special shout out for the last defense. Awesome job fielding and holding the Bridge, even when was apparent no enemies were going to show. Thanks to Aria Nightshade and De'tox!!

fusion SL

lore denin i understand were ur comeing from but i ahte how tb wakes up at 1am in the morning and guards till 11 when were all at our jobs and school, weres the fun in that, really.

fusion SL

ok ok i no this is way of topic, but what the **** is wrong with uo latley. err im so pissed off..


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
May 15, 2008
Hey Fusion.... explain what you mean by "what is wrong with UO"???


wow i am sad i was not mentioned fusion after all the times i 1v 1ed ya and well what was your last excuse oh yeah you had chiv now and thats why i owned ya. needless to say i can't figure out auto map and barely can use vent. I am all point and click, some of your former members were surprised when they learned how techo enept i am.
but my real repsone is to your post about waking up at one in the morn well you see some off us are already up some of us get up at that time cause thats 7 am for them others like myself help in the am guard or mid afternnon guard not our fault all you work 1st shift if it bugs ya all that much drop out of scholl and get a 2nd shift job but then we might just guard on 2nd shift then hehe

i told ya all give me your numbers and ill call ya and let you know when we are guarding that way you dont miss it but no one wanted to do that, wp ohh well.
till next time



If you have a problem with guards, talk to EA, if you have a problem with the gate, talk to EA. If you have a problem with phonics.. go back to 3rd grade.. :loser:


lore denin i understand were ur comeing from but i ahte how tb wakes up at 1am in the morning and guards till 11 when were all at our jobs and school, weres the fun in that, really.
The fun is in winning. Helloooooooooooooooooooo?????


Hello Everyone,
I have never ever used or posted any forums before, but with the mention of my name by Fusion i thought i would reply. My name is Hawksley aka Fuel.
If you dont know me, i have played uo for a few years *blushes* and travelled around a few shards. I have fortunately found a great group of people on great lakes. I truly respect most of the people involved in Factions on great lakes due to their dedication to this aspect of the game. I have fought beside my enemys at one time or another and have formed some good friendships and contacts within the factions. I respect all the OJ's i fight because i have fought beside them before. It is only a game, and ultimately we are just logging in to have fun.
Ok now i want everyone to read this .... If you sit back and look at it Great lakes only has about 50 (im completely guessing at this point) dedicated faction players. The last faction population boom was when you could join more than one character per account. Everyone knows each other or at least each others characters. People are leaving all the time, guilds break up. We are all involved in factions, and at the very least i respect everyone for their dedication in the factions. If you want to see how fun factions are alone, jump to lake austin for a week.
I completely understand where Fusion is coming from. I have been on the other side, trying to get in .... all the time trying to shake the freakin tracking arrow!!! Then ... reveal .... dismount ...... OH MY!! anyways i understand how frustrating it is. I have also been involved with riding in with 4 other people and killing the entire team and reclaiming the sigs. If organized by a raiding guild, it would have been possible to reclaim the sigs. I Think Organization is the key.
Now with all that being said, Why dont we all sit back and offer suggestions. -We can organize it between factions- Hell we all know each other. Let's head up a council ... the group can meet once a week (faction leaders) discuss events .... lets bring some order to the factions. I feel between the dedicated people on great lakes we could organize planned raids and other group events. Tournaments and town raids could also be organized. I understand not everyone gets along, but if we look at the bigger picture without everyone being here factions would blow. Perhaps if we respect the faction system and try to work between factions. Word would spread and people might come back or join. TB has a huge amount of guilds in it also, if we can organize something perhaps we could split it up to another faction (just a suggestion ... but its a possibility)
Waiting for EA to improve aspects of factions will get you grey real quick. I strongly feel if we as players work together organizing events/raids between factions we can improve the faction experience for all. It is only a game lets make it fun for everyone. My last note is, I would love to see massive faction battles again. I feel that we could make that all happen again and perhaps spark some interest from other players to join.
But lets throw in some suggestions, stop the trash talk and work together to improve our shard.

TheHawk :eyes:


Seasoned Veteran
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Jun 6, 2008
Padre Island, Port Aransas, Texas
Response to Hawk:

I would love to improve factions as well. I would like to see more tamers and archers in factions. I personally never get enough of the "all Kill" and archer temps.

I would suggest every single character in factions purchase a dread horse and grab a bow.

Furthermore, a suggestion for defending bases: I think guilds defending bases should only concentrate on choke points. (i.e. Wither, para-fields, poison fields, Greater Dragons and summons.)

If you follow my suggestions for factions, the shard will improve in game play and population.

Please take my post into consideration, so we can return factions to the glory days.


Response to Dorinda,

Thank you for responding, my conserns are not about the act of defending or raiding. My concerns lay in the fact that we only have so many people left in factions. If 3 guys are constantly raiding a base with 20 defenders it gets annoying rather fast for the 3 guys. If battles are properly organized they could be larger and last a hell of alot longer.

Can we be mature and work between the different faction guilds to have raid nights? or faction battles? Perhaps if numbers where more even between guilds a night of raiding or defending would be more fun. (I'm only saying all this because we have so few people left in factions as compared to the old days) .... it sucks raiding with 3 people, and it sucks defending for 10 hours with no action.

I'm thinking if we could .... lets even go to the extreme of warring guilds within factions so we can battle in trammel and hold certain events. I would like to get into a bar fight with a few OJ's ... just reg armour, and bare fists. If we hold a large event in brit trammel and keep it all civil we would likly catch the attention of more people who are bored with pvm.

