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Shard Events

  • Thread starter Amathist of PoC
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Amathist of PoC

Does anyone have any plans for shard events within the next couple of months?

I miss seeing the events calendar with items in it. I really wish they would bring EM's back.


Lore Master
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Stratics Legend
I was going to have a Island warming party soon. When i finish my deco on my new house. BYO spirits. Dress up party too. Ooh i could even do prizes.

Amathist of PoC

That sounds cool - The last dress up thing I went to was a halloween event.


Might need to have a last man standing even see who is still alive


Lore Master
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Stratics Legend
The only thing any will die of is alcohol poisoning :lick: However there is a rare thingy that spawns in the water. The name totaly escapes me now.

I remember that Haloween party, somone dressed as Lady Mel won. If the forums hadn't been lost we'd even be able to find the report.

Im all excited about a party now, im going to try have it done for next weekend!


im in the process of re-converting the news story from that event to post up in here for you. i had most of it done but it got spewed on when i got given a warning lols.
will take some more time. also have a letter limit here as well which could possibly be a mega pain in the rear end.


I didnt include the trivia part, cause kinda didnt really need to, given the subject this is about but anyhoo, after much annoyance i show you again the less lairier version of the halloween ball presented by PoC Oct 07

Walking through the doors, an eerie feeling washes over you, like a thousand spiders crawling on your skin.
A tantalizing aroma comes from the cauldron bubbling to the right of the room, the pangs of hunger turned to pangs of nausea as you look about the room at skeletons strewn about the floor amongst the hideous forms of bats staring lovingly at your neck.
A giant jack-o-lantern smiles creepily at you from across the room, adding to the feeling of uneasiness.
Looking around at the guests, no one is recognisable - they're all in their guises for the evening.
A familiar voice breaks out over the din of the chatter

Amathist: Welcome everyone to the PoC Oceania Halloween Ball.
Tonight we will be doing a costume contest,
There will be a 1st 2nd and 3rd prize.
After the costume party is judged we will move upstairs for spooky trivia.
Then everyone is invited to attend Deceit for some dungeon bashing and music.
The judges are Cymoril, Katlene and Sheridan, who has come over from pacific.
If anyone is hungry or thirsty help yourself to the cauldron.
The judges are ready to browse over the costumes.
And be ready to answer questions about your costume.

All the guests shuffled themselves around and formed a line around the walls. When everyone was organised there was a clear view of the judges for the first time…

Cym, why do you look like lady Kat?
Cymoril: I'm dressed up for halloween
Amathist: hehe Lady Kat and Fink
Cymoril: She's evil

Time for the contest…

Sheridan UOSS: Sound off with what you came as!
Sheridan UOSS: Pharoahe, what did you come as?
Pharoahe Monch: i am the evil Despise champ Barracoon
Cymoril: *quivers with fear*
Cymoril: Ice Queen?
Ice Queen: a witch
Cymoril: Anne Bonney?
Anne Bonny: grim reaper
Cymoril: And Drac is a human pumpkin?
Draconius: Indeed
Cymoril: Amathist?
Amathist: I am an orc scout
Cymoril: Original idea!
Sheridan UOSS: And onto Maelicious...
Maelicious: forgive my nekidness but i am a savage

Cymoril: Oh I think Nekidity is acceptable in aiming for authenticity
Maelicious: i shall eat that cat
Sheridan UOSS: That's last year's judge!
Maelicious: your point?
Maelicious: im a cannibal
Sheridan UOSS: We'll save him for dessert.
Maelicious: ooo a dog too
Maelicious: *licks lips*
Sheridan UOSS: Alright, we have Hermano next.
hermano: I am the Celtic lord of souls cethulian i guide and assign all souls
Amathist: wow impressive
Cymoril: Wow!
Sheridan UOSS: Very original.
Cymoril: Pug?
Pug: I be a Shadow Lord
Sheridan UOSS: And now Ereon?
Ereon: Red Wizard of Thay
Cymoril: Ged?
Ged: Good old simple Grim Reaper
Grim Reaper: *sneers*
Cymoril: Well can never have too many people responsible for ending lives
Grim Reaper: minion
Cymoril: Candy?
Candy: I am Melisande maybe a few of you have died by my hand before
You see: a human corpse
Cymoril: Yes, you said I was crunchy!
Cymoril: :(
Katlene: snap pop crackle!
Candy: *picks bone out of teeth*

Cymoril: Melon?
Melon: hippie
Cymoril: Don, what is this?
Don Juan: I am the same, like Melon
Sheridan UOSS: Another hippy!
Cymoril: Dark Angel
Dark Angel: grim reaper
Cymoril: ooh with Soul Seeker
Grim Reaper: *glares blackly*
Cymoril: appropriate
Cymoril: Eingil
Eingil: Paris Hilton here - all skin and bone
Sheridan UOSS:Another hippy, Daniella?
Don Juan: yes
Melon: love child
Daniella: I’m the hippy daughter lol
Sheridan UOSS: Ahhhh, love child. No commune is complete without one.

