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Swamp Dragons


Crazed Zealot
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Did the Developers ever give a reason why Swamp Dragons cant be trained up to 3 or 5 slots? Was the issue because of Barding(absorption armor)? After all their the only tamable that is stuck at 1 slot.


Seasoned Veteran
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only "tamable" but the battle chickens u gets out of the eggs cant be trained up past slot 1 either. I feel that its possible they may've just missed them tho (the chickens not the swampy)


Babbling Loonie
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Putting Barding on a Swampy increases it's Resists based on the Barding material. Dragon Barding Deed - UOGuide, the Ultima Online Encyclopedia. Exceptional Valorite Barding gives +50/20/30/35/30, for a total of +165 total Resists. If you had been able to level a Swampy, and alter it's Resists, then put a Barding on it, it'd have 100+ in most Resists.
The Changeling Dog had a similar problem on TC. People were leveling it and giving it Resists, then when it transformed into something, it'd gain even more Resists, and become immune to most damage. They fixed that before it left TC.


Does the resist of the swamp dragon make any difference if your are sitting on it? Seems like most colors are not any better than iron if you are using it to absorb PVM damage. Only shadow has higher durability.

Do the added resists based on ingot color make the barding deed points last longer?


Lore Master
Stratics Veteran
If you have a higher resist, you take less of that type of damage,

But, soes the absorbstion work for the swampy, or only its rider? I havent tested that.


The Enchanter
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I run Shadow Iron barding deed. It has highest resist in the three primary damage types, physical , fire and energy. Valorite might have more overall resist but you're not going to see all that much cold and poison damage. Also, Shadow Iron deed will last the longest if exceptionally crafted.


Babbling Loonie
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Stratics Legend
If you have a higher resist, you take less of that type of damage,

But, soes the absorbstion work for the swampy, or only its rider? I havent tested that.
The +Resists from the various ore types only apply to the Swampy itself, making the Swampy tougher. Here's a Swampy with Exceptional Dull Copper Barding applied. 90% Physical Resist.
DC Swampy.PNG
Now here's that same Swampy with Corpse Skin cast on him. 100% Physical Resist...
DC Swampy 2.PNG

The Damage Reduction for the rider is based on the quality of the Dragon Barding Deed. Normal Dragon Barding Deeds provide 10% Damage Reduction in PvM, while Exceptional Dragon Barding Deeds provide 20% Damage Reduction in PvM. The Damage Reduction lasts until the Barding runs out of Durability, with Shadow Iron providing the highest amount of Durability at 17,000 (Exceptional). The Paroxysmus' Swamp Dragon comes with permanent Dragon Barding that never breaks, and provides 12% Damage Reduction in PvM.


Lore Master
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@PlayerSkillFTW I found 2 old swampies with old excep. shadow iron barding armor deeds on them can you explain me why it seems their resists are over capped for the swampy on the right , it would have a base physical resist of 43% and energy 50% which doesnt make sense since, theyre base resists when tamed are 40/30/40/30/40

Kylie Kinslayer

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Somewhat related question here...

When I left for my hiatus seems like the Devs were talking about how Charger of the Fallen is supposed to work like the Swampie but was not actually doing it in the calculations. Was that ever corrected? (kind of doubt it as everyone is still on Swampies, but wanted to check)


Crazed Zealot
Somewhat related question here...

When I left for my hiatus seems like the Devs were talking about how Charger of the Fallen is supposed to work like the Swampie but was not actually doing it in the calculations. Was that ever corrected? (kind of doubt it as everyone is still on Swampies, but wanted to check)
Would be awesome if chargers offered some protection, even less than paroxy or armored swampy..


I Hate Skilling
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Somewhat related question here...

When I left for my hiatus seems like the Devs were talking about how Charger of the Fallen is supposed to work like the Swampie but was not actually doing it in the calculations. Was that ever corrected? (kind of doubt it as everyone is still on Swampies, but wanted to check)
No the devs are not going to sell a pet in the store that gives any advantage. Never heard that rumor.

Kylie Kinslayer

Stratics Legend
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Stratics Legend
No the devs are not going to sell a pet in the store that gives any advantage. Never heard that rumor.
Hmm... was no rumor, it was a listed feature when it was initially sold. It said 'an armor covered horse that is in line with Swamp Dragon barding'...

Which is why everybody and their brother ran out and snagged them. Was months later when they said it was not working correctly and stuck it on the never ending bug pile. I will dig through meet and greets etc tomorrow and see if I can find them addressing it.


I Hate Skilling
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Hmm... was no rumor, it was a listed feature when it was initially sold. It said 'an armor covered horse that is in line with Swamp Dragon barding'...

Which is why everybody and their brother ran out and snagged them. Was months later when they said it was not working correctly and stuck it on the never ending bug pile. I will dig through meet and greets etc tomorrow and see if I can find them addressing it.
Hmm that would be neat. I would have got the preorder anyway. I remember going to the game store and buying two to make an account for my son. It is an armor covered horse tho. The armor is just impotent.

I tried to do some research but UO.com and UO Guide are down. My 8th age box has a picture of an armored horse on the spine. Internet says it came out with ML. I thought it was a preorder gift, cant verify that. Maybe we all got one with ML after upgrading.
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Kylie Kinslayer

Stratics Legend
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Hmm that would be neat. I would have got the preorder anyway. I remember going to the game store and buying two to make an account for my son. It is an armor covered horse tho. The armor is just impotent.

I tried to do some research but UO.com and UO Guide are down. My 8th age box has a picture of an armored horse on the spine. Internet says it came out with ML. I thought it was a preorder gift, cant verify that. Maybe we all got one with ML after upgrading.
Yeah, pretty sure you could get it as part of the ML pre-order deal (from memory) but I think it was also a stand alone as well even in the beginning.


Lore Master
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
well apparantly the numbers arnt correct. For the shadow exceptional barding deed exemple, I'm getting +45/+30/+15/+20/+50 added to my swamp resistances and not the 40/25/15/20/40 from uo com or uoguide.com


Crazed Zealot
well apparantly the numbers arnt correct. For the shadow exceptional barding deed exemple, I'm getting +45/+30/+15/+20/+50 added to my swamp resistances and not the 40/25/15/20/40 from uo com or uoguide.com
Sadly..uoguide.com the de-facto guide and massive source of info, is dead. We all hope temporarily, but we don't know. If permanent indeed a sad situation, for old and new players..