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So EA Put in a punkbuster type system?



Hmmm, interesting sweetheart I never mention once the word *Hack* in my post. So go back and get some oxygen before you keel over...

Anyway your flame is quite null. I believe we would be laughing at you now because you totally proved the child in you can not read at all!

Amazing that the point I was trying to make is that no matter which way you look at it UOAssist is a 3rd party program as well. So I just dont see the difference. It enhances game play just like your so called *illegal programs*
Having a program on which you click play and then just wait till you have legendary tailoring/smithing/Gm fletching etc. is bit different from assist mate.

Or having a program on which you click play and it mines 24h straight for you.


Amazing that the point I was trying to make is that no matter which way you look at it UOAssist is a 3rd party program as well. So I just dont see the difference. It enhances game play just like your so called *illegal programs*
The difference is that UOA has limits on what it can and can't do set by EA. None of the other programs have such limitations, and break multiple rules in the ToS in their functionality.


stranger diamond
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Yet if you only combine UOA with a god macro program... it's not that hard... then just plugin your UO chat into your mobile phone... voila, you can even answer GMs that come bother you !

Someone came and said this earlier, but didn't get any kind of warning... I tought it was kinda stupid, and nowadays, I would ban those people. Of course it's easy to debunk them, just ask them what they see on the screen. D'oh...

But GMs in uo these days have an uncanny way of sounding like they never even played the game.


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Well let me know if the cheaters are actually being removed from the game.

Otherwise I'll just consider this EA's usual mouth service and my accounts will remain closed.


The ToA seems pretty specific that 3rd party programs cannot interact with UO at all right? So since UOAssist is 'legal' to use, all you need is a macro program that will interact with UOAssist and NOT UO at all. In that case, it would be legal huh? As long as the extra program does NOT interact with UO. So, having a program to press play on macros in UOAssist, would not be against the rules?

Perplexing huh?


Grand Poobah
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
So I might as well ask the question...

How can we be sure this is an actual system to catch hackers? Is there any confirmation?

Mad Tamer

Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I have played UO on and off for umpteen thousand years... I remember house keys for houses and 8 hour red too blue counts I could kill a few people daily lol...I quit playing UO a year ago when the dexer pvpers really cranked their speedhack up to ridiculous light speed soo I lost my one true enjoyment in the game PVP... Before I quit because the speed hackers I quit because of the stupid auto para hit stuff that was going on a while back! Anyone else remember that BS!! That really drove my insane I felt like it took them forever to fix... I need conformation that the speed hackers are gone before I come back to UO... I really could care less about the scriptwriters because I see that as the only victim is the economy and with the speed hackers/hackers they cause grief on every pvper individually... Make you be like WTF (*smashes head off keyboard and rips own hair out*) how did he cast flame strike fall behind catch back up and dump it on me over and over while I am running in a straight line... I really feel like UO should try to limit the speed of all players and keep everyone on the same speed level lag should not be the main factor in deaths how fair and fun is that... Dude with T1 connection beats the pants off someone on dial up fun game huh...

I just read this

"The thing that makes me sad is that they didn't put SA in shops, why? they have such a low consideration of the product ULTIMA ONLINE?UO can have an old 2D graphic but the pvp is always uberlicious and it's a nasty and interesting game . I am sure it could reach tons of new players who are bored of carebear games.EA give UO a chance? sell it in shops!"

And I totally agree EA should man up and put the extra money into selling the game in shops.. And they should advertise a new cheat free game with fast action pvp thats better than any other around and always has been!!!!

About the tons of extra gold from all the cheaters... They should put in a type gambling system... They need to set the bar high... Like 100k every time you double click a guild stone(a spin on a slot machine)... And 50K of it perma gets taken outta the game and 50K goes into the POOL of gold... This will make it fun for people trying to win the POT and also make UO happy they got rid of billions of gold quickly... When the POOL hits like 100 mill alot of people will start pumping 100k into the machine at a time hoping to take the pot... BLAM the billions of extra gold from the scripting and gold farming gone! If you want to make the gambling more fun or worth while to do for more than just winning the main pot you could make it soo sometimes you win like 50 hides for your 100k or maybe ingots ya know... I am off to fully investigate if all the speed hackers are gone I don't see why EA wouldn't want to brag about something this awesome... I hope to see all of you in the wonderful world of UO!

