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Spellweaving needs some help

Sauteed Onion

Lore Keeper
Stratics Veteran
Aside from having access to 5 accounts with spellweavers on them, I believe it is extremely difficult for an individual to get a decent focus these days. I believe it is time the elves in Heartwood set up shop, and help aspiring spellweavers get a focus.

These elves could be some nature loving hippies and ask for herbs and vegetables as payment or just some gold hoarding anti-social elves who don't negotiate price.. they just charge a flat 20k gold to help you get a focus. Better yet, they could charge 20k or so per level of focus they help you achieve. So a 6 focus could cost 100k! (20k per helper). I dunno, this could help weavers on the less populated shards, and keep people on the few really populated shards from yanking their teeth out for playing at less popular times than the majority of the server's population.

--- Disclaimer: MEOW


Crazed Zealot
Stratics Veteran
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Campaign Supporter
I also agree the developers need to rethink the arcane focus spell. Try getting a focus on Origin, for instance, and you'll be wishing for more weavers. I think 100K for a level 6 focus is a bit high for less than a day. But I would love options that don't depend on other people.


Crazed Zealot
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
i just stone off the sw and get skillless ppl to join for the focus. then put it back on. (this is on the hardest shard to get focus) and I have no issues getting focus all the time.

Sauteed Onion

Lore Keeper
Stratics Veteran
i just stone off the sw and get skillless ppl to join for the focus. then put it back on. (this is on the hardest shard to get focus) and I have no issues getting focus all the time.
This is a good idea, to be sure, but some people either don't have a soulstone and others will find it to be an unneeded obstacle to deal with. Also, there are periods sometimes in the morning before work, in the evening (when alot are in bed) where you just can't get 4 or 5 people together to get a focus. This is on Atlantic (where in theory it's the easiest to get a focus). Topple it off with people bashing you for spamming a focus off it's just needlessly frustrating. At the time spellweaving came out, the game was still full enough of other players to justify grouping up or whatever, and it was pretty powerful, now it's somewhat below current sampire builds and not even in the same league as most thrower templates but has a lot of needless busy work just to get in that below sampire to not in the same ball park as throwers area. Don't get me wrong even Attunement with no focus at all can be a life saver, but tried using Word of Death with no focus on something that appears to have no life left at all? You do like 17 damage.. It literally makes more sense to bare handed slap something at that point; and you'll do a bit more damage probably and save 30 mana (assuming you're at 40 LMC) and do it much more quickly than the cast time. In general Spellweaving just needs a look over and some adjusting. A very reasonable and good start would be adding ways to get a focus.


Babbling Loonie
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
i just stone off the sw and get skillless ppl to join for the focus. then put it back on. (this is on the hardest shard to get focus) and I have no issues getting focus all the time.
I do the same


Crazed Zealot
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
on prod shards just use your other char's. yes you would need 2 soul stones and those without might have a hard time, but such is life i say.


Stratics Veteran
That's funny to see this as I was discussing this very topic last night. For how important an Arcane Focus is to a spellweaver (it's your eval after all) it is extremely hard to get one. I have been fortunate recently and have not had to wait much more then 30 mins to get a 6, but it is a procedure. I love spellweaving it's the best casting set in the game but it is just such a pain in the ass to use. I also do not see 'newer' players being excited about it, it's confusing and hard to understand. I like that part of it, adds mystery and mystery is interesting to me, but spellweavers seem to be on the decline. Even getting 5 people to show up for an unskilled circle can be challenging. On Great Lakes you can get a SW circle in less then 5 minutes at any time of day. It is hands down the best SW shard I've discovered. But other servers all the weavers know each other because their is only a handful of them. At times you can't get higher then a circle 3 or 4. Now factor in that your red and the ONLY option is a soulstone and to log in 5 random toons. Used to be able to make trial accounts but that seems harder to do since the account management change.

What I'm getting at is the source of a lot of issues, lack of player populations.

Also if we are gonna talk about SW.. either remove or fix immolate weapon. For how much mana it costs it should do something more then 1 damage per arcane focus level... making a 6 top out around 8 damage added per hit.. in pvm. In pvp it adds maybe 2. Why do we have this spell? It does nothing.