Cymoril: And Niobe - here looks an evil thing
Niobe: Divine Retribution
Cymoril: Summer Breeze
Summer Breeze: Victorias Secret Model *poses and clicks heels*
Sheridan UOSS: Oh... oh my.
Sheridan UOSS: I need a closer look at this one...

Cymoril: And it's uh.. Christ Almighty
Christ Almighty: I’m festive =) trick or treat?
Cymoril: Damsen
Damsen: I'm the devil's playmate :>
Cymoril: SkizziK
SkizzziK: this is what happens when you go to sleep
Cymoril: And this fellow is the last?
Grim Reaper: *sneers*
Cymoril: Grim?
Grim Reaper: this is not a costume
Grim Reaper: *glares blackly*
Grim Reaper: I'm not part of this fancy dress
Grim Reaper: if I was, I would have come as an Angel
Grim Reaper: *sneers*
Grim Reaper: *reaches for your heart*
Grim Reaper: Your Soul is MINE!!!
Cymoril:Ok we have the real Reaper here among the others
Grim Reaper: *laughs maniacally*

Amathist: all help yourself to some food and wine in the cauldron while the judges make there choices

Katlene: Ok judges shall we huddle together and make a decision?
Sheridan UOSS: Alright, the judges will take a few moments to discuss and decide on our winners

Minutes ticked by, the judges finally had a decision.

Katlene: You all look so terrific... err I meant TERRIBLE!
Cymoril: we liked quite a few of the costumes
Cymoril: we can give three prizes and others honourable mentions
Sheridan UOSS: Several, even though they didn't win prizes, deserve honourable mention
Sheridan UOSS: We’d like to recognize the Hippy Family
Sheridan UOSS: Very original!
Cymoril: Who look AWESOME!
Sheridan UOSS: we would also like to recognize Amathist for her portrayal of an orcish scout
And the final honourable mention, Maelicious for his scantily clad savage warrior
And now onto the prize winners!
*whispers with the other judges*
Katlene: Ok you scary lot listen up!!!!!
In 3rd Place
Sheridan UOSS: we have Niobe with her Divine Retribution!
Cymoril: in second place
Cymoril: Candy with Lady Melisande!

The door rushes open, slams against the wall and in walks no one else but ‘the real’ Lady Kat…

Kat: What is the meaning of this!
Sheridan UOSS: Busted!!
Cymoril: you were the scariest person I could think of
Cymoril: uh…
Sheridan UOSS: *snickers*
Kat: *Folds her arms*
Cymoril: Don't I look pretty?
Kat: I am not impressed!
Cymoril: *frowns*
Amathist: oh oh Cymmy in trouble
Grim Reaper: fear not Kat, I have a hot seat in hell for impostors
Amathist: better announce first place then hide
Cymoril: But what better for Halloween!

Katlene: Ok first place!!!
Sheridan UOSS: *drumrolls*
Katlene: Goes to Draconious as the Human Pumpkin!!
Draconius: Thankyou!

Amathist: well done pumpkin man
Katlene: Thankyou all for coming and putting in this fantastic effort!
Sheridan UOSS: Some of the best costumes I've seen! Thank you everyone!!


Amathist of PoC

hehehe that was a fun event, the WRR dungen boogie at the end was great too....thats what the "HAPPY HALLOWEEN" shot is. We slashed and bashed undead while listening to such tunes as "the monster mash" and "Thriller" was a great night.


Lore Master
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Stratics Legend
Has that got anything to do with the American saying for chritmas, Yule tide? or umm, whatever it is?

Amathist of PoC

Yule is a winter festival historically celebrated primarily in northern Europe but now celebrated in many other countries in various forms. Yule celebrations often coincide with Christmas. Modern Yule traditions include decorating a fir or spruce tree, burning a Yule log, hanging mistletoe and holly branches, giving gifts, and general celebration and merriment.

The Germanic peoples celebrated Yule from late December to early January on a date determined by the lunar Germanic calendar.[1] When the Julian calendar was adopted in northern Europe, Yule was placed on December 25 to correspond with the date of Christmas.[2] Colloquially the terms "Yule" and "Christmas" are often used interchangeably.[3]
I was basically just talking about events that would celebrate our surroundings in UO - although our seasons do not actually change (wish they would), events that would celbrate crops and animals and seasons adding a bit of culture I guess.

Amathist of PoC

Our next event of the wheel would be
Ostara (Spring/Vernal Equinox)Sept 20-23
Northern Hemisphere Date: March (20-23)

Also known as Eostre.
The Equinoxes are the balancing points in the cycle of the seasons, when the day and night are of equal length, reminding us of the harmony of the whole. Buds of flowers and leaf, all manner of eggs and just-born life are celebrated in decorations and imagery as Pagans rejoice in the Earth's reawakening. The urge of spring is to do, create and bring in the new. Here light overcomes darkness with lengthening days bringing the magic of new growth. Ostara is associated with childhood and new life, and the God and Goddess are perceived as children, personifying youth and innocence before their entry into adulthood. The Goddess, as the Maiden, covers the earth with flowers and love while the God grows to maturity. This is a time to honour the masculine and to celebrate everything that is great about being alive.
So we could have a day & night ball celebrating the length of day and night being equil so guests could come in say black and white or creatures of darkness (vampire, skeleton) and creatures of day (deer or bear).