P.S I am prolly never gonna read your response's soo target me and trash talk me all you like cuz I am never gonna see it nor do I care that much what you think about me or what I write...


Im going to throw im my 2 cents. Might not mean much, but I was a programmer, and personally I feel that there is nothing wrong with scripting or third party programs to make things in game easier "AS LONG AS IT DOES NOT GIVE YOU AN UNFAIR ADVANTAGE AGAINST OTHER PLAYERS"

By this i mean, I see no problem with a third party program that allows you to inventory your house. I see no problem with a person scripting tedious mundane actions that would lead to carpal tunnel syndrome. I see no problem with Autolooting or Opening up the corpses of your kills for you. These are features EA should build into both clients, not just the enhanced. Because I CAN NOT PLAY the Enhanced client. It physically makes me ill. Something to do with all those years on steel decks in the Navy. It messes with my equillibrium. I didn't get sea sick when out to sea, but since then I can not play 3d games.

There are problems with scripting and speed hacks in PvP. No doubt. There are problems with scripters being able to place houses before normal people.

The problem with fixing this is simply it would place an undue strain on the game servers, and Mythic is not going to put the money into upgrading the servers, when in their opinion, the cost is going to eat into their bottom line. Therefore, not worth it.

This game is almost 14 years old now. Cheaters and exploiters have always been a part of the game. And for the most part we have lived with it. Mythic knows this, and unless they can come up with cheap fixes, or catch blatant cheating like the duping issues that was going on several years back, they will tend to turn a blind eye to it. I have learned that Power Scrolls are for the most part gathered by those with the best scripts, and that I am going to have to pay for them. I have also figured out that I dont stand a snowballs chance in Hades of getting runic's so I have stopped trying. I buy them.

The average age of players has gone up. It used to be a bunch of 15-16 years old running the hacks. Now it is the older players that figure thats the only way to get ahead in game. along with the now 20 somethings that get the hacks.

Alot of the griefers have moved on to WoW or other games. The smart players learned to stay out of Fel unless willing to deal with the speed hacks. I feel that just like there are neighborhoods you dont go into unless you want to get jacked, Fel is those neighborhoods. Stop complainng, and don't let others mess with your game. ITS YOUR GAME. Either adjust or get out. Don't expect the Po Po to come make things right. It aint going to happen. Just stay in your neighborhood, or go buy a gun.

Mook Chessy

Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
To all the crazy people that think UO will stop hackers! STOP IT!!

They could care less, it is about $$$ to them period!

As a 12 year + vet I would say that at least 20% of the people use a script

PVP, Loot, IDOC and dont forget all of those crafters out there!!!

I cannot think of any business that could lose 20% of its clients and stay profitable!!

Numbers games people.

The funny thing is that if it really mad you that mad you would quit, does a sane person pay for and invest silly amounts of time in something they don't enjoy?????

The fact is your/I'm addicted to this game and we will play it until they pull the plug regardless of how many people cheat!!


To all the crazy people that think UO will stop hackers! STOP IT!!

They could care less, it is about $$$ to them period!

As a 12 year + vet I would say that at least 20% of the people use a script

PVP, Loot, IDOC and dont forget all of those crafters out there!!!

I cannot think of any business that could lose 20% of its clients and stay profitable!!

Numbers games people.

The funny thing is that if it really mad you that mad you would quit, does a sane person pay for and invest silly amounts of time in something they don't enjoy?????

The fact is your/I'm addicted to this game and we will play it until they pull the plug regardless of how many people cheat!!
Im addicted.
But you miss an important points. Hacking, scripting, and exploiting has nothing to do with profit makers or pvpers. They use whats available.

If you had a game that could not be hacked, exploited or scripted... You would not lose business. Your logic is a bit flawed. Here is why...

Your suggesting stopping these things cause players to quit. Or if they are banned you end up losing some player base. Banned players return currently when caught.

Profit is made in UO if you script or gain in normal game play. I used to sell on ebay. I'd sell what I would get. Sold gold sometimes when you got $20 per million. Normal play.

You see where I am headed. Normal game play netted me $20 for a million. Now you buy gold $1 per million. Scripting and exploiting only drives down selling price, it doesnt create the business. They dont care if they get $20 per million or $20 per 20 million. Its business. Scripting and hacking etc isnt needed for these companies to stay in business. I think it actually hurts them in the long run. Even dupes, just drive down cost.