Slightly Crazed
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
this is far from hard.

you can make trial accounts and have the skillless guys sit on the circle. these guys last 15 days.
so make an easy account number like aaaaaa, aaaaab, aaaaac etc.... pw 12345.

there is an inn south of the bank. drop in and remove the weaving onto your soulstone.

go get focus

return to inn and put back on your skill.


when there's a will there's a way.

p.s. i do this for my red. so my trial account guys sit at the fel bank. you can log in one ac than log it out and log in the next one so your not opening 5 clients. if some asshat comes along and kills your trial guy no worries as dead guys count too.

Sauteed Onion

Lore Keeper
Stratics Veteran
this is far from hard.

you can make trial accounts and have the skillless guys sit on the circle. these guys last 15 days.
so make an easy account number like aaaaaa, aaaaab, aaaaac etc.... pw 12345.

there is an inn south of the bank. drop in and remove the weaving onto your soulstone.

go get focus

return to inn and put back on your skill.


when there's a will there's a way.

p.s. i do this for my red. so my trial account guys sit at the fel bank. you can log in one ac than log it out and log in the next one so your not opening 5 clients. if some asshat comes along and kills your trial guy no worries as dead guys count too.
I won't deny this is an option; but should it be that this has to be the option? Basically, let's say that everyone that has spellweaving do this. Do you think it helps EA/Mythic/whoeverthehellelse that we create 4 trial accounts every 15 days just so we can get ourselves a focus? I'm not going to say your idea is stupid, it is not.. It's actually pretty good, just like Lorddog's idea of stoning of spellweaving and getting a no skiller and restoning it and going on about your business. The problem is that no other skill in this game (regardless of it's potency vs. spellweaving) requires you to go through that much of a hassle just to set up for. Do you need 4 trial accounts following you around in felucca dropping heals on your dexer? (I hope not, but I've seen some rather shady people >.>). Why do spellweavers need to consider making 4 trial accounts to make themselves somewhat viable? I realize that isn't the best comparison but I don't think asking for various ways to get a focus is a bad thing in this day and age.
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Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I think the major point of the op is that people are tired of working the system with alts and soulstones. The original intent of the focus was to enhance community play. That community just isn't there anymore. When I get time to play at night I dont have half an hour to an hour to waste getting a focus.

Magery has eval. No recharge
Necro has SS. No recharge
Myst has Imbue or Focus. No recharge
Weaving has Arcane focus. Has to recharge.

So yes at the cost of another skill we can theoretically get our bump but an hour or so every night to get it is unreasonable.

And yes for the cost Immolate weapon needs a huge bump or cost reduction.


Sure getting a Focus on Cats is hard sometimes but you learn the times people wake up so most times not a problem, as for paying a 100k for a 6 Focus .. sure why not as long as it lasts the 10 hours a 120 Focus gets you. Who cant make 100k in a day if they try, and lets be honest most players nowadays have a 100 times that sitting in a bank or on a vendor doing nothing but gather dust. yeah sure some people actually spend their gold as soon as they get it and thats great, when im making a suit i tend to spend over half the money ive collected doing so, and then spend countless fun hours making it back again without even trying. so back to the topic in hand, SW works fine and i say leave it be if my vote has any count, ask again in a year.


Seasoned Veteran
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These are some really shoddy arguments. Any skill that requires activating trial accounts or soulstones to work is broken. Any skill that requires logging in at a certain time of day is broken. That's the bottom line. Wether or not there's workarounds to a bad system doesn't change the fact that it's a bad system. As for the money for focus idea; theres certainly a precedent for money-for-spells systems ie Chivalry and indirectly spells requiring reagents and healing requiring bandages. This way may not be the best way to fix it, but I'd gladly pay for a focus rather than never use the skill because I don't want to use trial accounts or soulstones.


