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SECOND HOUSE STOLEN IN ATLANTIC - Now i've found decay for a third house

Ivory Norwind

Crazed Zealot
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Another house stolen. They have stolen to a char of mine (the owner) all runebooks. The sign says that is is decay.
Another one ( al l3 in total). This time on Europa. I've already changed all my passwords and i don't know hot to do now.
Can the houses decay so, in a while??? It's it not a bug?
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Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
did you place a house on a diffent shard? sould like they may have gotten into your Master account


Seasoned Veteran
Stratics Veteran
Yea, someone got hacked.

and I wouldn't be surprised if the reason why is consistent with the large percentage of people who have unauthorized access to their accounts.


The Enchanter
Stratics Veteran
Campaign Patron
Change passwords as soon as possible. Try to do it from a secure device rather than the usual computer you use.


The Grandest of the PooBah’s
Stratics Veteran
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Campaign Benefactor
question, are your accounts paid up?
i ask because when they are not paid up and it goes past the 90 days cycle they then go into IDOC.
so are you sure your accounts are paid up?


Stratics Veteran
yes Watch if you credit card have expired on your uo management account...house going idoc look like unpaid accounts


Grand Poobah
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
The OP hasn't said whether they can log in with the home owners account or if they're just witnessing idoc houses on the same accounts. This does sound like account expiration issues, otherwise my opinion is, from her past screenshots using suspect apps, she's gotten involved with players she shouldn't have.


Babbling Loonie
Stratics Veteran
OP Has said it's their account and that they don't think it was a password issue. Which leads me to believe it is a password issue and it should have been reset before.


Stratics Veteran
OP Has said it's their account and that they don't think it was a password issue. Which leads me to believe it is a password issue and it should have been reset before.
if your password get stolen your house dont go in decay...only reason is expiration or a ban


Stratics Veteran
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Glorious Lord
if someone using your account places another house then the old one will start decay

Lord Frodo

Stratics Legend
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Yea, someone got hacked.

and I wouldn't be surprised if the reason why is consistent with the large percentage of people who have unauthorized access to their accounts.
What are you talking? One person has posted this about 2 of her accounts and now we have a LARGE PERCENTAGE of people being hacked, what a joke.

Ivory Norwind

Crazed Zealot
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
The accounts are all mine, I changed the password last night after seeing the problems I had. I found an account on catskills where I can no longer enter the house because there was another name. Then I found another account, on Atlantis this time, where the decay was. I sold this house to the account that lost the catskills one and so now I shouldn't have any more problems. The accounts were all mine, not bought, and were about 15 each. I believe that the first house went to another guy because it happened like the second one, that someone managed to put it in decay mode. But I found out about this in time. How is it possible that a house is in decay if I have always paid? Then there is a strange thing. From another account on Europa to the pg owner of the house have stolen all the runebooks. Of course I have always payed for everything and all accounts and chars are mine. I'm not here to ask for a refund for stolen things but to understand how an account can be stolen. Is he a hacker who steals passwords? Is it a bug that hasn't been fixed? Anyway I changed all the passwords tonight and I hope it goes well. Even with an antivirus I didn't find anything suspicious. But there is a bug what is possible that make the houses decay ?? The second house was in decay e luckily I was able to recover it even if they stole many valuable things from me. I lost a house I don't know how but it could be a hacker but for the second house that was in decay?

Tina Small

Stratics Legend
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Stratics Legend
Ivory, if I were you, I would be logging into the Broadsword account management site from a different computer that you've never played UO on, or maybe a tablet or a phone, and change all of your account passwords. Then I would reformat whatever computers you are using to play UO, reinstall Windows and whatever else you need and go from there. In any event, if you have been using any kind of third party application in conjunction with playing UO, no matter how innocent of a program you might think it is, you should stop doing so. If you need UO Assist, make sure you only use a version you've downloaded from Tugsoft. Or consider just playing with only the UO program. You don't need anything else. Good luck!


Babbling Loonie
Stratics Veteran
Hey Ivory, sorry about your houses and stuff. I hope Messana can help in some way. I would recommend always changing your password whenever you noticing anything even small that seems odd. It doesn't take long to change your password.

UO has extremely old Password requirements that are easily abused. It's only a matter of time/effort before everyone's account is compromised at some point. Change your passwords regularly.


The Enchanter
Stratics Veteran
Campaign Patron
I would also suggest that you do not use the same UO Username(s) for any forums names or other aliases across the various community platforms.


Seasoned Veteran
Stratics Veteran
What are you talking? One person has posted this about 2 of her accounts and now we have a LARGE PERCENTAGE of people being hacked, what a joke.
I'll admit, my wording was bad. I was trying to say someone prolly clicked on something they shouldn't have and now have a virus or trojan on their computer.

