He's invested Ninjitsu, hiding, and stealth to be able to do this to you. What have you invested into your template to stop him?
-Steal his smokebombs.
-Get ninjitsu yourself and deathstrike him - now he cant run
-Paralyze/nerve/riding swipe, now he cant move
-Summon a revenant on him, now he cant hide
-Drain his mana, now he cant do that at all
-Strangle him, now he dies a screen or 2 away
etc. etc
Theyve set their template up as 'hit and run'.. that's exactly what they'l do. If your template is setup as pure tank, he should be running from you every time. Unless he has better equipment. Then you're screwed regardless. Spend more on your gear. Expensive gear ftw.
[/ QUOTE ]
this was a great quote. you should write a guide. there are 6 defense/counter moves there, awesome. In my limited time playing it seems most things have a counter to them.
He's invested Ninjitsu, hiding, and stealth to be able to do this to you. What have you invested into your template to stop him?
-Steal his smokebombs.
-Get ninjitsu yourself and deathstrike him - now he cant run
-Paralyze/nerve/riding swipe, now he cant move
-Summon a revenant on him, now he cant hide
-Drain his mana, now he cant do that at all
-Strangle him, now he dies a screen or 2 away
etc. etc
Theyve set their template up as 'hit and run'.. that's exactly what they'l do. If your template is setup as pure tank, he should be running from you every time. Unless he has better equipment. Then you're screwed regardless. Spend more on your gear. Expensive gear ftw.
[/ QUOTE ]
this was a great quote. you should write a guide. there are 6 defense/counter moves there, awesome. In my limited time playing it seems most things have a counter to them.