Lore Master
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I must admit im totally agreeing the fact that having to recharge a focus each 10 hours is annoying, the players community left is just not enought big nowadays. Yes I have 4 no-skills characters sitting at fel/tramm WBB's, but thats not what was intended for spellweaving. We need more ideas of what to do with spellweaving, the focus thing is a great idea but I just cant see how we could revamp this so everyone can enjoy a fullpower spellweaving skill without having to spend 1 hour to get the focus. I know some altars are spreaded into the world (in doom gauntlet , or primevil lich spawn) maybe they could more atlars (all spawns/peerless, dungeons) and maybe 2 spellweavers could be enought to get a fullpower skill (instead of 5 weavers). For example if you dont have a focus, all ur damage and duration of the spells are half cut, and if you have a focus (2 spellweavers needed) then you have full power. Who else has some ideas ?
For immolate weapon yes it need some boost, its pretty much useless now and doesnt last very long even at 6 focus ...


Crazed Zealot
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
If you do it without skill I think you can use npcs in the circle as well.


Slightly Crazed
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
you make a good point about having to come up with alts to get the job done.

for me its the most effective way to do it as weaving is really a great enhancement of a red template. weaving with a level 6 in grinders is god like. so from my point if my guildmates are not available its not like i can announce in gen chat to get people to come focus at fel brit bank.

on chessy i dont think getting a tram brit focus is all that much effort. most will come help even if they have one.

the true spirit of a focus is most definately community related. unfortunately and like so many other game mechanics in UO, the playerbase sometimes needs to come up with an alternative solution to obtain something in a more time efficient manner.

Sauteed Onion

Lore Keeper
Stratics Veteran
Make some friends, good grief what could that hurt?
Not to totally butcher your post, but sometimes, people just aren't on mate. And that's the point I'm trying to illustrate. Specialshoes put it fairly bluntly when they said "I think the major point of the op is that people are tired of working the system with alts and soulstones. The original intent of the focus was to enhance community play. That community just isn't there anymore. When I get time to play at night I dont have half an hour to an hour to waste getting a focus."

Getting a focus at less bizarre times is fairly easy, but let's say you wake up at 6 A.M. in whatever time zone you're at for your server and want to get a few navrey kills in before you suit up for work or robbing hous.. i mean work. Sure one could say Navrey's easy peesey just use the pillars but I was just using that as an example. There's Melisande, Medusa, Stygian Dragon etc all can be solo'd and is pretty good target for Word of Death if you have a 5 or 6 focus and a little bit of time before work or before bed etc. Not saying take away the current method of getting a focus, leave it there, but having alternatives can't possibly be a bad thing in the context of getting an arcane focus.
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Crazed Zealot
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I'm going to try escorting an npc into a focus later today or tonight and see if I am remembering correctly.

Sauteed Onion

Lore Keeper
Stratics Veteran
Are you taking into account the answer given in here:

UO Stratics *New* | Ask & Answer No. 4
You can, as a rule, only get a group of Spellweavers together for a Focus in the busy evening hours which means Spellweaving is only useful between mid-evening and around 4 0r 5 in the morning because the Spellweaving timer runs out real time. Can it be switched to character time in game so that we can get the Focus when it’s available in the evening and then log out the character until we want to play it as a Spellweaver in the morning or afternoon? (Tanivar)
Phoenix: This is a good suggestion and we will consider a solution like is proposed here.

No I did not take that into consideration. I have acutally been gone a few months (like 4-6 months not sure) because I was pretty torqued with crashing to desktop in this game which is a whole other "complaint" and have subsequently swallowed my angriness and resubbed to this game. I have not paid attention to any of the Ask and Answers or even remotely glanced at this form until yesterday, anyhow thanks for the link and I hope they are serious when they say they will consider the solution that was given.
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Seasoned Veteran
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Stratics Legend
It is working as intended and therefore is definitely NOT broken and therefore does not require fixing.
Make some friends, good grief what could that hurt?
This mentality is just ridiculous. It has nothing to do with being intended, in fact what was intended was that there would be other spellweavers online to gather for a focus out of mutual need. This intended use of the skill is no longer realistic or viable without finding loopholes in the system which were obviously not the intended way of obtaining a focus. An overuse of the word "therefore" doesn't validate false information.

As for your idea of using NPCs to create the focus; again this is just another workaround. We need an adjustment for a no longer viable system, despite whatever illusions you prefer to maintain for whatever reason. It's clear what the community needs.

All mmo games must evolve and adapt to many factors, population is a very important one. At this point this is a quality of life adjustment, not a "fix" for something we claim is not working as intended. Before trying to define terms in an effort to prove a point, try figuring out what terms and what points the others in the conversation are actually discussing.


