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Tamer/Spellweaver Masteries

James [W^H]

Slightly Crazed
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
If you have a Tamer/Spellweaver, do you have both Taming and Spellweaver Masteries on your template? Which Mastery do you use most?


Kylie Kinslayer

Stratics Legend
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I run a Mage/SW/Tamer and he carries the Mage, Tamer and SW masteries. I typically run the Tamer one more often than the others. Only really use the SW one for the time frames where nobody is around for a focus.


I Hate Skilling
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Death Ray (Mage mastery) is kind of fun to play around with sometimes. Give it a try if ya snag a level 3 Mage primer.
I have used that at shrine battles on NOOB mages to get Tabards. Just a Level 1 primer does a lot of damage to the captains. That account has a free spot to put GM mage skills on new toons then delete them later. Takes forever to cast EVs at GM so I use the Death ray when I can.

My Tamer mages have all 3. Magery, SW, Taming at level 3.


Stratics Veteran
Depends on the circumstance, but majority of the time I use the SW masteries. Having a base level of arcane focus and the ability to hit 6 much easier is incredibly helpful. I also find that even the level 3 Gift of Renewal keeps my pets alive just fine, and I don't have to waste mana on the taming masteries.

Nowadays, I generally run the following taming templates: Taming/SW (SW mastery); Taming/Bard (Bard masteries); and Taming/Necro/Mager (Taming Masteries).


The Enchanter
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Campaign Patron
Keep in mind that if using the Animal Taming mastery, one of the passives is that it increases your stable slot size. Be careful about switching to another mastery if you're using this and have a full stable.

Anon McDougle

Grand Inquisitor
Stratics Veteran
Keep in mind that if using the Animal Taming mastery, one of the passives is that it increases your stable slot size. Be careful about switching to another mastery if you're using this and have a full stable.
Wonders what he could break with this...


I Hate Skilling
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Wonders what he could break with this...
You do something like say claim ... and 5 wolf spiders come out and you can't put them back in until you change back.

If full you can't put the one you have out back in to get a different pet.

Anon McDougle

Grand Inquisitor
Stratics Veteran
You do something like say claim ... and 5 wolf spiders come out and you can't put them back in until you change back.

If full you can't put the one you have out back in to get a different pet.
So it wouldn't just randomly delete one pet to get back to lower cap


Babbling Loonie
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Death Ray (Mage mastery) is kind of fun to play around with sometimes. Give it a try if ya snag a level 3 Mage primer.
My Death Ray Tamer/Mage © hit a new Death Ray record last week with a 1,325 damage Death Ray tick (hitting harder than WoD every 3 secs) with an Undead Slayer spellbook against a Sampire Captain in Blackthorn's Dungeon. That Captain melted like butter (had it caught in an X-Field too, to prevent teleporting).
Death Ray Tamer/Mage © definitely has a ton of power in the right situations. Even when channeling Death Ray isn't feasible (lots of movement or incoming AoE damage), the template is still solid. Can just rely on E-Bolt/Chain Lightning for damage then, powerful Bless/Curse/Para Field with 120 Eval, 100% rez chance with 120 Magery/120 Vet (Knight of Compassion is awesome on this build), and the pet still provides group damage buff via 120 Disco+Conductive Blast (Death Ray will further lower victim's Energy Resist by 10 as well).

Kylie Kinslayer

Stratics Legend
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
My Death Ray Tamer/Mage © hit a new Death Ray record last week with a 1,325 damage Death Ray tick (hitting harder than WoD every 3 secs) with an Undead Slayer spellbook against a Sampire Captain in Blackthorn's Dungeon. That Captain melted like butter (had it caught in an X-Field too, to prevent teleporting).
Death Ray Tamer/Mage © definitely has a ton of power in the right situations. Even when channeling Death Ray isn't feasible (lots of movement or incoming AoE damage), the template is still solid. Can just rely on E-Bolt/Chain Lightning for damage then, powerful Bless/Curse/Para Field with 120 Eval, 100% rez chance with 120 Magery/120 Vet (Knight of Compassion is awesome on this build), and the pet still provides group damage buff via 120 Disco+Conductive Blast (Death Ray will further lower victim's Energy Resist by 10 as well).

Heck you were the one who made me add the Mage Mastery to my template. Had never thought about it until your posts a while back on the subject.


