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Spellweaving spell drops Problem.


Crazed Zealot
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Like title says @Mesanna @Bleak.
I did 32 Swoops with my pet and not a single Spellweaving scroll dropped. Did various other mobs in the area but again No spell drops.
Sent my macer to mow the Troglodytes, after about 200'ish......NO spell scroll drops??

How are we to fill our Spellweaving books now??


The Grandest of the PooBah’s
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i killed a couple Cu's the other day and got 2.
wanted to test out a fey slayer i had made.


Crazed Zealot
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Killed several dreadhorns and miasmas and got plenty of them in the last few days.


Crazed Zealot
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But should we really have to kill top end mobs just to be getting low level Spellweave scrolls? How are we ment to train it up if the scrolls are only dropping off high end mobs?


Crazed Zealot
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But should we really have to kill top end mobs just to be getting low level Spellweave scrolls? How are we ment to train it up if the scrolls are only dropping off high end mobs?
Did you say miasma and high end mob in the same sentence? :hahaha:


Crazed Zealot
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Did you say miasma and high end mob in the same sentence? :hahaha:
Yes......cos this is a new char and all low skills, was building a spellweaver.
Think about your comment before you start laughing. Miasma is not possible on a low end char, neither is getting past the Changlings.

So basically you cannot collect spells to train spellweaving on a low level char is what your all laughing at....good logic. ;)


The Grandest of the PooBah’s
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i dont really think of SW as a beginner skill.
i think of it as the next level once youve been past magic and necro.
as such gaining the required scrolls have always been a bit harder to get then magic and necro one because its a step up.
i think proof to this is the fact that you need parties of people to get a circle.
also in that WoD can hit for more HP than any other spell in game.... by a massive margin.

in the end its not that hard to get SW scrolls.
i made a 120 weaver on ever shard in game.
every shard.
and i went and got full SW spellbooks on every one of those shards using characters that started from scratch with nothing.

its not quit the mission impossible that your making it out to be.
also, if i may add a option for you, in this day of shard shields you dont know anyone who can ferry you over a full book from your mother ship (home shard)?
hell, tell me which shards you need the book moved from and too and ill move it for you, think ive got all NA shards and most HK ones by now.
SW books thankfully are not shard bound like it seems most other items are becoming.


Lore Keeper
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I agree about trying to get the spellweaving scrolls. To fill a book for the Lake Austin player center is horrible even with the shards help. Why can't scribes make them. I can make them for all the other magics. But no, lets make this one almost impossible. I asked last year at our meet and greet and got the standard answer, we will look into it. The next time the question came up the answer was we will add them to other mobs. They aren't getting it. :sad3:


I Hate Skilling
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Been killing swoops by provoking Cus onto them. Wasn't looking for scrolls but I look at all the loot and haven't noticed those scrolls on swoops. Not sure if they ever were there. But I also don't think a swoop is a low end monster.


The Enchanter
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But should we really have to kill top end mobs just to be getting low level Spellweave scrolls? How are we ment to train it up if the scrolls are only dropping off high end mobs?
Yes. You should. Filling up the books shouldn't be as simple as 1, 2, 3.

Swoop isn't hard to kill. Do some Peerless bosses like Lady Mel, Dreadhorn, Medusa, Paraxymous. You will get plenty.

Further, most of them aren't more than 100K-200K on vendors. Sometimes it takes a week or so of searching each day to find them, but you will.


The Grandest of the PooBah’s
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its just another part of the instant gratification generation that is coming up the pipe.


Crazed Zealot
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its just another part of the instant gratification generation that is coming up the pipe.
Erm....i'm 42 and played for over 10 years.
The scrolls dropped a hell of a lot more a few years back.
Again though....you do the quest and get an empty book and the highest level scroll (WoD) surely it would be better to do the quest and get a couple of the basic scrolls to practice with??