If the scripting, exploits and hacks are removed, eventually normal game play becomes profitable. No one is going to leave the game if the game is fixed up.

Actually more will return... PvP will be even. Selling items will be even. Or close to it. Banned players will come back on a different account.

The key is a level playing field. "okay if I script I get caught" to "how can I get items to sell without scripting"

1. Normal game play.
2. Buy items for RL cash and resell them higher for RL cash.
3. Script on a dead account and lose nothing when caught.

I don't know... I dont understand why people think profit players would quit if scripting ends or once banned they would never come back. It doesnt happen.


You are right. It all comes down to how much it would cost EA/Mythic to develop and institute detection tools. And then there is the servers that would need to be upgraded to handle the throttling/extra load. Licensing for punkbuster probably isnt cheap.

When you find that scripter, guess what. He get's banned, then simply creates another account. I know two personally that have been banned for cheating and are back in game. I know one that even broadcasts it in his Guild title.

This is Gotham City, and there aint no superhero coming to your rescue. It happens. Every day. I don't like it any more than the next guy. But bottom line is, Mythic's way of dealing with it is simply to open up new lands for drops and arties. Instead of fixing the bugs and problems in the system, expand it. It's cheaper. It's fluff. It aint going to change.


Grand Poobah
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Would they really be silly enough to lose a large portion of their playerbase by banning scripters?
Hopefully , yes.

They will gain a bunch of players that can't currently stomach the cheaters, and our Beloved Game will be far better, in the long run.

I am betting that the benefit will outweigh any adversity that would be caused by Cheaters leaving.

I can just imagine an IRS meeting going something like this...

IRS Agent:
"Hey Mr. Director...we have a bunch of Terrorist and Organized Crime folks paying Taxes...lots of taxes...should we let them keep paying, or bust them for the Illegal Activities that they pay the taxes with?"

IRS Director:
"Hmmmm...gosh...tough one there, eh? Do we lose ALL that Tax Revenue? Or do we enforce the current laws? Wow...I am going to have to sleep on that one..."

LOL. You folks that think that cheating should be tolerated for whatever reason are simply amazing.

I am definitely with the contingent that believes all Cheaters should be Perma Banned.

Hell.../Signed Again!!


Im addicted.
But you miss an important points. Hacking, scripting, and exploiting has nothing to do with profit makers or pvpers. They use whats available.

If you had a game that could not be hacked, exploited or scripted... You would not lose business. Your logic is a bit flawed. Here is why...

Your suggesting stopping these things cause players to quit. Or if they are banned you end up losing some player base. Banned players return currently when caught.

Profit is made in UO if you script or gain in normal game play. I used to sell on ebay. I'd sell what I would get. Sold gold sometimes when you got $20 per million. Normal play.

You see where I am headed. Normal game play netted me $20 for a million. Now you buy gold $1 per million. Scripting and exploiting only drives down selling price, it doesnt create the business. They dont care if they get $20 per million or $20 per 20 million. Its business. Scripting and hacking etc isnt needed for these companies to stay in business. I think it actually hurts them in the long run. Even dupes, just drive down cost.

If the scripting, exploits and hacks are removed, eventually normal game play becomes profitable. No one is going to leave the game if the game is fixed up.

Actually more will return... PvP will be even. Selling items will be even. Or close to it. Banned players will come back on a different account.

The key is a level playing field. "okay if I script I get caught" to "how can I get items to sell without scripting"

1. Normal game play.
2. Buy items for RL cash and resell them higher for RL cash.
3. Script on a dead account and lose nothing when caught.

I don't know... I dont understand why people think profit players would quit if scripting ends or once banned they would never come back. It doesnt happen.
You Kindof forgot some very important factors.
1)Back in the days it took a very long time to aquire 500k gold let alone 1mil gold.
2)Many Gold dupes which were a problem with the code increased the availabilty of gold 10000x %.
3)Gold doesn't easily leave it just exchange hands.
4)Back then UO didn't have much competition.
5)Back then UO graphics was only a few yeasr old and catered to the players who enjoy content and remmebr ultima series. These days the younger generation is only interested in High graphics. I can't even get anybody to play for more than a day.
6)Ebay allowed easy transactions after ebay banned all virtual wares UO market slowed to a crawl.
7)Making 100's of million generated by the current system through normal playing is pretty easy for anybody who is a vet compared to the old days.
8) No new players coming in and they wont. They don't know anything about cheating,scripts,market. They only know the game is old.
9)No shelf present most likely not enough sales to justify the the cost.
10) Returning vets left for more reasons than just other people cheating. They left cause it got dull,better things,loss of income,They get all there pvp fun in freeshards " How can you compete with free?" Nerfs and a variety of other reasons way too numerous.
11)If the players playing now haven't left yet then theres a good chance they won't.
Finaly reality is we are standing on balcony and a couple of pushes and nudges will make us fall to our shards death. Reduction first then that will accelerate the players that leave cause there homes are gone and then finaly closing.
Whatever they do if they do anything they must be as careful as walking in a mindfield.