That aside, you're an odd one.


Stratics Veteran
They do have two factor authentication for the EA account which you should be using.

Lord Arm

Stratics Veteran
the bottom line is the devs/gms need to really look into this, this person needs help now. some people seem to be able to get help thr mesanna and some maybe not. email her get phone numbers and call asap. maybe someone here can help with the mesana hotline lol. somehow someone got this persons info whether his/her own fault or thr EA/Mythic. i dont think was hacked but who knows. these kinds of issues should be addressed asap by management. just my opinions

Lord Frodo

Stratics Legend
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I'll admit, my wording was bad. I was trying to say someone prolly clicked on something they shouldn't have and now have a virus or trojan on their computer.

That aside, you're an odd one.
And you like to stir **** with BS theories.

Lord Frodo

Stratics Legend
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Hey Ivory, sorry about your houses and stuff. I hope Messana can help in some way. I would recommend always changing your password whenever you noticing anything even small that seems odd. It doesn't take long to change your password.

UO has extremely old Password requirements that are easily abused. It's only a matter of time/effort before everyone's account is compromised at some point. Change your passwords regularly.
And another BS theory. Please tell every one here my Account names then you can go so far as to tell them my passwords. UO has been here for over 23 years and according to you every bodies accounts should have been hacked. Another BS theory trying to slam UO. and **** stirring.


Babbling Loonie
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
the bottom line is the devs/gms need to really look into this, this person needs help now. some people seem to be able to get help thr mesanna and some maybe not. email her get phone numbers and call asap. maybe someone here can help with the mesana hotline lol. somehow someone got this persons info whether his/her own fault or thr EA/Mythic. i dont think was hacked but who knows. these kinds of issues should be addressed asap by management. just my opinions
I think it's a thin line asking Mesanna or the Dev team to get involved. I feel for Ivory, but asking her to get involved when you yourself just said you don't think it was "hacked" can be tricky. What stops a player from selling an account(s) later down the road, then screaming to Mesanna saying it was stolen, hacked, compromised and they want it back. I read over every post Ivory made on this issue and because of the language barrier I feel lost. Some items gone, some not. One house switched owners, but two others are just in decay? Something is going on, no doubt... I doubt we all ever know the truth.


Babbling Loonie
Stratics Veteran
And another BS theory. Please tell every one here my Account names then you can go so far as to tell them my passwords. UO has been here for over 23 years and according to you every bodies accounts should have been hacked. Another BS theory trying to slam UO. and **** stirring.
Bro, you're being too hyperaggressive. Brute forcing an account is not as hard as you think it is. Especially without special characters and long passwords. They don't even use the UI.

Tina Small

Stratics Legend
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I don't use Discord and probably never will, but I'm just going to repost a link to an article from about a year ago. It may not apply in this situation, but is something to be aware of. I do not know if what this article describes has stopped happening or not. Discord client turned into a password stealer by updated malware

Edited to add: I found a reddit thread from two months ago about this malware but every time I try to post the link, Stratics turns it into a media post of some sort and displays the whole thing here. So if I could find it, you can find it too by searching for "AnarchyGrabber3". Again, it might not be an issue as it relates to UO, but I think if you use Discord, you probably should read it anyway just to learn about things NOT to do in connection with using Discord. I don't know how/where you get Discord, but obviously, if you're being asked to use it, do some research first and find out the safe/official place where you get it and don't just download it from site that a random, unknown user tells you to use or actually sends to you.
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Stratics Veteran
Which is why people shouldn't be accepting files from anyone on Discord.

Tina Small

Stratics Legend
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Which is why people shouldn't be accepting files from anyone on Discord.
Found an article about another credential-stealer associated with Discord that was reported in November 2020: Here Comes TroubleGrabber: Stealing Credentials Through Discord - Netskope .

And this blog entry by the author of that article, written around the same time, is pretty concerning if you're a regular Discord user: Leaky Chats: Accidental Exposure and Malware in Discord Attachments - Netskope


Found an article about another credential-stealer associated with Discord that was reported in November 2020: Here Comes TroubleGrabber: Stealing Credentials Through Discord - Netskope .

And this blog entry by the author of that article, written around the same time, is pretty concerning if you're a regular Discord user: Leaky Chats: Accidental Exposure and Malware in Discord Attachments - Netskope
The lesson here is still the golden rule of the internet - don't accept attachments or links, anywhere, from any one, that you don't trust.

Lady Michelle

Sprite Full SP
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Ivory do you shut the accounts down open them back up in 90 days? If so maybe you forgot to refresh the house. thats why they started decaying. maybe all you have to do is refresh them.