I Hate Skilling
Stratics Veteran
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its just another part of the instant gratification generation that is coming up the pipe.
Sounds more like we have a bunch of snobby elitists that have everything but don't want the rest of the people to have those things unless they have to jump through the hurdles the elitists want them to jump through.

Its a game it should be fun.


The Grandest of the PooBah’s
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Erm....i'm 42 and played for over 10 years.
The scrolls dropped a hell of a lot more a few years back.
Again though....you do the quest and get an empty book and the highest level scroll (WoD) surely it would be better to do the quest and get a couple of the basic scrolls to practice with??
they should be craftable like all other scrolls.
that would solve all the problems with drops and such.


Babbling Loonie
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Been killing swoops by provoking Cus onto them. Wasn't looking for scrolls but I look at all the loot and haven't noticed those scrolls on swoops. Not sure if they ever were there. But I also don't think a swoop is a low end monster.
In the early days of Mondain's Legacy, they were definitely on swoops. That's where I got most of my scrolls, but they have always been a pain to get. I'm in the camp that wants to let scribes craft them.


Lore Keeper
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For those of you who think we should only be able to fill spellweaving books by killing stuff, then by that logic, all magic spellbooks should only be able to be filled by killing stuff. I don't have a problem with having to do a quest for summoning fey and fiend. The rest should be able to be crafted.
No, I can't buy them. On small shards people who find them are trying to fill their own books.


The Enchanter
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For those of you who think we should only be able to fill spellweaving books by killing stuff, then by that logic, all magic spellbooks should only be able to be filled by killing stuff. I don't have a problem with having to do a quest for summoning fey and fiend. The rest should be able to be crafted.
No, I can't buy them. On small shards people who find them are trying to fill their own books.
Just because one skill requires you to get the spells by killing stuff doesn't mean all should be that way.

Nor should Spellweaving scrolls be craftable.

I have not seen any good reason for any changes to the way Spellweaving works. You have to put some time and effort into it, sure. Spellweaving isn't (and shouldn't be) like Magery where you start off with half of all spells in the book on a "new player" or trial account.


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,Apparently not many have done a shard from the beginning you didnt have full magic books you had to kill monsters to get the spells sometimes took months to get a fullbook. They didnt let any char moves to Origin until after a year so everything was done from scratch
. nothing able to be bought in.


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I always found a bunch fighting the ninjas in the Citadel


UO Forum Moderator
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I can't tell if the people not wanting anything changed are that clueless, or trolling. The one thing certain is that they aren't correct in any way, shape, or form.

I actually tried to help Tamais collect scrolls for the books once.

An hour of Swoops - 1 scroll
An hour of Miasma - 2 scrolls, and one of the 2 was of a spell that comes from the same quest as the book.

I can take one of my lockpickers, and get more than 3 8th level spells from dungeon chests quicker than I could get 3 Spellweaving scrolls.

In fact, after TWO WEEKS of spending 1-2 hours a day trying to farm Spellweaving scrolls from those creatures some of you INSIST drop bunches, I had a book with ELEVEN spells - only SEVEN of them being from drops, with about 5 extras (2 of them being Arcane Circle). I STILL never got the scrolls she was actually looking for to put in the book she was trying to assemble.
You know, if you actually took the illogic of the "system works fine as is" types to its full extent, then there shouldn't Arcane Circle scroll drops AT ALL, since they come from the quest, and no one would ever NEED to use such a scroll.

Of the 16 spells:
2 come with the book (but in scroll form) when you complete the quest to activate spellweaving
2 others come from specific quests (The fey and imp summoners)
The other 12, you're at the mercy of the RNG, and there's still a 2/14 chance of getting a scroll of a spell you get from the intro to Spellweaving quest.

BTW, while you can repeat the quests now, originally you couldn't. If you misplaced or sold your Spellweaving book in the first few years of ML, you were SOL. I was semi-dormant in the game from 2013-2015 (multiple family issues) and when I came back I didn't even know that they had been changed to be repeatable then, until someone told me.

