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So EA Put in a punkbuster type system?



Just reading through the clioc.enu file. Its in the new SA part of the patch.

"you have been found running an unauthorized 3rd party program".

Good News? Maybe it is over for scripters?? Enough of the over ammount of items ingame? Prices will Rise? good for me! ;)

Black Sun

Grand Poobah
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Which client? Someone else reported similar text but it was only found in the files from the SA client.


Which client? Someone else reported similar text but it was only found in the files from the SA client.
This was the text I found
Shame on you for attempting to hack the client!

did naked hack

Super hack initiated...

Hack mover is now on.

Hack mover is now off.

Hack Move
That was me, but it was the 2d client.

From my other post:
Don't get your hopes up too quick on cheat detection.

I did some research on those references to "hack move" and found there was debugging code (or cheat mode in some's eyes) in Ultima 7 called "Hack Mover" that let designers move stuff about live. Perhaps they re-used some of that code in our 2d client. BTW, it was the 2d cliloc.enu I was looking at.


JC the Builder

Crazed Zealot
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Campaign Benefactor
There is also this line in the 2D Classic client:
You have been detected using an unauthorized third party program. Use of this type of program is specifically prohibited by the Ultima Online Rules of Conduct found at: http://www.uoherald.com/support/service.php


18. You will not attempt to interfere with, hack into, or decipher any transmissions to or from the servers running the Ultima Online service.

This action has been logged and noted on your account records. Any repeated use of this unauthorized third party program will result in action being taken against your account including suspension or termination. Please don't use unauthorized programs with Ultima Online.


This is nothing compared to the way they will treat the scripters when they finally come back. Anyone who has misteriously not used their scripting accounts since the release from SA until the scripting program is launched, will be banned.

Black Sun

Grand Poobah
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
This was the text I found
Shame on you for attempting to hack the client!

did naked hack

Super hack initiated...

Hack mover is now on.

Hack mover is now off.

Hack Move
That was me, but it was the 2d client.
My mistake, I thought it was the SA client for some reason.

This is nothing compared to the way they will treat the scripters when they finally come back. Anyone who has misteriously not used their scripting accounts since the release from SA until the scripting program is launched, will be banned.
They better not go blanket banning accounts they think are scripters. Since the SA launch I've spent 99% of my time on my 2ndary account because I'm training imbuing. I log in with my main account once a day just to check vendors. It could very easily be mistaken for someone logging in looking to see if their script program will work or not.


18. You will not attempt to interfere with, hack into, or decipher any transmissions to or from the servers running the Ultima Online service.

If this is what is specific they talking about programs that hack into packets being sent back and forth. Like breaking encryption and deciphing the encryption code with programs. That's more for the more advance programmers-hackers and I don't even think they play UO anymore just make programs. Maybe speedhack programs that alter the packets to and from the client. They usually look at the client code and packet data to make things.

What ya think? Am I way off?


I'm hardly in the know but I would proceed with caution here moving forward.

there was a post by Draconi himself stating that cheating was the next big thing they would look at.

imho one would be foolhardy now to proceed as things were done in the past.

Looks like the time is coming for the Dev's to jump in the dirty end of the pool.

Lord Frodo

Stratics Legend
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Stratics Legend
The people reporting seeing this on thier screen were using te Enhanced client, not the clasic client.


Rares Fest Host | Ches Jul 2010
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
if they're actually going to take action against people using 3rd party programs, a lot of people will quit and get pissed off and those websites that display vendor items in luna will go bye bye, they need to make an official website that displays this


This is nothing compared to the way they will treat the scripters when they finally come back. Anyone who has misteriously not used their scripting accounts since the release from SA until the scripting program is launched, will be banned.

Well like JC the Builder said im in the same boat as him, i opened a new account and been focusing time and nrg on that and then other account checking vendors. I can remember a little ways back with the blanket bannings over the doggy dupe deal , i was banned for buying items, then unbanned what a long process that was!


if they're actually going to take action against people using 3rd party programs, a lot of people will quit and get pissed off and those websites that display vendor items in luna will go bye bye, they need to make an official website that displays this
I can agree with you, the search websites are a god send! Ea needs to incorperate something like this. It is by far one of the best advancements in uo. Now with that being said, i dont agree with using 3rd party programs, but im more than happy to use the website :)


Lore Master
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
To use the websites that uses a 3rd party program?