Lord Frodo

Stratics Legend
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Bro, you're being too hyperaggressive. Brute forcing an account is not as hard as you think it is. Especially without special characters and long passwords. They don't even use the UI.
LMAO as someone has mentioned before she has posted pictures with 3rd party apps being used and someone put a virus on her computer so even if she changes her password they will still get it. And again with another BRUTE FORCING BS theory, you honestly think some one out there is taking all the time to #1 get her account name and then #2 get her password and you really believe that, I feel sorry for you because you better close all your accounts before you lose them if you think it is so EASY.


Babbling Loonie
Stratics Veteran
LMAO as someone has mentioned before she has posted pictures with 3rd party apps being used and someone put a virus on her computer so even if she changes her password they will still get it. And again with another BRUTE FORCING BS theory, you honestly think some one out there is taking all the time to #1 get her account name and then #2 get her password and you really believe that, I feel sorry for you because you better close all your accounts before you lose them if you think it is so EASY.
You have serious tone issues with your messages. I'm not going to educate you but you're woefully ignorant.


A brute force attack is a popular cracking method: by some accounts, brute force attacks accounted for five percent of confirmed security breaches. A brute force attack involves ‘guessing’ username and passwords to gain unauthorized access to a system. Brute force is a simple attack method and has a high success rate.

No one is sitting there doing it. You write it up and press enter and it does it's thing until you come back to it and want to. There are whole farms of servers doing it ALWAYS. Constantly. Everything. Even Stratics probably gets pings from these things.


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
@Dan(Tasanar) funny thing is I remember being told not to use the same email login and password for free shards back in the day. Am sure there where alot of people that did.

Most common mistakes for passwords. Brithdays yours and loved ones . There names and addresses anything that has a collection to you is a bad password

Lord Frodo

Stratics Legend
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
LMAO Hey everybody all of the ops accounts are so ubber valuable that some one is running a brute force attack on them. I guess it can also brute force her account names which are all different as I hope her passwords are too. Do you see how STUPID that statement is @Lore and yes I know what a brute for attack is. So you think someone out there is not only trying to force her password but her account names also now who is the delusional one.


Grand Poobah
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I said this years ago on this very site...if someone logged into your account and sold or dropped your house, emptied your bank whatever...you weren't hacked. You were careless.


Seasoned Veteran
Stratics Veteran
And you like to stir **** with BS theories.
LMAO as someone has mentioned before she has posted pictures with 3rd party apps being used and someone put a virus on her computer so even if she changes her password they will still get it. And again with another BRUTE FORCING BS theory, you honestly think some one out there is taking all the time to #1 get her account name and then #2 get her password and you really believe that, I feel sorry for you because you better close all your accounts before you lose them if you think it is so EASY.
You just like attacking people don't you? We're saying the same damn thing.

Quit being a troll and grow up please.

Lady Michelle

Sprite Full SP
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I said this years ago on this very site...if someone logged into your account and sold or dropped your house, emptied your bank whatever...you weren't hacked. You were careless.
talk about careless years ago players were willling to pay other players to go on their accounts to work their skills ot decorate their house. this guy thought because he wanted to be a couple that when i said yes i would give him my user name and password. told him not my account my nephews account. lol dumped me


Seasoned Veteran
Stratics Veteran
A brute force attack doesn’t exactly have to target a single player. It can involve automated guessing of names and passwords. It sounds absurd because of how many combinations would be involved, but these can be running all day and night for eternity basically. Eventually something would connect. I used to crack software in high school with a similar method (although it involved premade lists of words and such).

That being said, idk if this is going on here but it isn’t in any way absurd... the whole concept of brute force cracking on a system with no restrictions on login attempt failures is vulnerable to brute force attacks because nothing is in place to stop the endless automated guessing.

Lord Frodo

Stratics Legend
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Wow, first time I've had to ignore a user.
TYVM but I will still call your theory stupid. They brute forced not only did they brute force 1 no 2 no now 3 of her accounts and out of all the account names and passwords they were able to only target her and nobody else, I got lots of swampland for sell and a bridge in London/Arizona also if you are that gullible.

Lord Frodo

Stratics Legend
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
A brute force attack doesn’t exactly have to target a single player. It can involve automated guessing of names and passwords. It sounds absurd because of how many combinations would be involved, but these can be running all day and night for eternity basically. Eventually something would connect. I used to crack software in high school with a similar method (although it involved premade lists of words and such).

That being said, idk if this is going on here but it isn’t in any way absurd... the whole concept of brute force cracking on a system with no restrictions on login attempt failures is vulnerable to brute force attacks because nothing is in place to stop the endless automated guessing.
And what are the odds of only her 3, yes three, accounts being picked this way and nobodies else accounts are hit.

