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Seeds of Renewal are GROWABLE!

  • Thread starter Nastia Cross
  • Start date
  • Watchers 1


Grand Poobah
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Are you guys all using SA enabled account characters to pull seeds off of plants?

Stupid Miner

My testing indicates the opposite - if a seed of renewal pops out, it is INSTEAD of the seed you expected, not in addition to it.
Same here, my plants are a few months old.

I hope this is not working as intended.
Eh, I don't see anything wrong with it.

... and for those of you want to find a ratio, I got 43 seeds out of ~960 gathers (probably closer to 940), or 120 plants. Which would be 4-5%

Zym Dragon

Seasoned Veteran
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Are you guys all using SA enabled account characters to pull seeds off of plants?
I am, yes.

Originally Posted by Tina Small View Post
The Seeds of Renewal drop IN ADDITION to whatever else you're gathering (resources, seeds).
My testing indicates the opposite - if a seed of renewal pops out, it is INSTEAD of the seed you expected, not in addition to it. Caveat: I was pulling seeds off of very old plants; it is possible that new plants aren't affected in this way. My advice: count your seeds as you pull them to verify. I hope this is not working as intended.
In all cases (both new and very old plants) for me, the seeds of renewal were in place of the seeds I would have normally received.

Tina Small

Stratics Legend
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Stratics Legend
Just cleaned up 11 fully grown plants on one shard. Got 4 Seeds of Renewal out of those 11 plants and each time the Seed of Renewal replaced a normal seed. It was very streaky too....the Seeds of Renewal came from the first four plants and then nothing for the last seven.


Lore Keeper
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Just cleaned up 11 fully grown plants on one shard. Got 4 Seeds of Renewal out of those 11 plants and each time the Seed of Renewal replaced a normal seed. It was very streaky too....the Seeds of Renewal came from the first four plants and then nothing for the last seven.
Sometimes I grow a whole bunch of orange petals, sometimes not, but either way I have all these plants sitting there ready to be grown. I just got a bunch of seeds of renewal taking all the seeds from the plants. Normally, I would have just thrown the plants away with the seeds other than the ones I'd have used for new plants. Some things about this game rock!!

Warpig Inc

Babbling Loonie
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Know all about the poppy dust. Went through some more and seems to be fixed now. As a collector the odd titled ones are just another part of UO history like the dragon scale armor titles without color. And the sea serp scale title.


It's hit or miss. Some plants will give a SoR in addition to, others (post-patch Cocoa trees) give one instead of. All plants are post patch.

I'm just going to be very annoyed if I lose a white seed to this.


I harvested 448 normal seeds (155 snake 293 orange) got 14 seeds of renewal
For a ratio of:
1 in 32


Please bear with me as I've had a sick grandson so I haven't had a lot of time to play recently. What are seeds of renewal?

Do only new seeds stack? Or will my already harvested seeds stack? Do only seeds you harvest stack or will seeds that have been obtained from monsters and have been identified stack?


Crazed Zealot
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Stratics Legend
"seeds of renewal" are an imbuing ingredient needed to max out health/mana/stamina regeneration properties.

New seeds stack (identified with identified, unidentified with unidentified), old pre-existing seeds will not stack but new seeds from old stored plants will.


Seasoned Veteran
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I hope this is not working as intended.
Eh, I don't see anything wrong with it.
I'll be pretty annoyed when a seed of renewal pops out when I'm working an order for a customer, or expecting my 8 black/white seeds.


Lore Keeper
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Okay, I think Sak just made my day. Was working on one of my lumberjack's and all of a sudden something strange appeared in my pack and I saw the following message in the journal: "You've found some strange crystal shards imbeded in the wood."

And lo and behold, the strange thing in my pack is Crystal Shards.

Ok Tina m'dear...I was all working on your bard issue when I read this. I saw no difference in the two instruments really...*RUNS FOR THE AXE* Woohoo!

Tina Small

Stratics Legend
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Stratics Legend
Ok Tina m'dear...I was all working on your bard issue when I read this. I saw no difference in the two instruments really...*RUNS FOR THE AXE* Woohoo!

Have fun, Xenobia. My LJ hit GM tonight and hasn't gotten one crystal shard since. Guess I can't complain too much because she has actually gotten frostwood, heartwood and bloodwood already.


Lore Keeper
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend

Have fun, Xenobia. My LJ hit GM tonight and hasn't gotten one crystal shard since. Guess I can't complain too much because she has actually gotten frostwood, heartwood and bloodwood already.
Congrats! Isn't it nice to finally hit that 100 mark on an LJ? It's dang hard work! I am finding some pretty good wood around the Royal City and have pulled one crystal shard. Thanks a ton for the heads up and sorry I couldn't be of more help on the bard issue. I really did try on several monsters.