Theres a reason those websites aren't updating right now.

Shamus Turlough

Lore Master
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Stratics Legend
If this thread further devolves into nothing but discussion over the aforementioned site it will be locked.


Slightly Crazed
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Would they really be silly enough to lose a large portion of their playerbase by banning scripters?

It may annoy us all but we still pay to play. This game isn't exactly flush with users is it?

Black Sun

Grand Poobah
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Quality over quantity.
Besides, removing the cheaters would bring back some people who left because of rampant cheating/scripting.


Crazed Zealot
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Quality over quantity.
Besides, removing the cheaters would bring back some people who left because of rampant cheating/scripting.
Not enough to replace all the scripter accounts. Would still be a revenue loss.


If they have implemented punkbuster I will be very happy. It's about time that something was done about scripters and other cheaters. :thumbup:


While i think that it would bring an "ol" time feeling back to Ultima Online, I think alot of players will be dissapointed with the lack of supplies available. Theres pros and cons to every idea and every solution. I just hope the "mass" bannings dont hit innocent people like they did last time.


If they have implemented punkbuster I will be very happy. It's about time that something was done about scripters and other cheaters. :thumbup:
Well the issue with punkbuster is, many (im sure im not the only) Players have played other Punk Buster games, Me I played Americas army, Well i used an "aim bot" which banned my Hardware 100%, so that means I am banned from ALL punkbuster using games. Which in the case of UO is BS. Im not going to risk my accounts using crap programs that prob lead to half of account hackings in uo. My .2$


Always Present
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I'm hardly in the know but I would proceed with caution here moving forward.

there was a post by Draconi himself stating that cheating was the next big thing they would look at.

imho one would be foolhardy now to proceed as things were done in the past.

Looks like the time is coming for the Dev's to jump in the dirty end of the pool.

After so many years I was waiting to see it, I really hope my dream will come true and me to see it, while still playing Ultima Online : no more scripting in Ultima Online...



Always Present
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
if they're actually going to take action against people using 3rd party programs, a lot of people will quit and get pissed off and those websites that display vendor items in luna will go bye bye, they need to make an official website that displays this

I think I will not miss any player who scripts as I think that those who script hurt my gameplay. So, with scripting gone, my gaming experience in Ultima Online will be much, MUCH more enjoyable.

If the Developers are finally going to take the fight against scripting, duping and cheating in Ultima Online a step up that is VERY good news to me.


Slightly Crazed
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I think I will not miss any player who scripts as I think that those who script hurt my gameplay. So, with scripting gone, my gaming experience in Ultima Online will be much, MUCH more enjoyable.

If the Developers are finally going to take the fight against scripting, duping and cheating in Ultima Online a step up that is VERY good news to me.
How exactly does it affect your gameplay?

Are you talking about PvP scripting?


Always Present
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Would they really be silly enough to lose a large portion of their playerbase by banning scripters?

It may annoy us all but we still pay to play. This game isn't exactly flush with users is it?

Over the years I played UO I met a lot of players who left the game fed up with scripters and cheaters and I have known players deterred from coming back to the game because of scripting and cheating still being rampant.

I mean, I would not be surprised to hear that there are gamers out there who are not exactly enthusiast to compete against other players who happen to use cheat or scripting third party programs to gain an advantage in the game....

I don't know others, but personally I do not enjoy playing the same game as others who might be cheating........

So, I would imagine that if scripting and cheating was eradicated from the game the players coming back or willing to play a finally cheat-free game would be more, far more, hopefully, than those lost.


Always Present
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I would lol if when people turned on their speedhacks it would cause "I AM SPEEDHACKING!!!" to be spammed over their heads.

Lore Master

This is great news thank you Dev team. Anything that eliminates or reduces scripting, cheats and dupes is great news for the majority of us.


Always Present
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
How exactly does it affect your gameplay?

Are you talking about PvP scripting?

1. Duping kills the market for rares (those who enjoy playing a rares merchant....).

2. Scripting kills the game for :

A. PvPers because it gives edges in PvP by making it possible to do a whole lot of things, way faster, than a normal player may do using regular macros.