Now in calculation these factors must be included in a overall view.


You Kindof forgot some very important factors.
1)Back in the days it took a very long time to aquire 500k gold let alone 1mil gold.
2)Many Gold dupes which were a problem with the code increased the availabilty of gold 10000x %.
3)Gold doesn't easily leave it just exchange hands.
4)Back then UO didn't have much competition.
5)Back then UO graphics was only a few yeasr old and catered to the players who enjoy content and remmebr ultima series. These days the younger generation is only interested in High graphics. I can't even get anybody to play for more than a day.
6)Ebay allowed easy transactions after ebay banned all virtual wares UO market slowed to a crawl.
7)Making 100's of million generated by the current system through normal playing is pretty easy for anybody who is a vet compared to the old days.
8) No new players coming in and they wont. They don't know anything about cheating,scripts,market. They only know the game is old.
9)No shelf present most likely not enough sales to justify the the cost.
10) Returning vets left for more reasons than just other people cheating. They left cause it got dull,better things,loss of income,They get all there pvp fun in freeshards " How can you compete with free?" Nerfs and a variety of other reasons way too numerous.
11)If the players playing now haven't left yet then theres a good chance they won't.
Finaly reality is we are standing on balcony and a couple of pushes and nudges will make us fall to our shards death. Reduction first then that will accelerate the players that leave cause there homes are gone and then finaly closing.
Whatever they do if they do anything they must be as careful as walking in a mindfield.

Now in calculation these factors must be included in a overall view.
I agree with all of those.
What I am saying is its the opportunity to make a profit and get the upper hand that scripting is used. And if they werent available, other ways to make profit would come into play.

Like using up all the stored items that have been made. And honestly those prices would go up. It not about ease of getting or quantity its solely about profit.

A PvPer that can cheat, might quit. But for every one of them, 1 comes back. Those that use scripts would adapt differently.

It like when an artie comes that powerful. Eventually everyone has one and its pointless. They adapt.

Im just saying fixing scripting and all that doesn't jeopordize profit for EA. More banning might even help them.


Rares Fest Host | Ches Jul 2010
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
To all the crazy people that think UO will stop hackers! STOP IT!!

They could care less, it is about $$$ to them period!

As a 12 year + vet I would say that at least 20% of the people use a script

PVP, Loot, IDOC and dont forget all of those crafters out there!!!

I cannot think of any business that could lose 20% of its clients and stay profitable!!

Numbers games people.

The funny thing is that if it really mad you that mad you would quit, does a sane person pay for and invest silly amounts of time in something they don't enjoy?????

The fact is your/I'm addicted to this game and we will play it until they pull the plug regardless of how many people cheat!!
id say closer to 80% of the people use scripts


I agree with all of those.
What I am saying is its the opportunity to make a profit and get the upper hand that scripting is used. And if they werent available, other ways to make profit would come into play.

Like using up all the stored items that have been made. And honestly those prices would go up. It not about ease of getting or quantity its solely about profit.

A PvPer that can cheat, might quit. But for every one of them, 1 comes back. Those that use scripts would adapt differently.

It like when an artie comes that powerful. Eventually everyone has one and its pointless. They adapt.

Im just saying fixing scripting and all that doesn't jeopordize profit for EA. More banning might even help them.
I understand your view point and it's very optimistic. Though am the opposite more pessimism. I believe for every 10 cheating pvp might quit only 1 might come back cause all this time they must be somewhere they like better and made more friends or whatever there.
And banning will only lose those who have alot in that account. If that account was pretty empty in the first place then they will be back.
Though if scripting was eliminated almost all of those will leave. I know many say good but income is income and I learned to adapt to the competition.