Crazed Zealot
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
The NPC inclusion, IF I was remembering correctly, was not working this morning.
Yes I am sure my mentality on having a spell set that is extraordinarily useful needing to have some kind of something offset the enormous power available at high levels of focus is just completely idiotic.
If you guys get this "adjustment" that you want it won't be the only adjustment to happen to the power of the spells at high levels of focus, you are aware of that being a high probability, yes?


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
What about any number of weavers to get a full power stone. Then make it use based. Each spell you use costs a few points from the focus. The more weavers you get the more points your focus has.

Kinda like the way healing stone works.
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Lore Master
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
What about any number of weavers to get a full power stone. Then make it use based. Each spell you use costs a few points from the focus. The more weavers you get the more points your focus has.

Kinda like the way healing stone works.
This idea is not bad in others words, it could simply ALWAYS be a fullstrengh focus even if your alone but last only 1 hour. So here how it could be :

**NEW** -1 Weaver : 1 hour (Thats enought to complete any peerless or boss, but it make it tight to complete a spawn where word of death is mostly needed at the end)
-2 x Weavers : 2 Hours
-3 x Weavers : 4 Hours
-4 x Weavers : 6 Hours
-5 x Weavers : 8 Hours
-6 x Weavers : Limit of 10 hours

but, add to this :

Can't do multiple times the same focus per real day, which would be more benefit to do a 6 weavers focus at start that last 10 hours. For example, can't do more than 1 focus with only 1 weaver per real day or something like that to prevent poeple for doing 1 Weaver focus each hour... So per real day you would be able to do only one focus for each number of weavers. Also add to that the new suggestion been mentionned so when you log out the world with your character, your focus stop decaying.
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Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
This idea is not bad in others words, it could simply ALWAYS be a fullstrengh focus even if your alone but last only 1 hour. So here how it could be :

**NEW** -1 Weaver : 1 hour (Thats enought to complete any peerless or boss, but it make it tight to complete a spawn where word of death is mostly needed at the end)
-2 x Weavers : 2 Hours
-3 x Weavers : 4 Hours
-4 x Weavers : 6 Hours
-5 x Weavers : 8 Hours
-6 x Weavers : Limit of 10 hours

but, add to this :

Can't do multiple times the same focus per real day, which would be more benefit to do a 6 weavers focus at start that last 10 hours. For example, can't do more than 1 focus with only 1 weaver per real day or something like that to prevent poeple for doing 1 Weaver focus each hour... So per real day you would be able to do only one of each numbers of focus.
I like this suggestion as well except sometimes the girls might leave the house and I might get more game time than I thought so I would like to be able to get multiple ones per day.

Kylie Kinslayer

Stratics Legend
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Stratics Legend
Can't do multiple times the same focus per real day, which would be more benefit to do a 6 weavers focus at start that last 10 hours. For example, can't do more than 1 focus with only 1 weaver per real day or something like that to prevent poeple for doing 1 Weaver focus each hour... So per real day you would be able to do only one of each numbers of focus.
I would be ok with that if they made those exceptions for the PvP folks, in honesty I don't care what the do in that arena, I am strictly PvM these days. I mainly play my mage/sw/tamer now because; yes, I am lazy and want to kill stuff the easy way, with limited keystrokes. If I do have a full day to play around (like today thankfully) why should I only be limited to one hour six? I play on one of the busiest shards out there and there is no way to get a 6 in the mornings until about 10 est if you are lucky, and can't hardly get one after midnight est. I would seriously hate to see how it is on say.. Legends to get a 6.

More of my .02.... The only (yes only) fix that needs to be made to SW is making the focus easier to obtain due to seemingly declining player population, while I do applaud an in game timer that does not fix the main issue with the situation.


Lore Master
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I would be ok with that if they made those exceptions for the PvP folks, in honesty I don't care what the do in that arena, I am strictly PvM these days. I mainly play my mage/sw/tamer now because; yes, I am lazy and want to kill stuff the easy way, with limited keystrokes. If I do have a full day to play around (like today thankfully) why should I only be limited to one hour six? I play on one of the busiest shards out there and there is no way to get a 6 in the mornings until about 10 est if you are lucky, and can't hardly get one after midnight est. I would seriously hate to see how it is on say.. Legends to get a 6.