Stratics Veteran
So, this thread inspired me to try a new template -- the Disco/Death Ray Tamer. I'm still tinkering with it, but here's the current breakdown:

116 Taming
110 Lore
120 Magery
120 Eval
120 Music
120 Disco
100+ Meditation

I've always wanted to try a template like this, but I've never been able to balance the high skill points required along with SDI. However, since Death Ray doesn't require SDI, I can focus on equipment that increases my skills. Disco lowers the target's Energy Resist, which has nice synergy with Death Ray. Definitely a fun template to tinker around with.


Crazed Zealot
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Death Ray (Mage mastery) is kind of fun to play around with sometimes. Give it a try if ya snag a level 3 Mage primer.
I occasionally use it myself, it's fun as a "closer" spell when things just aren't going down/you want to kill the thing you're fighting (crazed mage, as an example.) I frequently bring a Rune Corruption pet (Frenzied Whirlwind/RC Fire Beetle probably my favorite) so I have an even more enhanced Death Ray on occasion. If I pair it with a Slayer book (invasion) on something like Lady Mel, I'll do over 300 damage every time it ticks. "Standard" template of Vet/Eval/Magery/Med/Taming/Lore on that character. I could probably drop Med for Weaving since I have about 20 MR, but it allows for infinite use of Consume Damage, so I don't mind it.

Keith of Sonoma

Grand Poobah
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
My Death Ray Tamer/Mage © hit a new Death Ray record last week with a 1,325 damage Death Ray tick (hitting harder than WoD every 3 secs) with an Undead Slayer spellbook against a Sampire Captain in Blackthorn's Dungeon. That Captain melted like butter (had it caught in an X-Field too, to prevent teleporting).
Death Ray Tamer/Mage © definitely has a ton of power in the right situations. Even when channeling Death Ray isn't feasible (lots of movement or incoming AoE damage), the template is still solid. Can just rely on E-Bolt/Chain Lightning for damage then, powerful Bless/Curse/Para Field with 120 Eval, 100% rez chance with 120 Magery/120 Vet (Knight of Compassion is awesome on this build), and the pet still provides group damage buff via 120 Disco+Conductive Blast (Death Ray will further lower victim's Energy Resist by 10 as well).
Keep in mind, in Blackthorns dungeon, WoD seems to hit for double on the Captains. I see WoD damage in the 13-1686 range.


Babbling Loonie
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
So, this thread inspired me to try a new template -- the Disco/Death Ray Tamer. I'm still tinkering with it, but here's the current breakdown:

116 Taming
110 Lore
120 Magery
120 Eval
120 Music
120 Disco
100+ Meditation

I've always wanted to try a template like this, but I've never been able to balance the high skill points required along with SDI. However, since Death Ray doesn't require SDI, I can focus on equipment that increases my skills. Disco lowers the target's Energy Resist, which has nice synergy with Death Ray. Definitely a fun template to tinker around with.
The Death Ray Tamer/Mage's © pet (either Triton or Cu Sidhe) usually has 120 Disco+Conductive Blast (halves Energy Resist for several secs, stacking with other debuffs), for buffing Death Ray damage. So the Tamer himself doesn't need to run 120 Music/120 Disco, the pet takes care of that.
I prefer a 120 Disco+CB Triton over a 120 Disco+CB Cu Sidhe, because the Triton is tougher (higher Wrest/Resist/Energy Resist), has more damage output (higher Wrest), and since he doesn't waste time/mana on Bleed attack, he has a higher Conductive Blast uptime. The fact that Tritons don't have Bleed Attack, also makes it easier to train Discord up to 120 on them (just don't put Conductive Blast on them until Disco is up to 120). I'm usually in Wraith Form anyways, so the Triton being non-mountable isn't a big deal to me.

The Death Ray Tamer/Mage © template is usually...
120 Taming
120 Lore
120 Vet
120 Magery
120 Eval
120 Med
Human, for JoAT. Can use Wraith Form scrolls then to get into Wraith Form and leech back Mana when blasting with Death Ray/Chain Lightning/E-Bolt, can indefinitely channel Death Ray against some foes with this.

