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Sonoma PvP thread v4.1


PkP Edge PkP

We deal with what we got. Thank you for pointing out what everyone already knew though. It is appreciated.
No problem son. It's hard to tell when lurking the short bus of pvp shard forums sometimes.

Where do you play at now days Edge?
I can't really say on the boards.. But I play where you can't ride mounts and you'll probably rarely see less than 2000 active clients running on one shard.

Trinity - likewise buddy. If your ever interested in having a good time hit me up. I tried Sonoma last year and lasted about a month before I wanted to slash my wrists. Glad your still around to put these kids to bed... Gotta love the UO egos going at it.. Keeps me trolling.


Babbling Loonie
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Oh god...

Who's that newb? Oh oops... could it be the legendary newbie?

Nice 4v1 tho.

You guys ganked me 4v1 later on but yea was pretty nice getting that kill with 3 other newbs watching it happen. And the funny thing is I didnt even use my real char on pac, thats an freaking old necromage I used to duo with my buddy.

So thats another one after last time I wtfpwnt you on my stealther with Black Majik ganking me... this just makes it that much better. Pwning you since pre-pub 16-------------present........... while being zergged.

Since you are so baddie in PvP... you good at anything at all other than making **** up on the forum and pretend that you can pvp worth a ****?


war ultima why are u talking? you ran from Calisto the whole fight when he got you alone. I mean lets be honest here....will you ever in your life fight me or calisto one vs one?(you can use any template you prefer to die on.) who ran you down by the way and destroyed you? hmm it was cal. How is it that you can ran down by a mage? pa pa thetic kid

Widow Maker

Slightly Crazed
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LOL...WU / Thrax2......PvP.....those are two words that should never be in the same sentence...unless it is some sort of joke...because it is.

We own Sonoma..and Pac...and shortly all the west coast servers.


Babbling Loonie
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
war ultima why are u talking? you ran from Calisto the whole fight when he got you alone. I mean lets be honest here....will you ever in your life fight me or calisto one vs one?(you can use any template you prefer to die on.) who ran you down by the way and destroyed you? hmm it was cal. How is it that you can ran down by a mage? pa pa thetic kid
Oh come on newblet. Still all fall of it thinking your some kind of hot **** hehe. Sorry you guys sucked and couldnt kill me without using 400% of my number. It's funny as quite possibly the biggest chicken **** runner yourself in UO, and all the actual ingame screenshot of me rping you. You sure talk a lot lil newb.

Oh where's YOUR screenshot newb? Oops dont have one/cant post one. Point proven... now do newb weaken/magic arrow spam your way on field fight. GG tho. You know picture is worth a thousand word.

Oh in that case... here lil guy.

Sigh... baddies no zerg no pvp. At least you tried tho kiddo.


Babbling Loonie
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
You know Asha girl. When you really learned how to fight on the field without weaken x 25242 and magic arrow x 55343 oh throw in 34592785 harm... talk to me.

****ing AoS superstar like you is what's making bad pvp. Sorry you aint **** to me on the field but I guess you can still try to gank me, at least thats pretty much what you are only good for... newb pvper wannabe.


War Ultima once again you dodge a duel? Whats a matter to scared to fight me or cal one vs one? Another thing dude why dont you become your own person? Stop copying peoples names and posing as them k...just a little advice. I mean your not even war ultima nor are you wasp, nor are you obi, nor are you ember, who are you? I can tell ya who you are if you like. You sir are nothing but dust in the wind. Why dont you try some one vs ones kiddo. But we both know that wont happen dont we :lick:


You sir are nothing but dust in the wind. :
All we are is dust in the wiiiiiiiiiind. :danceb:


Damn i hope to get back into this fighting again.

