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Strangers A Lure For Our Friends: SCRIPTERS


Lady D

OK, I have written because I believe that the writers of UO have finally lost the plot and all touch of reality with the world of Sosaria! What on earth has possessed them to create a situation that is nothing short of handing all those scripters (that they love to protect so avidly), fantastic loot. Yes you all know what I am talking about ... Strangers ... lets spill the loot on the ground, now gold and gems I can see as being fun BUT the boxes ... ahhh yes those lovely boxes lets just drop them on the ground, but in doing so let's also ensure that those actually fighting the Stranger suffers a short frozen spell whilst it drops, THEN that allows those standing away and NOT helping to jump in and grab the goodies first!! Also whilst they are at it good old EA games let's have arties worth millions also drop on the ground just for those happy happy scripters!! I applaud you *claps hands* you have excelled yourselves in your stupidity this time WELL DONE! :(


While I agree with you on the part about dropping loot on the ground. That was the biggest flaw in this even. They need a better method of doing this. The last stranger killed me over 20 times because it hits for over 250 hp on one hit (which is a huge joke). Some people just stood there watching and waiting for it to die. They would not heal, rez or get involved in the mele. As soon as it died. They jumped in the pile like a bunch of pigs in slop bucket. A few people died just before the creature died and they would not even help the poor people who defeated the stranger.

As for the arties. I have helped with over 10 strangers and have never seen one arty. I saw the strange gems but no arties. I heard rumors of them but have not seen them with my own eyes. I did manage to get a couple of boxes and gave one to my friend and kept one. It is possible for anyone to get it.. You just have to be lucky.

Lady D

Pack Rat I agree whole heartedly sweetie, I liked the simile about the pigs round a slop bucket. Home, this isn't about being satisfied or not, it is about the idiocy of EA creating such a silly situation yet again. I have actually chosen NOT to bother with the Strangers anymore as I cannot see the point when the fringe huggers and scripters walk away with the goodies. Let the gold and gems fall on the ground, but have the box drop in the pack randomly as did the scythes and cloaks of corruption. I am very satisified as a whole with this game or I'd have been long gone by now, it is just that EA seem to have a penchant for stupidity.


Well said hun, and seconded and thirded.

1:) OK 250 hit is kinda uber, basically makes it tough for anything but a stand off mage get a hit in.

2:) Making the Box ONE off each time, and FREEZING all those in the area, and allowing those stood well back to wander in, pull up the shift/ctrl, and grab the box....

3:) Sod Shift/ Crtl what about those who use 4th party cheats to hoover up all the stuff.

4:) Why OH WHY have you done this EA/ Mythic?? Surely a sensible option would be to have top 3 or top 5 damagers get a backpack drop, or, instanced loot, with a box in for the top damagers

This current method is crazy in the least, and made soley to encourage folks to cheat.

I was lucky enough to be in the area when the first 3 spawned in Despise, before the scripters , the players who we only see when exploits arise, had chance to get to grips with the event.

I was lucky, yes, lucky to grab 3 boxes, gave one away, and display 2 proudly in shop. happened to see it first time, and thought ooo Ill grab that....whaaay would ya look at that, then the next 2 I was kinda, wheres that box,....oooo grab it , wow, got another, yeahy....

Im ok, I have mine, Im good just having fun, but.....think of the others , please, rethink.....

Finally, just to stand up for Europa, I died like 500 times, and yes, died the second he boomed dead, but, there were several kind hearts who ran and ressed me. But, I still only got a ruby for my 35 mins of dying. Without mentioning a list of lovely folk, all I can say is TY Eu...you rock in times of peril....

Lost my title faster than an arrested lady of the night in front of the courts at 3am....

Lady D

SilentFoxxy, loved that line too, purrrfect ... it is lovely to get feedback from like minded lovely folks ... the Stranger is a fab idea just implemented in completely the wrong way ... Please Please you people over there in EA read and listen to us and make this fun for EVERYONE!


The last two I have fought in Destard have been a little different. Both times the stranger was not even on my screen and I was still frozen upon its death. This makes me think there no safety in being X number of tiles from the creature. The first time was with a mage casting EVs, so I was not a direct attacker and it made no difference.

The downside to this of course is that the best position to be in now is right on top of it when it dies. That of course is impossible if you are attacking it.

Lord Gareth

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Well as for the 250hpts insta kill. They are suppose to be godly like strong creatures arnt they? So they kinda would knock someone flat on dere butt! :)

UO Relic

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Havent seen/heard of any arti's drop but only been in on 4 strangers so far.

