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Stratics Sucks

Yellow Beard

Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
People tend to read a thread that is negative and I wanted as many people to read this as possible.

We all owe a great deal of gratitude to all of the people that keep these forums going. The contributors are way to numerous to name but they all make the UO experience a lot more enjoyable.

I would like to give special thanks to Tina Small and to Petra Fyed for supplying sooooo much information. :thumbup:


Lore Keeper
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Bahh.. had just put on the boxing gloves!!

Can only agree!! Thanks!:thumbup:

Stratics Rocks! :party:


Agreed - this website is awesome. It's extremely informative, and the forums bring forth some very knowledgeable players. It sucks to see so much bickering on this forum.

Keep up the great work, mods!

Trebr Drab

Yep, so much work by a few is very much appreciated. Thank you.

p.s. I'd help if I could, but I just don't have the in depth knowledge nor the time required to get it. If something does come up, I'll certainly forward it to one of you here at Stratics.

Old Man of UO

:twak: *WHACKS* Yellow Beard... You title is sooo deceptive!

I agree with your message. I know of no other fan forum that is both as "tolerant" and informative as Stratics. It was good before, but with the new leadership I think Stratics is now great.

Tay M'real

yeah - but I think Stratics should try to simplify their essays/game details. I find myself going more to UOGuide.com for information about items/skills etc.. because of ease of navigation and the presentation of information.

However, the boards here are great and it's nice to have a direct way to discuss game mechanics with the developers.


I find myself going more to UOGuide.com for information about items/skills etc.. because of ease of navigation and the presentation of information..
UOGuide is incomplete. If you're depending on that for your info, you're missing out on things you should know.


Babbling Loonie
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Nice one Yellow Beard. Kudos to the Stratics staff for their hard work.


False advertisement!

False advertisement reminds me of Stratics labeling their Mods "UO Mods" when they are really UO "Stratics" Mods.

Labeling their "volunteer" staff as "UO" this that or the other thing without attaching the modifer "Stratics" after "UO" makes these unpaid "volunteers" appear as though they are official paid UO employees, does it not?

Might be misleading to some newer readers.

But I agree Stratics has certainly improved this past year or so.

Was a time not long ago that they allowed their Mods to sell dupes on the Trade forums. Anyone who protested that had their posts removed or were even banned if they objected too loudly.

New management is Much better, though the 'good' people banned for standing up for what is right are still banned, the dupe dealing Mod seems to be gone and individuals advertising items for sale for cash is no longer allowed.

Now though they have decided to leave the word "Stratics" out of their volunteer's titles.

If they were to correctly advertise their staff as what they are: UO "Stratics" __________, then I'd be willing to go all out and give them:


rather than

1----:thumbsup: and 1----:thumbdown:.

Petra Fyde

Peerless Chatterbox
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Trebr, every little helps, even a quick pm to say 'this paragraph on the page [link] is wrong, it should say: - '


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
cough.. the only thing stratics has going for it is the message boards. not to say they are very good boards, but merely that they have the most users. truly if it weren't for uoguide.com i'd be quite lost as i can never find any information on stratics--and most of it is outdated anyhow.


People tend to read a thread that is negative and I wanted as many people to read this as possible.

We all owe a great deal of gratitude to all of the people that keep these forums going. The contributors are way to numerous to name but they all make the UO experience a lot more enjoyable.

I would like to give special thanks to Tina Small and to Petra Fyed for supplying sooooo much information. :thumbup:

YOU SU-ooh...wait, yeah, what he said.

Petra Fyde

Peerless Chatterbox
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Thank you for the kind words :) They are appreciated.

As for the not-so kind ones:
Stratics is a bit like a book, to find things you use the index - That's those two long menu listings either side of the main page. I'm sorry the search function is less than it should be, but that's due to circumstances beyond my control, so I'm at the mercy of others as regards the timing of a fix.
Stratics is mostly out of date? I respectfully submit that it is, in fact, you that is out of date. Those same menus are liberally scattered with 'new' and 'upd' tags put there by myself in the past 6 months. Instead of parrotting the historic complaint try finding out if it is still true and actually look at the site.

Stupid Miner

yeah - but I think Stratics should try to simplify their essays/game details. I find myself going more to UOGuide.com for information about items/skills etc.. because of ease of navigation and the presentation of information.

However, the boards here are great and it's nice to have a direct way to discuss game mechanics with the developers.
UOGuide tends to be the skeletal facts, the bare-bone essentials. It has the needed information, but it lacks meat; it lacks character.

And because UOGuide is bare information, Stratics shouldn't be. Who wants two site that are essentially the same?


Babbling Loonie
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Stratics has a well founded and very long UO history. When history is documented after years of changes, as with any history book you do not re-write history, you update it.

Pertinent facts may change but what UO means to those that continue after 12 years has changed very little and why Stratics remains one of the many gathering places. This does not discredit other forums like UOforums or UOguide. It's further testament that relevant information is needed and also why Petra and many volunteers dedicate much of their time to it.

Think of it...12 years and this latest successful expansion that has generated hopefully enough revenue for more fun times to come. Now THAT is something to celebrate and I for one am glad to be part of Stratics in doing so. Thanks guys!

Hugs all around,


yeah - but I think Stratics should try to simplify their essays/game details. I find myself going more to UOGuide.com for information about items/skills etc.. because of ease of navigation and the presentation of information.

However, the boards here are great and it's nice to have a direct way to discuss game mechanics with the developers.
I agree. They should definitely simplify things a bit more like UoGuide.

Stratics is awesome, only down fall they have is some of their moderators. I'm not going to put any certain mod on blast. But those mods who solve their "power hunger" over stratics ruin things a bit at times. A moderator of a website such as Stratics should be respectful and fair.

But all in all, Stratics is definitely awesome! :thumbup:

Phaen Grey

Lore Master
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I started playing UO in Dec. 1998, I found stratics not long after and have regularly been visiting for information both in the written essays and here on the forums for 10 and 1/2 years. 6-9 months ago much of Stratics was out of date, but Petra Fyde and many others have been working hard to clean it up, make it easier to find information and rewrite that information to include changes that have been made over the years.

There may be other information sites out there, but I come to Stratics first. Thank you for the years you've supported UO Players.


Former Stratics CEO (2011-2014)
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Campaign Benefactor
cough.. the only thing stratics has going for it is the message boards. not to say they are very good boards, but merely that they have the most users. truly if it weren't for uoguide.com i'd be quite lost as i can never find any information on stratics--and most of it is outdated anyhow.
This was an accurate view a year ago. Times have changed. Since Petra took over, UOStratics has seen a huge overhaul. You should take another look.

Over the past six months, Stratics has overtaken UOGuide.com as my favorite resource for UO-related info and lore.