And WU, u are trash man, run run run 1v1. Your like Mercy, you run and talk **** when u get ganked. Thats because all you do is run 1v1, so kinda hard to kill a runner 1v1 when your on your stealther. Field fighting is not running till you get help, learn how to fight man, you suck!!!:yell:


Babbling Loonie
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
War Ultima once again you dodge a duel? Whats a matter to scared to fight me or cal one vs one? Another thing dude why dont you become your own person? Stop copying peoples names and posing as them k...just a little advice. I mean your not even war ultima nor are you wasp, nor are you obi, nor are you ember, who are you? I can tell ya who you are if you like. You sir are nothing but dust in the wind. Why dont you try some one vs ones kiddo. But we both know that wont happen dont we :lick:
Aww so angry kiddie.
I guess that hello kitty adventure land is treating you really well.
Sorry newb, facts have been post over and over with screenshots... where's yours... ur my pancake according to the screenshot so... I guess you are lower than dust in the wind... nice try tho especially the 4v1 with me rp newbsauce trin. Oh I love how you spammed ur newb double disrupt ES NB thinking ur fine and gets assed up.


ps still waiting for some screenies from you newbs tho... well but we all know that wont happen ;) all the trashtalking yet all we see is your face in dirt... 400% my number there as well... well guess that really explains something. Keep running =)

Widow Maker

Slightly Crazed
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Woohoo..WU / Thrax2 raging again..must have gotten owned yet again. Nice to see that some players will always remain the sheep to our wolves.



A message to all the coppers out there. We spotted some of your garbo crew on pac last night KMS, TMI, and some other scrubs. They died in about 15 seconds...:pancakes:

I think its time for you to hang it up. I mean lets face it... this same ole song and dance is getting old. The legendary Master of Disaster Calisto DOM:gun: and I, Yes me Asha the dueling SUPERBEAST OF UO,:ten: and the rest of the waka elite have basically made your UO Game Time a HORRIBLE EXPERIENCE. You cant even show your face in fel on sonoma anymore, i mean really, how scared S$#$#$#$ are you of the big bad turkey gunner?

Now we see you on pac? If you cannot hold Sonoma from our guild of Blacksmiths and Tinkers...what makes you think you can do something on pac? You should seriously just delete your accounts, and that crummy cop tag. I mean really? Ten years and running and you cannot beat queen mum in a mage duel? Its frankly mind boggling to listen to your rants...after the Great CAL AKA DOMness Monster teleport bolas todiefornone from 3 screens away and runs him down with hailstorms. OMG now that was halarious. I think todiefornone's heart was going to explode! So here is my offer. Im going to line up KMS, TMI, and any other coppers at the farms similar to the homless food kitchen shelter line...(cop should be familiar with this) and ill beat you all down under 20 seconds! I will show you how terrible you are at UO. I think its time for you to play LEGO LAND with wolfie...ill even start all duels with 10 hp to make it interesting...:talktothehand:

Widow Maker

Slightly Crazed
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Stratics Legend
LOL..COP actually made a showing tonight.

Results..8 of COP..7 of WAKA.

All COP dead, except for cowardly Mercy who ran off and didn't even cast a heal on any of his guildies..just ran...still the shard's worst coward. No WAKA deaths.

Non-argueable pathetic.

Looted some nice imbued pieces off a COP who obviously spends too much time in Trammel.

Shard ownership confirmed. While we may just farm here now and fight on other shards..this IS home shard and we will utterly destroy any riff-raff that dares poke it's head up out of the slime.

COP is still a dead guild and it was proved, once again, without a question tonight.

:bowdown: WAKA


Ya know, that screenshot cracks me up... The shot itself does not show his bar at the bottom that shows all programs being run at the time of freeze frame... So by his own words it's not legit...

Second his screenshot does not show that, that is the only spell he casted on me... we all know where I am going with this... I made sure I took a screenshot of my journal showing how many people actually casted on me and while I was running off to get a heal he casted ONE spell... a Flamestrike... the screenie makes it look like he 1v4 and killed me... Which is where I have always said screenies r stupid.. they never capture a whole battle... however when I get my computer back from Pennsylvania, I will post the pic from the very same battle that shows 4 other people attacked me... I thought I got away from them, but here comes WU the opportunist thinking he did something grand by casting one Flamestrike to finish 4 other peoples work...

