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So how did you find out about these new events?

UO Relic

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Ok spent the weekend off/on playing UO stopped by the funky dressed guy at Luna bank and kept asking him news and always heard I have no news for you.

Now the weekends over and I am reading about some easter hunt items (named carrots and such) and Alice quest.

Starting to think that stratics is useless and the town criers are not being updated, so where/how are you getting your up-to-date info nowadays for UO?

Starting to be even more disillusioned with where this game is headed lately, if it keeps headed down this road I wont bother paying to play anymore, sad to say for a 10yr vet


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well for one there always seem to be events based on real world major holidays, so expect that there is one on like halloween, easter, christmas, thanksgiving etc.

also theres a subforum on stratics called

Event Moderator's Discussion Forum

em events are posted there


Babbling Loonie
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
UO Relic said:
...Starting to think that stratics is useless...
Obviously someone missed the announcement(s) that Sara of Baja so diligently posted.

Amber Witch

Babbling Loonie
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You missed the 4 news posts by Sara!! I have an extra Easter Basket if you would like one.

Sara Of Baja

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One of the easiest ways to find out about new events posted by EM Seppo and EM Crysania is go to their website, goldenbrewtavern.com, on the top right of their page click on Subscribe, then subscribe to their newsfeed ... you will receive email notification when they post something new on their site.


Slightly Crazed
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Asking for News from the Town Crier seemed to work just fine on Easter, not to mention there were lots of people talking about it on General Chat.

And it was all over Stratics.

Sad to hear that a 10 year old Vet still has hangups about this game not working properly though.


Grand Poobah
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It's actually kinda tough to miss events now, it used to be that there would be no warning, just the EM would show up in brit, there might be a cryer update or a shardwide announce and if you were ingame or on someone's icq list then you'd know to go. Otherwise you'd find out later you missed out. Now we have lots of different resources. If you're waiting on someone to come to your real life house, knock on the door, and hand you a golden engraved invitation then unfortunately that isn't one of them yet. Bookmark the GBT website and the EM forum and keep tabs if you don't want an email update. Saturday nights seem pretty regular for events I think.

UO Relic

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Well I can verify that the news criers announced nothing Fri, Sat or Sun as I checked the guy at Luna multiple times over the weekend as I wondered if there would be an event since it was a holiday, and no you cant assume there will always be an event just cause its a holiday as any vet will tell you there are not always events as some misguided poster claimed.

Stratics had nothing posted on Friday by 4pm and ok I guess I could have kept checking it over the weekend but looking at Sara's post I can see she did post on Sat for a Sun event, so thank you Sara :) but couldnt there have been more notice than that? This is not meant as a knock against either Sara or the EM's, I just mean if they went to the point of setting up some new areas as I assume they did from the posts for going down the rabbit hole then this wasnt something that was thrown together at the last minute so it could have been anounced a little sooner I would have hoped. For example the RP event had more than a weeks notice

To be honest I didnt even know the EM's had a new forum, I have UOHall, Baja and some of the trader forums bookmarked and usually just view those now, dont have the time or patience to troll all the forums anymore. As any reader of stratics forums can attest just about any question asked will have maybe 1 good answer and multiple idiots that are just uping their post numbers by not answering the question but just putting in garbage responses which then causes forever to load the post to look through and see the same a$$holes posting stupidly which is one of my major pet peeves with Stratics nowadays, hell I have a fiber line at work and T1 at home and still stratics posts can take forever to load. A couple of years ago I could view all the forums, answer posts and be off in less than 1 hour, now UOHall runs like molasses going uphill and I completely bypass most of the forums now

Did a few champ spawns with 1 major guild on Sat and did a Doom Guantlet run on Sun for a few hours with another major guild and never heard a peep about any events so I wouldnt say that it was well known to many that an event happened this weekend. Thanks for the post about the Golden Brew Tavern website had heard a few people talking about GBT but had wrongly assumed that the lady who used to run that actual in game tavern had returned to UO not that it was a website for the EM's now, so I will look for updates there.

Since I am probably going to be slammed for my comments anyhow lets just say while its nice that they add new content to the game the way that information is doled out on how to use any new feature is horrible, when the game used to be upgraded you would get a book with the game briefly explaining new spells, skills, features that are being brought in but now its just shoved into game and then were supposed to find the post from other players explaining how to use or play from what they have figured out. And the search feature here on stratics is . . . well lets not even open that can of worms shall we. So for a 10yr vet who has fought damn near everything in game and explored as much as I can find to do its nice when an event happens for something new to explore or a new monster to fight which is why its so annoying to miss them

UO Relic

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General Chat you say hehehe now there is another feature shoved into game with no information on how to use it, got annoyed with all the messages scrolling on the screen never could figure out how to enter/send a message so I spent 1/2hr to finally figure out how to shut it off and did so on all my chars on all 4 accounts


Well, one of the ladies that used to run (let's say I was there when it was founded and helped out a lot, but Ursula ran it!) the Golden Brew Tavern HAS returned, and we do have a new Golden Brew, and yes, I am the proprietor. :) Kita Talith, at your service!