I frequently bring a Rune Corruption pet (Frenzied Whirlwind/RC Fire Beetle probably my favorite) so I have an even more enhanced Death Ray on occasion.
When doing Blackthorn's Captains (or some other bosses, like Osiredon/Lady Mel), i'll frequently use a 120 Disco+CB Triton on my Death Ray Tamer/Mage ©, while also using a RC+AP Fire Beetle on my Disco/Tamer. The Armor Pierce makes the boss take 10% more damage for 3 secs (which includes Death Ray/WoD). That pair together is an incredible amount of debuffs, and makes bosses melt fast with how much more damage the boss it taking from a group.
Last edited:


Stratics Veteran
The Death Ray Tamer/Mage's © pet (either Triton or Cu Sidhe) usually has 120 Disco+Conductive Blast (halves Energy Resist for several secs, stacking with other debuffs), for buffing Death Ray damage. So the Tamer himself doesn't need to run 120 Music/120 Disco, the pet takes care of that.
I prefer a 120 Disco+CB Triton over a 120 Disco+CB Cu Sidhe, because the Triton is tougher (higher Wrest/Resist/Energy Resist), has more damage output (higher Wrest), and since he doesn't waste time/mana on Bleed attack, he has a higher Conductive Blast uptime. The fact that Tritons don't have Bleed Attack, also makes it easier to train Discord up to 120 on them (just don't put Conductive Blast on them until Disco is up to 120). I'm usually in Wraith Form anyways, so the Triton being non-mountable isn't a big deal to me.

The Death Ray Tamer/Mage © template is usually...
120 Taming
120 Lore
120 Vet
120 Magery
120 Eval
120 Med
Human, for JoAT. Can use Wraith Form scrolls then to get into Wraith Form and leech back Mana when blasting with Death Ray/Chain Lightning/E-Bolt, can indefinitely channel Death Ray against some foes with this.

When doing Blackthorn's Captains (or some other bosses, like Osiredon/Lady Mel), i'll frequently use a 120 Disco+CB Triton on my Death Ray Tamer/Mage ©, while also using a RC+AP Fire Beetle on my Disco/Tamer. The Armor Pierce makes the boss take 10% more damage for 3 secs (which includes Death Ray/WoD). That pair together is an incredible amount of debuffs, and makes bosses melt fast with how much more damage the boss it taking from a group.
Is there an use for the discord both on the triton of the first tamer and on the second tamer?



Babbling Loonie
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Is there an use for the discord both on the triton of the first tamer and on the second tamer?

Yes. My Disco/Tamer will have a higher chance of succeeding at the Discord attempt due to Slayer Instruments, and the Triton doesn't always chain Disco attempts (especially if he's low on Mana) like my Disco/Tamer can. I don't always use those two chars together though. Discord is an extremely powerful debuff against any foe that isn't immune to it.
Sometimes when it's just me, i'll pair my Death Ray Tamer/Mage © and his 120 Disco+CB Triton, with my Disco/Tamer and his 120 Chiv+AP 100% Energy Platinum Drake, and just laugh at the absurd amounts of damage being dished out by the Death Ray and the Energy Drake. Most of the time the Energy Drake's auto attacks are hitting for 200+ damage during EoO then, since the foe has extremely low Energy Resist with 120 Disco+CB+Death Ray on them.

I've been able to get close to 2500 damage on captains with WoD. It's fun :)
Highest Death Ray tick i've seen so far is a 1,325 damage Death Ray tick against a Sampire Captain with an Undead Slayer spellbook equipped. That was happening every 3 secs, while the Captain was also high Health.


Stratics Veteran
Yes. My Disco/Tamer will have a higher chance of succeeding at the Discord attempt due to Slayer Instruments, and the Triton doesn't always chain Disco attempts (especially if he's low on Mana) like my Disco/Tamer can. I don't always use those two chars together though. Discord is an extremely powerful debuff against any foe that isn't immune to it.
Sometimes when it's just me, i'll pair my Death Ray Tamer/Mage and his 120 Disco+CB Triton, with my Disco/Tamer and his 120 Chiv+AP 100% Energy Platinum Drake, and just laugh at the absurd amounts of damage being dished out by the Death Ray and the Energy Drake. Most of the time the Energy Drake's auto attacks are hitting for 200+ damage during EoO then, since the foe has extremely low Energy Resist with 120 Disco+CB+Death Ray on them.

Highest Death Ray tick i've seen so far is a 1,325 damage Death Ray tick against a Sampire Captain with an Undead Slayer spellbook equipped. That was happening every 3 secs, while the Captain was also high Health.
So, on this setup you keep trying to discord with the tamer even if the Triton has discord? Or you don't use his discord ability and use something else in it's place?


Babbling Loonie
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
So, on this setup you keep trying to discord with the tamer even if the Triton has discord? Or you don't use his discord ability and use something else in it's place?
I'll use the Discord skill on my Disco/Tamer if my other tamer's Triton fails to land Discord right off the bat. Once one of us lands a successful Discord, the Triton will just spend it's Mana on Conductive Blast and Healing then.