More of my .02.... The only (yes only) fix that needs to be made to SW is making the focus easier to obtain due to seemingly declining player population, while I do applaud an in game timer that does not fix the main issue with the situation.
If you have a whole day dedicated for UO, then simply do a 5 x weavers focus then when its decayed, do a 4 x weavers focus, and you have had 14 hours of focus which is alot. Or it can be a 2 x weavers focus, then a 3 x or 4 x you can mix them in your real day or when you really need them. Well the only focus that could be always done are the 5 x and 6 x weavers focus , what about that.

EDIT : Your right I dont get why you couldnt do multiples 5 x weavers focus like we can right now. But my ''only'' part was mostly to prevent poeple for doing repetitives 1 x weaver focus.
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Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
If you have a whole day dedicated for UO, then simply do a 5 x weavers focus then when its decayed, do a 4 x weavers focus, and you have had 14 hours of focus which is alot.

In a way though arent you basically making people run into the same problem they face now like that?

Kylie Kinslayer

Stratics Legend
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Stratics Legend
In a way though arent you basically making people run into the same problem they face now like that?
Agreed. It would just slightly change the system we have now. Don't get me wrong, I appreciate all the thought Quick put into it, I just think it's in the wrong direction.

I mean is sw really so overpowered we need to limit how many level six focuses a person can get in a 23 1/2 hour period? I hear folks complaining about a great deal of op stuff, but never ran across someone who was complaining about that gimp sw'er whoopin' up on everyone at Fel Yew *shrugs*


Crazed Zealot
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Okay I'm just reading along and wondering. If you are only going to use the skill actively for a couple of hours (that's the lowest time frame I see here) and the Devs are looking at making the timer static for "logged in" time, then isn't your problem with not being able to get one at some specific "off peak" playing times resolved?
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Seasoned Veteran
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
The NPC inclusion, IF I was remembering correctly, was not working this morning.
Yes I am sure my mentality on having a spell set that is extraordinarily useful needing to have some kind of something offset the enormous power available at high levels of focus is just completely idiotic.
If you guys get this "adjustment" that you want it won't be the only adjustment to happen to the power of the spells at high levels of focus, you are aware of that being a high probability, yes?
Again, an argument based on exaggeration and conjecture. You didn't say anything about needing a requirement to offset spellweaving's benefits. You said spellweaving was working as intended and does not require a fix. That is in fact false. It's ironic that not only did you type your own words, I then quoted you and you STILL seem confused by what you yourself said. I'm not sure a conversation with you is going to get real far so consider it finished. And remember, it's ok to be wrong sometimes.

Sauteed Onion

Lore Keeper
Stratics Veteran
Everyone's entitled to their opinion, and I like some the posts here. Imo, I think we should see them put the Hippie elves in, and we should be able to trade them like Corn and grapes or something for a focus. That or some evil corporate elves that just take your money and give you your "fix". >.> Sounds kinda like that company that runs thi.. I mean, sounds like good business to me!


Seasoned Veteran
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Stratics Legend
Getting a focus at less bizarre times is fairly easy, but let's say you wake up at 6 A.M. in whatever time zone you're at for your server and want to get a few navrey kills in before you suit up for work or robbing hous.. i mean work.

That or some evil corporate elves that just take your money and give you your "fix". >.> Sounds kinda like that company that runs thi.. I mean, sounds like good business to me!
:gee: Details!!
Personally I like the Hippie Elves idea.


Yes. Getting a focus is borked. I actually have a macro on my weavers to spam "need a focus WBB". It always takes like 20 minutes and even then sometimes I only end up with a 4.

Spell weaving is very useful in PVP. But if you are doing a spawn, chances are you know 3 to 4 other people


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Spellweaving is what you make of it.....When you are playing and someone calls for a focus, if you can support you go. You will find, that unless you tend to play on off peak hours , you will find a core of Spellweavers that always respond to the Call. That is how it is on Catskills.


