I agree in principle, agree wholeheartedly.
Again, agreed in priciple. More in a bit.
Actually, I began posting regarding this issue in an earlier thread at the behest of my other "half," who was irked because she couldn't swap out robes for dresses for her characters. This one really isn't about "me" in the least, actually from the prespective of "me," I'm good as is (though I personally would like at least one additional pick for everyone to allow for the commodity box). But everybody isn't. My best guess is that most aren't.
Herein lies the "rub." I don't know how difficult it may be for dev to determine what was originally given and what may have been purchsed or picked up elsewhere. If this variable is "known," I'm with you as it's a fair restriction. If "unknown," we may have to disagree, I'd prefer to see dev allow for everything to be swapped out opposed to no swaps at all or a form of arbitrary "cap." Even if "known," many things come into consideration; e.g. closed accounts where the same player actually did expend his/ own selection. Best guess here is that it'll over complicate what otherwise may be a simple decision and process. That alone will seal the fate of good conceptual idea before it's even considered.
Yes, and it's actually a "wash." Sure, resell value of a year 10 reward will drop, and resell value of a year 1 reward would inherently rise to the same level - assuming we can get a pure 1:1 swap without restriction. But this goes back to your original premise of what the rewards are - a gift to say thanks for playing, opposed to an item for resell.
Again, systemically with a simple 1:1 exchange system and the resell "wash" created, nobody loses. Players get what they want. Dev can freely backdate items in the future with no negative ramification. Hording selections to hope for a goldmine ceases. Vet rewards are returned to the pure form of what they are intended to be!
Someone mentioned the idea of a free trade per account. Id be with that. Trade in 1 item for 1 item. Remember... your idea isnt bad but no matter how sound... it would take significant time.
That is attaching 1 free trade in per account is much easier. And youd get 1 item.