How bout this WU... field fight 1v1... mage vs mage... 100 mil... on Wrong roof... no running allowed... U talk a good game... well here's yet another challenge... not saying duel... FIELD FIGHT... MAGE VS MAGE... U game???

Widow Maker

Slightly Crazed
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Stratics Legend
Ya know, that screenshot cracks me up... The shot itself does not show his bar at the bottom that shows all programs being run at the time of freeze frame... So by his own words it's not legit...

Second his screenshot does not show that, that is the only spell he casted on me... we all know where I am going with this... I made sure I took a screenshot of my journal showing how many people actually casted on me and while I was running off to get a heal he casted ONE spell... a Flamestrike... the screenie makes it look like he 1v4 and killed me... Which is where I have always said screenies r stupid.. they never capture a whole battle... however when I get my computer back from Pennsylvania, I will post the pic from the very same battle that shows 4 other people attacked me... I thought I got away from them, but here comes WU the opportunist thinking he did something grand by casting one Flamestrike to finish 4 other peoples work...

How bout this WU... field fight 1v1... mage vs mage... 100 mil... on Wrong roof... no running allowed... U talk a good game... well here's yet another challenge... not saying duel... FIELD FIGHT... MAGE VS MAGE... U game???
I'll start rolling up my snowball in Hell while waiting for this....


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Quick Question.. Do Asha or Cal still have PvP chars on Sonoma? I've destroyed Waka 5-6 times recently & not seen either of them....

Widow Maker

Slightly Crazed
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Quick Question.. Do Asha or Cal still have PvP chars on Sonoma? I've destroyed Waka 5-6 times recently & not seen either of them....
LOL...how may times did you die the other night? 4-6?? You ran from Snake 1v1 to get heals.... LAWLS>>>>>!!!!!!

Nice job "destroying"....


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
LoL Snake.. The only DEATH I've had in like a month was in T2a with me vs 3 Waka... You on the other hand are terrified of me.....

Widow Maker

Slightly Crazed
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
LoL Snake.. The only DEATH I've had in like a month was in T2a with me vs 3 Waka... You on the other hand are terrified of me.....
My bad..confused you with the other nothing..Ezra. So many of you that it is easy to confuse you with all the other nothings.

Show on my screen and see how terrified I am of you..LAWLS!! :loser:

Play time is severly restricted right now due to high work hours trying to make sure all you nothings can get online...

Widow Maker

Slightly Crazed
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend

We have:

Mercy Whine Hour; He has been putting in overtime lately

Mercy Facts; Everyone laughs heartily at these

Mercy Statistics; Always covered in a smelly shell due to where he pulls them from

and of course..who can live without...

Point and Laugh at Mercy Time; Participated in and enjoyed by the entire shard

Widow Maker

Slightly Crazed
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Except for the occasional COP smackdown, there is not much PvP here anymore, we killed it off. Most of us PvP on Pac now. Quite lively.

Widow Maker

Slightly Crazed
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Stratics Legend
Since we are the only ones left in Fel..I guess you could say that.

COP shows once in a while but get beaten down something fierce..they stay in Tram or off shard for the most part.

Todifor None

I have not been around much to be honest but had read through alot of Bull****o stuff. Where is the shots of 5 cops running in SL after waka and killing them all over 18 times now? Where is the talk when im on Panzy and kill 8 guys in a field and there is 3 cop vs 14 waka? What happened just the other day when I was on Missy and smoked all the waka with my other cop brothers every damn little nothing waka chars in the shard that try to ever stop the true Cops and aka the K9 crew? Then get alot of people kissing Cals butt only to come up to breath and say something once in a while. 99% of all waka suck and cant pvp.... there is over 75% of cop that can fight? The problem has been huge gank with 2x the # then Waka feeling good about themselfs. The truth is they are getting spanked almost every night and if you think about the battles 10 in a row cop wins over 8. Think if we should talk about a war Cop has won and owned waka every time I have seen. :thumbup:

