ask 1000 people who used to play UO the major problems with it, and one of the top 3 responses is the cheating. just look at the discussion on the steam greenlight page if its still there.
"Im an old school UO player and agree with what people are saying. Regardless,if UO was on Steam, I would play it. I think the biggest problem with the game now is it just doesn't have a player base, which Steam would definitely bring to it."
"have a killer account that i have left behind but im not worried about it... its time to just move on..."
"Actually I don't expect UO to be a F2P game, but it's too expensive. Many UO players now don't have time to play everyday. However, we still have to pay for it everyday. Now we have a lot of choice. I myself have PS4. Most of my PS4 games only have to pay once. Of course, PSN Plus is not free, but it's relatively cheep. Therefore, I think uo need to change its strategy.."
"Two years and no interaction with the community. What a great company"
"Current servers are unplayable from any new players (except if you join immediately a guild and they will give you all you need)..because over-itemization and inflated economy (due wrong design decisions in the past years) killed this balance.
A world where everyone will start from scratch, new players can craft and trade low-level things and enjoy all dungeons, will be a blasting experience. Nowdays all dungeons are empty on official servers now except the high levels - and it's pointless to farm on lower ones, the loot you get is totally trash and doesn't worth a thing to existing players."
"In Turkey, this game left its place to private servers because of the monthly subscription. "
"Its still a fun game but compared to all those others out there it is NOT worth the monthly fee."
"Hope fully Ultima Online maybe change subscription model to 1 paid time price. It sure Ultima online have a great for ever time, if game remove subscription I dare to pay 69-89$ for great game like this !"
"I wish I could play this again with my friends, but not going for a subscription model!"
"Pre-Tram this game was awesome. It's on life support now and is neglected."
"This game doesn't need to be "resurect"ed as it's still going. It's just been turned into crap that has no reseblance of the eras people remember, and "BS Games" is just a downsized downsized EA "
"If this game went F2P then I think it would see a big revival and a return of many of its previous players while also attracting the next generation of MMO lovers."
Ope, i'm on page 11 and not one mention of cheating being the issue here.... Just for ****s and giggles i'll go all the way to page 99 and see how many times cheating is brought up. Personally I think you live in an echo chamber and those 5 people you think should be banned, I question how many of those are in direct competition with you and your friends activities on other forums.