And, the fact that someone pointed out that on a couple shards, you can BUY the scrolls off Player vendors for HUNDREDS OF THOUSANDS of gold, proves Tamais' point far more than than the opposite.
  1. Most shards don't have such vendors,
  2. When's the last time any of you paid 6-digit gold for a SINGLE high-end Necro, Mystic or Mage scroll? I believe the answer is "Never", even when Inscription couldn't make the first two - or going back further, not even when you could only get the 8th level scrolls from dungeon chests and MAYBE a monster or two (forget if any monsters before AoS had eighth level scrolls).


Stratics Veteran
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Baja: Please ask in General Chat. There are at least two people who keep some around for just this purpose. Also use Vendor Search. There are at least two vendors who have these.


Belaern d'Zhaunil
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I've long maintained that ML was cute when it came out to have to go to Heartwood to start that quest to get spellweaving and all but that was ages ago and it's beyond time that the chains that bind the skill were released... It needs to be moved to Haven like all the other skills and people need to be able to actually GET the skill at start up...

There are a million other reasons to travel to Heartwood... all the quests for entry into many of the area's, getting the scrolls to craft stuff... etc... But with people having problems getting a cirlce and all it's Beyond time that this skill was updated and put in Haven with everything else.

We've had so many expansions since ML... it's ancient history. Time to upgrade.


The Enchanter
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I can't tell if the people not wanting anything changed are that clueless, or trolling. The one thing certain is that they aren't correct in any way, shape, or form.
Change for the sake of change isn't any good either. Simply being against change doesn't equate to being clueless or trolling. The system isn't broke and doesn't need to be fixed, IMHO. It's a simple as that. You're no more correct in your opinion than any one elses here.

And, the fact that someone pointed out that on a couple shards, you can BUY the scrolls off Player vendors for HUNDREDS OF THOUSANDS of gold, proves Tamais' point far more than than the opposite.
  1. Most shards don't have such vendors,
  2. When's the last time any of you paid 6-digit gold for a SINGLE high-end Necro, Mystic or Mage scroll? I believe the answer is "Never", even when Inscription couldn't make the first two - or going back further, not even when you could only get the 8th level scrolls from dungeon chests and MAYBE a monster or two (forget if any monsters before AoS had eighth level scrolls).
Hundreds of thousands of gold pieces are next to nothing. Even if you had to buy ALL 16 scrolls for 250K a pop - that's 4 million. A paltry price to pay to fill your book if you decide to do it scroll by scroll. I sell full books usually for 5 million.

If you play on a shard without enough vendors - then yes, you're going to be at the mercy of the RNG and need to get the scrolls from the drops. OR you can make friends with someone who does shard transfers semi-frequently and ask them to pick one up for you.

Spellweaving isn't Magery, Mysticism, or Necromancy... and nor should the pricing of it's scrolls be the same.


UO Forum Moderator
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Baja: Please ask in General Chat. There are at least two people who keep some around for just this purpose. Also use Vendor Search. There are at least two vendors who have these.
Laura - in Lake Austin's case, TAMAIS is the one that "keeps some around for just this purpose". On LA, none are for sale, and she can't even find enough (even with the help of her guilds and those of a few friends) to fill a single book in less than a week.


Belaern d'Zhaunil
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Change for the sake of change isn't any good either. Simply being against change doesn't equate to being clueless or trolling. The system isn't broke and doesn't need to be fixed, IMHO. It's a simple as that. You're no more correct in your opinion than any one elses here.

Hundreds of thousands of gold pieces are next to nothing. Even if you had to buy ALL 16 scrolls for 250K a pop - that's 4 million. A paltry price to pay to fill your book if you decide to do it scroll by scroll. I sell full books usually for 5 million.

If you play on a shard without enough vendors - then yes, you're going to be at the mercy of the RNG and need to get the scrolls from the drops. OR you can make friends with someone who does shard transfers semi-frequently and ask them to pick one up for you.

