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Player News Stolen house on Catskills

Lord Frodo

Stratics Legend
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Stratics Legend
Another good reason to never ever log in there.
Sorry to burst your bubble but it is already there just waiting for your forum name. How do you think they make sure that only paid accounts can use it?


Belaern d'Zhaunil
Stratics Veteran
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Campaign Supporter
Sorry to burst your bubble but it is already there just waiting for your forum name. How do you think they make sure that only paid accounts can use it?
Oh, I'm well aware of that..... which still IRKS me... but no I've never ever logged in there.

UNKNOWN of Atlantic

Seasoned Veteran
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Stratics Legend
Last week, player with fully paid up account lost their house.
The house idocer was nice enough to hand it back though. Veteran rewards gone though.

I wonder if this is something bigger on Broadswords end that is going on?
I'm that idocer . the house they had went into decay, then went Osi mode which now just means it went a second cycle without Osi owned ..it doesn't take over house. So if Owner never walked into the house for 2 weeks they'd never know. usually when you walk into a condemned house you own a system message will pop up in lower left your screen telling you this house is condemned. if you have vendors in house on another account message will pop onto your screen like a auction safe win/sale & tell you your vendors will fall.
I was only one there when house fell so i got all house contents & placed the house .. funny i never got around to sorting that loot (trashing unwanted items etc.) Guess someone was telling me to hold off...I asked said house owner what their char names was ..found few VvV char owned items with same name & a book written by same name of their icq name ..so i was 95% sure it was their house ...Shame they delete all the decent items from idocs now.
Which Stuff like this usually ends up being a bug in the website system not renewing the account, could be credit card exp or something else.. I've seen this happen to 2 friends one lost 2 fel castles like this, house just randomly decaying in a 3 day time period. Another lost a museum item house full of rares and he had several houses on the same credit card so we knew that house was targeted by someone.
its a shame they don't investigate stuff like this a little, i mean we do pay to play. Did OP think to screenshot the char names that was in the house or did they see them inside?
Wonder how hard it would be for them to set up a text message system when your house goes into decay for you to be informed?


Babbling Loonie
Stratics Veteran
All accounts are mine. I can log into the shard where my house was stolen if I go there with a char from another account. Nobody stole my password otherwise they would have done me more damage.
Just want to point out that the OP seems to be saying that their account wasn't hacked; seems like the house was transferred to someone else. So it might be possible the house decayed / fell and someone else placed.

Lex Darion

Lore Keeper
Stratics Veteran
You can target accounts that arent subscribed on forum.uo.com . You still get the message that you cant post unless you are subscribed, but it's definately still possible to login.
Hence it's a way to test accounts.

Im not sure what would be more feasable, using faux UO client to try loginserver or the forums.
Not going to try either.

I hope Broadsword setup ratelimits / fail2ban methods on multiple failed attempts and locks out an account temporarily so they cant just brute it with distributed IP ranges.

Stinky Pete

Babbling Loonie
Stratics Veteran
Im not sure what would be more feasable, using faux UO client to try loginserver or the forums.
Not going to try either.
Yeah, I'm not interested enough to try either. My whole point is that by linking the login server's DB to the forum they made it so that anyone with a browser could try without using a faux UO client thus increasing the possibility of an attack for no good reason. I'm pretty sure everyone but one person understands that.

Lord Frodo

Stratics Legend
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Stratics Legend
Did you even look? You do a search on origin.com and it brings up store results and people results :rolleyes:
LOL I went there and could get NO UO Account names. What are you putting in the search to get this info.


I Hate Skilling
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
LOL I went there and could get NO UO Account names. What are you putting in the search to get this info.
Search in the search window and it also gives you names. I do not know what the names are.

EDIT: Didn't we give a nickname when we set up that account? That's probably what those are.
The pawain that is there is not me. Those names are for chatting using the EA platform.

LOL Idiots thinking they can hack using nicknames used for chatting.


There are way more accounts than UO has.
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Lord Frodo

Stratics Legend
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Search in the search window and it also gives you names. I do not know what the names are.

EDIT: Didn't we give a nickname when we set up that account? That's probably what those are.
The pawain that is there is not me. Those names are for chatting using the EA platform.

LOL Idiots thinking they can hack using nicknames used for chatting.

View attachment 118774

There are way more accounts than UO has.
And to play games on Origin.Com and have ZERO connection to UO Accounts and alls those are are just like UOs Forum Name and have ZERO information regarding any account info. This is so funny how much they are trying to throw UO under the bus and have no clue as to what they are using as facts.

