Well I can verify that the news criers announced nothing Fri, Sat or Sun as I checked the guy at Luna multiple times over the weekend as I wondered if there would be an event since it was a holiday, and no you cant assume there will always be an event just cause its a holiday as any vet will tell you there are not always events as some misguided poster claimed.
Stratics had nothing posted on Friday by 4pm and ok I guess I could have kept checking it over the weekend but looking at Sara's post I can see she did post on Sat for a Sun event, so thank you Sara
but couldnt there have been more notice than that? This is not meant as a knock against either Sara or the EM's, I just mean if they went to the point of setting up some new areas as I assume they did from the posts for going down the rabbit hole then this wasnt something that was thrown together at the last minute so it could have been anounced a little sooner I would have hoped. For example the RP event had more than a weeks notice
To be honest I didnt even know the EM's had a new forum, I have UOHall, Baja and some of the trader forums bookmarked and usually just view those now, dont have the time or patience to troll all the forums anymore. As any reader of stratics forums can attest just about any question asked will have maybe 1 good answer and multiple idiots that are just uping their post numbers by not answering the question but just putting in garbage responses which then causes forever to load the post to look through and see the same a$$holes posting stupidly which is one of my major pet peeves with Stratics nowadays, hell I have a fiber line at work and T1 at home and still stratics posts can take forever to load. A couple of years ago I could view all the forums, answer posts and be off in less than 1 hour, now UOHall runs like molasses going uphill and I completely bypass most of the forums now
Did a few champ spawns with 1 major guild on Sat and did a Doom Guantlet run on Sun for a few hours with another major guild and never heard a peep about any events so I wouldnt say that it was well known to many that an event happened this weekend. Thanks for the post about the Golden Brew Tavern website had heard a few people talking about GBT but had wrongly assumed that the lady who used to run that actual in game tavern had returned to UO not that it was a website for the EM's now, so I will look for updates there.
Since I am probably going to be slammed for my comments anyhow lets just say while its nice that they add new content to the game the way that information is doled out on how to use any new feature is horrible, when the game used to be upgraded you would get a book with the game briefly explaining new spells, skills, features that are being brought in but now its just shoved into game and then were supposed to find the post from other players explaining how to use or play from what they have figured out. And the search feature here on stratics is . . . well lets not even open that can of worms shall we. So for a 10yr vet who has fought damn near everything in game and explored as much as I can find to do its nice when an event happens for something new to explore or a new monster to fight which is why its so annoying to miss them