Would have to agree that the blue box should go randomly to anyone that does a certain percentage of damage - forces all who want it to do some damage

Who in there right mind decided to have 1 of the Strangers spawn at Luna!?! :gun:
Fought 2x strangers there before I decided to forgo that location. By the time I unfroze all the bank sitters had almost licked the ground clean, hours of work many deaths and out of both strangers managed 1 gem and about 250gps and my choice of the unwanted weps piled in a corner , gee thanks.

In all they are a fun fight, the effects are awesome, the rewards are probably good but hehe i havent gotten anything good yet *crosses fingers*

Lady D

Yes UO Relic, that particular bit of genius needs to be applauded. Lets take the busiest place and throw in a Stranger and see what happens .... ahhh the Lag Monster AND the Bank Sitters get the loot this time ... mind those bank sitters licking the ground clean make the place sparkly clean


They should remove the boxes, and just use a normal chest, and thus get rid of the, "Rare" that everyone wants. This entire invasion thing has been done wrong. All people wanted was the berserker syth, the plain sword/sheild/the threads/the new mount/the sheild/the box/the larger gems.

All the other loot/paragon chest/ect are left behind as junk. This event is totally item based for most of the players in the game. Not all, but the player base as a whole needs a better reason to fight than just maybe getting a rare or ubber item. After all, their is NO goal, no guidline, and no one has any idea how to, "WIN" the event? Like all others it will just stop, and we all get told, Hooray, we won. Or, like magincia, we lost.

HOW DID WE WIN? HOW DID WE LOSE? It does not matter at all. If you could care less about the items from the event, then the risk vs reward factor says it is not worth dying for, when it has no affect on the story line.

I protected Luna, and all it cost me 700k in insurance money. rolleyes:

Assia Penryn

The Sleeping Dragon
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I agree. When events become item-based it will always bring out the worst in many people and give them a bad case of the gimmies. This is what made past EM events horrible to partake in.

If you want to drop stuff on the ground, try to figure out a way to script something like this into it.. players who haven't won "looting rights" are blown back out of the loot area in the final death.. Those remaining have x seconds before anyone can enter. Even something like 5 seconds would help folks get a chance at these items before folks who just are watching can get the hard earned items.

If that isn't possible then make several "phantom" items of the same graphic that when grabbed gives the message *the item turns to dust in your hands making you cough* (paralyzed, bowing graphic for 3-5 seconds). At least that way non-scripters might be slowed down and someone who did the work has a chance to get a chest by luck.

I dunno, just some ideas. I haven't tried out the events because I'm in the process of closing my account. Regardless, I still care about this game...

Miss Ghost

It has been interesting reading this thread. I agree about these events bringing out the worst in people who used to be sooo lovely to you :sad4:

As for the Strangers and all that loot ... well I am not concerned enough about getting any to wish to join the mad dogs fighting over bones in order to achieve a box with a name on it! I shall leave that to those with more patience than I have :violin:

Me I play because I love my friends here in this world


Belaern d'Zhaunil
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I really like the concept of the whole thing with the six strangers and all.... It's really pretty cool........ but on this I have to agree..... nothing like working really hard granted I didn't die but once I think...... But I am an archer and I used a ton of resources....... for what???? ONE of the new gems...... that's right that's all I've gotten so far..... ONE....... And to get that was a miracle..... My computer is far to bad to compete with all the super looters.. heck by the time I'm unfrozen from the dying boss everyone else has already grabbed up 90% of what dropped....... If it didn't drop right AT my feet I wouldn't even have gotten the ONE gem..... I prefer a corpse of some sort..... Insta corpes's are nice.....


Lore Keeper
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Stratics Legend
I respectfully disagree.

Originally Posted by Draconi_EA
"The loot from this event is protected under the new IDOC loot rules, which prevents scripted auto-looting, speed-looting, and abuse with summons.

It should be noted that this specific style of dropping loot is fairly restricted amongst mobs, and The Six are among a very small few of the others in this event arc that do so "

Now if your beef is with the folks sitting on the sidelines waiting for his death, perhaps you have a point. But they are frozen too, poisoned too, and are under the area effect spells these guys throw.

In past events the complaints were along the lines...