B. Non PvPers since it devaluates the value of the time invested into scriptable activities.
For example, doing BODs becomes worthless to a non scripter because scripters can get so many BODs, to make the value of the time invested in that activity for a non scripter, worthless.
Same thing for harvesting resources. While a non scripter must spend a lot of time to, for example, gather resources like wood or ore or runics in Heartwood, a scripter can do this while at school, work or sleeping thus devaluating non scripting players time worth.

3. Cheats in general like speed hacks, hacks which allow to pass through blocking objects or allow to place a House after an IDOC faster, or steal stealable artifacts faster than a normal player make these activities for non hacking/ scripting players, helpless.

Those who hack, script or cheat sure hurt my gameplay, and a whole lot.


Everyone will moan when 60k of boards cost 5m though.
The way i look at it is this way. I bust my as* every week mining 5-10 hours a day consistantly to provide my shop with around 50-100k of iron ingots and some gems a week. Most ingots & Gems i try to buy for low, and then sell high. Some weeks I break even, others i do not.

With that being said I WOULD LOVE to be able to sell iron ingots for 20-30gp each instead of 10-15gp. It would make it worthwile to me again.

But I kinda had a thought about it. Maybe someone could expand on it. I was afraid if they put in the "code" to detect these programs it would kill my business because i would not have supplies to craft with. WITH that being said, maybe more players would craft due to the price increase "offsetting" the shortage of supplies. I dont know.... like i said we will see!


Seasoned Veteran
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Wow. UO without scripts & speedhacks… that’s like peace in the Middle East! A bit dramatic? Mmmmmm…. maybe. :D

But seriously, as the President (serving under the CEO) of the largest guild on Baja, I would like to offer my encouragement and enthusiastic support for any move EA has or will take against scripts and speed hacks. :thumbup:

One of the arguments for scripts, which even comes close to valid is that they reduce repetitive clicking, such as in crafting (making potions, filling BoDs, etc.) EA has solved this issue by introducing the ability to make multiple items in the crafting gumps. Perhaps not as automated as script programs but I think that is a good thing.

I know my guild waits in anticipation for further validation on this issue. We will finally be able to PvP on a level playing field, using solely the tools Ultima Online as incorporated for us to use. This would be a brilliant and appropriate way for EA to reward their loyal customers who for years have loathed scripts and speedhacks but have stuck it out and remained.

And I’ll close with this: Any argument put forth, any person who is against policing and disciplining the use of cheats is suspect. Yea... I said it. Listen...no person with a sense of decency and fairness could possibly oppose this. Don’t manipulate the system, play the game, follow the rules; just as you are expected to do in society. And for the PvP demographic, you’ll finally be able to see your true, naked, legitimate skill. :thumbsup:


Seasoned Veteran
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
It would certainly be a move in the right direction but ill believe EA is interested in taking out cheats when i see it. The speedhacks appear to be out in force as usual on GL tonight. I honestly dont have alot of confidence in EA doing anything because a bunch of idiots will come on here citing privacy issues etc and EA will be scared about losing accounts despite the fact that many of these players(possibly a few arent) are the likely cheaters.


There is no way EA would do this. If EA truly wanted to remove scripters they would have done it a long time ago. People that use scripts for faming and making money have LOTS of accounts to farm with, 3,4,5,6 or more. So
If ea put in a punk type system they would loose so many accounts they would have to up the monthly cost for us to play to make up for the banned accounts.

I pvp more than I pvm anymore , I fight people that use and don't use scripts , same goes for speed hacks, it is sad when your running from someone and they can jump in front of you to kill you but it happens. People cheating just don't bother me that much I guess, what bothers me the most to be honest is EA won't fix the tamers and other issues regarding pvp but thats something for a diff topic. so any how!

I don't mind lower priced items for the fact that I have rl crap to do and really would rather not spend all day farming it.

Would be interesting though if it is true to see how many pvps will quit and even the hard core trammies IMO there are alot more scripters than people realize and once the prices of everything starts going up again I'd like to see how many people really like that.

Diomedes Artega

Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
My mistake, I thought it was the SA client for some reason.

They better not go blanket banning accounts they think are scripters. Since the SA launch I've spent 99% of my time on my 2ndary account because I'm training imbuing. I log in with my main account once a day just to check vendors. It could very easily be mistaken for someone logging in looking to see if their script program will work or not.
If it works like the game guard in L2, it's irrelevant what you are doing in terms of logging onto one account or another. It is just checking to see what programs you have in use when the system runs.