However, long before that happened, the EM's website was established with that website address. Which, while not the entire reason, is very much one of the reasons why we (me and a few other Golden players so far) came back... we found the site, kept seeing things going on and decided to come check it out! And we got pulled right back in, because UO is home for us. :)

Soooo, do put that site on your list. If you play on Baja, it's going to be the first place you'll find stuff about EM events. :)


Seasoned Veteran
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In olden days of yore, the "EMs" as we would have called them, gave no notice of events of any kind.

I was in the woods outside of Empath Abbey in 1998 when a wisp came up to me and I said hello, thinking I was talking to myself and some pixels.

The wisp spoke back and we had a very long conversation about life, lore, and legend. That was how events happened.

Version 2.0 was typically word of mouth and Brit-only bank spamming immediately prior to the event. The process has evolved by leaps and bounds and continues to improve. Thanks for your patience while evolution occurs. :)


Slightly Crazed
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The Town Crier worked fine on Saturday and Sunday. I don't know about the one in Luna, since I don't go to Luna, but the one in West Brit Bank worked and they're all linked unless the one in Luna is specifically broken. Wouldn't be too hard to test that out.

You say you did some spawns with one major guild and then a doom run with another major guild. Do all of you in these major guilds have General Chat turned off?

You also claim that Stratics takes forever to load. Well, I can tell you I have nowhere near your connection, and Stratics loads up for me instantly. I won't tell you how to keep your computer and browser clean, since you're obviously already an expert.

You also claim that questions placed on Stratics usually give you one decent answer and a lot of posts made by those who just wish to increase their post count.

...So are you suggesting that it's still somehow everyone else's fault that you still didn't ask?

...Is it our fault that you turned off General Chat, and no one around you had it on either?

I know for a fact that the Town Crier worked just fine in West Bank, I saw it myself multiple times, throughout the day.

I'm sorry you missed the events, but ranting about it on Stratics and trying to make everyone feel guilty about it doesn't help anyone. Look at the tone of your post and your repeated claims about being a 10 year old Vet, and tell me that it doesn't come off as hostile; against Sara, who's the best damn reporter we've had in a while and works her socks off, against the EMs who craft events to the best of their abilities with usually zero thanks, and against the folks of Baja who made sure this time around to let people know in General Chat that something was going on. There's been numerous changes to the system to help everyone out and thanks, not rants, are needed for the improvements.

What more do you want? For us to hand deliver these events to YOU?

Posts like yours are why I wouldn't want to read Stratics anymore.

Ceno of MT

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I check Stratics about 20 times a day...

And, as a News Reporter who was taught by my big sis (Sara of Baja) I can tell you that if there is a post on GBT website, within MINUTES of it being posted, it will also be posted here. She receives the news feed and will post it as they come in.

Personally I had a little contest with her (she didnt know it though) that I would try to beat her to post any EM news...I would check every half hour for new posts on GBT...she still posted more than me...
*glares at big sis*

UO Relic

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Sara if you feel that I have slammed you or complained about your fantastic work then I do apologize as that was never my intent. :thumbup1:
We have met and chatted in game many times and I have never had any issues with you

SuperKen shut the hell up and go back to killing me when I venture into Fel , the tone of your posts are more argumentative than mine but then again we have never liked each other ingame so why should it be any different on these boards.

Oh and yes most of us do have General chat turned off, with party chat , allaince chat, UOAM chat and Ventrilo I felt I had enough to listen to and yes thats my choice and no I dont need everyone to hold my hand - do you? So brits crier worked and luna's didnt and you feel this is my fault for not checking more cities gaaaaahhh now im starting to whine like you Superken. Well I asked for a decent info site and i got that info for goldenbrew tavern website since that was all I was after time for me to sign off before I make anymore rants or make Superken :sad3:

Sara Of Baja

Stratics Veteran
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Sara if you feel that I have ...
No offense taken -- No apologies necessary. :)
I, too, have an extra Easter Basket, so if you haven't gotten one of those, PM me and I'll either give you that one or help you through the quest to get one.


Babbling Loonie
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Hi Relic... Sorry you missed it all. I missed most but was for RL reasons, but I have a few baskets. Let me know I'l give you a few.


Slightly Crazed
Stratics Veteran
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Heck, if it means anything, I have baskets too UO Relic. If you want 'em, let me know.

But only after I'm done drying my tears. =]


Seasoned Veteran
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I have 2 carrots and will share one with you, for I too had some problems this year trying to make it to events....I checked the website but didn't they go posting a mere hour after i last checked? (and screw anyone who thinks I should be checking every hour on the hour! Get a life!)

Thank god people actually used general chat this time around...too bad it wasn't for the big rewards like those trees and goblin paints...think I'll be angry about that one for years.

Needless to say, yes hun don't use the stratics calendar, and look carefully thru all the posts about role play stories, etc. to find event listings (read past the opening line too). Use the em website, but that's a hit or miss.

Finding sara's posts are your best bet. PM me about da carrot.