1. Only those who are tamers can get looting rights.
2. Only if I have an ubber suit can I hit him hard enough to get anything.
3. This event is for archers only..fix it!
4. What about us newer players who aren't strong enough to do any damage, don't have the right weapon..etc.
5. All I can do is heal and rez folks. Wish I could get something too..

The Six that are in the Dungeons have more risks involved than just fighting them.
Ogre Lords in Despise, Dragons in Destard...I am sure the list will go on.

Turn it back to top damagers only getting loot and the top damagers will find themselves alone fighting these things. Then it becomes just another tough boss fought by the leetest warriors and/or guilds.

This is a community event..finally!

Don't begrudge those standing on the sidelines healing and rezzing.
Those that are shooting arrows with a less than leet bow.
Those that only get a couple whacks in before they die over and over again.

In most events there are those lurking about hoping to get something someone else missed.
Get past it.

Let the loot rain down!
Let everyone get something, even if only a neat gem or two.

If the event is frustrating to you then don't attend this one.
I am sure there will be others.
Do something you enjoy. That is what a game is for..your enjoyment.

See you in the Dungeons..oh and

Be Safe

Lady D

With respect Lady Rachel, if you read them you would note that only in one post that, from SilentFoxXy on the Europa Shard, did the onlookers actually help and rez. From my experience they have NOT helped at all as others also posted said. This is not a community event at all, when a small few do the hard work only to lose the spoils to those 'lurking' in the background unwilling to help or assist in anything other than the mop up. Your comment of 'Get Past It' is condescending when we are trying to put over in a fair and reasonable manner how we, as paying customers, see this particular event. I am fully aware there will be many who disagree, I am also aware that many do agree. Also is that new IDOC loot rule working 100% in both 2D and KR? I believe that one reason EA are hoping to get more people onto KR is because the structure to prevent these things happening is easier to set up and govern in KR as opposed to 2D. Also I respectfully add that scripters will usually find a way and it is naive to believe otherwise! I AM passing on this event because I still believe quite positively that it has not been implemented in a fair and sensible way.


Grand Poobah
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In past events the complaints were along the lines...

1. Only those who are tamers can get looting rights.
2. Only if I have an ubber suit can I hit him hard enough to get anything.
3. This event is for archers only..fix it!
4. What about us newer players who aren't strong enough to do any damage, don't have the right weapon..etc.
5. All I can do is heal and rez folks. Wish I could get something too..

And there is Draconi's fault right there. Listening to the 5% of the population that are complete morons and thinking it represents the masses.

95% of the people who do these events have no problem pulling out their tamer or dexer or whatever is necessary to succeed. The 5% of the pop that are MMORPG challenged and prefer to whine about everything come here and post and you think they are the majority?

Please run a poll. The overwhelming majority would prefer a do dmg get loot system over a free for all. It encourages lazyness as evidenced in these posts.

Lets just make 'give resources' and 'give arties' to work on production shards because that is what you have become Draconi - nothing more than a welfare hand out line.

No work required.

Miss Ghost

I agree Lady D. I do not consider this to be a community event at all. A community event was like the candle quest, when the red spawn was staggered over a large area thereby not causing impossible lag and you could follow the story through to getting the candle at the end. This is a manic scrabble against lag and vast numbers of people all plunging in, despite whether they help or not, to grab hungrily at the loot all trying for that one little box. And to position one in Luna is Lunacy!
I too am passing on this event as I have been forced to do on many others. I have only been able to participate in the earlier ones, the Ophidians, the book quest and the candle of love quest and then the Moonglow one, staying on the fringes. The others, including the last halloween event, have all been squashed into such a small area, with such a large spawn and players that it is has been impossible for me to participate at all. As for this event I shall be avoiding it because it is ill thought out.


Stratics Legend
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I've been present at only two stranger deaths ~~ the first was a small crowd, for myself I had no idea really what to expect or how it worked

the first time I did not try to move at all, cause I was busy with my ctrl+shift trying to locate the corpse of what had been killed... finally giving up on that I saw a pretty box lying there on the ground and walked towards it, fully expecting it to be gone by the time I got there.... I picked it up easily and because I had been present the entire time with only one death, thought, at that time, that perhaps I had damaged it enough to earn the pretty box

between that stranger's death and the second, I learned from these boards that my actions mattered not one bit, and I relay the information about the first to point out that I had not tried to move when he died

at the second death I tried to move, and could not

*watches one person scamper within*

tried to move again, and cannot

*watches two more people stroll within*

tried to mo..... well, you get it.... must have been a dozen people there at the corpse/box before I could move a muscle

so yeah, I'm wondering if it's working right ~~ I'm having fun, and the group on Legends always helps each other in battles like this, but yeah, just wondering