The ball could be decorated with lots of flowers and coloured eggs. We could have a vorpal bunny hunt or competition to see which guild could collect the most eggs in a certain amount of time.

We could have a spring festival were we trade animals, clothing, crafts and flowers and food in the main street of one of our towns.

fashion show wearing bright colours that celebrate the spring.

Perhaps a spring gardening competition and how about a poetry competition for our bards where they speak of "children, personifying youth and innocence before their entry into adulthood." or "Spring".

Any way those are just some ideas I have just come up with, I have also shared them with my guild.


Nope, sounds like you're on a winner, run with it. ;)
oh um errrrrr....little help anyone want to help?
I'd like to as I think they're good ideas, but I'm kind of time-poor at the moment & I couldn't guarantee my availability, which wouldn't be fair on anyone else involved. I'll do my best to attend where possible, though.

Could/would you tie in the Pagan calendar with the Virtues somehow? Give it a bit of an Ultima lore stamp.

Amathist of PoC

I will work on the tie in of the virtues - perhaps linking them to a Deity some how and thus the year wheel.

I am also time poor as I have alittle one who loves to take up most of my day time so my only usual playing hours are when she sleeps....and unfortunately sometimes I need some too. (although it is past 2am and I can not sleep tonight).

I may perhaps be able to do one or two events every now and then but I would love to see something happening at least every week I miss events.


Lore Master
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
How come they took the EM system away? I remember they gave us a reason, as stupid a reason as im sure it was. I just cant remember why. They were volunteers wernt they? What ****s me alot is that the Asian shards still have EM events, and they even have seers and all that too im told. They prolly even advertize...

Amathist of PoC

it's a shame Cymmy left and OPEN died down...it was a good concept.

Amathist of PoC

Oct 31
Northern Hemisphere Date: May 1st
Also known as Bealtaine, Walpurgisnacht, May Day, (Northern Hemisphere) & Novey Eve (in Southern Hemisphere).
Beltane, the beginning of the summer months is at the November cross-quarter. This is the festival of the Great Rite - of sexual union between Goddess and God. Beltane is the spring fertility festival and there is feasting and celebration - a great festival for lovers! Beltane is the most popular time for Witches to be handfasted. This is the time when the brilliant red flowers of the Flame Trees highlight Australian forests and gardens. Our famous horse race, the Melbourne Cup, is happily coincident with southern Beltane, being run on the first Tuesday in November and taken as an unofficial holiday across Australia.
We too could have a horse race perhaps from Umbra to Luna as has been done before.

Anyone know of anyone who wishes to get handfasted (married) in game?

A Handfasting Ceremony is one which incorporates Pagan or Wiccan beliefs and rituals. Those rituals have ancient origins, and involve respect for the earth and the environment, and for each other. In an ancient handfasting, a couple's hands were bound together as part of the ceremony. If, the couple still chose to be together after a year and a day, they were accepted as man and wife. The handfasting ritual may also be found in Celtic Ceremonies.

Today's ceremonies may involve a legal marriage, but not necessarily. Beltane, 31 October in the Southern Hemisphere, is a popular date on which a couple might choose to be handfasted. Some couples undergo the legal component of their commitment in another ceremony held a year later.

Couples may choose the handfasting ritual to be incorporated within a more traditional ceremony, signifying their decision to be bound to each other.

perhaps a BS ball....maybe an event in Tokuno with the blossom trees.


Lore Master
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Stratics Legend
hehe, you mean a B 'n' S (bacholors and spinsters) Ball, not a BS (Bull****) Ball? :blushing:


Is OPEN still around?

I know Cym left a gap there when she quit UO, but I thought most of the players that made up OPEN were still here/active.

-TD-'s kind of quiet.. no events in 2 years.. pretty much lost 3/4 of our players to work/study/other mmorpg's.. :blushing:

I gather EVE's still a happening thing?

Any other groups? Do the major guilds put on stuff for members like PoC do?

Amathist of PoC

I still have a character BUT I believe OPEN closed (omg I made a funny) with cymmy as she was the header up of things.

As for Eve I can not speak have not heard from side of things for a little while I think the last was an auction.

So yeah that leaves PoC and we are still doing guild stuff and are now working on alliance and shard stuff...but we also do not want to be the only event guild out there so come on peoples host something ......cause I like to go to events too lol.

Amathist of PoC

Has anyone considered opening another version of OPEN just to host events? Although I personally would just love to see lots of different guilds active hosting events for the shard and there guilds.