Spellweaving isn't Magery, Mysticism, or Necromancy... and nor should the pricing of it's scrolls be the same.
The system IS BROKEN and has been for years... Spellweaving is just another magic skill... so quit keeping it in the dark...... new players don't even know it exists since it isn't even ON the start menu... Which IMO is simply stupid... how are they supposed to figure out how to play the game if so much of the content is so overly complicated and hidden???

Build a character chose skills ..... but then later realize you are missing a vital one and have to totally redo the character... ..... no it needs moved to Haven and brought out of the back closet. Given a new quest that young players can actually do.


The Enchanter
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The system IS BROKEN and has been for years... Spellweaving is just another magic skill... so quit keeping it in the dark...... new players don't even know it exists since it isn't even ON the start menu... Which IMO is simply stupid... how are they supposed to figure out how to play the game if so much of the content is so overly complicated and hidden???

Build a character chose skills ..... but then later realize you are missing a vital one and have to totally redo the character... ..... no it needs moved to Haven and brought out of the back closet. Given a new quest that young players can actually do.

It's not in the dark just because you can't start with it.

They can look up the skills menu and learn about it themselves - or search many of the other UO resources on the internet. Not everything needs to be handed to you on a silver platter.

And changing skills on a character is apart of this game. It's all about adapting as you learn. That's one of the beautiful things about UO, not one of it's hindrances.

There is no need to move it to Haven either. If you can't figure it out or find out how to do it by a simple Google search... then you can ask around to other players in-game what needs to be done. This is an MMO after all.


UO Forum Moderator
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Change for the sake of change isn't any good either. Simply being against change doesn't equate to being clueless or trolling. The system isn't broke and doesn't need to be fixed, IMHO. It's a simple as that. You're no more correct in your opinion than any one elses here.
God, doubling down on Stupid - you love doing that, don't you? Keep on proving me right with EVERY SINGLE LINE YOU TYPE.

Hundreds of thousands of gold pieces are next to nothing. Even if you had to buy ALL 16 scrolls for 250K a pop - that's 4 million. A paltry price to pay to fill your book if you decide to do it scroll by scroll. I sell full books usually for 5 million.

If you play on a shard without enough vendors - then yes, you're going to be at the mercy of the RNG and need to get the scrolls from the drops. OR you can make friends with someone who does shard transfers semi-frequently and ask them to pick one up for you.

On LA, there are few rich people on the level of Atlantic. With the exception of a couple of museum owners (whose money is all tied into their inventory), the "Rich" on LA would be POOR on Atlantic if they transferred everything they owned there.
Believe it or not, most of the people I interact with there are WAY too young accounts to have shard shields, and most of them have less than TWENTY MILLION gold across their account. And many of those with that much gold are TEN YEAR+ accounts.

Tamais and I ARE the people trying to help the new players and returning players that have been showing up occasionally on LA, because NONE of the resources you take for granted exist at more than a fraction of percentage of what they are where you play. Your ideas of what is "Normal" come off like a NYC resident insisting that a rural village in Uzbekistan HAS to have the same level of infrastructure and services for hire as a block in Manhattan, because that's the only thing you know.


The Enchanter
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God, doubling down on Stupid - you love doing that, don't you? Keep on proving me right with EVERY SINGLE LINE YOU TYPE.

View attachment 64367

On LA, there are few rich people on the level of Atlantic. With the exception of a couple of museum owners (whose money is all tied into their inventory), the "Rich" on LA would be POOR on Atlantic if they transferred everything they owned there.
Believe it or not, most of the people I interact with there are WAY too young accounts to have shard shields, and most of them have less than TWENTY MILLION gold across their account. And many of those with that much gold are TEN YEAR+ accounts.