In L2, a screen comes up initially that checks what programs are running. If everything is okay, the program boots and runs. If it does detect anything wrong, it won't even go to the log in screen.


Crazed Zealot
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I'm hardly in the know but I would proceed with caution here moving forward.

there was a post by Draconi himself stating that cheating was the next big thing they would look at.

imho one would be foolhardy now to proceed as things were done in the past.

Looks like the time is coming for the Dev's to jump in the dirty end of the pool.

After so many years I was waiting to see it, I really hope my dream will come true and me to see it, while still playing Ultima Online : no more scripting in Ultima Online...

Your obsession with cheating is borderline psychotic my friend.

I honestly feel sorry for you :(



Grand Poobah
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I would like it if it were true.

I don't think resource prices will go through the roof. Maybe for awhile....But because people also scripted PvMing, and gold farming? I bet there will be less gold in the economy too, and thus people won't be able to charge super high prices for long.

We also don't know what they may have in mind in terms of resource availability.

This is a game. Games need to have their own rules followed, and they have to be applied to all players.

-Galen's player


Hey everybody an old game called Ultima Online has a new expansion out called Stygian Abyss!

For $49.99 (and $10 per month thereafter), you can enjoy 30 days of the thrill of being a lesser* player!

*fine print*

*To be an 'equal' player requires that you download and install several or possibly even many questionable programs to your computer's hard drive.


Crazed Zealot
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
And also play 48291512.32432 hours a week to even compare to other players!


Grand Poobah
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Hey everybody an old game called Ultima Online has a new expansion out called Stygian Abyss!

For $49.99 (and $10 per month thereafter), you can enjoy 30 days of the thrill of being a lesser* player!

*fine print*

*To be an 'equal' player requires that you download and install several or possibly even many questionable programs to your computer's hard drive.
Isn't it 29.99 for existing accounts without the free time and 39.99 for new accounts which I believe has the 30 free days?


when it comes to removing speedhackers and scripters from Sosaria, the good that will come from that will far outweigh the bad

i'd rather doubleclick every vendor in Luna than watch some idiot toon skip across my screen like a flat rock across a still pond

nothing more frustrating than fighting someone who is cheating, and cheating blatantly and obviously without fear of retribution

it makes you feel like a moron for following the tos


stranger diamond
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
It's all my fault... they venerate me, sorry about that.

I tried to force the devs to accept my script that precludes all hacking in the game.

Really it's so simple it hurts, I found it while trying to tweak the feedback loop in UOE which I invented (yes I did lots of hacking back then because I was frustrated, long story). This is the biggest bug in uo history and allowed billions in gold to be duped. I'm not exagerating, and it was painfully simple and deceptivly easy to reproduce.

It's a 4 page program, the hack preventer I wrote in C++ back then ( I was 14), and nothing can get through it, no encryption, no monitoring, nothing like that.

I'm sure one of those 100 monkeys has to play uo, I'm not even looking to take credit for it, I was lucky it striked me in the face.

My attempt failed miserably, obviously since then the whole team has changed, so I'm not accusing it, it simply does not know, they cannot know...


Babbling Loonie
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I used to have a strong argument against allowing external programs like punkbuster be installed on my pc without a few questions answered.....then I joined Facebook :dunce:


Babbling Loonie
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I used to have a strong argument against allowing external programs like punkbuster be installed on my pc without a few questions answered.....then I joined Facebook :dunce:

To be fair, there are things you can do, like using a separate facebook account for UO to make it secure :D

In Flames

Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
If they have implemented punkbuster I will be very happy. It's about time that something was done about scripters and other cheaters. :thumbup:
I still don't agree with Punkbuster. Using hardware serials to identify banned people puts those who might purchase used PC parts at risk of being banned for buying an item. Which isn't an issue for higher end games, but seems much more possible in an old game like UO.

I'm glad it at least appears they are going another direction, as I hoped they would.

pacific lily

Everyone will moan when 60k of boards cost 5m though.
Besides someone working up carpentry, the only people who really need that many boards are the ones who are scripting for runics. It takes what... no more than 150 boards to make any of the stuff on the carpentry menu?

Perhaps the end result would be that fewer people would have an all-trade crafter on their account and crafters could prosper again? *shrugs*