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I would be ok with that if they made those exceptions for the PvP folks, in honesty I don't care what the do in that arena, I am strictly PvM these days. I mainly play my mage/sw/tamer now because; yes, I am lazy and want to kill stuff the easy way, with limited keystrokes. If I do have a full day to play around (like today thankfully) why should I only be limited to one hour six? I play on one of the busiest shards out there and there is no way to get a 6 in the mornings until about 10 est if you are lucky, and can't hardly get one after midnight est. I would seriously hate to see how it is on say.. Legends to get a 6.

More of my .02.... The only (yes only) fix that needs to be made to SW is making the focus easier to obtain due to seemingly declining player population, while I do applaud an in game timer that does not fix the main issue with the situation.
LOL - It is quite hard to get a 6 on Legends, unless it's Prime Time. Like most, I have multiple accounts (3) with one 120, 80, and 100 skill weaver, and thus have a minimum LVL4 whenever I play...


Crazed Zealot
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Campaign Supporter
It would be a nice start if they allowed us to get Spellweaving through the Mythic character token.
I want to be able to help with circles whenever I am on, but training SW takes really long.


Crazed Zealot
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
It is not false that the focus is working as intended, by the Devs. Glad we can put that behind us.

Other things regarding weaving, or maybe just quests, are definitely not working as intended. And I vote precious time be placed on those issues first. Wow.
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Sauteed Onion

Lore Keeper
Stratics Veteran
Other things regarding weaving, or maybe just quests, are definitely not working as intended. And I vote precious time be placed on those issues first. Wow.

Care to elaborate specifically in the quests which aren't working as intended? And I never said getting a focus is not working as intended; I've only suggested that having options should be considered at this point; which I fully believe can't be a bad thing that will cause such a massive imbalance so as to threaten the community with hordes of OP spellweavers who will eat our souls and consume our flesh for generations to come. This is a forum, people can propose and discuss, and hopefully without someone jumping in and being negative nacny all the time; (not saying you are; I actually like intelligent discussion and particularly people with views dissimilar to my own so all aspects can be looked at). That being said, care to explain what isn't working as intended?


Crazed Zealot
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Care to elaborate specifically in the quests which aren't working as intended? And I never said getting a focus is not working as intended; I've only suggested that having options should be considered at this point; which I fully believe can't be a bad thing that will cause such a massive imbalance so as to threaten the community with hordes of OP spellweavers who will eat our souls and consume our flesh for generations to come. This is a forum, people can propose and discuss, and hopefully without someone jumping in and being negative nacny all the time; (not saying you are; I actually like intelligent discussion and particularly people with views dissimilar to my own so all aspects can be looked at). That being said, care to explain what isn't working as intended?
This was pertaining to my issue with being stuck, or frozen. Still not sure what occurred there, but it happened just as I turned in a Patience quest last night. RL commitments are gonna keep me pretty busy until tomorrow. But if people are listening and conversing, I'm happy to discuss why I think a broad change would be problematic. And maybe juxtapose that with some points for the sake of convenience. Choices are good, that's my theory in general, and it has particular application in the world of Britannia. I just hate to lose the functionality I have come to love for the sake of everyone elses convenience. :) Not a new position for a vet.

Warpig Inc

Babbling Loonie
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I like the pay 3 or 4 NPC weavers to come stand with ya. At least still have to make a few RL friends to show. The timer on the focus could also induce more lazieness. A least once a week I get on my weaver to help a focus. Not caste WoD in anger in almost a year.


Crazed Zealot
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Maybe no one is reading in this thread anymore, but I said I would make a go of an overview with respect to changes, and I think I should do that before I go and log into Shard of the Dead. Because once I get started on that, a post here is not likely to happen today.

Previously in this thread a lot of cases have been put forth for rethinking the convenience, or lack of, for obtaining a high level focus, which is The central augmentation factor for all spellweaving spells, regardless of level of skill mastery. I spoke against, not the thought process, but the assertion that anything so difficult was broken, that the game in general with regard to using ones creative intelligence to address a a difficult task was just expecting too much from a player to be able to regularly accomplish, and because that was true, it was broken, and a remedy was required.

Okay, if that is the premise, then lets take a few seconds to address those things that are easy with Spellweaving as a skill... seconds is all it will take, because the answer is...nothing.

1)Spellweaving is one of less than five skills that you can not start a character with.