Tamais and I ARE the people trying to help the new players and returning players that have been showing up occasionally on LA, because NONE of the resources you take for granted exist at more than a fraction of percentage of what they are where you play. Your ideas of what is "Normal" come off like a NYC resident insisting that a rural village in Uzbekistan HAS to have the same level of infrastructure and services for hire as a block in Manhattan, because that's the only thing you know.
So because someone has a different opinion than you, you resort to name calling another staff member and bring up my personal residence?

Shameful response, @Basara


Grand Inquisitor
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For those of you who think we should only be able to fill spellweaving books by killing stuff, then by that logic, all magic spellbooks should only be able to be filled by killing stuff. I don't have a problem with having to do a quest for summoning fey and fiend. The rest should be able to be crafted.
No, I can't buy them. On small shards people who find them are trying to fill their own books.
Yes to Scrolls only on dead MOBs!! I don't think I've actually looted any scrolls since like 98-99...some epic monster with a .0000001% chance to drop the Armageddon scroll to finally pwn that damn Hamster!



The Enchanter
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When my guild does Medusa or Lady Mel for a guild hunt... and we do 7 or 8 of them in a row... when I check the corpse, I'm not usually looking for a glacial dye or a Crimmy (not that I'd complain about getting one), but I usually check the corpse more so for the SW scrolls than anything else. Over the course of a handful of runs, picking up two or three SW scrolls is a nice little consolation to not getting one of the more sought after drops. Individually, they aren't worth much... but in the aggregate, they're worth while to get a full set.


Crazed Zealot
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When my guild does Medusa or Lady Mel for a guild hunt... and we do 7 or 8 of them in a row... when I check the corpse, I'm not usually looking for a glacial dye or a Crimmy (not that I'd complain about getting one), but I usually check the corpse more so for the SW scrolls than anything else. Over the course of a handful of runs, picking up two or three SW scrolls is a nice little consolation to not getting one of the more sought after drops. Individually, they aren't worth much... but in the aggregate, they're worth while to get a full set.
I have a lot of SW scrolls if you need any.


Babbling Loonie
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I always liked that SW is a bit different with the quest and the scrolls. I personally don't think it's a beginner skill and every new player should be advised to first learn some more accessible skill, like basic Magery most likely. When thats learned, everybody should be able to at least ring Miasma or the likes down on their own with a bit of work, or join some group fight. Thus I don't actually like the idea of crafting them. I would rather like to see some additional quest in Heartwood for random scrolls, if the drop rate is really that bad. After all they are also one of the few items actually worth keeping from those monster's loot, and crafting them would discard loot only further.


Seasoned Veteran
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But ya know.. well all must be stupid .... Godzilla face palm or something


Crazed Zealot
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I think I have at least 40 of each scroll at Legends to fill people's book for free if they give a shout for them at general chat. I kill a lot of dreadhorns, and key dreadhorn even more, so I get just too damn many of them.


Crazed Zealot
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But ya know.. well all must be stupid .... Godzilla face palm or something
nah- I've just been playing a long time and am a legendary hoarder.

Many years ago on Atlantic, every morning a group of 10-15 people (sometimes more) would show up, get Mel keys and do in upwards of 20 runs a day. This went on for a long time. So... I have lots of scrolls and other stuff. I did almost 3000 (maybe it was 4k.... it's been a while) runs before I got my first Crimson drop.


Crazed Zealot
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These days your lucky if your can get 6 people together to do a circle on Europa. There's been a massive drop in the last few months and even decently stocked shops are down to single figures now.
At this rate.....we'll all have to play Atlantic soon :/


Crazed Zealot
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These days your lucky if your can get 6 people together to do a circle on Europa. There's been a massive drop in the last few months and even decently stocked shops are down to single figures now.
At this rate.....we'll all have to play Atlantic soon :/
If you use Spell weaving Mastery, you don't need that many people to get a level 6 focus--- it just won't be as long in hours. I believe you have to have Spell Weaving Mastery active and the additional levels of focus is based off your meditation skill.