Lets see I just dont understand if someone fights 3 cops with 9 waka and they think they rule yet when they have around the same amount of people they lose. I feel there is alot of times even 3 cops vs 10 waka is almost fair. :party:

Widow Maker

Slightly Crazed
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Stratics Legend
LOL...guess the regular COP beat downs tonight..and the night before..and the night before...and the night before....etc etc etc didn't really happen? COP got so beat down again that they all logged off...again. :thumbup1:

Please take your selective memory and your horrid self back to Tram and dream on. :sad2:

The ONLY time any of you terribads even GET a kill is when you jump 4 spawners with 15. As soon as the WAKA PvPers roll in...can't swing a dead cat without hitting a dozen dead COP bodies. :gee:

All of COP absolutely suck. Fighting rat mages with a mixture of mongbats is far more challenging. :lol:

Oh..and you suck :thumbup:

Widow Maker

Slightly Crazed
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Stratics Legend
WOW..what more can be said of today(and yesterday and the day before...etc). Today was an awesome display of skill from COP. All told, had to be at least 30 - 40 COP deaths and we lost one person. :thumbup1:

Outstanding job. *applause* :stretcher:


Widow Maker

Slightly Crazed
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Stratics Legend
Wow..another horrid smackdown of COP last night, witnessed by some Trammies who came into chat to knock down Mecry's lies. THAT was a hoot..when asked why he was lying..he rage logged..Bahahahahahaaaa.

Never try even numbers girls, it always turns out very bad for you. 5 WAKA deaths and according to the trammies..20+ dead COP bodies. LOL :pie:

Widow Maker

Slightly Crazed
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Stratics Legend
Last night, after much cajoling and pointing out of their cowardice..COP agreed to a Duel. WAKA's Turbo Timmy went up against Anubis, Pain, Peon, Ezra, Panzy and Anubis again. Basically..COP's A-Team.

WAKA 6 COP 0 :stretcher:

Ezra went down in a typical under 10 seconds. Pain was just plain played with. Peon lasted a bit under 30 seconds. COP dexers..DP Dexers, Garg dog throwers, etc..lasted a bit longer.

All went down to a basic Mage template.

Mecry refused to duel and COP ..collectively..screamed about this and that but after debunking all their pitiful attempts at excuses..even they had to recognize that they were all fairly and well beaten down.

Mecry went as far as to claim Timmy was using some sort of hack that involved the ghosts Timmy insisted we show up as to watch, so COP had no avenue to claim ganks. LOLOLOLOL!!!!!

We have definetly found someone more of a dumbass, as it pertains to game matters, than Pain. Congrats Mecry..for being the dumbest ass in the game and for being the ultimate coward in front of your guildies. *applause* :loser:

Congrats to Timmy , who was as professional in his demeanor, as he was with his dispatching of all COP comers.

Horrid PvPers..simply horrid. And now everyone knows it with no doubt.

Widow Maker

Slightly Crazed
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Stratics Legend
Update: All competetion crushed. COP sulking in Tram and TC. Refuses to come to Fel. Nothing to report.


Stratics Veteran
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Anyway... Sonoma PvP thread is Dead.. but I'm off to dinner with the wife & saw Calisto Talking trash as usual & it made me laugh.

Calisto: "Cop doesn't come out without 20 people & 3 guilds helping them etc..."


This right here is what happened to me the last time I caught Snake scouting & flagged him...

Solid Snake.."Fight ME!"

*Begin DEAD thread again *

Widow Maker

Slightly Crazed
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
How completely odd...the last time I saw you, you layed down, died to me yet again, I looted all your stuff, we laughed at you in Vent and the entire shard heard you whine for an hour. :gee:

Yep..that is pretty much how it went.

We are way to accustomed to that routine from COP and the horrids you have tried to get to come save your worthless hides.

That is what you get for having players like Mecry in your guild... he has rubbed off on you and you play worse (whine more) just by being around players like that.