I agree with 99% of the people on this thread. Theo has a great point. You can never satisfy 100% of the people. There are some that will gripe no matter what happens. Most people playing this game are honest and play for fun and to enjoy their friends company. I am one of them.
But when I am dying 20 times in an event costing me over 100,000 gp in insurance and finally slay the beast. I don't expect anything but when I see someone not dying, healing, rezzing or helping the ones that are killing the beast, get the fruits from our labor, is when I draw the line. The last three strangers we killed, I have wittnessed a gate open and people come in and just sit there. At the end people were dead and they did not do one thing to rez them, they ran to the pile and jumped in. The people who did the job had to stop and go rez these people so they can get looting rights. Where I play, you can not loot if you are dead.

And for a Moderator to get on here and tell us to get past it is because we have a legitimate complaint is a little too much. Either she has not been to one of these events or she is one of them sitting on the sidelines waiting for the loot.


Belaern d'Zhaunil
Stratics Veteran
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I've seen far too many people at this event just sit back take a backseat and watch...... often in stealth ......... Only to loot all the reward in the end leaving those that actually did the work out


Crazed Zealot
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I take Rachel's and Draconi's point to be that it is a Community Event, not an event limited to the ones that do the work. I am fairly confident that was what Draconi was saying when he said if it were geared to the ones able and willing to do the event, then they would be the only ones doing the event.

I do not believe either meant that you should NOT be frustrated at the slugs of YOUR community getting loot. I think they meant the Event was intended to be all inclusive of the Community.

I can certainly understand the pain and frustration at dieing. I die a lot, but I expect to seeing as to how I (a tamer) cant quite seem to get any of the resists above mid to low 40's except Fire and Poison at 65+ each. And try to tame Greater Dragons. OR participate in these events.

On my shard this AM, after the Stranger lost his weapon, it devolved to the Tamers sending in the Cu's and Dreads to do one hit and be one Hit In Need of a Rez. The Up close and personal Melee's were about the same. As in he just started 1 Hit killing anything and anyone that engaged him.

I can certainly understand the pain and frustration, BUT if the goal was for this to be a Community Event, then one needs to accept the Slugs of the Community are in fact part of the Community and are there fore included. No one is insisting you need to like it or be ecstatic about it.

Doomsday Dragon

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No research was done on this by you LadyD you need to realize that the new loot that drops is all "protected" from being script looted with the same system in place that protects IDOC loot. My guess is that they aren't waiting for the next IDOC to test this on a larger scale they are just going to drop loot and see if this stops illegal script looting as well as they hope.

Lady D

My Dear Doomsday Dragon, I was unaware that research was required to voice my thoughts and opinions. Reading further I see that you are no more informed than my good self when you say 'they aren't waiting for the next IDOC to test this on a larger scale .... and see if this stops scripting as well as they hope...'. Doesn't this sentence not therefore infer that nobody not even EA know if the scripters have been curtailed completely? As I said before they will always try and find a way, whether they succeed or not we shall have to see! That does not alter my perception that those who are doing the hard work are losing the loot to others not involved in the fight and therefore it is, as I initially said, a badly implemented event and NOT player friendly.


In past events the complaints were along the lines...

1. Only those who are tamers can get looting rights.
2. Only if I have an ubber suit can I hit him hard enough to get anything.
3. This event is for archers only..fix it!
4. What about us newer players who aren't strong enough to do any damage, don't have the right weapon..etc.
5. All I can do is heal and rez folks. Wish I could get something too..

And there is Draconi's fault right there. Listening to the 5% of the population that are complete morons and thinking it represents the masses.

95% of the people who do these events have no problem pulling out their tamer or dexer or whatever is necessary to succeed. The 5% of the pop that are MMORPG challenged and prefer to whine about everything come here and post and you think they are the majority?

Please run a poll. The overwhelming majority would prefer a do dmg get loot system over a free for all. It encourages lazyness as evidenced in these posts.

Lets just make 'give resources' and 'give arties' to work on production shards because that is what you have become Draconi - nothing more than a welfare hand out line.

No work required.

Yep. (well lay off drac) but the 'drop crap on ground is the same thing as the government taking the house I just built by hand and giving it to lazy socialist beggers, that is what the problem with 'communism is' people, the talented and hard working look out and see all their crap being taken and given to other people, so they don't bother working hard anymore, those people starve, and the whole system collapses.