The Grandest of the PooBah’s
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last year i filled 17 full books off the scrolls i had laying around my house on Sonoma.
i havnt checked but im sure my 'bag'o scrolls' is getting back up in numbers once again.
i always seem to pocket those scrolls when i see them on mobs.

im kinda wanting to go and test out the drop rate to see if its as bad as some say.

i know ive never had an issue getting the scrolls but maybe things have changed.

i do recall going into Bedlam was always good for me, lots of named mobs that die fast to the old disco tamer.

Caitlyn Snow

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Change for the sake of change isn't any good either. Simply being against change doesn't equate to being clueless or trolling. The system isn't broke and doesn't need to be fixed, IMHO. It's a simple as that. You're no more correct in your opinion than any one elses here.

Hundreds of thousands of gold pieces are next to nothing. Even if you had to buy ALL 16 scrolls for 250K a pop - that's 4 million. A paltry price to pay to fill your book if you decide to do it scroll by scroll. I sell full books usually for 5 million.

If you play on a shard without enough vendors - then yes, you're going to be at the mercy of the RNG and need to get the scrolls from the drops. OR you can make friends with someone who does shard transfers semi-frequently and ask them to pick one up for you.

Spellweaving isn't Magery, Mysticism, or Necromancy... and nor should the pricing of it's scrolls be the same.
In the same breath, not everyone plays solely on Atlantic. My main shard is Drachenfels, and our economy (vendor wise) is probably about 1/15 of Atlantics. On DF a taming primer level 3 never gets above 7mil. I don't keep that much gold on my DF accounts for this reason, I ship it off to ATL because that's where I need it. I dont have transfer shields and my job requires so much time there are some times where I don't play for two or three straight weeks, and can't coordinate a transfer. So for my shard, when you say 250k a pop, it's equivalent of about 5mil each. Which is ridiculous. Some of our bank accounts don't follow suit with Atlantics stupidly inflated economy.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk


Crazed Zealot
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I remember after the launch of AoS you had to fill your Necromancer Spell book. A number of years went by they added it to inscription. Now you get a full spell book doing the Newbie quest in New Haven. Theres no reason Scribes shouldn`t be able to do it now for Spellweaving.


Belaern d'Zhaunil
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I remember after the launch of AoS you had to fill your Necromancer Spell book. A number of years went by they added it to inscription. Now you get a full spell book doing the Newbie quest in New Haven. Theres no reason Scribes shouldn`t be able to do it now for Spellweaving.
Exactly... None at all... it's been years time to move this out of the closet.


The Enchanter
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This. You have yours we have ours. *shrugs* Why you always coming across like you're in the know and no one else matters?
I've never denied that people are entitled to their opinions. It's all for the good of the game in the long run to flesh out different perspectives. My responses may be sharp-tongued from time to time... but even those who I disagree with most often and most vehemently - I never take matters into personal areas or directly throw out insults, as noted earlier in another posters example earlier in this thread. Sure I might poke the bear a little bit, but that's the fun of a gaming forum. With me, it's always strictly business, nothing personal. If you would like to focus on the semantics of "IMHO" or some other sentence taken out of context, I'm not sure what to tell you.

The most typical position you will see me take is my consistent aversion to change. I always see people throwing out these "easy-button" ideas for changes that I personally think dumb-down this game. It's a bad influence from the 'snowflake generation' that wants instant gratification every step of the way.

If I see people tossing around what I consider to be a bad suggestion - I'm going to speak up about it regardless of how many people may 'want it' or who's feelings get hurt in the process that someone might actually speak up to disagree with them. I would be doing a disservice to myself and this forum if I did otherwise.

On the topic itself: my position remains unchanged. I understand that it takes time to get all of the Spellweaving scrolls... but it also takes time to get a full set of Cameos...or Super Slayer Scrappers... or [INSERT GAME ITEM HERE]. That's UO. I don't have much empathy for the 'I can't afford it' or 'I play on a dead shard' argument, or in this case the 'I couldn't get a full set of scrolls by busting on Swoop for 10 hours' one. ;)