Besides am not one to condem them all as I have alot of good friends that role play with me and do alot of community type events that script. You be surprise how many people there are. Most that do won't say a word if they suspect you are against it. But because there are so many and they got used to it so much that if they werent able to do it they would just quit.
One thing though I don't know many or any that script in pvp maybe they wont tell me but I havent known anybody though I never bothered to ask.

Either way I do hope it's true that more players would return than leave but there is so much against that and the odds look alot favorable to more players leaving than returning.
Maybe we should find a way to get new players to play the game. Though other than updating the graphics and fighting to a 1st person or over the shoulder view with smooth movements that even trowing distance can be judge accurately as well as hiding behind trees and rocks to avoid spells and damage making the world more interactive so other than that I would have no idea how to make new players want to play UO.


The way i look at it is this way. I bust my as* every week mining 5-10 hours a day consistantly to provide my shop with around 50-100k of iron ingots and some gems a week. Most ingots & Gems i try to buy for low, and then sell high. Some weeks I break even, others i do not.
Sorry, but that sounds too much like a JOB to me, and not a game and a way to have fun...

Just one person's opinion though.


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I honestly don't think PvP would be that hurt if scripting/hacking was stopped. How many pvpers openly admit that they cheat? 1 out of 5? 10? 20? I'm sure a large percantage of pvpers do cheat but mainly do so to keep up with whats occuring arround them. If 8 out of 10 pvpers are cheating those other two honest players are either going to live with never winning a fight or learning how to cheat themselves. If cheating/hacking was erradicated or atleast drastically reduced I'm sure the majority of players would be fine with out 3rd party programs. They wouldn't need it to contend with the majority of the pvp player base. I would imagine even the uo economy would fall under the same catagory.

We have seen what happens to the players base of this game with 10+ years of cheating/hacking. I'd like to see what would happen over the next 10 years without.

Lord Gabriel

Everyone will moan when 60k of boards cost 5m though.
The people that actually enjoy playing legit farming characters will not moan, just the people having to pay that extra for the gatherers hard work will. I am all for this in case it wasn`t apparent hehe. I just want to have fun playing a game not going around watching people make hundreds of millions just for breaking the rules.


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
We have seen what happens to the players base of this game with 10+ years of cheating/hacking.
That statement tells you all you really need to know. This is EA, a corporation. If it is profitable to do something, they would do it. Hence the official stance it is our priority to get rid of scriptors and hackers, but really nothing has been done in the last 10+ years.

JC the Builder

Crazed Zealot
Stratics Veteran
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Campaign Benefactor
A Punkbuster process has suddenly appeared. Someone mentioned in Ventrillo tonight they saw it in their process list. I just checked mine and it is there (PnkBstrA.exe). I don't have any Punkbuster enabled games installed.


Grand Poobah
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
A Punkbuster process has suddenly appeared. Someone mentioned in Ventrillo tonight they saw it in their process list. I just checked mine and it is there (PnkBstrA.exe). I don't have any Punkbuster enabled games installed.
Really? I will take a look next time I log in and see.


Grand Poobah
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Ok, just checked. Don't see anything as such in my process list.


Grand Poobah
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Which client were you using when you saw it? I'm on the 2D client.


Don´t have anything like that in my process list either. I do, however, have incoming connections that weren´t there before when I start UO. I don´t know what they are for and the game works when they are blocked.


I really wish this was true the whole idea of punkbuster. Yet I still prepare for the worst that shaddy, lazy, newbie, punk, cheat, hacking, scripting, inconsiderate people will not go away. They will simply find more loopholes and ways to slither their way back to doing it. It's really great to see all the good positive people who still play that want rid of the ________.

It's hard to fight the people that tell me too script, speedhack , or edit client. But I always seem to muster up the virtues to do what is right. I still have faith that this game, I pay for, will pull through for me and the many people that dont cheat. I have had alot of friends quit because of cheats but never heard of a cheater quiting because the game went back to fair. Why would the scripters quit just because they cant script. They have the advantage for the moment, with their stock pile. I'm sure cheaters will be fine, but with cheaters the innocent will still pay for or wait at idocs for resources. So please ban some more scripters, thanks!


A Punkbuster process has suddenly appeared. Someone mentioned in Ventrillo tonight they saw it in their process list. I just checked mine and it is there (PnkBstrA.exe). I don't have any Punkbuster enabled games installed.
Sounds made up...
"Some people see it, while some don't" combined with the absence of an announcement and the absence of any agreement to PB (license/consent)...