Hi, I recently picked up a castle. I went on a crusade to get the best ideas to jump start my brain on some ideas for mine. I came across the threads here and another location regarding the floating garden on Sonoma. And since I had no idea about creating deco from scratch instead of just buying / crafting it, I was impressed with what you could do with goza mats. I have some beautiful ideas to put into motion, but when I discoverd the Sonoma castle, I was entranced. I was only slightly chagrined to later learn I was duped into believing that the castle's "4th" level was totally real. But even the illusion is worth doing, and if I am going to do it (I am), I want to do it right, but I am having the same problems that others had, and while I have been able to assimilate the information and move forward, the north and west wall dillema is baffling me. I didn't find the continued explanation hinted at in the end of this particular post from Larisa. I also cannot figure out how to raise the gozas inside the north and west walls of the towers since raising them never gets them out of the "wall" so you can't put anything on them to crank up the height. I also question the instructions I thought I had figured out since the process on the tower and bastille roofs raise it high enough to walk under, but not to get on and off of (i.e. going from the 2nd floor walkway to the roof of the towers or bastille). I could take the instructions to the next step and raise the "ceiling " a couple more spaces to accomodate getting on and off the roof using the castle ladders, or just making ladders extend from the walkways to the "ceiling" by making goza landings. But I realize that this thread is ancient, and might not even be monitored anymore. I would love to learn more about this, but I haven't had any luck being able to locate more threads concerning it, and with the crash of stratics a while back, a lot of threads and photos were irretrievibly lost. I hope that I can get the questions answered or at least given a direction to look into. I appreeciate your time. Thanks