Stratics Veteran
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LoL Widow... Before you talk anymore trash you should just ask your guildmates who'd win a fight between us lol..... I'm pretty sure Hugo or even Stewie would be honest enough to tell you that you'd die badly....


I'm going to bet that when they publish the shame / arena stuff you won't be in the arena.

PS... You gotta admit Snake... that Vid is your IDEAL PvP style lol....

Lord Hunter

Babbling Loonie
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Your all boring. Whos killing who now adays? Im on 5 nights a week hunting and I have not seen anyone for months. What gives?


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Define "night" Hunter..... I'm pretty much never on primetime, but outside those hours say your looking for a fight in Gen Chat or go do a primary spawn (not t2a lol) & I'll probably find you. Other than that Waka is pretty much at ZERO activity on Sonoma for 99% of the time. That's what you get when your strategy is fielding a sub-par offshard zerg. You either have EVERYONE in vent on one shard or your not there at all. I hear they fielded like 8 last night for 1 raid, but I was logged on 1 hour later at 11pm & even asking for a fight in Gen chat couldln't get anything from Waka.. Hopefully the next publish will pull some people into shame. I figure I'll either get fights in Shame out of it or the ability to farm the prime monsters there as I like ... heh

Widow Maker

Slightly Crazed
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Don't get all teary eyed Peon. WAKA is always on but hearing a challenge from you is like hearing a challenge from Mecry..everyone just laughs and continues on with what they are doing.

Sorry little guy..you are just too easy to kill unless you get on your dog / bestial suit and run away. Hell..I never even play my old dog character..far to easy and gimp for my tastes.

But then...you never did have any taste anyways..look who you hang out with :)



This sucks...ive been working on my suit and template practicing my spells and there hasnt been a soul around since ive been back, thats yew gate at prime time btw.

I know i normally just get ganked but thats better than standing around dueling wandering healers...

Orgional Farimir

Lore Keeper
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This sucks...ive been working on my suit and template practicing my spells and there hasnt been a soul around since ive been back, thats yew gate at prime time btw.

I know i normally just get ganked but thats better than standing around dueling wandering healers...
PvP on Sonoma has died about 2 years ago. Now if you when a fight on Sonoma it is like cheating to beat your 5 year old kid at chess.



This sucks...ive been working on my suit and template practicing my spells and there hasnt been a soul around since ive been back, thats yew gate at prime time btw.

I know i normally just get ganked but thats better than standing around dueling wandering healers...
I'll gladly help you practice your mage spells. I'm usually around in the evenings a few nights a week. You can reach me at ICQ 164-713-755 or ask for Timmy in Gen chat, and If I'm online my guildmates will let you know.

This invitation is extended to anyone, not just Plague.


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Widow Said:
Don't get all teary eyed Peon. WAKA is always on but hearing a challenge from you is like hearing a challenge from Mecry..everyone just laughs and continues on with what they are doing.
A challenge from me?? lol... You mean me praying there's 1 person on the shard actually online to fight & simply saying something like "Hey... ! Any oranges to fight...? I'm in YEW!"
I do that pretty much EVERY time I'm borred & looking around... of course I've only had 1-2 of your "Baddies" ever show up... Dam, heh I'm blanking on his name but it was a BAD mage in both instances. Though Darth Vader has showed up a few times. Anyway Snake, pub 73 will be out Thurs so I'll either get people to kill in Shame or it all to myself / COPS to farm. Good either way. I'm still betting your not going to do any arena fighting lol.

PS... log off Skyrim & play UO so I can kill you!


The Grandest of the PooBah’s
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you know what i find funny?

i think its funny when 2 groups of fel players meet up in tram and the **** talk starts.

on a side note, good to see some people in shame, both facets.

i was able to dust off a couple of my reds and collect a little bit of dungeon tax last night, haha!


Just wanted to make sure everyone is aware that the new Arena system allows enemy factions to fight each other without going into stat or losing points. (only while in the arena of course):danceb:

So go ahead and call out your arch rival and duke it out !