By the way: new fiction:Valvakka
Kilandra and Draconi Jun 27 2008 9:16AM

The great beast was confused, and when it was confused, it got angry.

The large dragon of the dungeon Destard, as the Britannians called it, was focused on the small man that had suddenly appeared through a dark hole just a few feet away from him.

For his part, the stranger from the portal was surveying the dragon-infested dungeon with a growing smile. He felt like a young one again, the feeling of adrenaline coursing through his veins being something truly rare and wonderful.

He would have been shaking with excitement if not for his training.

"How kind of you all to be here; waiting for me," Valvakka spoke aloud to the nearby dragons that were now gathering to investigate his appearance. He knew their pathetic minds could barely understand him, perhaps considering him a mere morsel for their afternoon meal.

Okay this time its draconi and whomever making crap up. The super dragons are what, 4-5 time more intelligent than a 150 int legendary mage? But yet they have pathetic minds and can't figure it out? Bull. Stop over-doing it Cotton, All dragons in any books this game was originally drug out of Garriots mind for were super-intelligent beyond mortal minds, so either you are saying we are all going to die and you have claymore mines pointed at the servers or maybe you just wrote some stuff out and wanted everyone to read it.


Always Present
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Just done two in destard today .. there all the time casting evs etc etc as a mage.. died once or twice max....i saw both blue boxes appear obvoulsy i could not move to it!!! .... explode... loot all over... but just crappy stuff.. and small plies of gold...no different shaped bigger gems whatsoever and no arties.. just ok normal loot weapons and gold... wont be doing many more untill the script looting is fixed.. this sucks...


Seasoned Veteran
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All this about the magic boxes reminds me about the paragon's chests we were able to loot from daemons in Ilshenar when they were implemented : it was a crazy rush, everbody wanted one :love: and see now ?...nobody cares any more.


In past events the complaints were along the lines...

1. Only those who are tamers can get looting rights.
2. Only if I have an ubber suit can I hit him hard enough to get anything.
3. This event is for archers only..fix it!
4. What about us newer players who aren't strong enough to do any damage, don't have the right weapon..etc.
5. All I can do is heal and rez folks. Wish I could get something too..
And there is Draconi's fault right there. Listening to the 5% of the population
that are complete morons and thinking it represents the masses.
It's not the same people complaining in each case, and I would think it's quite a bit more than 5%. As long as events hinge entirely on extreme top-end pvm there will always be those who can't compete as well as others. Then, there are those weirdos among us who actually prefer a particular playstyle rather than make a twink-of-the-month template.

Tamers Only: argued by dexers, archers, mages, etc. This will always be argued as long as bosses hit so hard they need to be tanked on a super dragon or the like. Surely there are more intelligent ways of making a boss difficult to defeat?

Uber Suit: argued by casual players or non-power players. Not always true, but what's a decent suit for normal pvm often falls short when it's a marathon battle. Spending tens of millions on a suit is still quite far out of some people's budget, let alone hundreds of million spent on arties/runics/scrolls.

Archers Only: argued by dexers, mages, tamers, etc. Usually comes about when something hits for more hp than anyone can physically withstand. Bosses that hit this hard are quite tedious (with dying/ressing, etc) and very unimaginative.

New Players: rightly can't hit bosses, but should have something to do. Something like Nystul's tower that required resources and was pivotal in the Controller/Golem invasion. Having the blackrock detector built by NPC's cut the non-adventurers out of participating in this arc.

Heal Only: These people are often essential and should be rewarded somehow. Game mechanics could look at how much damage they healed on whom, and look at the target's looting rights (somewhat in concept like Protection in spawns).

And - if I can add my own whine to the list - can we have something that's bardable, for pity's sake? Making stuff totally unbardable cuts out an entire class, obviously. Making stuff 160 difficulty is just plain irritating, but much more preferable than being locked out altogether. :sad2:


I also agree with whats being said, however.. this is NOT a community event, it's still .. let the leet attackers go for it, we'll sit back and do nothing... that's right NOTHING and grab the loot, when there done. Big joke on those actualy making the effort to kill the stanger. Come on UO, make it so that those doing the fighting are rewarded for their efforts. Otherwise none of these strangers are going to get killed as the rest are just waiting for someone or a few to do all the work. It's spoiled this event phase. For those of you that are on the fringe ... help out by casting heals on those fighting .... gee at least you can manage that!
Otherwise sit and whinge that there not getting done ... and you just been told why! no-one to blame except yourselves. rolleyes:


Belaern d'Zhaunil
Stratics Veteran
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I've seen far too many people at this event just sit back take a backseat and watch...... often in stealth ......... Only to loot all the reward in the end leaving those that actually did the work out.