2)Of all those skills, spellweaving is the only skill you have to run a quest chain to acquire. Not a quest, a series of quests. You can buy a full spellbook, but you can't make any use of it until you have completed this series of tasks, and you have a choice of facets and chain titles you can make use of to gain access. So, clearly that is not accidental.

3)Weaving is the only class of spell casting in which scribes play no active part in providing books or spells, books must be earned, and scrolls must be looted. Some spells and scrolls have their own quest you must complete to obtain the ability to cast the spell. You can buy the scrolls, or a spellbook with the spells in place, but unless you have completed those quests, you can not make use of them.

On the flip side, the spell set is an extremely useful one. Even if your template allows only twenty free points on your character, you can perform actions that are anywhere from moderately useful, which means if you are lucky it can save your life, to amazingly useful, which might mean that even if you are engaged in the field on the wrong side of a two on one, and you have any knowledge of your template at all, you can be, for a limited time, almost impossible to kill.

You can duplicate the powers of two virtues with some of the spells, one of which it itself is a duplication of 220 points in hiding and stealth. Virtues take a long time to work up to useful level, they decay and must be maintained, and yet with hours of preparation of your spellbook and the skill, you can attain, or better them, by standing with a few other players.

If you are dedicated to the proposition that your character casts spells, and you use that character for pvm, then the uppermost levels of spellweaving bring you unprecedented power to end a long engagement quickly, in fact there is no other ability on any template in the game that can do as much damage as Word of Death, and it works on almost, almost, everything to deliver thousands of points of damage in less than a minute, stripping throwers, archers and even the vaunted sampire of their potential titles of leading dps potential in a group.

There is no active template for which the skill is not useful. Tamers, dexxers, mages, mystics, archers, bards and throwers, whether built for pvm ,or pvp. All of them can find something useful.

It is the only skill outside of crafting that is completely useful in itself without requiring a skill in partnership or a partner character in game, the only partner you have to find, at least once every ten hours or so, is one or more able bodies, heck even dead bodies work, to stand in a circle and cast a spell. And then it is only to maximize the usefulness of the spells, their ability to receive damage, resist dispell, duration, or damage output. All are still usable without that commitment, just at lower levels of effectiveness.

Some folks just refuse to have their templates ability so affected by being dependent on the participation of others, and have never even tried this spellset, and they still play the game. They just use other creative methods to do what they want to do.

Maybe I'm jaded. Maybe I have just played this game for long enough that I no longer feel disconcerted doing some basic things before I go into the field, like check the condition of my armor and weapons, or, for my characters that use reagents, that they will have enough to be in the field for as long as I plan, or that I have enough powder to any bags of sending I might be wanting to use, or, catching a focus.

Maybe I live on a heavily populated shard and I have no understanding of wishing I could be in the field, but having to wait for this small thing to get done. Except, I play on both Origin and Legends two of the smallest population shards. Maybe its just my habit, and because some things have changed in game there is, in fact a need to re-evaluate. That is very possible.

So lets look at other improvements, for the sake of accessibility, that have been made since the introduction of spellweaving.:bard masteries, imbuing, dungeon loot. You don't find many people complaining about the accessibility of upper level bard skills much anymore, but then again, even with this extraordinary boon to training and party play, not many people have bards. Imbuing and dungeon loot, both seem to receive regular complaints on time commitment to obtain upper end loot.

The game currently is not doing much marketing towards new players, and one of the key elements towards making established players disgruntled is a negation of their efforts to date on equipment and templates. Remaking things that had been settled is work not many are keen to engage in, especially when the time spent making changes is supposed to be recreation.

Is there room for a "pay to enhance" option for weavers, sure I can think of several things. But remember, the time of our Design Team is precious.

For the least amount of effort for designers there could be a store item, with limited charges, much like the enhancement tools. Maybe such an item could end up on the "clean up Brit" rewards for points. More intensive would be the creation of a quest or system that might allow a character to "buy up" a focus in game by including npc weavers. But I would advocate this system be implemented in a place where a focus maximum of fifth level would be obtainable. Very convenient, and only slightly less powerful, while maintaining the validity of the extra effort on the part of those who are willing to do that.

