So obviously I'm the biggest guild jumper in the history of the game now...I guess I've been in...Moo, COP, TiC, Fel, ISO, *I*, NoD, !U!, EFL, KB, KQ, 2ez, PK!, PkP and a whole bunch more...
By my count...I've been in the original EFL, the COP alliance before I quit and since I've been back !U! alliance.
I'll always have members in *I* because that's dukes guild and he's a tr00 pimp.
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Sorry but in my eyes you are. You join the guilds that currently are getting bigger at not smaller. For isntance:
You joined EFl at its prime and quit, then later joined COP alliance. Now your joining the !U! alliance, sense there starting to get more members (from the alliance). I think you were in MOO at one point too, which was again at the prime.
Your a traitor, and I dont understand why people will let you in. You just go for the gold, and not friends.
For instance: You didn't know !U!, but left us "COP and EFL" (which were more of friends then Fel and !U!) for them.
I give it 2 months before you leave !U!.