Choke points / bridges / gates are all part of the game, we cant change that stuff. EA needs to fix those problems, but that is just the way the bases are. They all have different advantages and disadvantages. If we organize it so its 10 vs 10 all the tricks wont help ..... the problems occur when 3 people show up to raid against 20, or 3 people set up to defend against 20. People get discouraged and the trash talk starts, ive been on both sides.

I guess im looking for a response from the guild leaders on this one. Is this something we can work towards? I relieze that we will always have rogue guilds in the factions, but if we hold trammel events we could prevent the harrasment or headaches. If we get everyone on board we could make it all work ........ heres even an idea .... lets just battle for sigs on the weekends? we could set things up if everyone just works together to improve our problems with so few people. Back in the day when everyone was playing still this wasnt an issue. Can we make anything work?

TheHawk :eyes:


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
May 15, 2008
*smiles at Hawksley*

I knew there was a "something special" hiding behind the quiet. It is wonderful to see the determination and desire to improve factions and offer serious suggestions. I have been promoting a faction forum for over a year now. A chance to work together to improve factions game wide and I hope people really read what you have written and respond with sincere suggestions/input.

Good luck organizing and you have my support for anything that will improve faction play.

wee papa smurf

I totally agree with Hawksley, i moved to GL quite a while ago because of the faction activity and i suffer the bad ping and the lag because i simply love factions, so hopefully we can kick some life back into it by being adults and make some changes! :thumbsup:

Haggis muncher :D


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Jul 29, 2008
I'm on the same page as you, Hawksley. Been toying with a few ideas. PM me your ICQ, if you have one, I want to bounce some ideas off you. :p


Lore Keeper
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
May 12, 2008
Most of our new guys were chased out of your alliance by terrible attitudes like this. ;) Your alliance held numerical superiority much longer, so it doesn't leave much room for complaints.
I would like to go ahead say no one was chased out of our alliance. G^F had relations to someone who was hell bent on just attacking my guild, which put us all in situations where G^F couldn't/wouldn't help the alliance members. UZI decided to make new friends and this all pretty much happened while i wasn't on.

We never had numerical superiority. If you want to go ahead and start listing names you go right ahead. We had more pvpers than you and thats why you guys always got drilled. We always had our guys ready to fight, and you guys were always running around on your thieves. I'm not complaining here but get that info right, because my alliance never had more numbers than TB. We may have 'out-manned' you some times, but you guys had more active people. Especially during the day.


funny how our tb thieves can hold back 10 Of your "pvpers"
makes ya rethink your tatics i know pot throwing thieves with traps and guards and blockades and feilds i bet those thieves are even healing them selves, dang them and thier ability to drink a pot, i bet those thieves probally hide alot and stealth around doing shady thief things how dare they use skills on thier template, they should just run out into the fray and die, futhermore i bet those thieves even steal things man how that sucks. Why cant those thiefs just pick up a sword and fight or better yet become necro mage para spamming bots, i know what ill do right away is go out and change my thief, ima put gm camping on him as well as gm herding and foresic eval, ohh and some fishing and cooking, then i can defend the base by putting up stacks of cooked fish in front of you and herd an amazinly large force of rabbits to stam block you with and even better when you kill the rabbits ill use my foresic eval to tell me you did then ill build a camp fire so we can all sing songs and luagh about how you owned my army of bunnies while the rest of my team continues to hold the castle with thier thieves, cause they are good at it. Dont be hating cause you cant be a great thieve like any of our thiefs just accept it and figure out a way to get past my new army of chickens

deckers attack chickens
finger licking good

love me


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
May 15, 2008
*waves at Cardell*

Thanks for the response Cardell. I know only bits and pieces of the inside reasons people left your faction and in the long run it doesn't matter. Enough said.

Numbers... That is a point we have differing views. I tend to look at pvper vs pvper and you are looking at literal numbers. I guess, as we each look at it, we are both right :) ....

There is a huge mental component to this game and it is what keeps me playing. I am NOT capable of going out and "bashing" you guys nor do I want to... but on occassion I can come up with ideas and plans that accomplish my goals. Which, as a faction thief, is to get the sigil and place it on the TB post, hold it for 10 hours and place it back in the town. As a thief, if I can trip you, make you laugh until you can't fight or make you so angry you forget to fight our warriors because you are intent on chasing me down and killing me, then I have accomplished my mission. I don't need to hit you once to be an effective member of a faction.

Decker .... Sigi is ready willing and able to join the bunny brigade anytime you say the word. For those that don't know Sigi, he is a sigil purple bunny bonded to his master Tinkz who frequently "assualted" the Shadowlords base solo and demanded they surrender. Well, it never worked but he still thinks he is fierce.

I think we all need some fun without the stress of defending/raiding.... anytime any of you want to do a peerless or something, I am a great dedicated healer, good at getting Melisande, Dread and Trav keys ... anyone want to go just ICQ me.... 76943888


Slightly Crazed
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Aug 28, 2008
Great Lakes
It's been fun over the years fighting with all of you.
Hopefully you all stick with it. I know it's frustrating sometimes but don't let it get to you. Just get ready for the next go around. ;)

Good fights.


It's been fun over the years fighting with all of you.
Hopefully you all stick with it. I know it's frustrating sometimes but don't let it get to you. Just get ready for the next go around. ;)

Good fights.
Fighting like Lemon and Lime fighting? hehe By the way how is your Chevy??:lick: