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SECOND HOUSE STOLEN IN ATLANTIC - Now i've found decay for a third house


I Hate Skilling
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
sounds like the op was hacked. that's the only explanation for the missing items.

my ex experienced a similar situation. he decided to take a break from playing uo and gave his logon credentials to a close trusted friend. next thing we knew, his stuff was being sold on ebay and the account password had been changed. i called the guy and told him he had 10 minutes to give me the password or i was calling the police. (we had the guy's full name, address, phone #, etc). we got the account back but it had been stripped of everything valuable.
That is not hacking... But I agree the situation here is probably the same.


Slightly Crazed
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I would also suggest that you do not use the same UO Username(s) for any forums names or other aliases across the various community platforms.
That is very good advice, but aren't they forcing us to use our game login for the official forums?

Painted Elves

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The accounts are all mine, I changed the password last night after seeing the problems I had. I found an account on catskills where I can no longer enter the house because there was another name. Then I found another account, on Atlantis this time, where the decay was. I sold this house to the account that lost the catskills one and so now I shouldn't have any more problems. The accounts were all mine, not bought, and were about 15 each. I believe that the first house went to another guy because it happened like the second one, that someone managed to put it in decay mode. But I found out about this in time. How is it possible that a house is in decay if I have always paid? Then there is a strange thing. From another account on Europa to the pg owner of the house have stolen all the runebooks. Of course I have always payed for everything and all accounts and chars are mine. I'm not here to ask for a refund for stolen things but to understand how an account can be stolen. Is he a hacker who steals passwords? Is it a bug that hasn't been fixed? Anyway I changed all the passwords tonight and I hope it goes well. Even with an antivirus I didn't find anything suspicious. But there is a bug what is possible that make the houses decay ?? The second house was in decay e luckily I was able to recover it even if they stole many valuable things from me. I lost a house I don't know how but it could be a hacker but for the second house that was in decay?
Download key scrambler on your computer, use a different device to change your passwords again.
also try paging a GM to see when the house went IDOC.
Check ALL shards and chars for a house placed etc.

I"m so sorry i dont have more help for you.

Luc of Legends

Lore Keeper
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Stratics Legend
Use LastPass it save usernames and password. Also it generates secure passwords. We use it at work, and I work IT Finance.


Slightly Crazed
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Use LastPass it save usernames and password. Also it generates secure passwords. We use it at work, and I work IT Finance.
BTW, I am a Lastpass user since 2009. Always felt that the UI was rather clunky, but apart from Dashlane have not tried any alternatives until this year. Part of the reason was that many PW managers did not work that well on the Adroid. Well, after trying Bitwarden (free), and 1Password $30/year (I think), I really regret I have not done it earlier. I settled on 1Password, but I find Bitwarden better than LastPass as well.

And yes, if you are on the web, and are not using random-generated passwords (different for each login) and are not using a password manager, you are subjecting yourself and your property to serious risk.


Stratics Legend
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Stratics Legend
Another house stolen. They have stolen to a char of mine (the owner) all runebooks. The sign says that is is decay.
Another one ( al l3 in total). This time on Europa. I've already changed all my passwords and i don't know hot to do now.
Can the houses decay so, in a while??? It's it not a bug?
Ivory, please check the credit card/payment type that you use for your UO accounts, because it sounds very much like the payment did not go thru. Have you checked for email from Broadsword (or who ever it is that sends them out). I think they used to notify in cases like non-payment, but I could be misremembering. At the very least get a help ticket in process asking them why your accounts are collapsing.


I Hate Skilling
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I think they used to notify in cases like non-payment,
They do but my UO emails are very old and I do not check them regularly so I find out when I can not enter a house or log an account in. I log in enough so its only a day or two that I miss. Later I will see the emails.


Seasoned Veteran
Stratics Veteran
Yes please let us know the outcome of this if you can.


Grand Poobah
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
What are you talking? One person has posted this about 2 of her accounts and now we have a LARGE PERCENTAGE of people being hacked, what a joke.
What is this about a large percent of people being hacked? Where is this news?

Lord Frodo

Stratics Legend
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Stratics Legend
Yea, someone got hacked.

and I wouldn't be surprised if the reason why is consistent with the large percentage of people who have unauthorized access to their accounts.
What are you talking? One person has posted this about 2 of her accounts and now we have a LARGE PERCENTAGE of people being hacked, what a joke.
What is this about a large percent of people being hacked? Where is this news?
Follow the posts and who said what.


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
@Lord Frodo we do not know the hole story most likely never will. I know some people will give out a Marco script and inside the code key logger for the password. but that only effects people that are using pogroms that are not approved


I Hate Skilling
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
@Lord Frodo we do not know the hole story most likely never will. I know some people will give out a Marco script and inside the code key logger for the password. but that only effects people that are using pogroms that are not approved
I bet there are 100s of players who have used those programs. How many have key loggers? If any did we would know it.

Can you imagine what sites Stinky Pete goes to. He has no keyloggers put on him.

Be careful with that imagining. It could lead to permanent mental issues.

Lord Frodo

Stratics Legend
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Stratics Legend
I bet there are 100s of players who have used those programs. How many have key loggers? If any did we would know it.

Can you imagine what sites Stinky Pete goes to. He has no keyloggers put on him.

Be careful with that imagining. It could lead to permanent mental issues.
Quit using common sense only a few people here can understand it. It s along the same line that they think that you can hack UO and somehow magically only target one player and all of her accounts.

I totally agree with you that the OP used a bad program and they got her one account and when she changed the passwords on her other accounts they got two more.

Stinky Pete

Babbling Loonie
Stratics Veteran
Can you imagine what sites Stinky Pete goes to. He has no keyloggers put on him.
You don't know that. Neither do I.

I wouldn't use a script that I couldn't read line by line to know exactly what it does, but I doubt that is what happened here. This seems more like someone else having passwords to her accounts simply because if I was the kind of person to use a keylogger, the last thing I'd care about is your UO account. I'll bide my time for your CC or bank info.


I Hate Skilling
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
if I was the kind of person to use a keylogger, the last thing I'd care about is your UO account. I'll bide my time for your CC or bank info.
EXACTLY! The hacking claims by bystanders is totally ridiculous.

Like someone said, when you look at the data given, it was a lapse in the account payment. And a possible character transfer to a shard that was forgotten.

Lex Darion

Lore Keeper
Stratics Veteran
Important note: never follow thirdparty links blindly without research - hover over the link to verify the authenticity or google the name - Im posting these links here but still want to make you security aware - get adblock or other browser protection.

I recommend people (even those that dont think accounts in UO get bruteforced) to check their email addresses here:

You may not be targeted specifically, but bots will cycle through leaked addresslists of passwords.
Bots are spamming UO login, EA account and UO.com servers 24/7 with user/pass pairs.

Did you use to play heroes of newerth? Did you use the same email and password as your EA account? Tough luck, your account is just a matter of time to get breached.
Did you use to have an adobe account for school work? Did you share the email/password? Same thing.
There's hundreds of sites with leaked email and hashed/unhashed password pairings leaked.

I recommend switching to keepass or any other password manager. Use unique password per account / email etc.
Use that "forgotten password" feature on sites and just reset them all the time.

Heck my old minecraft account from pre-microsoft days got breached cause I forgot to change password there after password re-use. Still learning from my past sins, and so will you if you dont think this can happen to you.

Remember to change the passwords of your email account too! I recommend implementing 2FA for any places where it is supported.

Other resources (examples only, there are tons more tools which you can use):
ESET online scan (1 off, free antivirus scan): Free Virus Scan | Online Virus Scan from ESET ( good for detecting unwanted trojans/viruses where your current antivirus tool has been impaired)
Malwarebytes: Malwarebytes Download - Free Virus Scan & Virus Protection Tool
Last edited:


Grand Poobah
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Ivory was never clear if it was one account witnessing house decay on all of the others, or if the house owners were actually logged in to find their houses in decay. One version suggests she was playing the 90 day game with other accounts, the other version suggests that someone logged into those accounts . The fact that she hasn't returned to tell the complete story, even though really it's none of our business, but she did make it our business by posting :)


Seasoned Veteran
Stratics Veteran
Quit using common sense only a few people here can understand it. It s along the same line that they think that you can hack UO and somehow magically only target one player and all of her accounts.

I totally agree with you that the OP used a bad program and they got her one account and when she changed the passwords on her other accounts they got two more.
Pure irony here about the comment on common sense.

That is all, carry on!

Lord Frodo

Stratics Legend
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Pure irony here about the comment on common sense.

That is all, carry on!
LMMFAO Mister Brute Force. Everyone is DOOMED, all your accounts are going to be BRUTE FORCED hacked because they are SO VALUABLE and worth UBBER amounts of money on the black market.


Seasoned Veteran
Stratics Veteran
LMMFAO Mister Brute Force. Everyone is DOOMED, all your accounts are going to be BRUTE FORCED hacked because they are SO VALUABLE and worth UBBER amounts of money on the black market.
Let's take a moment to see what I actually wrote....

Yea, someone got hacked.

and I wouldn't be surprised if the reason why is consistent with the large percentage of people who have unauthorized access to their accounts.
I'll admit, my wording was bad. I was trying to say someone prolly clicked on something they shouldn't have and now have a virus or trojan on their computer.

That aside, you're an odd one.
You just like attacking people don't you? We're saying the same damn thing.

Quit being a troll and grow up please.
I'm just pointing out that you're not actually reading posts. I said they most likely clicked something downloaded something, the same cause of most unauthorized account access.

I'm sorry you feel like you need to be aggressive and dismissive of others. Please seek help.
Remind me again, who hurt you so much that you decide to just stick with a point regardless of the facts presented?

Please, seek help. Stop being a troll.