Back from vacation..let the slaughter begin..
No problem son. It's hard to tell when lurking the short bus of pvp shard forums sometimes.We deal with what we got. Thank you for pointing out what everyone already knew though. It is appreciated.
I can't really say on the boards.. But I play where you can't ride mounts and you'll probably rarely see less than 2000 active clients running on one shard.Where do you play at now days Edge?
LOL..believe me..."son"...I have thrown away underwear..many years ago..older than you...No problem son. It's hard to tell when lurking the short bus of pvp shard forums sometimes.
Oh come on newblet. Still all fall of it thinking your some kind of hot **** hehe. Sorry you guys sucked and couldnt kill me without using 400% of my number. It's funny as quite possibly the biggest chicken **** runner yourself in UO, and all the actual ingame screenshot of me rping you. You sure talk a lot lil newb.war ultima why are u talking? you ran from Calisto the whole fight when he got you alone. I mean lets be honest here....will you ever in your life fight me or calisto one vs one?(you can use any template you prefer to die on.) who ran you down by the way and destroyed you? hmm it was cal. How is it that you can ran down by a mage? pa pa thetic kid
All we are is dust in the wiiiiiiiiiind.You sir are nothing but dust in the wind. :
Aww so angry kiddie.War Ultima once again you dodge a duel? Whats a matter to scared to fight me or cal one vs one? Another thing dude why dont you become your own person? Stop copying peoples names and posing as them k...just a little advice. I mean your not even war ultima nor are you wasp, nor are you obi, nor are you ember, who are you? I can tell ya who you are if you like. You sir are nothing but dust in the wind. Why dont you try some one vs ones kiddo. But we both know that wont happen dont we
ill even start all duels with 10 hp to make it interesting...
I'll start rolling up my snowball in Hell while waiting for this....Ya know, that screenshot cracks me up... The shot itself does not show his bar at the bottom that shows all programs being run at the time of freeze frame... So by his own words it's not legit...
Second his screenshot does not show that, that is the only spell he casted on me... we all know where I am going with this... I made sure I took a screenshot of my journal showing how many people actually casted on me and while I was running off to get a heal he casted ONE spell... a Flamestrike... the screenie makes it look like he 1v4 and killed me... Which is where I have always said screenies r stupid.. they never capture a whole battle... however when I get my computer back from Pennsylvania, I will post the pic from the very same battle that shows 4 other people attacked me... I thought I got away from them, but here comes WU the opportunist thinking he did something grand by casting one Flamestrike to finish 4 other peoples work...
How bout this WU... field fight 1v1... mage vs mage... 100 mil... on Wrong roof... no running allowed... U talk a good game... well here's yet another challenge... not saying duel... FIELD FIGHT... MAGE VS MAGE... U game??? may times did you die the other night? 4-6?? You ran from Snake 1v1 to get heals.... LAWLS>>>>>!!!!!!Quick Question.. Do Asha or Cal still have PvP chars on Sonoma? I've destroyed Waka 5-6 times recently & not seen either of them....
My bad..confused you with the other nothing..Ezra. So many of you that it is easy to confuse you with all the other nothings.LoL Snake.. The only DEATH I've had in like a month was in T2a with me vs 3 Waka... You on the other hand are terrified of me.....
whos "we"? lolExcept for the occasional COP smackdown, there is not much PvP here anymore, we killed it off. Most of us PvP on Pac now. Quite lively.
PvP on Sonoma has died about 2 years ago. Now if you when a fight on Sonoma it is like cheating to beat your 5 year old kid at chess.
I'll gladly help you practice your mage spells. I'm usually around in the evenings a few nights a week. You can reach me at ICQ 164-713-755 or ask for Timmy in Gen chat, and If I'm online my guildmates will let you know.
A challenge from me?? lol... You mean me praying there's 1 person on the shard actually online to fight & simply saying something like "Hey... ! Any oranges to fight...? I'm in YEW!"Don't get all teary eyed Peon. WAKA is always on but hearing a challenge from you is like hearing a challenge from Mecry..everyone just laughs and continues on with what they are doing.