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Seasoned Veteran
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After giving this days worth of thought... I conclude that this is a bad idea and not worth the code time it would take to make it happen. Reason 1 is its rather redundant at this stage of the game. As was pointed out with caps set and items that can be had not much of it is usefull to warrent it.
You want to make gold sinks..... so many here have turned in ideas up the kazoo for them. Try one of the many ideas players have asked for over the years. This is plain dumb waste of time for a Dev to do.
Ultra Rare deco on a npc priced in the hundreds mills would take it out a hell of alot faster then this.
what was once a good idea was the offering of keep or caslte plots in malas ............ now though there are so many spots open on the regular facits of the shards for this that to be quite honest i doubt many would jump at them now. (this doesnt include the players of Atlantic)
There is so many things to eat up gold that the Dev have botched up it is not funny any more.
Speak for yourself. I would pay for stat increases over NPC rares and housing any day of the week, as would many players. Lucky for us you don't decide what the devs "waste" their time on.


Seasoned Veteran
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Stratics Legend
Exactly we hardly know a thing about this system and already people are saying its terrible! At least wait until we have more info to bash it! Personally I see some potential in this idea but need to know more.
No shock, that is literally what 90% of people log onto UHall for. Because they want to pretend they know more than the devs and if they were in charge of the game it would have 10 million subscribers.

But don't "personally attack" or "troll" any of these precious forum jackasses, don't you dare!


Stratics Legend
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Stratics Legend
Don't tell me, turning in a few stacks of ingots is too hard for you?
Let me ask you, would you grind ingots for 5% SSI to practice swords, or would you just use a bokuto with self repair 6 and call it a day? I just don't see the point in getting these mods.
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Babbling Loonie
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Stratics Legend
Oh there is certainly potential in the idea. But the stats direction to me is a missed opportunity. Stats are obtainable from many other places, we're saturated with powerful items and boosts. Let's do something different and with meaning for those of us who aren't trying to run in an arms race with other players. Because repeating the same types of content just makes it boring.

Even the wording of these bonuses is like they tried to make each trade fit to a particular bonus, rather than think what benefit would a trade guild offer to it's members - those who practice that trade. If I joined a tailor's guild, I'd expect the bonus to relate to my skill as a tailor. Any stat bonuses would be a secondary extra for other characters, but not the main benefit from joining that trade guild. Which is why I hope there is much more to this idea than stats :) I haven't given up hope, but I am concerned the opportunity might not be taken.



Lore Master
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Stratics Legend
Why are people still under the impression gaining city loyalty is hard? 60,000 boards is dirt cheap and you don't even need max city loyalty...


Stratics Veteran
Wait city loyalty still decays right? So if I wanted a whopping 5 SSI or whatever I'd be signing on to the Loyalty Grind forever? Pass.
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