Painted Elves

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I have 6 accounts. I almost always play on Europa and have a house per account. 4 houses are on Europe while the other two are one on Atlantic and one on Catskills. Yesterday I went to the Catskills house and I found myself with all the characters thrown out and in the sign it says that the house belongs to Locutus Of Fire. I have always paid all accounts and played all chars with all accounts. They stole some pretty expensive things (like a lot of Pigments of Tokuno with 40 charges each, Sorcerer suites does not replicate and little else) and all the money, they left me 833gp and now I don't know how to get back in possession of the house. In the information the house was built in 2006 and the last trade was in 2019 because I had made an exchange with another house on Europe. The house was private and now some of the GMs have to explain to me how it is possible to steal a house. How can I get it back? I repeat, I have always paid everything and that some of my chars play on Europa even if they have a house in other shards, it certainly does not affect the change of owner of the house. Name never heard, I have no char with the name Locutus Of Borg in any shard. I am desperate because, apart from the theft of money and objects I can no longer enter, it is no longer my home. What may have happened? What can I do to repossess the house? Help me please :(
Im so sorry, this has happened to me, i have also had houses go IDOC and fall even after a GM has helped me.
I gave my account info to someone once and got "robbed". i was very naive and never did it again. we all make mistakes.
I hope this gets resolved, i can check and see what i have on catskills and you can have any gifts etc as I dont play there.

Lord Frodo

Stratics Legend
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Stratics Legend
Is anything else missing on any other shard? I would think that you would have this account Co Owned to your other houses on other shards.


The Enchanter
Stratics Veteran
Campaign Patron
OK - I had to perform some thread clean up here, banned certain folks from the thread and issued warnings.

The OP posted about a serious issue. If this was any one of you who lost houses/account info, I expect you would hope for helpful posts and not petty bickering, name calling and non-sense.

This thread needs to get back on topic. I am asking for the second time to put aside any low-brow name calling, pointless arguments or other bickering.


Babbling Loonie
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
@Ivory Norwind sorry you lost your houses and other stuff, I know that must be horrible no matter how it came about. Not sure what could be done to get them back, UO does not have a good history of returning stolen/lost items. :(


Babbling Loonie
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Search in the search window and it also gives you names. I do not know what the names are.

EDIT: Didn't we give a nickname when we set up that account? That's probably what those are.
The pawain that is there is not me. Those names are for chatting using the EA platform.

LOL Idiots thinking they can hack using nicknames used for chatting.

View attachment 118774

There are way more accounts than UO has.
If I put the first 4 letters of my account name there, a profile named exactly like my account does shows up. And that account name is pretty unique / random - but fortunately nothing I use for any public profile.

It's called EA ID on their page. You can change it but I doubt many do and it's set to your account name. If there is a pawain that is not you - well - someone else got an account named pawain. Having your stratics name equal to your origin account name would be pretty stupid anyway ;)
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I Hate Skilling
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
If I put the first 4 letters of my account name there, a profile named exactly like my account does shows up. And that account name is pretty unique / random - but fortunately nothing I use for any public profile.

If there is a pawain that is not you - well - someone else got an account named pawain. Having your stratics name equal to your origin account name would be pretty stupid anyway ;)
No those are nicknames. I happened to write mine down and it is there. It's not just for UO. It's nick names of all Origin accounts. You can do the same on battlenet for Diablo but there you see the characters and their accomplishments.


Babbling Loonie
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
No those are nicknames. I happened to write mine down and it is there. It's not just for UO. It's nick names of all Origin accounts. You can do the same on battlenet for Diablo but there you see the characters and their accomplishments.
It's called EA ID just to clear that up. For me it was by default set to my account name and I was suprised that I could search for my account there. I would never set my account name as some sort of "nickname" lol.


I Hate Skilling
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
It's called EA ID just to clear that up. For me it was by default set to my account name and I was suprised that I could search for my account there. I would never set my account name as some sort of "nickname" lol.
Ya my nickname is something weird that I thought up when I made the account. If I didn't write it down I would have no clue what it is.

My sons nickname for some battlefield game he plays is really long and weird. When he put in his choice he thought he had to choose one of the alternatives that it gave him when his choice was already used.


Babbling Loonie
Stratics Veteran
Today is World Password Day. :) Lots of good information out there.