As you can tell I am partial to the skill. Maybe it might be worthwhile to make it available on a test shard going forward, a gate for access quest completion, and some device to facilitate testing at high levels of focus. If more people had the ability to try it out, I bet it would become easier to find folks to focus with on production shards

Speaking the Truth

Lore Keeper
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Although I don't have a spellweaver I fail to see what the problem would be with allowing a player to get a focus solo.

Also what about reds?

I'm sure when you're talking about getting a focus it's in tram. Why does a red solo player have to be punished? Most people that help to get circles won't come to tram wbb even though it's in guards. I've seen the trouble people have to go through. It's 4 trial accounts or bust.

Also honor is way better than ethereal voyage. Again something reds don't have access to, just like compassion and sacrifice. Gift of Life doesn't work if you're criminal and most of the time reds are going to be criminal. So reds lose two fold, if they are playing like a red would/should.

Also when you're talking about bards, bards still don't need 4 people for their skills to work. There are a lot of skills that are time consuming to get to 120 but they aren't dependent on a group of people for them to be worth while.

Yes you can use spellweaving without a group, however with the mana cost of all the spells and the effectiveness[or lack there of] when you don't have a circle, it would be pointless to use it without a focus.

Personally I don't see what the problem is if they added it so that it was based on in game time for the circle, and in addition if there was a way that a solo player could get it, even if it was something like a small gold sink.

It is absurd that there is no other skill in game that is reliant on other players, and to be honest I'd consider using this if they made eliminated jumping through hoops for solo players to use this skill.

Also the last thing I wanted to touch on is word of death you can't use it effectively[PvM] till the target is low in health. The fact that it has a very long casting time vs a sampire with honor, I actually think a sampire can stay on point with damage[if not have even better damage] vs the spellweaver. Not to mention the sampire will be leeching mana vs high mana cost spells with long cast times.


Grand Poobah
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Maybe they could just change it so that Focus would work as SWs eval.

20 focus would be like having a 1 focus
40 focus like a 2 focus
60 like a 3
80 like a 4
100 like a 5 and
120 like a 6

And maybe they could still keep the circles and tweak them so that if you can get 6 people together you´ll get a new 7 focus.

That way you can get the level 6 power by yourself and still have a use for the circle gathering for an extra buff.

And I understand that the 7 would be the new 6 and people would complain about that but you got your 6 power so if you can´t get enough people for a 7 then tough luck heh.
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Grand Poobah
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Campaign Supporter
On a second thought after reading the thread a little closer. Sauteed Onion´s mentioned alternative ways to get level 6.

Scratch the level 7 idea in my previous post.

How about this.
Keep it as it is now and as an alternative, use the focus idea I posted. That way you can get it like we normally can now and for those who have a hard time getting people together, they can add Focus to their template and get the increased power through that.

Yes, we will have to fit in those extra 120 focus skill points but at least it would be an alternative when not being able to get people together.


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
On a second thought after reading the thread a little closer. Sauteed Onion´s mentioned alternative ways to get level 6.

Scratch the level 7 idea in my previous post.

How about this.
Keep it as it is now and as an alternative, use the focus idea I posted. That way you can get it like we normally can now and for those who have a hard time getting people together, they can add Focus to their template and get the increased power through that.

Yes, we will have to fit in those extra 120 focus skill points but at least it would be an alternative when not being able to get people together.

Gotta say this would kill my warrior weaver but I like the idea.


Lore Keeper
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
why not allow arcane focus to enhance/buff many other skills.

Humans can already get a no-skill focus without the spellweaving skill.
How about elves getting a gm/skilled focus without the spellweaving skill as a racial ability?

No buff would go over any caps already in place.

a mage gets a focus and has 10 or 15% sdi added for the duration of the focus.
a warrior could get di, hci, or dci to 10 or 15%
spellcasters could gain casting focus to inhibit interruption
healers could gain extra speed in healing self
crafting bonus' -+5 carpentry? mining?
stealth gets better chance to go undetected with arcane focus?
Others could add their thoughts.

As I said, you could make it so the buffs don't exceed limits already in place.

getting a focus would be easy if everyone had a reason to get one.
Brit bank would be the new hang out place
Luna would become a vacant strip mall.
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