Lord Frodo

Stratics Legend
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
You just like attacking people don't you? We're saying the same damn thing.

Quit being a troll and grow up please.
How about you grow a brain or better yet some damn common since. Really they were able to so far select 3, THREE, of her accounts, that is 3 user names and 3 passwords and nobody else has been affected, LMAO you are as gullible as the other dude.


Seasoned Veteran
Stratics Veteran
How about you grow a brain or better yet some damn common since. Really they were able to so far select 3, THREE, of her accounts, that is 3 user names and 3 passwords and nobody else has been affected, LMAO you are as gullible as the other dude.
Dude? Are you OK? Do you need someone to come check on you? I only ask because you're lashing out at everyone regardless of what they say and I'm thinking I should be concerned.

Lord Frodo

Stratics Legend
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Dude? Are you OK? Do you need someone to come check on you? I only ask because you're lashing out at everyone regardless of what they say and I'm thinking I should be concerned.
LOL So I am saying your theory and Lore theory are idiotic and that is lashing out at EVERYONE well I am so proud that you are conceded enough that you think that the two of you are everyone. THREE, 3 of her accounts were brute forced and NOBODY ELSE GOT HACKED talk about hitting the lottery of only hitting the OPs accounts, now lets all hear about brute forcing three accounts all owned by the same person.


Seasoned Veteran
Stratics Veteran
LOL So I am saying your theory and Lore theory are idiotic and that is lashing out at EVERYONE well I am so proud that you are conceded enough that you think that the two of you are everyone. THREE, 3 of her accounts were brute forced and NOBODY ELSE GOT HACKED talk about hitting the lottery of only hitting the OPs accounts, now lets all hear about brute forcing three accounts all owned by the same person.
I'm just pointing out that you're not actually reading posts. I said they most likely clicked something downloaded something, the same cause of most unauthorized account access.

I'm sorry you feel like you need to be aggressive and dismissive of others. Please seek help.

Lady Michelle

Sprite Full SP
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
seriously if she was hacked the houses wouldn't be decaying they'd be someone elses and everything in the banks gone. cats skill i think the house fell and someone placed. then 2 more houses decaying looks like she was playing the 90 day game messed up or she was idocing placing houses on those accounts decaying her own houses. with the idoc changes instead of waiting the 90 days I'd be playing the 75 day game.


Babbling Loonie
Stratics Veteran
Make a script to visit this site and copy the user name log ins. Run a macro in excel to remove spaces, special characters, and numbers. Make/download a database of passwords for a script to use. Write a script to ping UO log in servers and record successful messages. I'm sure you'd find a couple positive hits in 24 hours and that's probably 30 minutes of work.

This isn't even including other ways of finding potentially log in information. Things like relational databases and social engineering. Changing 1 to 2 or 3. All these things that people think they are doing smartly, but aren't.

And as far as why bother? Because they can. UO has poor password requirements. It's not always about monetary reasons. If people know UO is easy to get into, they will try it.

They need to alert you to failed log in attempts. They need to make a second level of authentication. They need to allow more variation in passwords.



Seasoned Veteran
Stratics Veteran
And what are the odds of only her 3, yes three, accounts being picked this way and nobodies else accounts are hit.
All I was saying is that a brute force attack could be done to this game with seemingly no consequence. I even stated in my reply that I didn’t know if this is happening in this case...
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Luc of Legends

Lore Keeper
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
LOL So I am saying your theory and Lore theory are idiotic and that is lashing out at EVERYONE well I am so proud that you are conceded enough that you think that the two of you are everyone. THREE, 3 of her accounts were brute forced and NOBODY ELSE GOT HACKED talk about hitting the lottery of only hitting the OPs accounts, now lets all hear about brute forcing three accounts all owned by the same person.
Frodo , it is odd but we don't know that other accts haven't been hack. It is possible there were others and they didn't post on the forums. Here is another possibility.. the acct names could be something like Thing1, Thing2, Thing3.. which would make hacking the other accts easier. It is possible the OP has left out parts of the story. Honestly I could go on but I won't.
I get the impression the OP is not a native English speaker. At the end of the day we don't really know all of the story.. I hope for the best for the OP.
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Angel of Sonoma

Stratics Veteran
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Campaign Supporter
sounds like the op was hacked. that's the only explanation for the missing items.

my ex experienced a similar situation. he decided to take a break from playing uo and gave his logon credentials to a close trusted friend. next thing we knew, his stuff was being sold on ebay and the account password had been changed. i called the guy and told him he had 10 minutes to give me the password or i was calling the police. (we had the guy's full name, address, phone #, etc). we got the account back but it had been stripped of everything valuable.