Lucy of Kenton

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Here's a weird theory. perhaps the method is working?
Have a friend that turned up to one in destard late. she threw a few spells around then it died. the chest fell at her feet (i dream) so she tried to pick it up a few times and couldnt. So maybe its working but i for one wish it would 'seem to be fairer' so that we all got our lil bit


I'm just leaving this event alone...there's no point in trying.
If I want one of those boxes, I'm sure the price will drop insanely just like the Cloaks of Corruption did.

I'll just buy one when everyone and their brother has too many to spare.

Moby Grape

Dont attack me for the whine, but it is a bit of a drag going from dungeon to dungeon looking for the stranger, that could be anywhere.

If Im already getting burnt out on this, must be others feeling the same.

How about a town crier, standing in Luna Bank, telling us which dungeon has a stranger at the moment.

while Im at it, how about changing the Luna spawn point to the center of the Bank, would love to see the sitters do the "Oh Crap!!!" dance.


Just to interject, there has been 'Behind the palm' conversations stating how Easy it was to loot the new Stranger drops.

Id respectfully submit that the Idoc loot protection/ auto loot protection still needs a little tweaking.

I love playing the hard way....and I struggled to get more than a gem or two, whilst there are several faces one would recognise as script creator/poster/uploaders happily posting on various nefarious sites......(which a 'Acquaintance' pointed me towards to read and comment on...), how many boxes xy and z got using 'My new script'..'My tweaked script' and so on.....

There are valid arguments for the healers to obtain their Fair share, hell I know when I take FoxXy my mage to doom she stands there G healing all night, hardly anyone even notices, and all she gets for her trouble is a burnt bum.

With Healers, mages in particular, a warrior in battle doesnt even know you are healing them, they dont notice the sparklies, they simply think- wow , lucky my bandy worked so fast.

Point being, its always going to be tough allocating rewards to healers, personally, if someoone healing me, and I see it, Ill happily drop me geld on him/her, or a nice item every now and then, but, alas , there are few valor/ honor minded players these days...Kudos to those that do....

Back to Lady Ds points, and the various repostes- the best idea Ive heard is - It changes to dust before your eyes and you have set off a trap...boom, poisoned and stuck....wow , yeah, love it....., let there be 25 boxes, with one lucky grabber- solves the auto loot/ fastest clicker problem....

Community event???, how many Luna/ WBB sitters did you see in Fan Dancer Dojo last night....yeah....'nuff said.

*Toodles off to rearrange her stockings, redo her makeup, and start working on cleaning her reputation....*


Babbling Loonie
Stratics Veteran
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I for one am giving all stranger battles a miss now. Having spent 2 hrs killing the one in Destard with my Archer, who had honor on it, so was there from first hit to last, was doing mod-high damage for the whole time, ranging from 30-170 with perfection, rezzed, healed, and died at LEAST 35 times with its 1 hit kill, cost me over 200k in insurance, at the end of the battle I got 135gps for my trouble. I didn't so much as 'see' anything in the way of special loot other than the box that disappeared and one bit of putrefication peerless loot, not that I had a chance of getting either as those on it when it died tended to force me as a range player to not have hope in hades of being there.

What I did note was there was about 8 people who had for hours died over and over killing it, but when the loot time came there was about 20 people there.

So thats it for me, I had a box off the first one I killed, where one other guy and myself did the first stranger to appear in despise on Oceania, gee, I had to advertise to just get anyone to come and kill it with me.

I understand that healers and such miss out if it is damaged based, however, to have the people killing it die over and over to be rewarded with nothing, is even more 'unfair'.

Surely the fairest way would be to have both kind of drop, one box on ground, one box to a high dmg scorer, and mixed loot, some on ground and some in pack drops.

Whilst I like a challenge and don't mind dying over and over even for a small reward, when I see those who have done NOTHING getting high rewards while those still dead from being killed just before it drops get zip is just not worth my time and smacks of unfairness.

I have been on the kill for two, so as far as the event is concerned it is now over for me seeing what happened today. I don't like dying over and over to watch people who did nothing walk away with the loot.